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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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ha, me either ann, I will give it some more thought, and try to explain it better!! I posted the two baby ghans i made for a local charity, that were hankerin for some smaller preemie type blankets, so here they be ! take a look if you like and see the pretty pastels!!!!!!

Oh my Goodness!!   They are so cute and beautiful.  GREAT WORK!!   What method did you use to join them?

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Honex, feeling better yet?? Hope you are, recipie sounds delish!



Saw the doctor today.  Says I am healing pretty well.  One part of the wound is "over-healing" and may not have skin form over it or something.  He described it like a keloid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid...more like the hand one, not the face one).  I go back in a week.  Really no pain to speak of, just tired.


Thanks for all the well wishes from EVERYONE!

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Wow, I can't believe it's evening and it's the first time I'm getting here all day! Not that I've had a lot going on, it's just one of those days.  It was wonderful to wake up to cooler weather.  I actually wore sweatpants today.  I thought my HHA was going to have a heart attack, lol.  Apparently it wasn't that much cooler in the house according to her and my DH, oh well I've got a faulty internal thermostat, what can I say. Lol   

ha, me either ann, I will give it some more thought, and try to explain it better!! I posted the two baby ghans i made for a local charity, that were hankerin for some smaller preemie type blankets, so here they be ! take a look if you like and see the pretty pastels!!!!!!


and here are my potholders I just finished the second one, before I left to go to brunch up the block this am. easypeasy! Needed something for above  the microwave, lol



Love the baby ghans!  I won't say anything bad about all those itty bitty squares ever again. LOL.  Your potholders are great too!  I really need to make some new ones for the house, hmmm, soon...


Mmmmmmmm all sounds good!



Here are some more :hug :hug  Just cause!



Thank you so much!


Wow lots of squares anxiously awaiting the promised photos. 


Ann more :hug  :hug just because.


Phoensix glad you are a part of our group.


Honex99 :hug  :hug for you too.  You really mustn't overdo things right now and focus on healing.


Kuddles congrats on the owl cozy pattern.  It was awfully cute. That was so nice of AngelRoseLite.  She is a gem. 


Katie I loved your potholders and the baby afghans. 



Blue on coppertone to go with the copper on blue! I love it! :rainbow

I showed my new square to the little guy today and he loved it. His exact response was to carefully lay it out on the floor and say, "Oh, dis is mine! Dis my too-pwise [surprise]." :manyheart Jumping on to my phone after posting this to edit and add the photo I took. Somehow managed to get one where the colors look fairly true, in spite of it being 10pm under artificial light!

Awww, how sweet.


Oh heck, here's this one, too. I've finished another green and now I'm working on a sort of teal transition color (Knitpicks's Brava, called Peacock) that I got very excited about when I saw it online. Once I finish the second round of purples I'm planning to do a rainbow border of sc, one row for each color.




I like the idea of the color combo thread! Maybe pick a combination for each month and then have people post pictures of stuff they've already done or made new for the thread? That way you can jump in if it's a combination that appeals to you or sit out if it doesn't (or if you don't have the yarn for it!)

Love it!


I know, she is an absolute DOLL! I'm still in heaven that someone thought of me this way!





My daughter tries to claim every square I make and every square I receive! I've given her tons of ones I've made and she still wants more! LOL


Off to visit family soon, so I'll just say have a great weekend and I'll check in when I return!



Have a wonderful trip!



As I was falling asleep last night I realized I hadn't been on the computer all day. So I'm trying to catch up. Love all the eye candy, everything is beautiful. This week I've been finishing doors and door frames that were installed when we added on to the house 10 years ago, yeah I'm a little slow, not my idea of fun either. I'm tired today so after doing some odds and ends around here this morning I decided to take it easy for the afternoon and do some crocheting, I'm finishing a shawl and then want to start a baby afghan. Our weather is suppose to be stormy today and tomorrow, it's already raining and I can hear some thunder. My kids and grandkids will be here for dinner, which is always fun. Ok, enough rambling. Have a great day everyone.

Whew, I'm tired for you, lol.  Glad you finally took some down time and got some crocheting in.  Any pics?


Good morning everyone. Is everyone hard at work? Me just checking email. A bit under the weather.

Hope you feel better soon...


I have a free account there, but not really impressed with the games.  What do you play?  I like match 3 games.

