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Our House Part Two


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Joanne, 6 day work weeks have to be the pits...Ds has those all the time and he's hoping to get it down to doing it every other week instead.

Now you can relax a bit more.


Hey to everyone else...BBL

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Good morning all,


Val- I hope your work day goes by quickly and you get to do some relaxing later on this afternoon/evening!


Judy- Yup- six day work weeks are the pits!!! I have been routinely working more than 40 hrs a week for the past year and a half, and although I don't HAVE to work weekends anymore, we'll see how much work I'll have when I go back to my department.


Cindy- :eek Ice is scary- hope DD and DS made it home safely!


I got up early (what else is new? :lol) and was reading a bit of the book that I had started eons ago on my Nook- then DH got up and we had breakfast and now the sheets are in the wash. It's a gray day here- with rain on the way so it looks like it will be a perfect day for relaxing.

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Good :wlol:wbrr windy morning everyone! Boy, did we get :2rain and :rain and more :rain and now have flood watch/warnings for our area and the wind is just plain nasty!



:woo Joanne! No more Saturdays! Way to go and I know you'll be so much happier.


Val, hope your work day goes by quickly.


Tam, yes, you need to post pattern. It's a good one!


Haven't heard from my sister on whether we're venturing out today or not. That will decide what I'll be doing. I know I'll be adding the third strip to the flannelghan and maybe working on that :thair:rant teapot cozy. Would really like to finish it to send to a friend.

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Thanks Toni- When I saw the pattern, I thought it would be something she would like. I'll be giving it to her next weekend. Good luck with the tea cosy- sometimes a new day brings better results. Enjoy your Nascar this afternoon- I'll probably we watching some basketball.


Looks like the rain in AL has made it's way to NJ- it is not too windy though thank goodness- just lightly raining right now- but the forecast is heavy rain and there is a flood watch.


Figured I may as well take a pic of the baby blanket in progress. And now that the sheets are dried, time to make the bed.


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GoOd MoRnInG hOuSe.............


Okay.......... I'm writing up the pattern now. I hope to have it written and ready for testing today.

you guys are so awesome! Sure do know how to make a girl feel good!


Joanne......... that is a beautiful shrug!!!! And that baby blanket is too COOL!!!








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Morning all


My gosh , am I behind on posts or what ? WOW .


Forgot to click on all the reply buttons, so will just have to wing it here .



Looks like your little tote-carrier is a great hit. It's really cute and most kids have some types of gadgets they'd use it for ,whether their small games machines, cell phones , ipods ...and all the other gadgets they have ... it'd work great . Should be a real hit !



To those having yekky weather --

So are we. woke up to snow again this morning , Good grief, I am beginning to wanna go out and kick the tree in the front yard again. Our state just has WAY too many bad weather days .


To those not feeling well- hope you are improving some each day .



Thanks for asking .i'm ok,but ended up stopping the new med . I cannot do N A U S E A , the long, drug out ,gaggy ,keep having to swallow gagginess .

SO, back to the old med again . I REALLY need to get out and start walking or something to possibly help this breathing. He said it'd be a great way to make my lungs stronger ,to either do a treadmill or any walking at all ... But this doggone weather just isnt cooperating . I may spring for a card for the Rec center. They have an indoor walking track ,bikes, and treadmills. He said to start out very slowly and build up gradually. I also have my bum knee that limits the amount of time I can walk . I think it will need replaced before much longer ... it is starting to do what the other one did when the knee guy replaced it,so it is coming ...


To everyone else -- howdy,hope your day is good ..



Glad your Saturdays are done !

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Forgot to say love the blankie ,the colors are so bright and pretty ,and the shrug is very cute !

any chance we could see a model of it ON ? If your model doesnt want their face on here, just take the photo of the neck down so we can see it .

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Good Morning, Ladies. :waving Yay for pictures! :)


Joanne ~ The shrug turned out so very pretty! The bright colors in the baby ghan are wonderful :c9 ...beautiful work on both projects! :applause


Tam ~ Wow! Another great pattern idea - and the finished backpack is perfect.:hook


Valerie ~ Oh, I do hope you have some time with your hook and with us this evening. :manyheart


I ended up taking care of Luke for a while yesterday so DD and her DH could go see his grandma (90)...she's in the hospital and not doing too well. DH spent most the day with his mom (95)...they're talking hospice perhaps this week. :( (But they're taking it one day at a time.) And then there are my parents. :sigh Feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment!


