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Our House Part Two


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Hi ladies....

Mary I laughed when I read about your probably going to bed at 8



Three of us are watching the football game together...its been good so far.


Nite, all.

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Hi all.  Northeastern Iowa was under a blizzard warning yesterday starting at 7:00 last night.    I knew just when the front moved in.  My joints were screaming.  I took some Tylenol and it helped.  It started snowing about 8:00 but didn't last long.  We got a little more later in the night but missed the rest of the mess.  Whew!  Today it's very windy.  I got all my errands run long before dark, so was ready to hole up if it did clobber us.


Mary, I liked the article about catitude.  The funny thing is that most of my cats have fallen in that category and all but one of DD's current cats fall in the category.  :P  ​My current kitten and one of DD's current cats fall in the black cat category and pretty much all of them fit what was in the article.​  We obviously like those strong personalities.  :lol


We didn't watch the gam​e since DD doesn't have cable, but I found a site that has all the commercials from the super bowl on it.  Of those I've watched so far most of them were pretty good, although there were a number of dreadful duds, too.  Sometimes those are the best part of the game.  Glad to hear that it was a good game.


With so many new grandbabies on the way I can't wait to see pictures of them. 

 Marlene, you always hav​e so many activities going on at your park that you have no time to be lonely.  That's nice.  The opry sounds like a really good one.  Glad you had a good time.


Yesterday was the boy s​cout pancake breakfast.  They did a great job of it.  GS was to be a food runner, but the noise of the packed hall was too much for him and he had to come home.  It was amazing to read how much food they go through in just four and a half hours.  It is their one big fund raiser for the year and all the proceeds go into the scout program.


Hope you all have a wonderful week. 

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Hi peeps.

Waiting for snow again. South of us in NJ is supposed to get more of it than us. We will see.

I made a dishcoth using the srub it yarn and I went upa hook size. Made it easier for me to see the stitches and its not as stiff. It was different. I love thecolors it comes in. Right up my ally...lol!


Stay warm and safe, wherever you are!

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Hi ladies. Expecting snow here as well. It was a sunny, but colder day today. I


Nothing much happening here today, laundry, cleaning, reading, knitting. I made this soup for dinner:


and it was delicious. I left out the butter and flour and thickened it with a 1/2 cup of instant mashed potato flakes. I used low fat Velveeta and extra lean ground beef. I don't suppose this soup was the healthiest recipe that I could have made, but it was tasty and filling. Easy too! We had fruit with it, although I considered baking a loaf of bread. (I enjoy baking bread...but I like eating it even more!)


Now Dh is going to help me shampoo carpets, so I'd better get going. Have a great evening.

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Cindy, that looks so yummy! I'm going to see if hubby would like to try it.


And my first scrub it cloth. I went up one hook size and the colors are more subtle in true light.


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Judy, the soup was really good. I did not add the salt, (I thought it was salty enough.), and I used a 1/2 cup of instant mashed potato flakes, rather than butter and flour to thicken. I threw the ground beef in at the beginning with the veggies.


Nice scrub cloth.

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Judy, the soup was really good. I did not add the salt, (I thought it was salty enough.), and I used a 1/2 cup of instant mashed potato flakes, rather than butter and flour to thicken. I threw the ground beef in at the beginning with the veggies.

Nice scrub cloth.

I never add salt to things, and I'm especially careful these days. I told hubby about it and he didn't seem interested ...but I'm keeping that link. He's been known to change his mind.


I'll give the cloth a road test today...thanks!

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I never add salt to things, and I'm especially careful these days. I told hubby about it and he didn't seem interested ...but I'm keeping that link. He's been known to change his mind.

I'll give the cloth a road test today...thanks!

I never ask dh if he's interested in what I want to cook. (I keep his long list of dislikes in mind.) You're a better woman than I am!


However, we both love soup, and I know lots of people, particularly men, don't really consider soup enough of a meal.

