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Our House Part Two


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Hello to all of you, my internet friends.  I have been having a hard time getting a post written and posted before it disappears into cyber space.  Mostly I'm trying to stay warm and get my strength back.  I saw my doctor today and she is adding in some regular insulin to my other insulin to try and get my diabetes under better control.  ​I was relieved to hear that all of her diabetic patients are having similar problems with their switch to this insulin.  I don't feel so alone now in my struggles.  My chest is clear which relieves, too.  I've been so short of breath this week that I was wondering about maybe having pneumonia.


Love the sound of the cheesy soup.


LeeAnn, you accomplish​ so much with your shops.  You put me to shame.  However, I am older so I'll use that as my excuse.


I am going to borrow one of DD's spinning wheels and do some spinning.  Watching her and GS spinning has gotten me in the mood to do some, but I'm not going to bring mine over here just to have to move it back again when I finally move back to my apartment.  I've already got a lot to move back as it is.

I've been working on a ​shawl that was on the back of the yarn label.  It is soooo boring.  It's a good one for working on while watching TV or movies, but to just sit and do it is so dreadfully dull.  It's the same row over and over again.  It's lovely, but it will be the only one that I do like it.  I'm just hoping I can stick with it long enough to complete it.  Yuck!


I loved the cat attitude ​article.  All but one of DD's cats fall into the category as do most of my prior kitties.  Snicklefritz is the black cat to a tee.  He's getting along okay with the other cats and will romp and play with several of them.  He treats her Maine coon with utmost respect.  Willow, one of DD's cats loves to tease Sweet Pea.  She will stare at her with her tail twitching until Sweet Pea is barking madly and then suddenly spring over her and go dashing away.  By the tie Sweet Pea gets turned around and ready to give chase Willow is long gone.


Love to you all.  Stay warm and safe in this winter weather.​

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I love hearing about the critters, Linda! That Maine coon could probably squash your little.guy. So happy you seem to have a good doctor. Peace of mind is priceless! And I know what you mean by boring patterns. If it wasn't for the gorgeous yarn I'm making the Dowager Shawl with I might never want to get back to it.


Cindy, if I couldn't sleep I would be nauseous the next day. I'm sure you rarely take sick days. Glad you relaxed and the headache is lessening.


LeeAnn, it sounds.like you're learning to let go of routine things. Good for you! There are work related thngs that only you can do, and that's where your job lies right now.


Hi, Mary, Marlene and everyone? Have a great night my friends.


Have a good night my friends.

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Hi everyone. :)


Judy ~ Oh, I'm so glad the cardinal is okay!  We have a huge window over the front door that is part of the loft upstairs.  Birds fly into it frequently and I always dread going out in front to see if they've survived.  In 15 years, only one hasn't made it.  We've helped a few "recover" and they fly away.  With three bird baths and three feeders, we love our birds. :manyheart


LeeAnn ~ Way to go on deciding to hire some help!  You deserve it and let's face it...cleaning is a necessity, but it sure is boring and time consuming! :lol   And your son sounds like a wonderful young man!


Linda ~ Sending hugs. :hug   It can be so hard to regulate the insulin and you're on top of it!  I totally agree about "repeating one row" patterns - they seem to take forever!


Cindy ~ Oh, I hope you sleep much better tonight.  That and a headache can't be fun...feel better soon!


Hi to those I may have missed, too.


I got to stay home today and spent several hours multi-tasking...started getting tax stuff together, laundry and a little crochet time.


See you all tomorrow!

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Hi, my friends.


Mary, I have to do my tax stuff too...but we owe...so I'm not rushing. We're retired folks...doesn't seem right that we have to pay taxes at both ends...oh well. Tg we are in a comfortabe place. Other people aren't so fortunate.


Maybe I'll get some craft time today.


Stay warm and cozy, Joanneand anyother frozen peeps.

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Good morning. I slept much better last night. It's really cold here, but bright outside, (probably thanks to the snow we picked up yesterday). This is almost the first real taste of winter we've had. At least it's the first prolonged cold spell.