Hmmm, Word Search, Crossword Cove, Word Whomp, Marjhong Garden ? (I always forget the name of that one,lol, but I don't care for the other one).  There are a few others.  It depends on my mood, but I use them as tools since my brain surgery.  They really help unless I'm having a bad day, then I need to get off before I get too frustrated, lol.


Saw the doctor today.  Says I am healing pretty well.  One part of the wound is "over-healing" and may not have skin form over it or something.  He described it like a keloid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid...more like the hand one, not the face one).  I go back in a week.  Really no pain to speak of, just tired.


Thanks for all the well wishes from EVERYONE!

Glad you are healing well. Hope the other part starts to heal right too.

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sheesh!! j Lots to catch up on!! And Viking, my cabinets aren't copper, they just look that color, really the are golden oak, like the clock is, but it was sunny in my kitchen, when I took the pic, lol

And Sweat pants annie, you are too cute!!!! 


I have a facial tomorrow afternoon.......never had one before......... anyone out there with an opinion on them,lol


Now whom was it that liked purple squares, and you know who you are, do you also like lavendar????


Quiet day today,nothing much happened, just stayed in most of the day, and tidied up the house,and changed sheets, and did some laundry, and dusted, and oh changed a few things around on my bedroom walls, took off some old things, and put up some things I found packed up in a bin in my closet. Ya never know what's in there, from day to day, lol


Now ill have a cold bottle of water, and sit back in the craft room, and ponder the life of yarn, lol    back here tomorrow all, have a good one!!

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I am really enjoying all the beaut-ee-fool pictures!  That's my toddler niece's way of saying beautiful, by the way.  I pretend I didn't hear her so she says it again and again, lol.  I didn't forget to post the lovely squares that Annie sent me.  I have just been biiizzy!  I have yet to finish up a car seat canopy, line a baby hat and cocoon, and finish embellishing a Tunisian crocheted purse.  They're all to be dropped off at a friend's house so she and a couple other friends can drive our entries into the L.A. County Fair.  I'm busy and nervous because it's my first time entering anything anywhere.  We'll see how it goes.


I was in  :c9 yesterday!  I won a giveaway, my first one ever.  Carr's Woodshop gave away a Patriotic hook holder, and Day by Day Crochet donated a Patriotic hook.  I was so happy yesterday!  I still am, of course.  I have shown off my hooks custom made by Jennifer of Day by Day Crochet.  I've been coveting a hook holder for a long time now, but I haven't had the money to buy one.  Now I get one for free!   :yay


Anyway, it's back to crafting for me :)

sheesh!! j Lots to catch up on!! And Viking, my cabinets just look that color, really the are golden oak, but it was sunny in my kitchen, when I took the pic, lol...and Honex, brain surgery,sheesh, you have gone through a lot...

And Sweat pants annie, you are too cute!!!! 


I have a facial tomorrow afternoon.......never had one before......... anyone out there with an opinion on them,lol


Now whom was it that liked purple squares, and you know who you are, do you also like lavendar????


Quiet day today,nothing much happened, just stayed in most of the day, and tidied up the house,and changed sheets, and did some laundry, and dusted, and oh changed a few things around on my bedroom walls, took off some old things, and put up some things I found packed up in a bin in my closet. Ya never know what's in there, from day to day, lol


Now ill have a cold bottle of water, and sit back in the craft room, and ponder the life of yarn, lol    back here tomorrow all, have a good one!!

How funny!  "ponder the life of yarn"  You're so yarn-osophical!


:hug to everyone!



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..and Honex, brain surgery,sheesh, you have gone through a lot...

I haven't had brain surgery....yet.   Where did you get that from?


Now whom was it that liked purple squares, and you know who you are, do you also like lavendar????

Perhaps me?  I love all shades of purple

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Good Morning!


I slept in this morning til 7:30 woohoo! Then I went to walmart and had problems with my car on the way home, it's been hesitating occassionally when I start it after running an errand or two. So my dad is putting a fuel treatment in it, he thinks there may be moisture in the gas tank/line. If that doesn't work it'll be a trip to the mechanic to have the fuel pump or filter changed. So now I'm trying to calm my anxiety from the car by crocheting, I prefer crocheting over meds. I finished the shawl I was working on and now I'm working on a baby afghan for friends who are in the process of becoming foster parents. They requested birth to 2 years and painted the baby room yellow so I am using white, yellow and green yarn. I think my daughter and grandkids are coming over later so I'll be having a fun afternoon. Ok, back to my yarn and hook. Have a great day.


