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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Welcome, beccalovely!  I don't mind getting squares made with DK yarn, doubled or not.  I'm glad Skoggy jumped in and gave you her tips.  Now we'll wait to see what your preferences are :)

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That's great! I was a bit worried for a minute there that I wouldn't be able to send any to people without buying even more yarn (I'm drowning in the stuff, I'm addicted haha!) 


I've pm'd to get my name added to the list. I'm happy to receive any colour 6" squares and I'm about to start making some for others right now! 

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:clap wow, such pretties!!!


ANd got your pm Becca, awaiting your info before I post you to the first thread!! Glad you are aboard, and Skoggy, thanks so much for answering her questions, (i don't even know what dk is!!) lol cause I have no idea what yarn is or isn't available over the pond, so thanks Emma for that!!


6 inch any color, ah, interesting, lol this should be a breeze, lets show our new member what we can come up with regarding colors, and patterns ladies and gent!!!!!!!!!!


I pledge at least one more to Smith our Queen too, later on in the month!!


Have been absent for most of the day, running errands, and such, and dropping off a donation as well, so good to back in the cool house, it's warm out there!


Well, I will await your reply Becca, welcome and above all, HAVE FUN, we do!! lol :cheer

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Thanks to all of you for the lovely warm welcome, I've started making squares already haha! 


I don't know how warm it is with you katy but over here in England we are all wilting after a few days in a row of sunshine and temps in the high 20c range - we are SO not used to this! To others, especially in parts of the US it probably seems crazy that we're all melting over here - but trust me this is classed as a 'heatwave' in our country! We have no idea how to cope! Give it a few months and the country will be coming to a standstill due to a couple of inches of snow - we really don't know how to handle 'extremes' in weather, give us grey clouds and rain and we're fine! 

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Welcome aboard, Becca! I'm with you - high 20s is not a lot of fun. Our shop at work isn't air conditioned and with the heat wave we've been having it's easily at 27 or higher, I'm sure. Not sure how they stay awake out there! In the labs things start to get uncomfortable at 24! (And yes, I'm in PA, but all our lab instruments read the temperature in C. :D ) We're a little spoiled by heat here, too. Southerners laugh at us. But then, we laugh at them when they walk around up here wearing long sleeves and coats when we're wearing t-shirts!

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ahh, I will have to look up a c and f temp chart, one sec... lol  ok, best as I can determin, thats about 68 or so??? yeah, it was 93 here today, farenhiegt lol that's too warm for me, are your seasons opposite ours, for instance, summer is during december, and such, ??? Im sorry Im so dumb about this, lol just never really thought about it much before. thanks! lol


Thanks to all of you for the lovely warm welcome, I've started making squares already haha! 


I don't know how warm it is with you katy but over here in England we are all wilting after a few days in a row of sunshine and temps in the high 20c range - we are SO not used to this! To others, especially in parts of the US it probably seems crazy that we're all melting over here - but trust me this is classed as a 'heatwave' in our country! We have no idea how to cope! Give it a few months and the country will be coming to a standstill due to a couple of inches of snow - we really don't know how to handle 'extremes' in weather, give us grey clouds and rain and we're fine! 

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Lovely squares, bgs!  Loving the towel.  I have a serious case of towel envy right now :lol


Katie, the hook I sent you is a Bates hook ;)


I haven't heard of the heirloom hooks.  I like the Clover hooks and Clover's Amour hooks because of the handles.  I have a set by Jimbo of steel hooks with the interchangeable handle and a hook that's maybe a size J also by him that I love.  Then there are my clay-handled Susan Bates hooks made by Jennifer of Day by Day Crochet.  I have a hard time with Boye though there are a couple that don't snag on the yarn.  One of them was a swap gift from Skoggy.  It's a beautiful hook.


I recently finished a bag for a swap here that I wish I could post pictures of.  It's going to be a couple of weeks before it reaches Skoggy, but after that, I'm sharing the pictures ;)


I hope everyone has had a wonderful day.  Lots of hugs and positive thoughts for everyone :hug

LOVELY squares ann sent as well, she does very nice work!!


Ok, is it boye that I like then Angel, or did you say you sent bates, oh my, still confused, however whichever it is the one  you sent, is the kind I prefer, those and clover, however, have used the other ones too, so it's all good!