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Good morning house!

How is everyone on this Terrific Tuesday?


Marlene-you all have such a good time, what fun!  Concerts, breakfast with friends and a bit of relaxation too.  So happy for you, I hope to one day retire and just breathe.  :lol


Cindy-thank you for sharing your soup recipe, I am going to put it on my list.  The men in our family are not huge soup fans, they feel like it's an appetizer...same with salads.   :lol   But this has a bit of meat in it too, bet they would love it.  


Linda-ohhh those winter storms are frigid.  My ds was in scouts for over 10 years, he learned so many valuable life lessons and really enjoyed it.


Joanne-bet you are all getting excited as due dates are getting closer.


Judy-your scrubby looks fabulous!  I have knit mine but crocheting seems quicker.  Did you like the way they help with dishwashing?


Hello to anyone else that I may have missed.


I had another super duper busy weekend.  Joyce worked this Saturday, thought I would take advantage of that and get the last of the star soaps poured. We did it!  All 660 soaps are done, now it's on to shrink wrapping and then packaging and labeling.  I still have time but I would like to get them out of the studio.  My esty shop was also smoking!  It was nice to have so many orders and then I also received a large baby shower favor order..all online orders are filled and were dropped off at the post office, the baby shower favors are 3/4 done and the stars..well I am going to work on them here at the shop. 


Yesterday I was feeling completely overwhelmed..I just kept my chin up and kept working..finally gave our home a good cleaning and the studio too.  So glad that I was able to get most of my chores done but I am thinking that I may need to hire someone..it's just too much for me.  Most days are long..about 15 hour works days..every day of the week..I hate to complain, I am truly grateful for all of my orders and such but I am beyond exhausted.  My kiddos and dh have been so helpful but they are busy too..


enough about me, hoping that you all have a good day.  Back to work.  hugs and warmest of wishes! :ghug

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Hi, LeeAnn.

I think you DO need to hire some help!

And the scrubby works great! I will definitely be making more so I can use them in place of the old ones!

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Hi Ladies,


Cindy,  Thanks for the link. My hubby will eat soup but he don't eat soup and sandwich together. He thinks they don't go together. 


Judy, Your new scrubby cloth is cute. I'll have to try that out.


LeeAnn, I think you need some help to. You are super busy and that's a good thing when your running a business. 


Mary, Your probably ready for bed early for a few nights after time with the boys.


Joanne, We had a quite night here for the game to. It was actually kind of nice.


Linda, Stay warm with the weather your having.


Today we decorated for Valentine's Day. We have a big weekend coming up for us girls in the kitchen. We will be prepping all day saturday and cooking all day on sunday with dinner at 5. We have are choice of shirmp or steak, baked potato, a salad with everything in but the kitchen sink. I don't know what we will have for dessert. Then we have a dance afterwards. Not like us girls are up for that. 

DD called me last night there power went out and had been out for two hours so they were going to her girlfriends for the night. The neighbors told her when she moved in that they had lived there for two years and no power outages. She's lived there for 1 1/2 years and had 3 power outages. 

Baby G is sick. He hasn't run a fever but he isn't sleeping for more than two hours at a time. DD called me and I told her to call the nurses hotline and he could possibly have an ear infection. Yesterday she called daycare and he was still being the same so she got him a doctors appt. The doctor said it's a respiratory cold and let it run it's course. If he starts running a fever bring him right back in. The nurses line told her to put him in the bathroom and run a hot shower. She did that and it helped him. 

Have a good week everyone!

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Good Morning, House. :)


Judy ~ The scrubby is great!  Is the yarn hard to work with?  I'm glad DS came over to watch the game with you all!


Marlene ~ Poor Baby G.  DD used to panic when the boys had colds, but the doctor is always more concerned about fevers.  I hope he's much better very soon. :manyheart   The Valentine's preparations and menu sound wonderful!