Judy, we always owe too. Because Dh is self employed, we pay quarterly taxes based on the previous years income, which doesn't account for an increase in income. However, it's probably time to work on taxes,


I spent yesterday afternoon trying to figure out how to make a rolled hem on my sewing machine. I have several special feet for this, but I seem to be a klutz. It looks super easy on the online videos, but my attempts were pretty bad. I guess I'm going to need to practice. I remember learning something about doing rolled hems on a serger too. I might see if I can figure that out.


I'm hoping to spend a good part of my day knitting, crocheting or sewing.


Have a good day, my friends.

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Good morning house!


Cindy-bbbbrrrrr...sounds cold in your neck of the woods.  I wish I could offer advice regarding the sewing, afraid I am not much of a sewer.  Joyce my landlady is an accomplished sewer/seamstress and makes it look so easy.  I think it is mind boggling. Good luck!


Judy-oh those pesky taxes.  Because I am self employed, it is tricky..seems like I get penalized quite a bit and end up owing more and more every year. 


Mary-so glad that you were able to still a bit of hooky time, doesn't it just feel wonderful!


Linda-happy to hear that you are on the mend, how's the shawl coming along?


Hello to the rest of the house, getting ready to head out the door.  Today I am teaching a beginner crochet class..fun fun fun!  I always look forward to them. Best get my tush in gear.  Talk to you all soon! hugs!

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Hi House.  I have been absent for a while, but check in to read and keep up every day.  Seems as if everyone has been busy!  Hope all who have been under the weather are feeling better.  


I was in Florida visiting my mother for about 2 weeks.  It was a very relaxing time but then again I was very tired when I got home.  I have been very busy since I returned.  


I am in a crochet slump again.  I think because I'm not enjoying what I'm working on.  My sister's poncho (after I ripped it out all those times) has been hard to get back to and my friend has asked me to make 2 beards out of black yarn.  She "asked" by bringing me the yarn and pattern and I am a real sucker when she does that. I need to learn to say NO. I am also still behind on my temperature blanket.  Darn, I thought I could keep up with one row a day.


Today is hubby's birthday so DS is making him a cake.  My son loves to cook and bake so I just turn the kitchen over to him when he is here.  He even cleans it up.  


Better scoot for now.  Hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's Day and a wonderful weekend!  

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Jill, what a nice son! And he even cleans up!


Cindy, my sewing is basic, though years back my mom taught me how to alter DHs suits. She was very talented. Made my wedding gown.


LeeAnn, its fun teaching someone to crochet. On FB I posted ...dangled, really...some links to quirky and fun projects and someone from my book club said she just might consider learning how to crochet. Might be all talk, but you never know.


I'm sitting in mychair all wrapped up in an old wool afghan my mom made for me many years ago. Its verycomfy!


Later, gators

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Good afternoon to you all.  The sun is shining but the temp is only 12*.  Needless to say, I am staying home today.

Yesterday at the doctor​ office I was crocheting when the doctor came in.  She was impressed.  Then she spotted DD spinning silk in the corner and was awestruck.  I really like her a lot.  She listens to me and gives me credit for knowing my own body.


I started another of the mobius neck warmers last night.  ​So for projects on hand here at DD's I have: 7 of the twisted neck warmers to hide the tails & send off,  yarn for two more of them with 1 of them started, 1 very boring shawl to finish, 1 shawl in lace weight yarn to finish for me, and 1 shawl to alter for a friend.  That is not counting all the wips that are at the apartment. 


I picked up two sweatshirts to add to the clothes I have here at DD's.  I didn't pack clothes for several months, just enough for about a week.  :P  One of them is Kelly green and one is bright orange.  They'll see me coming now.  :lol


I went on line to check​ to see if I needed to file taxes.  Nope.  I haven't had enough income to need to do it in several years, but it never hurts to double check.  I have done mine for years and many years ago did them for H&R Block for 3 seasons.  It helps that I know where to put everything.  Wishing you all good luck on doing yours.  During my training with them I heard about the people who literally bring their stuff into the office in a brown paper bag.  I thought that was funny until it happened to me, not once, but twice by the same person.  They were unsorted and mixed with what I needed was a lot of stuff that was totally un-needed.  She still hadn't brought in the 3 things I needed to complete them after the 2nd bag.  My boss said that that was ridiculous and a waste of our time and charged her extra for using up so much of my time.  I don't remember if she ever brought in what was needed.  It made me appreciate the clients who came in with organized material, which was most of them.  I did have one client who brought in his records in a box, but the box was filled with organized material from several years of tax returns.  Several of them had been done incorrectly and I filed amended returns for him.  It changed the current year's taxes significantly.  He went from owing a LOT to actually just owing a small amount.


