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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Well finished the book it was certainly riveting to the end. I feel as if I lived that book with them lol. Start another one tomorrow as I have quite a few handy had read and is done with so one by one I will probably read the all too lol that one was something else!,


I like HDC for a trim on this square in a variegated yarn. I'm just experimenting for now lol but at least crocheting a. Bit It so all is not lost lol. lol


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Well finished the book it was certainly riveting to the end. I feel as if I lived that book with them lol. Start another one tomorrow as I have quite a few handy had read and is done with so one by one I will probably read the all too lol that one was something else!,


I like HDC for a trim on this square in a variegated yarn. I'm just experimenting for now lol but at least crocheting a. Bit It so all is not lost lol. attachicon.gifimage.jpglol

thats really wonderful when we can immerse ourself into the book and story,I feel like that when I've read some of Maeve Binchy's old works

she an irish author,no longer with us,right now I'm listening to Disney War,about the turbulent times of  '80's and 90's,its one of the longest audio books at 25 listening hours.

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Well and so begins another lllooonnnggg ight huh. GEts dark here about 5 pm and I really am having a problem with that lol seems the nights are just too long for me and I wake up too early ready to go lol.


We had fried tatos and kiabsa sliced up into it. Kind of heavy for me but I ate a bit after draining if for a while on bread slices but you

know you just never get all that fat out of it

But managed to eat a bit of it for supper and had a few sliced canned peaches so it wasn't that bad.


those of you that like football there is sure a lot of it on tonight just about every channel. Lol so go teams go!! I will flip around later and find something to watch I'm sure.


STarted another Johh GrisHam book a bit tamer so far but very interesting! GOt a load ready to go into the dryer and that is about all I'm doing for the evening so exciting my life huh lol. DD is doing well with her ankle and it seems to be making a terrific recovery.



HAndy I think has this coming week and hopefully his last couple of sessions of needles lol it most certainly helped I just don't know if I could do it you know.

He said he doesn't feel the needles until the doc hits the nerve then his leg jumps like a reflex but thT is good apparently so the doc knows he's in the right spot. Ok well


He's a better acupuncture patient than I am for sure!!

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I woul like to get books read to me it would free me up for other multi tasks and I just would have to listen. Do you have to buy some machine or something or how would one sign up??? That way I could a listen and crochet too lol I'm serious though how does one apply for that. I know nothing about it at all.


Ok well gonna put the clothes in the dryer now and I guess find something I can busy myself with for a bit long night ahead lol have a good one see you in the am!!

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most libraries have a books on CD area,yes,you would need a CD player If I'm not mistaken I think you can play it through a dvd/blue ray player too

the other is also through your library,a service called Hoopla,if you library is in the Hoopla program,you would sign up on your computer for an account,most libraries allow 10 items per month,they do movies,music,e books,and audio books.Rene' uses the movie feature,myself I have tried the music,e books( its okay but I much perfer holding the book than reading it on the screen) and lotsa audio books.

I really hope your library is in the Hoopla loop

there are three libraries close by,only two offer Hoopla,the suffolk lets you have 10 items on your acct.Chesapeake only lets you have 5 items on your acct.

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I love palm trees, Mary Jo! They're so pretty, and I really wish they would survive here in Missouri, but I doubt it would! Chilly 43º when I woke up this morning.. 


I really thought I logged in yesterday, but I guess I didn't! Oops! I got quite a bit more done on the blanket, but now I have to rip out a row to figure out where my stitch count messed up. I'm at the end of the row and have done my stitches for the buff, but have 1 extra stitch, so.... 


One of these days I'll stop being intimidated by Bobbins and use those so maybe I won't have so many ends to work in, but in the meantime, I work my ends in every 5 rows so they don't get completely out of control!





The bobbins are a pain, but I can't imagine how much I'd have to weave in if I didn't use them!!! It would make me cry!! :)


hope everyone is having a good evening

I read in the paper today about someone putting bat boxes on her house,my question is Why in the heck would you do that for?

This is the latest we've ever brought in our plants,but it was today or tomorrow they would be kaput!!!,so saved abot 6 plants,continually down sizing how many come in to over winter in garage



Great place batworld. Amanda is amazing as are all the bats there. I did their bat bootcamp years ago....