AngelRoseLite, Congratulations on your wonderful win! Good luck with your fair entries.

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Hi All!  I figured that I'd stop by and visit before the sun set today, lol.  Of course I've been up most of the night, so I should have been here much sooner, but I wasn't feeling much up to it.  I'm feeling better now, just getting tired though.  We're having a cloudy, humid day today.  Keeps drizzling out.  I hope Kuddles and others having family outings are having better weather than this!

sheesh!! j Lots to catch up on!! And Viking, my cabinets just look that color, really the are golden oak, but it was sunny in my kitchen, when I took the pic, lol...and Honex, brain surgery,sheesh, you have gone through a lot...

And Sweat pants annie, you are too cute!!!! 


I have a facial tomorrow afternoon.......never had one before......... anyone out there with an opinion on them,lol


Now whom was it that liked purple squares, and you know who you are, do you also like lavendar????


Quiet day today,nothing much happened, just stayed in most of the day, and tidied up the house,and changed sheets, and did some laundry, and dusted, and oh changed a few things around on my bedroom walls, took off some old things, and put up some things I found packed up in a bin in my closet. Ya never know what's in there, from day to day, lol


Now ill have a cold bottle of water, and sit back in the craft room, and ponder the life of yarn, lol    back here tomorrow all, have a good one!!

My gosh, it's been so many years since I've had a facial it's hard to remember what it was like, lol. The one thing I do remember is that I was allergic to whatever it was that the woman used and my face broke out all over!  I have very sensitive skin, so be careful.  Other than that enjoy!  Oh, on the brain surgery subject....I'm the one that had one.  My computer was playing games with me yesterday, so the post might not have ended up were it was supposed to, sorry.  And I think a few of us like purple, myself included, lol.  Yes. I do like lavender, with deep richer/jewel purples being my favorite.


I am really enjoying all the beaut-ee-fool pictures!  That's my toddler niece's way of saying beautiful, by the way.  I pretend I didn't hear her so she says it again and again, lol.  I didn't forget to post the lovely squares that Annie sent me.  I have just been biiizzy!  I have yet to finish up a car seat canopy, line a baby hat and cocoon, and finish embellishing a Tunisian crocheted purse.  They're all to be dropped off at a friend's house so she and a couple other friends can drive our entries into the L.A. County Fair.  I'm busy and nervous because it's my first time entering anything anywhere.  We'll see how it goes.


I was in  :c9 yesterday!  I won a giveaway, my first one ever.  Carr's Woodshop gave away a Patriotic hook holder, and Day by Day Crochet donated a Patriotic hook.  I was so happy yesterday!  I still am, of course.  I have shown off my hooks custom made by Jennifer of Day by Day Crochet.  I've been coveting a hook holder for a long time now, but I haven't had the money to buy one.  Now I get one for free!   :yay


Anyway, it's back to crafting for me :)

How funny!  "ponder the life of yarn"  You're so yarn-osophical!


:hug to everyone!



Wow, congrats!!!  I've never seen hook holders like that before, they're great!  I couldn't see the hook, FB wasn't playing nice.


Good Morning!


I slept in this morning til 7:30 woohoo! Then I went to walmart and had problems with my car on the way home, it's been hesitating occassionally when I start it after running an errand or two. So my dad is putting a fuel treatment in it, he thinks there may be moisture in the gas tank/line. If that doesn't work it'll be a trip to the mechanic to have the fuel pump or filter changed. So now I'm trying to calm my anxiety from the car by crocheting, I prefer crocheting over meds. I finished the shawl I was working on and now I'm working on a baby afghan for friends who are in the process of becoming foster parents. They requested birth to 2 years and painted the baby room yellow so I am using white, yellow and green yarn. I think my daughter and grandkids are coming over later so I'll be having a fun afternoon. Ok, back to my yarn and hook. Have a great day.


AngelRoseLite, Congratulations on your wonderful win! Good luck with your fair entries.

Awww, hope the fuel treatment does the trick!  I cringe whenever DH tells me we need to bring the van in for work, always means $$$. Good for you for turning to crochet instead of meds.  It is a great stress reducer (usually, lol)  Do we get to see pics of your finished projects?  Hmmm......pretty please. Hope you have a great afternoon with your family!

