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Our House Part Two


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I almost threw something at the TV when that happened....DH said to save the projectile for my TV off the kitchen.:P

I'm now trying to disassociate myself from this series and the outcome.. I don't remeber ever feeling so frustrated by the games....or maybe it's just because so many players haven't been this bad at once! It's going to be a new team next year, for sure.

I've been so bad that DH has been steering me back toward my hook yasterday and today - which I've neglected since last week.


I hope you have some new patients this week!


Thanks, I actually do have a new patient scheduled to come in on Wed afternoon :clap Already filled out the online paperwork and all! Not sure yet how he heard of me, but will ask when he comes in :yes

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I'm home for today. About a third of the names they called this morning did not show up, but they said the majority of those are people who have moved away and didn't leave forwarding addresses. 6 failed to meet some part of the residency requirements and were dismissed and then there were about 2 - 3 dozen who wished to be excused from serving at this time. Most were dismissed, but a few were denied. After seeing a film about the importance of serving and what it is like to serve, we were divided up into panels of 12 potential jurors. I am in panel # 8 and we were dismissed for the day at 11:00. There is a 50/50 chance we'll be needed tomorrow and a 100% chance we'll be needed on Wednesday. We've got a number to call each evening to find out which of the panels are needed each day. I went ahead and voted early since they were doing that in the same building. Now I don't have to worry about finding out where to vote on the 5th.


No knitting needles, crochet hooks, spindles, or finger nail cutters allowed in the court house, so have to leave those behind the next time I go in. :blush I did get some crocheting and spinning done this morning while there, so I wasn't totally nonproductive. :devil

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Hello everyone. I spent the day teaching and just got home. We're having breakfast for dinner, so that will be quick and easy.


Jeanie, god to see you again.


Marisa, WTG for a new patient. it was nice of your friend to stop by and adjust your mom. Hope work went well for your mom today. Congrats on the bag!


Linda, sounds like you will have to read while you are in the courthouse. Sounds like everything else is forbidden.

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Just finished checking the update for jurors and I have tomorrow off. I think I'll be joining Rosie at Carol's for work on one of her quilts since I don't have to at the courthouse.


Hello everyone. I spent the day teaching and just got home. We're having breakfast for dinner, so that will be quick and easy.


Jeanie, god to see you again.


Marisa, WTG for a new patient. it was nice of your friend to stop by and adjust your mom. Hope work went well for your mom today. Congrats on the bag!


Linda, sounds like you will have to read while you are in the courthouse. Sounds like everything else is forbidden.

I have figured out that I could take a sketch pad, or a puzzle book, in addition to a book to read. That will give me a little variety. :blush

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Thanks, I actually do have a new patient scheduled to come in on Wed afternoon :clap Already filled out the online paperwork and all! Not sure yet how he heard of me, but will ask when he comes in :yes


No knitting needles, crochet hooks, spindles, or finger nail cutters allowed in the court house, so have to leave those behind the next time I go in. :blush I did get some crocheting and spinning done this morning while there, so I wasn't totally nonproductive. :devil
Oh, that stinks!:P


Just finished checking the update for jurors and I have tomorrow off. I think I'll be joining Rosie at Carol's for work on one of her quilts since I don't have to at the courthouse.


Good news!

I have figured out that I could take a sketch pad, or a puzzle book, in addition to a book to read. That will give me a little variety. :blush

I like puzzle books, too - those word jumbles, stuff like that. Time can fly when you get absorbed in those.


Well, I have the cow's 4 hooves done on the square...I'm ready to play with a baby hat now, though....:D


Have a great night everyone:hug:manyheart

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Hi House. :)


Marisa ~ Oh, I hope your mom is doing okay. :hug Way to go on getting the purse lined! :clap


Hi Valerie! :manyheart


Linda ~ Not fair! ;) I was able to take my hook, yarn and small nail clippers. If you took small scissors, you had to throw them away, though. Have fun with Carol and Rosie tomorrow!


Judy ~ Sounds like lots of crocheting going on! :cheer


Hi to Cindy, too! :)


I ended up staying at DD's until about 3. She needed to lie down when she got home and Luke wasn't too interested in napping today. :lol DH is in Houston for a funeral, so I'll catch up with laundry and crochet.