Linda ~ You've had some real winter weather lately!  So glad I'm not the only one with a crazy cat. :lol   What have you been working on?  Were you able to find others interested in a prayer shawl group?


LeeAnn ~ Hugs coming your way. :hug Congratulations on all of the orders!  Maybe have someone come in and clean every other week and see how it goes?  At least that would take a little pressure off...and we'd all rather craft than clean!  ;) 


Cindy ~ Yum!  The soup recipe looks so good.  I can eat soup every day, DH not so much. Lol  Did you have the three little ones yesterday?


Hi to the rest of the house, too. :)


Staying home today ~ Yay!  DH needed to be in Dallas Monday and again tomorrow, so I'm taking him downtown to the train station and going back and getting him.  Lots of freeway driving, but still better than driving in Dallas!  Very little crochet time lately, but I'm going to crochet this afternoon no matter what happens. ;)  


Have a good Wednesday, everyone. ♥♥♥♥♥

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Hi House. :)   Real life things came up today so only a little crocheting for me.  DD called with a request from Luke for "sewed landing pads" for his star wars things.   Red and black circles - so I made two red and black round landing pads! :lol   I had to look up the increases for crocheting in the round, but they're done. :c9


Have a good evening, friends. :manyheart

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Hi, peeps!

Its bitterly cold this morning but will be worse by Sunday. I saw the local weather projections and fr the first time that I can remember I saw the number 1 for the low fr Sunday, and with the wind chill, about -25


The graph than was a hit, to put it mildly. Our friend was stunned. He's always the one to take care of everyone else but isn't usually given anything, esp for no occasion. I was so happy to make it for him. He was so good about listening to hubby when I was in the hospital...and many times a day too. He would have come down to be with him but hubby was at the hospital with me so much he said it wasn't necessary. He was a great anchor when hubby needed one...


Off to start cooking sausages for pasta sauce. I have a hair appointment at noon and like to bet a headstart on things that take a while.


Mary, you're such a great grandma!

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Good morning. It has gotten really cold here. It's been snowing, but it hasn't amounted to much. Apparently there's plenty of snow 20 miles away though, closer to the lake.


Yesterday, I went and saw the King Tut exhibit again. Youngest DD wanted to go, and since we have a membership, I went along so she could get into the museum free, and get a discount on King Tut.


Today, I'm toying with the idea of going to Kohls. I have a 30% off offer and a $50 gift card...however, I'm not sure I want to get presentable enough for that......


Mary, I don't even know what "sewed landing pads" woukd be. Good for you for figuring it out.


Remember, when I was teaching my mil to crochet? Well, when I visited her yesterday, she showed me a brimmed hat that she had made, complete with a flower for trim. She chose awful colors, but she did a really good job. I'm not sure where she gets her awful colors of yarn. I'm guessing people give her their leftovers, although I can't put it past her to pick up some of those yucky colors herself. Her sisters take her shopping at times, and she has rotten color sense. I've bought her yarn in the past, but she doesn't have space to store a lot of yarn, so my purchases are usually when she needs a specific color. I used to have to look for free easy knitting patterns for her. She now wants free easy crochet patterns too.


Have a great day, ladies!

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Hi Ladies. :)


Judy ~ Giving (and receiving!) a gift "just because" is so special!  Your graph 'ghan will always be treasured. :manyheart   Oh dear, your weather forecast sounds scary cold - the coldest I remember here was 10* and we had to leave water running so the pipes wouldn't freeze.  Brrr!


Cindy ~ Luke loves planes, helicopters and especially the Star Wars flying things.  DD asked him if he meant "crocheted" and he said yes, whatever Grammy does with all that yarn. :lol  I dropped them off this a.m. on my way back from downtown, so he'll be surprised when he comes home from school.


It took an hour (instead of 20 minutes) to get to the train this a.m. because of a bad accident.  Thankfully we left early!  I bought groceries on my way home and have about 3 hours all to myself. :)


Have a good afternoon, everyone. :yes

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Good morning house!

