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More Tic Tac Totes!


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I'm making these like crazy! :manyheart this pattern so much! Lots of gifts for this year with these! And love how each one is unique.


I used Cotton Tots for both (love that yarn!) and added beads to the one. Close up to show the beads.


Thanks again April for a wonderful pattern!





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Go Speed Racer Go! I love those totes! You are doing a beautiful job! If I knew how to up load and post pictures I would show mine too. I absolutely love that pattern. A sweet Elf gifted me that pattern.

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They really are beautiful but I have to confess..... I had not seen these before and I was confused. How could you "tote" them without handles. I had not seen the pattern before so I thought you were done. I couldn't stand it any longer, I did a google search of "Tic TacTote" and found another Crochetville entry where you gave the designers name. So "April Moreland's Tic Tac Tote" went into the next search and I found her Ravelry page with the tote complete with handles! LOL! You had me going there for a bit! :D With or without handles, they are gorgeous totes and I will have to give teh pattern a try myself.

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They really are beautiful but I have to confess..... I had not seen these before and I was confused. How could you "tote" them without handles. I had not seen the pattern before so I thought you were done. I couldn't stand it any longer, I did a google search of "Tic TacTote" and found another Crochetville entry where you gave the designers name. So "April Moreland's Tic Tac Tote" went into the next search and I found her Ravelry page with the tote complete with handles! LOL! You had me going there for a bit! :D With or without handles, they are gorgeous totes and I will have to give teh pattern a try myself.


LOL Sorry 'bout that! I typically don't do crochet handles....stretch too much. I typically do webbing for the straps and have been very happy with the results!


If I want the crochet look for the handles, I have crocheted straps wide enough to wrap around the webbing and I 'sew' it shut so I still have the strength of the webbing but the matching yarn to the bag.


More than you wanted to know I'm sure but thought I'd explain!




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