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ahh, I will have to look up a c and f temp chart, one sec... lol  ok, best as I can determin, thats about 68 or so??? yeah, it was 93 here today, farenhiegt lol that's too warm for me, are your seasons opposite ours, for instance, summer is during december, and such, ??? Im sorry Im so dumb about this, lol just never really thought about it much before. thanks! lol


Nah... our seasons aren't reverse. However, AussiePaula can comment on that :D We have the same seasons when you do. 93F?! Wow! Thats hot. I was chatting to my friend in New York last night and she said they had 100F yesterday. I would melt! I'm not looking forward to this heatwave we are supposed to be getting. :(

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Nah... our seasons aren't reverse. However, AussiePaula can comment on that :D We have the same seasons when you do. 93F?! Wow! Thats hot. I was chatting to my friend in New York last night and she said they had 100F yesterday. I would melt! I'm not looking forward to this heatwave we are supposed to be getting. :(


I know what you mean Skoggy - a friend was telling me yesterday how next week is supposed to be an official heatwave, and my poor cat is due to give birth next week, she is struggling on at the moment in this heat bless her, she keeps flopping onto the kitchen floor tiles or sitting under the fan! 


ahh, I will have to look up a c and f temp chart, one sec... lol  ok, best as I can determin, thats about 68 or so??? yeah, it was 93 here today, farenhiegt lol that's too warm for me, are your seasons opposite ours, for instance, summer is during december, and such, ??? Im sorry Im so dumb about this, lol just never really thought about it much before. thanks! lol


I don't know which converter you used hun but I had to check too (I can't work in f - for some reason all our weather reports here are always in c which is different to other countries!) I put in what the actual feel of the temp was yesterday in South West England on the Google converter and it came up with 89.6f - I realise thats still not hot compared to most of what you guys get though!! 100f in New York... I'd have to walk round with my own supply of ice haha! 


As Skoggy says our seasons run the same as you guys, but I was really lucky at one point that my x-husband's job meant we had to have permanent summers... so from each Septemeber to March we went from England to New Zealand and Australia. For 3 years I didn't officially see a Winter, although we did still come back to snow on the ground in England a couple of times. The shock of going from 40c (104f) in Aus to -1c (30.2f) in England was horrible!! I remember finding it strange how the toilet seat was cold to sit on when we got back from Aus haha! We'd had no air-con in the house in Aus, so during the 40c (104f) temps we actually took turns to stand in front of the open fridge at times!!! 


Oh dear... I appear to have given away how much I talk and ramble on... apologies!! 

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GOOOOOOODDDDD MORNING, my lovely squares!!! I see we have a new member!! :welcome  :welcome  :welcome Becca!!! You're going to love it here!! I am fine with DK weight yarn as well. :yay


As you all are probably dealing with the same.....we are having a major heatwave here in Connecticut!! Today is suppose to be the hottest day of the year.  They're saying it could reach 107!!!!! What the _________!!!!! It's never been this hot here....I think global warming is seriously occurring.  


Hubby was on vacation for 3 days so we focused on getting some things in order....did some packing....took care of a bunch of stuff together......it was nice having him home.....but of course he has to go back to work on the hottest day....I feel for him as he spends a great deal of his working day outside.  


Today will be more preparing for moving.  Lots of laundry to do as it's been days....only thing about him being home is he throws off my schedule....LOL.  


I haven't been doing much crocheting.....but I am trying to use up some of my stash so I'm working on a babette in 6 different colors to use in our living room.  Finally!!! Something for us. Everything I crochet I give away or make for someone else...... but this one will be ours.  


I have one square for our Queen and pledge one more but hope to make two more for her!! I also have 5 squares that I made for you Katie but I see that you currently have all the squares you need?? 


My little one turned 11 on Sunday!!!!! He started a summer basketball league and played his first game yesterday and they won!!! He has the same coach as he did in the regular season and some of the same kids too.....He also goes to school with some of them and has played baseball with them too.  It touches my heart that they are all growing up together. 


Well ladies.....have a wonderful day and please try to stay cool!!! Sending you all hugs :ghug  and many, many blessings!! :manyheart

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GOOOOOOODDDDD MORNING, my lovely squares!!! I see we have a new member!! :welcome  :welcome  :welcome Becca!!! You're going to love it here!! I am fine with DK weight yarn as well. :yay


As you all are probably dealing with the same.....we are having a major heatwave here in Connecticut!! Today is suppose to be the hottest day of the year.  They're saying it could reach 107!!!!! What the _________!!!!! It's never been this hot here....I think global warming is seriously occurring.  


Hubby was on vacation for 3 days so we focused on getting some things in order....did some packing....took care of a bunch of stuff together......it was nice having him home.....but of course he has to go back to work on the hottest day....I feel for him as he spends a great deal of his working day outside.  


