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Just wanted to share how we used our crochet business to get health insurance

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Hello everyone!


My name is Jenny, and I have been crocheting for about 5 years now.


Last year, my husband and I officially created a small business (technically a General Partnership) for my crocheting because we had lost our health insurance and were not able to get coverage privately.


I thought I would share the process we went through in case anyone else is in a similar situation and would benefit from the information.


You can read about the steps we took on my blog here: http://www.acorntreecreations.com/how-we-got-health-insurance-through-our-family-craft-business/


I also wanted to share the story of how crochet helped facilitate the adoption of our son, Isaiah. : ) I've posted about it here: http://www.acorntreecreations.com/more-than-a-hobby/


I'm excited to join this community and meet others who love this hobby as much as I do! As you can see from these posts, crochet has played a HUGE role in my family's life...




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