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Original Creations

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I recently started making my own creations. I've been creating outfits for a little girl's size 4. Mostly for my great grandaughter. I was asked about my patterns. I've read the copyright law and once it is written down which I have a cropped jacket done with pictures, that the pattern is copyrighted. But it is like so many sweater patterns that could be part of someone else's like the top down sweaters. I did my own measurements and checked gauges to determine how many stitches and then determine how many certain pattern stitches would be in a row and spent alot of time trying to figure how I wanted sleeves etc. Do I just keep these patterns, offer to sell them or offer some as free. I've read some of the threads and I wonder if it worth the aggravation that some designers go through. Am I wasting my time typing them up so people can follow them along with pictures?

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  • 2 months later...

I would publish it and see how it goes!


Remember everything starts somewhere. I publish a lot of beanie patterns. And yes there are a ton of beanie patterns out there and all beanies start basically the same way. But its what you do with it and how you present it that makes yours different.



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