That is a flying fox I'm holding. They are my favorite.

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Good Morning

hard freeze here last night,the grass and roof tops are white

the usual Sunday stuff here,washing and ironing for the week,at least it should be all one season( long sleeve shirts only)

enjoy the day,however you choose to :D

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Good Morning.  Katie I feel your pain about the long nights.  I still can't get use to the time change.


Saturday is full of College football, not my cup of tea.  Today is my day.


I finished up the last two misfit toys and today I do the last character.  Hopefully tomorrow I will have pictures of everything.  This has been a fun kit.


We are quite cool this morning and it was misty earlier.  The sun is now out and we will be maybe into the low 70's today.


Tonight is either Beef Stew or Chicken parm.  Not sure which yet.


Have fun and lots of hugs. :hug 

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Thank you pine knott maybe I will check into that but then I would be tied to my computer to listen?? Maybe I am not understanding this properly but I will ask my library anyway about if. Thanks for the info!!


TRibble I have absolutely no desire at all to hold either a bat or a flying fox lol. We went an a exhibit of bats athe the children's museum here and at the local zoo in Lincoln .pzoo when daughter was young . She enjoyed it then. Not sure we would so much now. You look at home with them though. Lol


Mary Jo I can't wait for pics on this village must be quite extensive as you are always working on something for it so can't wait to see the goodies.


AnD regarding this time thing I don't need to see the sun up at 530 Am as I would rather have the sun more at the end of the day lol.Idont t want much do I. . Lol

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Thank you pinek ot maybe I will check into that but then I would be tied to my computer to listen?? Maybe I am not understanding this properly but I will ask my library anyeay about if. Asks for the info!!


TRibble I have absolutely no desire at all to hold either a bat or a flying fox lol. We went an a exhibit of bats athe the xhildres. Us rum here and in Lincolns local zoo when daughter was your. She enjoyed it then.


Mary Jordan can't wait for pics on this village must. E quite extensive as you are always working on something for it so cNt wait to see the goodies.


Iran regarding this time thing I don't need to see the sun up at 530 Am as I would rather have the sun more at the end of the day lol.Idont t want much do I. . Lol

Oh Katie,

since some mobile devices we don't have here at the house ( no I phone I -pad and such ) I never think to mention them,yeah we are in the dark ages of technology,hee hee

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Back from a loooooong week, we traveled all week for work... ( Linda did you see me wave as we drove past?).... celebrated dh's bday outside of Richmond the plan was to work all day  Tuesday, spend the night at a B&B Tuesday night, work half a day on Wed ( dh's bday) and spend the rest of the day visiting a few places in Richmond ( we love Richmond).... we ended up staying up all night on Tuesday to watch the results, worked a half day and then came back and too a nap, to tired to even go out for dinner... worked all day Thursday,  tried to catch up on house and local business and then was hit with the devastating news that my son's partner at the sheriffs dept had shot and killed himself and his wife after locking their 2 young girls in the bedroom.... We are all heartbroken...when Josh was having very bad PTSD episodes Pearce was the one we would call on to hold his guns and calm Josh down, Josh is his oldest daughter's godparent... so we are dealing with that loss plus the fact our son is beside himself...our son has a home in the country so he has a couple friends who are  there round the clock.... Veterans day is already bad enough and now this!


   Its times like this when I say, " the good things about today are .......... There are bad things about today and can I directly help the problem....... If not I busy myself ( and pray a bunch) and tomorrow does have its own problems...


  MJ, lovin on the village..... that would be like one of my Feb projects LOL....


Sandra, so sorry about the craft fair.....at lest you made table money....

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Another dark ages person here.  I only have a computer and a lap top.  No IPads or Mobile phones.  Lucky I don't still have a rotary dial phone, oh wait I do have one of those.

Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone,people snicker when I use my should have been defunct by now phone in public,ah well can't miss what you don't have right?

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Wow so sorry to hear that. Hope your son will be ok. Gosh. What a thing huh.


Dd has tried to get me a smart phone but so far I have avoided that discussion now for a while. I just need a phone to be a phone is all!!