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OHhhh Ann,  sorry I read something wrong, I knew it was you, but I think I saw Honex's name above and got confused, so sorry. You have been through the mill woman!


as for the car deal, sounds maybe like it could be a sensor, just a guess, happened to me, and had to replace a sensor, do you have like some auto stores that will read out your computer free, and then they give you a list of what it might be, so you have an idea. I go to auto zone, or the one next to it, which I can't remember it's name, lol then go from there I guess......good luck with the fuel treatment, but my money is on sensor....


Well, the reason I asked about purples and lavendars is that i found three 6 inch squares at the bottom of my square pile, and was going to pass them on to someone, ha ha, but don't have any more of the lavendar, so can't make them bigger for you ann, unless you wanna , lol I think the yarn was ILTY lavendar or maybe I can get some more, I don't know, if you want them holler! ....


OH, hope Im not alergic to anything they use during the facial, I also get my make up done free, but not sure Ill stay for that. Yesteray I had a lot more energy, lol today, hasn't much kicked in yet, come on vitamins, do your thing!!!!!!


Partly sunny today,don'tknow the temp, but the ac hasn't kicked on too often today yet, so maybe gonna be a nice day here today, we need some rain, hopefully tonight! My personal handy man put down some lawn stuff and it needs water to disperse I guess, so if it doesn't rain tonight, then sprinklers will be used, lol 


Well, about all, hope everyone has a restful and peaceful weekend ahead!!!!!!!! Im off to the spa!!!!!!!

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Yes yes, of course, only yarn-ocologists see the importance of pondering the life of yarn, sooooooooo guess you're one too!!


I agree how funny "ponder the life of yarn" sounds good to me though.

Oh got my yarn today!! Wow thanks Nancy, I will pm you as well, but what a nice box o yarn for this not only yarnologist, but hookologist as welll as crochetologist got!! I love the colors, and it seems much like Red Heart to me, I haven't used hershners yarn ever, so this will be fun trying it out!!!!!

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Yarnology.....I love that!! 


Our AC went out yesterday and with the monsoons....it was a tough night! Luckily our land-lady is awesome and had a guy here first thing this morning.... :yay  I am hoping to get to the post office Monday or Tuesday, still working on some squares and tucking in the ends. 


AngelRoseLite...congrats on your win! 


cshort...crocheting is my zen too! I can just zone out on a big project stitch after stitch the same or a quick little pinafore. 

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Hi All!  Back to the hot and humid, ugh, I don't do well in hot and humid, lol.  I've been a square making fool, unfortunately they are not to be given away.  These squares are for the mysteryghan cal that I'm in on Ravelry. The cal ended last week, but I still have 1/2 of week 5 and all of week 6 to do, then assemble and edge!  Eeeee!!! I'll get there, slow but sure, lol.  I intend it to be a gift for one of my grand kids eventually.  I have the idea in my head to make a "reserve" of afghans so all the kids will have one from me when they get married/have kids/etc.

OHhhh Ann,  sorry I read something wrong, I knew it was you, but I think I saw Honex's name above and got confused, so sorry. You have been through the mill woman!


as for the car deal, sounds maybe like it could be a sensor, just a guess, happened to me, and had to replace a sensor, do you have like some auto stores that will read out your computer free, and then they give you a list of what it might be, so you have an idea. I go to auto zone, or the one next to it, which I can't remember it's name, lol then go from there I guess......good luck with the fuel treatment, but my money is on sensor....


Well, the reason I asked about purples and lavendars is that i found three 6 inch squares at the bottom of my square pile, and was going to pass them on to someone, ha ha, but don't have any more of the lavendar, so can't make them bigger for you ann, unless you wanna , lol I think the yarn was ILTY lavendar or maybe I can get some more, I don't know, if you want them holler! ....


OH, hope Im not alergic to anything they use during the facial, I also get my make up done free, but not sure Ill stay for that. Yesteray I had a lot more energy, lol today, hasn't much kicked in yet, come on vitamins, do your thing!!!!!!


Partly sunny today,don'tknow the temp, but the ac hasn't kicked on too often today yet, so maybe gonna be a nice day here today, we need some rain, hopefully tonight! My personal handy man put down some lawn stuff and it needs water to disperse I guess, so if it doesn't rain tonight, then sprinklers will be used, lol 


Well, about all, hope everyone has a restful and peaceful weekend ahead!!!!!!!! Im off to the spa!!!!!!!