How is everyone on this Terrific Tuesday?


Marlene-you all have such a good time, what fun!  Concerts, breakfast with friends and a bit of relaxation too.  So happy for you, I hope to one day retire and just breathe.  :lol


Cindy-thank you for sharing your soup recipe, I am going to put it on my list.  The men in our family are not huge soup fans, they feel like it's an appetizer...same with salads.   :lol   But this has a bit of meat in it too, bet they would love it.  


Linda-ohhh those winter storms are frigid.  My ds was in scouts for over 10 years, he learned so many valuable life lessons and really enjoyed it.


Joanne-bet you are all getting excited as due dates are getting closer.


Judy-your scrubby looks fabulous!  I have knit mine but crocheting seems quicker.  Did you like the way they help with dishwashing?


Hello to anyone else that I may have missed.


I had another super duper busy weekend.  Joyce worked this Saturday, thought I would take advantage of that and get the last of the star soaps poured. We did it!  All 660 soaps are done, now it's on to shrink wrapping and then packaging and labeling.  I still have time but I would like to get them out of the studio.  My esty shop was also smoking!  It was nice to have so many orders and then I also received a large baby shower favor order..all online orders are filled and were dropped off at the post office, the baby shower favors are 3/4 done and the stars..well I am going to work on them here at the shop. 


Yesterday I was feeling completely overwhelmed..I just kept my chin up and kept working..finally gave our home a good cleaning and the studio too.  So glad that I was able to get most of my chores done but I am thinking that I may need to hire someone..it's just too much for me.  Most days are long..about 15 hour works days..every day of the week..I hate to complain, I am truly grateful for all of my orders and such but I am beyond exhausted.  My kiddos and dh have been so helpful but they are busy too..


enough about me, hoping that you all have a good day.  Back to work.  hugs and warmest of wishes! :ghug



Hi Ladies,


Cindy,  Thanks for the link. My hubby will eat soup but he don't eat soup and sandwich together. He thinks they don't go together. 


Judy, Your new scrubby cloth is cute. I'll have to try that out.


LeeAnn, I think you need some help to. You are super busy and that's a good thing when your running a business. 


Mary, Your probably ready for bed early for a few nights after time with the boys.


Joanne, We had a quite night here for the game to. It was actually kind of nice.


Linda, Stay warm with the weather your having.


Today we decorated for Valentine's Day. We have a big weekend coming up for us girls in the kitchen. We will be prepping all day saturday and cooking all day on sunday with dinner at 5. We have are choice of shirmp or steak, baked potato, a salad with everything in but the kitchen sink. I don't know what we will have for dessert. Then we have a dance afterwards. Not like us girls are up for that. 

DD called me last night there power went out and had been out for two hours so they were going to her girlfriends for the night. The neighbors told her when she moved in that they had lived there for two years and no power outages. She's lived there for 1 1/2 years and had 3 power outages. 

Baby G is sick. He hasn't run a fever but he isn't sleeping for more than two hours at a time. DD called me and I told her to call the nurses hotline and he could possibly have an ear infection. Yesterday she called daycare and he was still being the same so she got him a doctors appt. The doctor said it's a respiratory cold and let it run it's course. If he starts running a fever bring him right back in. The nurses line told her to put him in the bathroom and run a hot shower. She did that and it helped him. 

Have a good week everyone!



Good morning. It has gotten really cold here. It's been snowing, but it hasn't amounted to much. Apparently there's plenty of snow 20 miles away though, closer to the lake.


Yesterday, I went and saw the King Tut exhibit again. Youngest DD wanted to go, and since we have a membership, I went along so she could get into the museum free, and get a discount on King Tut.


Today, I'm toying with the idea of going to Kohls. I have a 30% off offer and a $50 gift card...however, I'm not sure I want to get presentable enough for that......