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Marlene ~ Awww, 'little bit' is just adorable! :manyheart He or She? Give him/her a hug from me! Your view is absolutely gorgeous! And you sure have three wonderful grandkids...they are all so cute. :)


I've done about 5 more rows on the fall 'ghan...next time I may use a bigger hook. :lol


Have a good night, everyone. :ghug

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Hubby with are new fur baby. Oh, how cute! :) Name yet to come.[attach][attach] A view at the golf course from are driveway. Beautiful! [attach]59342[/attach][/attach][/attach][attach]59340[/attach] Payton, Jocleyn (on the left) and Maya (on the right). We were at a football game as you can tell so it wasn't there best pic.

The kids are sweet! :hug


I'm heading to bed. Have a good one. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies,


Sherry, Good to know that no one will benefit from your stolen nook. Glad hubby didn't lose his books and games. Glad you had your window replaced, but I would inquire why they didn't let you know.


Mary, It won't be to long now for the new baby to be here. The pumpkin patch is always a fun time.


Judy, The baby hat is really pretty. I agree bad call by the umpire.


Linda, Happy birthday to your DGS. I'm sure he'll understand. I've only been called to jury duty once and that is enough. Are is for three months. Boo on no hooks. I was able to take mine in when I went to court with DS. Very small town though. Glad you got to see Kim and she is doing well. Your dinner sounds yummy! I think are venison is all gone. Glad your getting in the swing of things with your church group and quilting friends. Take it easy!


Marisa, Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Way to go sewing a lining in your new bag. Congratulations on winning it! :clap for a another new patient! It was nice of your friend to go and adjust your Mom. How was her day at work?


Cindy, Are furbaby will go to Texas with us. And yes many there have dogs and cats. I've been to a couple of baby/toddler funerals. They are tough. Prayers for all of your family.


Val, Great job on the Chloe afghan. It looks great! Two more orders to :clap. :clap for your Bama team!


Joanne, :clap for a nice weekend full of celebrating with family. Your cake sounds yummy. Good idea sending it home with DD's.


Jeannie, Hi! Come by when you can.


We had a busy weekend. We stayed over night thursday night at my sisters. So friday morning we got up and had coffee with my MIL and BIL. Hubby was suppose to do deer in the afternoon so I had him call to see what time. They didn't have to many so they didn't need him. So we stayed in town and went to the color cruise they have on the island. The island wasn't full like it use to be. One part of it may of been there isn't any apples in Michigan. They lost there crops to the early warm up and then frost came and killed the blossoms. Any companies making apple cider here are importing there apples from other companies. It is costly $8-$9.00 a gallon. I like it a lot but not at that price.

I did have a hot caramel apple cider drink at a little coffee/sandwich shop hubbies sister works at. It was yummy! I don't know what it cost. Hubby was buying and that was what I wanted. We went back and took MIL out for early dinner.

Saturday we went and met are new furbaby. Picture above this post. We will pick her up around the 7th of November. Payton and Jocelyn didn't go to football/cheerleading because it rained all day. We were up in there area to meet the dog and was going to there games from there. So we texted Zack as he was near by to and we went and had pizza with him. He said his classes are easy. No homework, he only has to do papers. School was very easy for him.

Sunday I don't know what I did.

Today I spent many hours on the laptop. I upload pictures from my camera and it was almost done and it wouldn't finish. So I had to delete what it did and then go in and see what I had on there. Then I down loaded them to flash drive. That was a lot of fun. DD put all of Maya's pics on here from when she was born. So I had fun looking through 6 years of her growing up. Did I tell you how much fun that was. It was kind of hard deleting them though.

I did take a break and clean the oven and do a load of laundry. Then fixed supper and reloaded the pics.

Maya called tonight and she wrote a story about Grandpa. He said he don't know why she wrote about him. I said your important person to her and she loves her Grandpa. You should be honored.


Mary you asked what we are working on. I have 2 dishcloths that need a couple more rows added to be finished. I have a rr that is a wip. I'm trying to copy a hat that Jocelyn has, for Maya. And I still have Zack's blanket to do. I'm actually don't like that pattern. It's boring! It's the lumberjack pattern. I may go back and try doing it with the N hook. My hand will just have to adjust.

I wrote a book now. So I'm off. Have a good tuesday everyone!