Yeah, I've gone thru/am going thru a few things, lol. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, isn't that the saying. 

Regarding the squares, I believe Honex99 also mentioned that she likes purple (her favorite color too) and she is collecting 6" squares!  Sounds like a perfect fit to me. Of course, if she doesn't want them I can always make them work.  I'd never let a square go homeless, lol.


Yes yes, of course, only yarn-ocologists see the importance of pondering the life of yarn, sooooooooo guess you're one too!!


Oh got my yarn today!! Wow thanks Nancy, I will pm you as well, but what a nice box o yarn for this not only yarnologist, but hookologist as welll as crochetologist got!! I love the colors, and it seems much like Red Heart to me, I haven't used hershners yarn ever, so this will be fun trying it out!!!!!

Wootie, Woot, Woot!!! I've used Hershners a long time ago and if memory serves me correctly it was very nice.


Yarnology.....I love that!! 


Our AC went out yesterday and with the monsoons....it was a tough night! Luckily our land-lady is awesome and had a guy here first thing this morning.... :yay  I am hoping to get to the post office Monday or Tuesday, still working on some squares and tucking in the ends. 


AngelRoseLite...congrats on your win! 


cshort...crocheting is my zen too! I can just zone out on a big project stitch after stitch the same or a quick little pinafore. 

OMG I sure hope your ac is fixed! (((hugs)))

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Just mixed up double chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookies with the little guy. Excuse me, with my little puppy! They're in the oven now. ^_^ We had a great time but it sounds like daddy woke up from his nap just in time for dog and kid - er, dog and littler dog - to drive him crazy outside.


Our AC went out yesterday and with the monsoons....it was a tough night! Luckily our land-lady is awesome and had a guy here first thing this morning....

Yuck!! Not a good time to be without A/C! We were at my grandmother's last weekend and my cousins put in her window air conditioner while we were there... my mom said the house was at 85 when she got there! Nana protested, but we had one scary episode with heat exhaustion (ambulance and all) a few summers ago and we are all determined it shall not be repeated!


Hi All!  Back to the hot and humid, ugh, I don't do well in hot and humid, lol.  I've been a square making fool, unfortunately they are not to be given away.  These squares are for the mysteryghan cal that I'm in on Ravelry. The cal ended last week, but I still have 1/2 of week 5 and all of week 6 to do, then assemble and edge!  Eeeee!!! I'll get there, slow but sure, lol.  I intend it to be a gift for one of my grand kids eventually.  I have the idea in my head to make a "reserve" of afghans so all the kids will have one from me when they get married/have kids/etc.

That is a great idea! A long time ago I started a cross-stitch wedding sampler for a friend... quickly realised it was going to take waaaaaay too much time! And also that her family is full of crafters so of course one of them would probably be making her one! (And I was right; it was her sister.) But I still have the kit, and sometimes I think, "Hey, I should keep working on this, because at some point at least one of my siblings will probably get married. Then I'd already have this ready!" :D

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Hello! I didn't get a chance to read through all the pages from this weekend, but hopefully everyone is doing well! My paycheck dropped yesterday and I did a little damage at the craft stores! I taught a friend how to make granny squares today, and she really caught on quickly!

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I like your name mandymae. My daughter shares the same first name except we spell it Mandi. Kalene. Love her name.


Hope your ac is fixed by now. Nothing worse than be over heated all the time and no relief.

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Hi!  Lots going on on this thread!  Other than finalizing my fair entries, there's not much going on here.  Today was our crafting group's anniversary luncheon.  We all got cute awards.  I won the Stitch n' Chicks Chick of the Year Award.  I wore a crown and everything, lol.  There is a picture they took that is just way too funny.  How will I live it down?  lol


I posted on the appropriate threads, but I'm posting here just three of the eight items I submitted for the tapestry competition.  I really don't know why they call it a competition.  I don't think they have first prize, second prize, et cetera.  They give ribbons, and some are blue or red, what have you, but it's not just one of each in a category.  At any rate, here are three of my entries:








It's past 1:00 a.m.  I think I'll try to sleep for a while.  Good night, everyone!

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Well Maria continues to be my angel!!!!!!!! I got home from my weekend visit with family and had a huge bulging puffy of squares waiting for me! Four 12 inch squares and two cotton 8 inchers!


Picture to come....but couldn't wait to give a hugh THANK YOU MARIA!!!



