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Our House Part Two


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Hi peeps!


Im going to watch the end of a Cary Grant movie on You Tube and work on the shawl. I need to get it done before starting another thing.

Maybe :devil


have a good day my friends

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Hi ladies. I got to be on call today, but didn't get called in. I haven't actually done anything constructive today, unless you count reading and crafting.


Judy, it's never occurred to me to finish a project before I start a new one. Could be why I have so many WIPs. I get bored easily!


Joanne, the kitchen is done, except for the backsplash. I can't decide on tile. Mostly I can't find what I envisioned. I haven't looked in a while, maybe there is new stuff out by now.


LeeAnn, how sweet of your kids to clean for you.

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Hi House.  Our power went off during the night and just came back on!  No explanation from the power company, but it affected our whole neighborhood.  They've been working in our area lately...seems to me like a mistake of some kind!


Tomorrow Sarah will take me for my (rescheduled) colonoscopy, so today is liquids only and I'm starving. Lol


Washer, dryer and dishwasher are all going - will check back in soon. :manyheart

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Cindy, I get bored easily, too. Today I joined a FB group that makes bags...lol!


Im closer to the end of the main body of the shawl than not. then comes the trim. It's so soft I will use it under my coat and as an accessory with a nice blouse. The color is like a soft denim blue. 

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Good Morning. DD will be here shortly to take me to the hospital - thankfully the worst is over as far as the procedure. ;)  I should be home by noon and will immediately crawl in bed. Lol


I hope everyone has a good Wednesday. :manyheart

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'Morning, House. :)


Hi Christi!  It's so good to see your posts.  :yes   Are you still crocheting? 


LeeAnn ~ Thank you!  Everything went fine yesterday...just still a little foggy from the anaesthetic but that should be gone by today.  I can't wait to see what you make for your Easter goodies!


Have a good Thursday, friends. ♥♥♥♥♥

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Good morning. The sun is shining, washer is humming, bread is rising.


I went to a very interesting seminar on chronic pain yesterday morning. After that I went shopping with DD, got groceries and then in the evening I went to Bible study. It was a very busy day. today, I gave household chores to attend to. Tomorrow, I have to work, and then we are going out to dinner with friends.


Christi, it's good to see you. Don't be a stranger!


Mary, aren't you glad that's over? Glad it went well.

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hi, Mary. Glad to see you this morning. I remember driving hubby home after his procedure. He was so loopy! :rofl


I'm defurring the blankets right now...Miss Lucy is the personification of a German Shedder :lol 


Cindy....hmmmm fresh bread. I would be a goner if I still made it.  :P



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Good morning house!


Judy-ooohhh your fur babes are just so sweet!  Thank you so very much for sharing photo's.  What is on your hook these days?


Cindy-wow!  You sure did have a busy Wednesday.  Staying home always sounds like fun.  I love being a homebody, sadly it doesn't happen too often.  Dinner out is fun isn't it?  No kp duty.


Mary-so glad that you are feeling well.  Procedures sure do take a lot out of a person.


Christi-hi there!  Nice to meet you!


It is so warm today.  I was rushing to get here, so much to do in the a.m.  I have decided to change my eating lifestyle.  I had been feeling weighed down..I am sure that the extra weight that I am carrying has something to do with that along with my terrible eating habits. It has been a lot of work but slowly I am re-vamping the way that my family eats.  We are in our 4th day of clean eating.  Mostly fruits, veggies, soups,smoothies, nuts and water.  I am eating 6 times a day.  It's been an adjustment to prepare so much food.  The chopping of veggies sure is time consuming.  They say that it will get easier and that you can get to an hour of prepping each week.  I am going to try it for next week.  I haven't felt hungry but best of all I haven't had many food cravings.  So weird as I cut out soda too.. :D   I was drinking one soda a day but I figured that was too much too...so am a week soda free.  Have you all tried infusing water with fruit?  I am new to all of it, but it does make drinking water more enjoyable. 


On the hooky front, I did finish the baby cocoon, it was my first of it's type how fun!  I would like to make more as they are just fun fun fun!


Have also been working on the Easter soapies, here are a few pics.


Hello to the rest of the house!  Back to work I go!   :ghug




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Hi Ladies,


LeeAnn, The cocoon is adorable as are the soaps.  Good luck with your new life style change.