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Marlene - sounds like a busy weekend for you! Cute fur baby and cute grandkids!! The hot caramel apple drink does sound yummy.


Marisa - congrats on a new patient!! Glad your friend could do a treatment for your mom.


Linda - that just isn't fair that you can't have a crochet hook with you. But at least you can read or do puzzles. I served once on a 2 day trial, two very long days! Hopefully you won't be needed and won't have to go again.


Marisa - only the oldest one does karate. We tried with the youngest but he wouldn't get out on the floor unless one of us went with him, so after 3 lessons he decided he didn't want to anymore. We told him when he gets older he can do it (like maybe at 5 yrs old). DD got a new Tucson and loves it. I have a few more squares to put together and then I can finish it up. I really hope it will fit her.


Joanne - hope things are going well for you. Did you go to craft night?


Well, it's late and I have to get up really early since I have the grandsons tonight!


Sweet dreams to all!

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Good morning!

Wow- a lot to read this morning! Which leaves me with little time to respond individually!!!


I didn't get home till almost 7 last night so didn't make it to craft club again! After getting out of work late and then spending over an hour driving home (thanks to the rain - and an accident which caused back-ups and stand still traffic for a bit) I decided to not rush right out again. I did miss being with the group, though.


Phyllis: Hope you have a very Happy Birthday!:birthday:cake:bday


Off I go- it'll be a busy day today and I've got lots to get done before heading to AL at the end of the week for my stepdaughter's wedding.


Have a great day everyone

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Good morning, peeps.


Hubby with are new fur baby. Name yet to come.Such cuteness!!!!!! And so "portable! Can travel with you everywhere. Unlike my beasts:lol[attach][attach] A view at the golf course from are driveway.Wow...what a picture!

[attach]59342[/attach][/attach][/attach][attach]59340[/attach] Payton, Jocleyn (on the left) and Maya (on the right). We were at a football game as you can tell so it wasn't there best pic.

The kids are adorable...what a wonderful age....:c9

I've done about 5 more rows on the fall 'ghan...next time I may use a bigger hook. :lol

I used to use a J hook all the time - till I joined here and realized ghans sometimes had to be made with smaller hooks:lol:lol

Have a good night, everyone. :ghug

Are you sleeping with one ear open - for the phone call that says DD is ready to go?;)

Judy, The baby hat is really pretty. Thanks! I'll bemaking more today and tomorrow whlework is bing done and I have to stay home,

I agree bad call by the umpire. :(


We had a busy weekend. We stayed over night thursday night at my sisters. So friday morning we got up and had coffee with my MIL and BIL. That sounds like a cozy, family moment - you're blessed. Hubby was suppose to do deer in the afternoon so I had him call to see what time. They didn't have to many so they didn't need him. So we stayed in town and went to the color cruise they have on the island. The island wasn't full like it use to be. One part of it may of been there isn't any apples in Michigan. They lost there crops to the early warm up and then frost came and killed the blossoms. Any companies making apple cider here are importing there apples from other companies. It is costly $8-$9.00 a gallon. I like it a lot but not at that price.YIKES! Yup - that's too pricey...

I did have a hot caramel apple cider drink at a little coffee/sandwich shop hubbies sister works at. It was yummy! I don't know what it cost. Hubby was buying and that was what I wanted. You're my kind of gal! I ask for what I want if given the opportunity, too. We went back and took MIL out for early dinner.

Saturday we went and met are new furbaby. Picture above this post. Will you have a crate for her? We always use one when they're pups. Even when older - esp, like Lucy, if they're chewers. We will pick her up around the 7th of November. Payton and Jocelyn didn't go to football/cheerleading because it rained all day. We were up in there area to meet the dog and was going to there games from there. So we texted Zack as he was near by to and we went and had pizza with him. He said his classes are easy. No homework, he only has to do papers. School was very easy for him.

Sunday I don't know what I did.

Today I spent many hours on the laptop. I upload pictures from my camera and it was almost done and it wouldn't finish. So I had to delete what it did and then go in and see what I had on there. Then I down loaded them to flash drive. I use my flash drive for that, too.That was a lot of fun. DD put all of Maya's pics on here from when she was born. So I had fun looking through 6 years of her growing up. Did I tell you how much fun that was. It was kind of hard deleting them though.

I did take a break and clean the oven and do a load of laundry. Then fixed supper and reloaded the pics.