Nice to hear from you, Jill.


Love to you all.​

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Linda, your paper bag client sounds like my son, except he brings things in a shoebox. he does say he goes through the box first. not sure about that, though.


i did a little crocheting today. Simple shawl patterns are boring, as mentioned here, so if I make another it'll have to be one that engages my brain.


it's so cold here where I sit at the back of the house, my nose is cold. 

We just need to get through tomorrow then it'll warm up to 30 on Monday.

The wind is roaring outside. as long as the trees stay up we're good.


Have a good night my friends.

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Hi Ladies ~ I'll play catch up tomorrow.  We are having temps in the upper 60's (sorry, friends with the arctic air :hug ) and I actually spent a good part of the day in my yard!  Gracie was very happy and it reminded me how I've missed my yard with all that goes on every day.


Quick note about taxes...my sister, Sue was audited several years ago because of the amount of her sales tax deductions.  She had totaled all her receipts and had a print out from her calculator.  She (with her CPA) took a huge box of receipts to the audit...the IRS guy took one look at the box and said "we're done here."  :lol


Stay warm and safe, everyone. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Cindy, Glad your feeling better. Hope your able to figure out the rolled hem. We have a sewing group here on thursday afternoons. There is three ladies who quilt. Two of them belong to a quilting guild. I'm amazed at how simple they make it look doing a quilt. One of the ladies is very advanced with sewing. If you were here I bet she could show you how to do the hem. 


Judy, Your friend will treasure his afghan forever. We get a bird hitting are windows once in awhile. So far they have been able to just fly off. 


Mary, Good for you figuring out landing pads. The temps here have been in the 70's this week and they are suppose to be next week also. This is the second time in 7 winters it's been this warm. We are enjoying it.


Linda, Glad you have a doctor who listens to you. Sure beats  :bang


LeeAnn, It's nice your DS wants to help out and do the grocery shopping. Do you know someone who does house cleaning. If not be sure and get referrals.


Jill, Happy Birthday to your husband!  How nice your DS cooked dinner and cleaned up. 


Thursday was the 1st anniversary of my brother dying. It was a tough couple of days on me. I asked family members to share a picture of him and post it on his facebook page. Thursday night we went with friends to another country music show in a different town. We really liked the one we went to at the beginning of the month the best.

We lost four people in are park last year. Last night we had a memorial for all of them following with a potluck. 

Today we worked in the kitchen and did what we could for are dinner tomorrow. We'll all be glad when tomorrow is over. To me this more work than making Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners.

Maya and her daddy were suppose to go to a daddy/daughter dance last night but they had bad weather so it was cancelled. I hope they reschedule it. Maya had a really good time last year.

DD sent me pictures last night of her, Maya and baby G. In one of them they even have him laughing. I can't wait to be home and spend time with him. He still recognized my voice when they put me on speaker.

Hope everyone has a nice Valentine's Day. Stay warm! 

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Good morning and Happy Birthday to Linda!!!!! Hope your day is as wonderful as you!!!


It is frigid outside so I think this will be another weekend day spent indoors. Tomorrow is supposed to start warming up again.


I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. :-)

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Like Joanne said, it's 1 degree outside with a real feel of   -16


we will be getting out but will be making it short - and fast!


Have a great day, my friends.

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Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. :rose  


We spent the day just being lazy, having lunch out at our favorite Oyster Bar and went for a walk at our nearby lake.  It's only a mile from us, but doesn't have a lot of walking trails near the water.  It's a Corp of Engineers lake and a main water source for Fort Worth.