Thank you for being here and for letting me "talk" things out. :ghug


Time to shower and get organized for the day. :)

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Joanne that is a cute shrug!


Good day at the rabbit show yesterday. Best of Breed in both shows with my Mini Rex.


Roads over the pass were dry on the way there Friday. Friday night was chains required again!! whew missed that... On the way home again yesterday..roads were dry!! God loves us :D


Baby bunnies due today :cheer

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Here's a pic of the shrug I made for DD's birthday- the lighting is awful since it's so gloomy outside- and yes, the rain drops are starting to fall!!

That turned out very, very cute. I'm sure she'll love it. I like the baby blanket, too.

I ended up taking care of Luke for a while yesterday so DD and her DH could go see his grandma (90)...she's in the hospital and not doing too well. DH spent most the day with his mom (95)...they're talking hospice perhaps this week. :( (But they're taking it one day at a time.) And then there are my parents. :sigh Feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment!


Thank you for being here and for letting me "talk" things out. :ghug


:hug :hug :hug Parents getting old and infirm is the pits! Hang in there! :hug :hug :hug


It's cold and windy this morning, but the rain has stopped. It was coming down hard for a while last night. It's just blustery this morning.


Hope you all have a great day!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't sleep in today :lol I fell asleep with the tv on last night and when I woke up Spanglish was on, so I watched that and worked on my sweater :D Then had some bfast and here I sit checking in. I have a sixers game tonight at 6 and need to run by work before I pick up Mary since we both forgot to grab the tix on friday for tonight's game :( Oh well, at least I pick her up from her mom's which is just right around the corner from work :whew


Nothing new to report here today, just lounging. Have to run up the road to cvs, the pharmacy was closed when I got there yesterday, so couldn't drop off my perscription :(


It's rainy here today, so I won't be heading to the car wash :shrug


Cindy - I don't like icy either, did dd and ds make it home safely last night?


Linda - Are you feeling any better today, or still like your fighting something off? It's rainy and chilly here today so I guess your rain is working it's way up the coast :think


Val - I hope work goes well and uneventful for you today :hug


Judy - :hi what's on your hook today?


Joanne - I agree, a relaxing day today :yes Your shrug is gorgeous and I adore the baby blanket :manyheart I need to make my sister a shrug to wear with a dress she picked up. She couldn't find one she liked.


Toni - I hope everyone is safe with your flood watch :hug How's the FG coming along? Did your sister call to keep you busy today? I've never made a teapot cozy, but let me know if I can help at all :hug


Tam - Hey there young lady, what are you making today? Your so quick, you get to do a whole new project every day :lol


Julie - Walking would probably be helpful :yes Does your rec center have a pool, maybe you can do a light water aerobic class that focuses more to stretching? That would take alot of the pressure off your knee, but you'd still get some movement to work on building up your lungs :think


Mary1 - How is that little Luke lately? Sorry to hear that everyone's parents/grandparents are not doing so well over there, keeping all of them in my prayers :hug :hug :hug


Mary2 - :yay for best breed rabbit :clap:bounce:woo and for bunnies due today.....are they here yet, are they here yet????

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Mary 2- Congrats on the awards at the rabbit show- and that was great that the weather cooperated for you on the way home. Happy Birthday to the baby bunnies due today!!!


Julie- It's hard to get exercise in when the weather doesn't cooperate. It might be a good idea to get the rec card. Also I know malls around here open early here for people to go walking in them. Don't know if you have one nearby or if they do that.


Linda- Hope you have a good day too!


Mary 1- Your family is in my thoughts--Hospice is wonderful and really helps the patient as well as the family. I can't say enough good things about it.

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Marisa-- Have fun at the game tonight! That's funny about falling asleep in the chair- I used to do that all the time---now I've learned when I start feeling drowsy, time to get the butt out of the chair and upstairs.---doesn't ALWAYS work, but most of the time it does! DH on the other hand won't admit he's tired- and inevitably falls asleep.