Maya called tonight and she wrote a story about Grandpa. He said he don't know why she wrote about him. I said your important person to her and she loves her Grandpa. You should be honored. Awww.:c9


Mary you asked what we are working on. I have 2 dishcloths that need a couple more rows added to be finished. I have a rr that is a wip. I'm trying to copy a hat that Jocelyn has, for Maya. And I still have Zack's blanket to do. I'm actually don't like that pattern. It's boring! It's the lumberjack pattern. I may go back and try doing it with the N hook. My hand will just have to adjust.

I wrote a book now. So I'm off. Have a good tuesday everyone!

Have a good one, Marlene and everybody!

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Good morning. I'm up, but not very ambitious so far.


:cake:birthdayHappy Birthday, Phyllis :birthday:cake


Have a great day! :devil


Marlene, it sounds like a wonderful, family activity packed weekend.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, my mom realized that 4 hours might be much yet. Her boss even sent her home just a bit early. Today she's trying 3 hours. She also had a follow up with the colon doc yesterday who said she's really not getting any better. We had her keep a log of her bathroom trips as far as how often and description (not to be too gross here :lol ) The doc was impressed with her documentation. He's changing all her meds and having his office contact her insurance to see if a mixture of something would be approved for her since it's a couple thousand dollars! :eek:xfin Now if we didn't have her keep track like that, she would have went in and said that she thought she was getting a bit better. Really, the only way she's better is that she can get to the toilet and keep control until she gets there, which wasn't necessarily the case before she went to the hospital :sigh


My friend is having Delany's baptism on Nov 11, but I'm not going to get to go :( BUT, I am stopping at her house on my way back from NJ after my seminar so I will get to meet Delany :clap:yay She is now 6.5 pounds, so she is growing and putting on some weight. She just had a check up yesterday. They were told to be really careful with her now at this time of year with all the colds and virus' and trying to keep her out of contact as much as is possible in regards to RSV as a concern. Just some preventative measures to be on the safe side after all the pregnancy difficulties :yes


I went to the gym for class last night, but missed this morning :shrug My battery was completely dead on my phone last night and I couldn't set my alarm for this morning :sigh I practiced a few rows of my tunisian and have decided that I need to do it looser because I seem to have a death grip on the hook :think It made my hands tired!


Linda - Glad you got today off from Jury Duty! Sorry you can't bring your hook with you. I like puzzles as well :yes Have fun working on the quilt today.


Cindy - I love breakfast any time of day :yes


Mary - Nice that you could stay for dd to take that nap :yes WTG on your fall ghan....that's 5 more rows than you had!


Marlene - Greats pics...love the pup and the kids are gorgeous :manyheart Did you get your cleaning done?


Sherry - WTG for dd finding the car :clap


Joanne - Sorry you missed craft club last night :hug


Judy - I tend to use my J hook as well....it's my go to. And I have to tell you that I was reading quickly over your comment to Marlene about your beasts.....only I read an 'r' between the b and e..... :eek I did a double take on that one and laughed so hard :rofl :rofl


Phyllis - :birthday:cake

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:cakeHappy Birthday, Phyllis! :cakeHope you're having a wonderful day!


Judy ~ I love my J hook, too. An I hook is what I'm using for the fall ripple. Yes, Grammy is getting a bit nervous. If the baby comes early and in the middle of the night, I hope my DH is in town. :lol


Marisa ~ I'm so sorry that your mom is going through this. :hug Hopefully, she'll be getting new meds soon and they will help.


Sherry ~ Are your grandsons getting excited about Halloween? How are the computer issues at work going?


Linda ~ I hope you're having a great day!


Hi to everyone at Our House. :)


I've been in the kitchen almost all day. :eek When DD had Luke, I made and froze several meals and they loved it...so today was spent making some of their favorites. Twice baked potatoes with broccoli, spinach lasagna rolls, and sausage lentil soup are all labeled and in the freezer. I sure hope DH doesn't want much supper when he gets home. :lol

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Hubby with are new fur baby. Name yet to come.[attach][attach] A view at the golf course from are driveway.[attach]59342[/attach][/attach][/attach][attach]59340[/attach] Payton, Jocleyn (on the left) and Maya (on the right). We were at a football game as you can tell so it wasn't there best pic.