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wowzer maria, lovely items!!!!!!!! and I hear you are a real angel, well hec, I knew that already, congrats on the puffy Kuddles,  sounds like a bonanza of wonders!!!!!!!! Hope you win first, scratch that, all Place ribbons at your fair!!!! Ive never done that, don't know squat about it, been to fairs, ate at fairs, rode on rides at fairs, been to the rodeo at fairs, and been through the barns full of goodies at fairs,  but never entered anything.....Ill put that on my bucket list!!!!!!! I have room on my bucket list now, as I got to on Saturday, cross off

#994.    Get a facial,      lol         was grand, I felt spoiled! Got lots of samples of product too!!!! (I know the gal) lol      later gators, off to lunch soon with dear darling daughter!!!!!!!!! Trying out a new spot! 

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Wow! Your items are lovely and wonderful and if you don't win for all of them, you will be robbed! Good luck!



Hi!  Lots going on on this thread!  Other than finalizing my fair entries, there's not much going on here.  Today was our crafting group's anniversary luncheon.  We all got cute awards.  I won the Stitch n' Chicks Chick of the Year Award.  I wore a crown and everything, lol.  There is a picture they took that is just way too funny.  How will I live it down?  lol


I posted on the appropriate threads, but I'm posting here just three of the eight items I submitted for the tapestry competition.  I really don't know why they call it a competition.  I don't think they have first prize, second prize, et cetera.  They give ribbons, and some are blue or red, what have you, but it's not just one of each in a category.  At any rate, here are three of my entries:








It's past 1:00 a.m.  I think I'll try to sleep for a while.  Good night, everyone!

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Hi everyone!  What's everybody up to today?  I'm busy at work finishing up wk5 of the mysteryghan.  Just finished talking to DIL#2 and she's bringing the girls to visit on Friday so they can pick grammy's blueberries! :) I also learned that the little one (2yr old) has asthma like her daddy. This hot humid weather is messing with them both. :( Hopefully we'll have a better weather day on Friday. That's all for now. BBL!

Hi!  Lots going on on this thread!  Other than finalizing my fair entries, there's not much going on here.  Today was our crafting group's anniversary luncheon.  We all got cute awards.  I won the Stitch n' Chicks Chick of the Year Award.  I wore a crown and everything, lol.  There is a picture they took that is just way too funny.  How will I live it down?  lol


I posted on the appropriate threads, but I'm posting here just three of the eight items I submitted for the tapestry competition.  I really don't know why they call it a competition.  I don't think they have first prize, second prize, et cetera.  They give ribbons, and some are blue or red, what have you, but it's not just one of each in a category.  At any rate, here are three of my entries:








It's past 1:00 a.m.  I think I'll try to sleep for a while.  Good night, everyone!

Everything is wonderful!  Best of luck in the competition.  I agree, you should take first place for them all!  I've never entered anything so I congrat you for doing that! 


Well Maria continues to be my angel!!!!!!!! I got home from my weekend visit with family and had a huge bulging puffy of squares waiting for me! Four 12 inch squares and two cotton 8 inchers!


Picture to come....but couldn't wait to give a hugh THANK YOU MARIA!!!





wowzer maria, lovely items!!!!!!!! and I hear you are a real angel, well hec, I knew that already, congrats on the puffy Kuddles,  sounds like a bonanza of wonders!!!!!!!! Hope you win first, scratch that, all Place ribbons at your fair!!!! Ive never done that, don't know squat about it, been to fairs, ate at fairs, rode on rides at fairs, been to the rodeo at fairs, and been through the barns full of goodies at fairs,  but never entered anything.....Ill put that on my bucket list!!!!!!! I have room on my bucket list now, as I got to on Saturday, cross off

#994.    Get a facial,      lol         was grand, I felt spoiled! Got lots of samples of product too!!!! (I know the gal) lol      later gators, off to lunch soon with dear darling daughter!!!!!!!!! Trying out a new spot! 

Awww, so glad you enjoyed the facial, bonus that you got a bunch of samples too!  Hey, when you enter something in a fair let me know maybe I'll get up the courage to enter something around here, lol!

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I like your name mandymae. My daughter shares the same first name except we spell it Mandi. Kalene. Love her name.


Thanks! Mae is not my real middle name, but at my last job, my assistant manager always called me Mandy Mae and it just stuck :)

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