Mary, Glad all is well after your procedure. My hubby is usually pretty loopy after that procedure and his pain clinic appts. 


Judy, The fur babies are adorable. 


Linda, It sounds like you had a nice birthday with DD and DGS. It's good hearing he was so excited it was your birthday. 


Cindy, You sure did have a busy day yesterday. Enjoy your dinner out with friends.


Joanne, I hope your travels to and home from work wasn't to bad with the crappy weather you've been having. 


Our Valentine's dinner went well. We served 115 people. Lots of work. We were all wiped by dinner time.  Tomorrow the men are cooking. They are having chicken cordon bleu. Were not going. We made plans to go out to dinner with friends tomorrow night instead. Another friend called us and asked us to go to dinner with them tonight. We went to the restaurant we were going to go to tomorrow night. So we'll pick another one. We could of spoke up and told them but she's been sick for two weeks and that's where she wanted to go. Lots of places to eat at here so it's okay. 

At crafts we brushed pieces of tissue paper onto a glass jar using watered down glue. They turned out cute. I'll make these up with the girls and put battery operated candles in them. 

I am on the last row of the car seat blanket. Baby G is still sick and now DD has it. She took him back to the doctor. He said just let it run it's course. 

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week. Stay warm and safe.

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morning peeps!


Hi and bye, Joanne - hope your day goes well.


LeeAnne....what beautiful things!


Hi, Marlene. Wow....that's a lot of people for a dinner!!



My latest hooky project is working with Incredible ribbon yarn I was gifted. I found what looks like an easy shawl pattern so when I get a chance I'll give it a shot. I tired another pattern but wasn't liking it. If this doesn't work...not sure what I'll do - maybe donate it.


Have a good day everyone!

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Never made it on last night. DH put a movie on and before you know it it was time to go to bed. I'm heading over to dd's to watch the boys. My daughter is still hanging in there and is going to a memorial service this morning. One of her co workers son's passed away. She goes back to the doctor next Friday....that is if she doesn't go into labor before that.


Leeann that cocoon is adorable and of course the soaps are so cute!


Time to get ready since I told her I'd try and get to her house by 7:30. Have a great day!

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Morning peeps..Joanne you must all be on tenterhooks, waiting!


It's going to get up to the 50's today - YAY! A heat wave...lol!



And I contacted Amy for Linda - she seems to have been blocked from here and we're trying to get her back on. Haven't heard from Amy yet, but hopefully it'll be fixed today.


Have a great day my friends.

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Good morning ladies. It got up to 61 degrees here yesterday. It was a record high. Last year on the same day we also had a record "high", 7 degrees. What a difference a year makes. It may be more of the same today. It was already 41 degrees at 7:30.


I was out all day yesterday. I had a very busy day at work and then we went out with friends in the evening. I slept very well. Today I have odds and ends to do around the house, and this afternoon we will visit mil, and then we are going out to dinner with DH's brothers.. Tomorrow I have to work again. Two weeks until vacation.......



LeeAnn, your cocoon is adorable, as are the soaps.


Marlene, that's a lot of people to feed! Are you getting any crocheting done down there? It sounds like a constant whirlwind of social activities.


Joanne, enjoy your time with the boys.


Judy, I hope Amy can get Linda back quickly. I got blocked once and she finally got me back. It took a while though.

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Good Morning!


Judy ~ Thank you for letting us know about Linda...sure hope she's back here soon. :yes  I imagine the 50's will feel good after the bitter cold temps you've had!  We've had the mildest winter I can remember...it was 80* yesterday and supposed to be that warm again today.


Joanne ~ Oh, it won't be long now!  :c9   Your DD must be so ready for the little guy to appear. 


Marlene ~ I'm so sorry that Baby G and DD are sick. :hug   These pesky viruses seem to hang on way too long sometimes!  I hope both your dinners out were yummy. :yes


Hi the everyone I've missed, too. :manyheart


I'm going to run errands this a.m. and hope to crochet this afternoon.  I figured out the "join as you go" method without too much trouble and really like it.  Here is the hexie 'ghan I started...baby afghan size with yarn from my stash. :)




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Mary, that's going to be cute! I haven't done JAG yet...but it would be so much easier. Especially when using stash and random colors.


Cindy, are you going away for vacation? 


Have a good one, my friends!

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