Cute furbaby, and beautiful grandchildren!

Sounds like you had anice but busy weekend!

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Super busy day at work, combined with very little sleep last night, and I'm exhausted. Luckily there is leftover baked potato soup for dinner.


Joanne, sorry you missed craft club, I know how much you enjoy it. Hope you got out of work on time today!


Linda, puzzle books did not occur to me, they are a good idea. I often do crossword puzzles, but my favorites are those logic puzzles, (unfortunately logic puzzles don't seem to be very popular and pretty much the only way to get those is to buy a book of all sorts of puzzles). I wish I liked Sodoku since those puzzles are so popular, and you can get the puzzle books everywhere. I'm curious whether they allow a Nook or Kindle?


Marisa, C diff is not something to fool around with. Sure hope that her insurance will approve the med combination. I found that my tunisian looked better if I sued a larger hook. My stitches are still quite tight, although it is getting better. I find I really have to concentrate to keep the stitches loose. I really like the way that stitch we learned looks though.


Mary, what a wonderful idea for a gift for a new mom. I think I need to make a few meals for my DD too. However, I've got lots of time, she's not due until February. Since this will be dd's 5th child, she would probably appreciate meals more than baby clothes. I also really like this idea for a baby gift.

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Marisa...Good thing your mom is being a proactive patient. Doctors aren't mind readers! Good to hear how ell Delaney u s doing - and I've had neighbors here who have been through raising preemies. You do have to be cautious.

...and you really must be careful about skim reading:rofl:rofl:rofl


I brought a baby hat across the street today to give my neighbor's 8 month old - and I was glad I made it BIG!:lol I whipped it up today.

Baby is 23 pounds and was such a happy baby when I held her! She kept running her tongue over the one tooth that broke through a couple of days ago.:lol


:cakeHappy Birthday, Phyllis! :cakeHope you're having a wonderful day!


Judy ~ I love my J hook, too. An I hook is what I'm using for the fall ripple. Yes, Grammy is getting a bit nervous. If the baby comes early and in the middle of the night, I hope my DH is in town. :lol

That's how I am - in stress filled situations I had better not be the one driving!:lol

Hi to everyone at Our House. :)


I've been in the kitchen almost all day. :eek When DD had Luke, I made and froze several meals and they loved it...so today was spent making some of their favorites. Twice baked potatoes with broccoli, spinach lasagna rolls, and sausage lentil soup are all labeled and in the freezer. I sure hope DH doesn't want much supper when he gets home. :lol

Oh, you are the best....SIL must be so happy to have you as a MIL.


Have a good night everyone.

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Super busy day at work, combined with very little sleep last night, and I'm exhausted. Luckily there is leftover baked potato soup for dinner.



Mary, what a wonderful idea for a gift for a new mom. I think I need to make a few meals for my DD too. However, I've got lots of time, she's not due until February. Since this will be dd's 5th child, she would probably appreciate meals more than baby clothes. I also really like this idea for a baby gift.

That's a wonderful idea for a gift!

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A quick check in before heading out.


There's a Knit the Bridge meeting tonight that I'm going to. I don't need to since I went to the leader meeting last week, but decided.....why not :shrug


Mary - Great idea cooking meals :yes


Cindy - I do really like that stitch too, just need some practice to get it consistent :yes Great idea off the pinterest page too :manyheart


Judy - Don't I know it that the skim reading will always get you at some point :rofl

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Hi all,

Another busy day- to be followed by a few busy weeks ahead--but at least I'm off Thurs- Tues- heading to my stepdaughter's wedding.


Phyllis- I love those projects!!!


Cindy- Love that idea that you posted from Pinterest! Very clever--I'll have to file this idea away!


Mary- What a great idea to make some meals for DD and family!!! I'll have to remember to do this for my DD! But like Cindy, I have time--she's not due till March!


Judy- I was listening to the "Fan" on the way home from work and they were talking about the line-up for tonights game.....first thought---are you kidding me? Do they want to lose this game, too? Should be interesting!


Marisa- Hope that the insurance approves the change in meds for your Mom. Cindy is oh so right- you don't want to fool around with c-diff!!! Glad to hear that Delany is doing so well and that you'll get to see her on your way back from NJ!!!


To the rest of the housemates--have a good night!! Off to get something to eat before the game!

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