Mary, I don't even know what "sewed landing pads" woukd be. Good for you for figuring it out.


Remember, when I was teaching my mil to crochet? Well, when I visited her yesterday, she showed me a brimmed hat that she had made, complete with a flower for trim. She chose awful colors, but she did a really good job. I'm not sure where she gets her awful colors of yarn. I'm guessing people give her their leftovers, although I can't put it past her to pick up some of those yucky colors herself. Her sisters take her shopping at times, and she has rotten color sense. I've bought her yarn in the past, but she doesn't have space to store a lot of yarn, so my purchases are usually when she needs a specific color. I used to have to look for free easy knitting patterns for her. She now wants free easy crochet patterns too.


Have a great day, ladies!


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Cindy, I forgot to tell you that I checked out Escape to the Country....loveit! I'll be lookimg at them a lot. Thanks!


Mary, your comment about keeping the water running reminded me that I have to.leave the cabinet doors open under the kitchen sink at night during this Arctic air....no insulation in these houses and the entire kitchen area is.cold. and that's the way the strong winds are coming from.


No hook time today. Maybe later.


Have a.good night my friends.

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Good morning my friends.


I baven't crocheted in a couple of days but I hope to remedy that today. Too bitterly cold for me.toc do much of anything outside...quick time chasing the dogs around the yard to get them moving and then back inside.


Have a good day everyone!

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I forgot to tell you about something unusual that happened Wednesday. Our friends were over and we were sitting at the kitchen table next to the patio window and the dogs were in the yard. I noticed Lucy on the patio right next to the door and she was focued on a spot right at the base of the window.

A beautiful cardinal was sitting there, motionless. I knew what probably happened, so I got tbe dogs in, quickly put on a pair of gloves and came up on the bird from behind before gently cradling it in my hand. His feet scrambled madly but the rest of him was still. We have ten feet tall burning bushes bordering the patio so I carefully placed him on a branch about fjve feet up. When I checked a few minutes later he was gone.

We have triple width patio windows and with all the birds that visit our yard we usually have at least one hit the window and sit, nursing a sore head, till they fly off on their own. Poor critters. My friends got a kck out of how quickly I responded and teased me abjt earning brownie points. With an animal I can act like a first responder...lol!

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Good morning. Cold here, snowing and I am whipped. I could not sleep at all last night because of a bad headache, and ended up having to call off for work. I'm comfortably ensconced in a recliner next to the fire, and the headache is down quite a bit. I feel bad, calling in, but I don't think that I could have worked on no sleep and with a headache.


Judy, we had the same thing happen last summer with a hummingbird. Dh had it sitting on his workbench for a while, with the doors of his shop open. Eventually it flew away.


Not much crocheting here this week either. Maybe this weekend.

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Good morning house and Happy Friday!

Judy-that was so sweet of you to nurse the birdy friend, awww.  Your cold front coming in sounds just like our weather here in southern Colorado.  I am ready for Spring.  So glad that your friend loved his new ghan, I am sure that it meant a lot to him.


Cindy-oh no!  I hope you feel better soon, resting sounds like a fabulous plan.


Marlene-what's on your agenda for the weekend?  Valentines Dinner?


Linda-did you get a bit of hooky time in?


Hello to the rest of the house!  This week has been a busy one, while at the shop I have been working on the "Star" order,  and then the baby shower order too.  It sure has made the days fly by.  The baby shower order should be finished today as I just need to tie the ribbon and add the custom label.  Next week I will work on packaging up all of the stars.  I did get a bit of hooky time in yesterday.  The baby cocoon is slowly happening.  I need to get a move on it as the baby shower is next weekend.  Other than all that, just trying to keep up.  You all are right, I am going to hire someone to come and clean our house.  That would alleviate a lot of my work load, I am also planning a menu for next week. Ds has volunteered to go grocery shopping for me, this may just work.


Off to the races, have a super day my friends!

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