For those of you in the frozen north and northeast - I hope you're all safe and have power. :hug


Oh dear, I've done it again.  I started another hexie 'ghan. :lol   This one will be join-as-you-go...never too old to learn something new! ;)

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Good evening (or should I say Good morning) everyone.  Thank you for the birthday wishes.  I had a super nice day with DD and GS.  GS was just literally dancing he was so excited that it was my birthday.  I don't think I've ever had someone so excited for me.  He was adorable and I loved every minute of it.  We went to a favorite Italian restaurant for lunch.  I ordered a supreme, large calzone and it was wonderful.  I'll have enough for 6 meals from it.  I got to enjoy their chicken noodle soup, since GS found it too spicy for his taste after only a few bites.  I shared some of their garlic bread and some of DD's fried zucchini.  All of it was good and had enough spices that I could taste them.   With my sniffer out of whack it was so nice to be able to taste something for a change.  We ran a few errands after lunch and then came home to relax.  I received Magic cards for my birthday gift from them.  We ran two errands to pick up food and meds and then stopped at the game shop across from my pharmacy and I picked up some more cards and accessories to round out what I received from them.  I now have enough of my own cards to be able to build a balanced deck to play with them.  I've played two games with them using cards borrowed from GS.  The first one I won hands down and the second I was the first to die.  There's a definite learning curve to the game.  But I am enough of a good game player that I think with some more practice I will give both DD and GS a run for their money before too long.


I hope you al​l had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

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So glad you had a great day, Linda! I thought DGS might be excited for you! So happy your day was so good.


Mary, I saw lace hexes on the Happy in Red site...I think she did a JAG too. A great stash buster. I picked up a great Elizabeth George novel from the sale table at B&N yesterday that I can see I'm going to have to come up for air to get to my crochet WIPs.


Have a good day my friends,

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Happy Monday House!


Linda- :bdayHappy late birthday to you!  I am so glad that you had a wonderful day!  Isn't it wonderful to be so loved?


Cindy-how are you feeling, hopefully with a bit of R & R you are up to the weeks events.


Judy-I love reading but can not allow myself too, I get sucked in and then stay up way too late but enjoy every minute of it. 


Joanne-how ya doing?  Your dd's are beautiful!


Marlene-did the Valentine meal go well?  It sounded like a lot of fun and work.


Mary-I like your tax story, wish that would happen to us. :lol


Hello to anyone else that I may have missed.  Had a good weekend, the crochet class went well and just flew by.  The rest of the day went quickly too.  Dh helped cover the shop while I was teaching, he is quite the salesman. :)   Yesterday was a relaxing sort of day, it was nice to just veg and watch movies. 


Back to reality today, the kiddos cleaned the house for me this weekend, I just have to finish out laundry..a gal could get used to this.  :manyheart  Going to start working in the studio as I have lots of goodies to whip up and a few orders.  Feeling lots better as the baby shower favors are done and gone, the stars will be worked on this week.  Feels good to finally be able to breath..and the cocoon is almost finished-just need to sew the eyes and arms on..whew!


Have a great day my friends, I hope to upload photos of the finished favors to share with you soon.  :ghug

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Hi ladies. Super busy day at work today. I work tomorrow too. I assume it will be more of the same.


Linda, Your birthday sounds like it was great. It's so cute that DGS was excited for you!


Nothing much else to report here. It's going to be a busy week. I am working four days this week, rather than my usual two or three and I want to go to an educational event about pain control on Wednesday.


Have a good evening my friends.

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Hi all,

Had work today, and it started snowing and supposed to turn to ice, then rain. I left work a little early and thankfully roads weren't too bad and traffic was much lighter than usual since its Presidents' Day and lots of people had a holiday and schools were closed.


Linda, I'm glad you had a nice birthday!!!


Leeann great job on getting so much done!!! Immgladnyou had a day to relax yesterday!


Judy, enjoy the book!!!!


Mary. I love the look of hexes, but I really enjoy making one piece blankets. Jayg might be a good option, though, since I don't like all the joining of lots of squares or hexes. And I'm really enjoying knitting now.


Marlene. Sounds like you are having a great time in TX.


Cindy. Did you have work today? You may have mentioned, and I missed it, bit is your kitchen remodel completed?


Hi to the rest of the housemates!


Off I go to make dinner


Have a good night.

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