And I'm good!,


Well I am dreading the long night and rising too early again in the am. But such things I guess will all work out


Tomorrow is a new week! I hope all those that need to heal feel. Better soon and the rest of us we'll do the best we can huh!! Hugs to all see you tomorrow ❣

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Evening all, quick drop in before I pass out. Stayed offline this weekend, didn't even pick up my hook! The shock of it! :lol


Min, I am so sorry to hear that! :hug s to your son. I hope he will be ok...and those poor girls too. I can't imagine


I hope everyone had a nice weekend :ghug and I'll do the rest of my catch up reading tomorrow :lol can't see much without my glasses. Night all!

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Thank you pine knott maybe I will check into that but then I would be tied to my computer to listen?? Maybe I am not understanding this properly but I will ask my library anyway about if. Thanks for the info!!

TRibble I have absolutely no desire at all to hold either a bat or a flying fox lol. We went an a exhibit of bats athe the children's museum here and at the local zoo in Lincoln .pzoo when daughter was young . She enjoyed it then. Not sure we would so much now. You look at home with them though. Lol

Mary Jo I can't wait for pics on this village must be quite extensive as you are always working on something for it so can't wait to see the goodies.

AnD regarding this time thing I don't need to see the sun up at 530 Am as I would rather have the sun more at the end of the day lol.Idont t want much do I. . Lol



I am at home with any animal, it's humans I don't feel comfortable around....




Back from a loooooong week, we traveled all week for work... ( Linda did you see me wave as we drove past?).... celebrated dh's bday outside of Richmond the plan was to work all day  Tuesday, spend the night at a B&B Tuesday night, work half a day on Wed ( dh's bday) and spend the rest of the day visiting a few places in Richmond ( we love Richmond).... we ended up staying up all night on Tuesday to watch the results, worked a half day and then came back and too a nap, to tired to even go out for dinner... worked all day Thursday,  tried to catch up on house and local business and then was hit with the devastating news that my son's partner at the sheriffs dept had shot and killed himself and his wife after locking their 2 young girls in the bedroom.... We are all heartbroken...when Josh was having very bad PTSD episodes Pearce was the one we would call on to hold his guns and calm Josh down, Josh is his oldest daughter's godparent... so we are dealing with that loss plus the fact our son is beside himself...our son has a home in the country so he has a couple friends who are  there round the clock.... Veterans day is already bad enough and now this!


   Its times like this when I say, " the good things about today are .......... There are bad things about today and can I directly help the problem....... If not I busy myself ( and pray a bunch) and tomorrow does have its own problems...


  MJ, lovin on the village..... that would be like one of my Feb projects LOL....


Sandra, so sorry about the craft fair.....at lest you made table money....

That is horrible, those poor girls!!! They are in my thoughts. Nothing is going to be okay with them for a long time....

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Hi all. How we doing I'm ok chilly day lazy day. Nothing new to report here just doing my thing.


I have about half of th four inc squares trimmed off with one row hdc around then in off white I

It's what I decided on lol. The look a pretty nice little five inches now an when I get more ready to trim I might lay them out ad see what to do with them. . Lol


I like them so far. They are all solid colors trimmed in the off white.soo so far so good. Here's a pic on that progress.


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I have a few more solid small balls to make some more so that will keep me busy for awhile.

At least for today lol.

I'm about 2/3 of the way through my second j GRisham book and enjoying as it seems a little lighter than tha last one both o which were 400plus pages lol. But they do hold my interest all the way through. We are thinking we wi. Order one or two of his books tha we don't have or can't get at the library fron the Internet monthly at least That way we will have the whole collection in the end. I used to like DAnielle Steels work too. Hmmmm lol


All for now the dryer stopped lol time to fold a load of towels. See ya later. Katie what happened to your glasses??

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I noticed Bgs was online around 10ish this morning,maybe just not talkative but checking on things.

same ol with Rene' and Jimmy,we are getting a temporary ramp,see how that works or doesn't

mil is still living in the moment,they go for walks everyday,she talks every day with her daughter in Germany

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Lea, I'm sorry for your family's loss.


Katie, those are pretty squares.


Usual Monday here, work, grocery shopping, paid some bills and balanced the check book, now I get to have some fun in my sewing room.


Hope everyone has a good night.

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