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Felted Crochet


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Just purchased this new soft cover book titled "Felted Crochet" by Jane Davis. The book is absolutely fabulous! From instructions, to the illustrations. It is a great book for felting. The projects are fantastic, and there are many. It is simply beautiful to sit, and look at with a cup of tea.


Before I got the book I was worried about my washing machine. Now I think that I will follow the directions on a smaller project and try hand felting first.


This is really a nice book for beginners, and pros alike. It is worth the price, but wait for those coupons at your local craft stores. :D


I'll rate this one with 4, that being the highest


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got this book yesterday and was quite disappointed with it. I think it would be good for a beginner, but if you've already done any felting it's probably not worthwhile. I was hoping for some intereresting bag patterns, but there were mostly very simple shapes, that I could probably work out for myself.


If you're an experienced felter or feel confident that you could design your own pattern for simple shapes, I recommend you don't buy this book without having a flick through it first. (I ordered it over the internet sight unseen, being so excited at the idea of a felted crochet book, and having limited local resources)

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I visited Barnes and Noble Bookstore and had a chance to look at the book.

I thought the patterns were simply but definitely a book that I will buy -


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Thanks for the review Kelly! I just purchased this from my book club (which unfortunately has a 4 book commitment, and very few crochet books. My bad).

I've never felted, still a little squimish about it, so hopefully the book will give me the confidence I need.:hook

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Felting is something I've been hearing about for some time now and it's seems to be getting more and more popular. I've never felted any of my crochet projects and know of only one person who has tried. I think I might have to give it a try and since reading everyones comments, it seems that this book would be helpful for me to get started.


Thanks for all the great comments.

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I just bought this book and the new book Simple Crochet and can't wait to get them. I looked through both of them at the book store last week and it looks like they have great patterns. Amazon has them both pretty cheap.

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I'm so glad that many of you replied to this post. If it's one thing that I love to do, it is to buy crochet books. Any crochet supply, or book for that matter. :hook


I think that someone mentioned it was a little on the beginner side for them, and that is fine for the experienced. I myself am not a pro at felting. In fact I found more felting things for knitters. I didn't know about the different ways to felt. In fact I thought you could only use your washing machine, until I got this book.


It's on the expensive side so wait till you get those coupons!!!


So may I say this is a great book, especially if you are a beginner! :devil

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  • 2 months later...

ISBN on this one is - 1-57790-252-9

Author - Chad Alice Hagen

Caveat - Cpoyright is 2002

It's in the Weekend Crafter's series.


In addition to a short history, and pictorial techniques, there are 18 patterns.

For experienced felters these may be to "easy".

For $14.95 understanding which wools will felt and why some fail it might prove a notable addition to one's home library. providing it is still in print.




:-) 's

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I spent a great deal of time browsing this book at my local Borders, indecisive about purchasing a copy. The first section, chock full of advice and practical tips, seemed useful, but only a very few of the projects were to my personal taste. (They're nice -- they're just not me.)


Just reading the introduction, though, gave me the confidence to try and felt for the first time this past weekend. The author provides a lot of hints and tips on estimating the shrinkage, felting by hand vs. felting by machine, and choosing yarn. If you're hesitant about felting, I'd recommend this book for the advice, if not for the patterns.



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Well I did it! I finally felted my first project and although I did not use any pattern from this book, I did read it though for the different options in how to felt a project.... in the end, I'm very happy with my large tote. I also like the variety of ideas in projects this book has. I think next time I'll try to felt a small item, like a flower, with the scrap yarn.

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May I suggest that all crocheters *bug* their local public library to stock this type of book in their nonfiction collection.


I'm a part-time library worker and get annoyed at the number of knitting books which are purchased, so I made a big deal about it. (Many of the library's crochet books are from the 80's.) Lo and behold the book buyer is always on the look-out for someone with an interest in a particular area and they are happy to take suggestions for books to purchase for the library. I guess I am now the crochet book recommender! (Since the library has all of the "Stitch and Bitch" knitting books, I immediately recommended they order the new crochet version.)


If you make friends with your librarian and recommend the purchase of crochet books which might be of general interest (and the beginner stuff would fit in here) especially those available in hard cover, you might get to "preview" a book by taking it out of the library and then decide whether or not you want to buy it.


It never hurts to ask!:)

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  • 5 months later...

I just got the book from the library; I like the detailed instructions on how to felt, but it didn't have a purse pattern that I'm looking for. Any suggestions?

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