Today will be more preparing for moving.  Lots of laundry to do as it's been days....only thing about him being home is he throws off my schedule....LOL.  


I haven't been doing much crocheting.....but I am trying to use up some of my stash so I'm working on a babette in 6 different colors to use in our living room.  Finally!!! Something for us. Everything I crochet I give away or make for someone else...... but this one will be ours.  


I have one square for our Queen and pledge one more but hope to make two more for her!! I also have 5 squares that I made for you Katie but I see that you currently have all the squares you need?? 


My little one turned 11 on Sunday!!!!! He started a summer basketball league and played his first game yesterday and they won!!! He has the same coach as he did in the regular season and some of the same kids too.....He also goes to school with some of them and has played baseball with them too.  It touches my heart that they are all growing up together. 


Well ladies.....have a wonderful day and please try to stay cool!!! Sending you all hugs :ghug  and many, many blessings!! :manyheart

wow, squares, thanks for thinking of me, I currently do have enough to finish the ghan, so if you can use them on someone else, I would be almost as pleased, but if you can't find them a home, Ill adopt them, as no square goes unwanted, lol..and oh, only 91 here today, lol      

I have a neighbor leaving on a cruise tomorrow to alaska, she says, last week, the weather station featured Alaska's high temp,     97F!! what is with this! sheesh.......alaska you think snow, ice, cool, at most in the summer, lol

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and oh, only 91 here today, lol      

I have a neighbor leaving on a cruise tomorrow to alaska, she says, last week, the weather station featured Alaska's high temp,     97F!! what is with this! sheesh.......alaska you think snow, ice, cool, at most in the summer, lol


Well us Brits are clearly just weak when it comes to the hot weather, and I just had to share tonight's leading local news story in my area of England... "Heatwave takes South West to level 3 weather/health warning" - that's one step away from an official National Emergency!! And what temperatures have caused this headline? 30c, which for my US friends is 86f - told you we can't cope haha!! 

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Hi Everyone! I'm laying low and trying to stay cool in this crazy weather.  I finally finished the little sweater I was making, now it's back to squares!  I see we have a new member!  Welcome Becca!!! I don't mind dk at all.  I'd be honored to receive a square from you!  Oh, I almost forgot!  Guess what I saw yesterday as we started driving down the street to go o my drs appt?  A black bear!!!!!!!!!!  Yup, I've lived here or 13 years and we've seen scat in the yard and the neighbors have told us they were around, but this is the first time that I have seen one.  Actually, hubby did see one a couple years ago now that I come to think of it, but this is my first time and it was so cool!  I'm just glad I was in the van, lol. Well, that's my excitement.  Have a great day and try to stay cool everyone! 

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Well us Brits are clearly just weak when it comes to the hot weather, and I just had to share tonight's leading local news story in my area of England... "Heatwave takes South West to level 3 weather/health warning" - that's one step away from an official National Emergency!! And what temperatures have caused this headline? 30c, which for my US friends is 86f - told you we can't cope haha!! 

Wow! A mere 86 degrees! You guys really can't cope! LOL But really, it is what you are used to. So not your fault!


Oh and also just wanted to let you all know that I've just done my first popcorn stitches! Yay! 

Woot! Great!


Hi Everyone! I'm laying low and trying to stay cool in this crazy weather.  I finally finished the little sweater I was making, now it's back to squares!  I see we have a new member!  Welcome Becca!!! I don't mind dk at all.  I'd be honored to receive a square from you!  Oh, I almost forgot!  Guess what I saw yesterday as we started driving down the street to go o my drs appt?  A black bear!!!!!!!!!!  Yup, I've lived here or 13 years and we've seen scat in the yard and the neighbors have told us they were around, but this is the first time that I have seen one.  Actually, hubby did see one a couple years ago now that I come to think of it, but this is my first time and it was so cool!  I'm just glad I was in the van, lol. Well, that's my excitement.  Have a great day and try to stay cool everyone! 

Hi Ann! You better stay cool missy!

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Looking forward to tonights crocheting. Going to do one flag on a Granny Square Bunting order I received a couple of days ago and then I'm going to crack on with the Skoggykuddles CAL :lol :roflmao Kuddlekubs and I determined to learn bullion stitch. We both have "24 Blocks on a Roll" book from Annie's. It was sparked off by my posting a pic of a package I received from one of my swaps in the Global Square Exchange. She used bullion stitch on one of the squares and its so lovely! :manyheart

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