The shrug worked up quickly- Do you have to have it made before you go to Pitt on Thursday?

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Marisa-- Have fun at the game tonight! That's funny about falling asleep in the chair- I used to do that all the time---now I've learned when I start feeling drowsy, time to get the butt out of the chair and upstairs.---doesn't ALWAYS work, but most of the time it does! DH on the other hand won't admit he's tired- and inevitably falls asleep.


The shrug worked up quickly- Do you have to have it made before you go to Pitt on Thursday?



Actually, I was up in bed with the tv on :lol


And nope, she will not have the shrug this weekend :no I haven't even looked for a pattern yet, plus it's more of a summery dress :yes So I have a bit of time :D

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Joanne, the shrug and blanket are great!!!:clap


And what's on my hook? I have the bottom done of the Lucy bag that I never finished (from Attic 24). I'm now taking stash and making the circle bigger so DS's new kitty has a new bed:D

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Oh, I must have misunderstood- just assumed you were in a chair and fell asleep! LOL


Middle DD may be coming over today for a short visit and to pick up some CD cases for an art project- I haven't seen her in a while so it will be nice. If she comes I'm going to give her the shrug since I can't wait to see how it looks on her.

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Morning everyone, I just got up, YEP, I slept in and didn't go to church, but Oh I really needed the rest and feel so much better now. Yesterday was so beautiful with warm weather and sunny skies, it made my food shopping chore more bearable since it put a spring in my step. :lol:lol Today we are faced with a grey, raining day but that's alright for behind all the rains will bring May flowers. :lol:lol My DH told me that the clocks will be going forward one hour next week in order to save energy, isn't that a little early for we use to turn the clocks up in April. :think I went to the mall yesterday just to scout out the spring and summer clothes and try on a few. Yuck, I still need to lose weight and ran out of the dressing room without any clothes to buy. :( So I decided to try the shoe depatment and I came out of there with two pairs of shoes, that's the extent of my shopping. :eek I'm giving myself 2 months to lose more weight, now that the weather is getting springyeer ( a word I made up) me and the little darlings can go for 15 minute walks every day after breakfast. Yes that is what we are going to do. I'm feeling great my voice still sounds like a cold but the heaviness in my chest is abating which is great. This Friday I'm due for my IV treatment so I don't want anything to interfer with that. I did go back a little and read some posts and I am now able to continue working on my doily ghan which I need to get a picture of it up.


Judy - I went back in the posts to see the blanket that you are donating to NICU it is extremely pretty and colorful, you are so good and kind to do the work you do for charity. Can't wait to see you at the meet-up. :hug


Marisa - Did you decide to make the hooded sweater?????? Can't wait to see it. I'm still thinking if I want to try my hands knitting one. Hope you and Mary enjoy the game today. See you at meet-up. :hug


Julie - hi there you :hug


Leanne - how are you doing. Everytime I look at the red and white dishcloth you made me I think of you. Thanks for the nice thoughts. :hug


Joanne - love the shrug you made for your DD she will love it. Nice color. You right about changes being a part of life for I have been through many changes some extreme and some necessary, but changes never the less. Glad we are having a meet-up soon. I think of you and look for you in the crowds everywhere I go in town. One day we will run into each other I'm sure, until that time :hug


Cindy - WOW your part of the states is still being hit with snow. I'm so glad you and your DH made it how safe and sound. :hug


Tammy - Love the bags you made for your sons.


To anyone I may have miss, since I'm just flying through HUGS :hug

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Hello everyone. Its a gorgeous sunny day here today, although very cold. They have salted the roads though, so it's not as icy as it was. We all got home safely last night, but a man was killed in an accident because of the ice, and a 17 year old girl was critically injured in another accident. Hopefully it was winters last blast.


Val, hope you get time to crochet today.


Mary2, WTG on the rabbit show win. Hope all goes well with the new babies.


Joanne, that shrug looks really pretty. I like your baby blanket too. I'm glad you no longer have to work Saturdays. Too bad I will have to start working them in April.


Mary1, you and your dh seem to have a lot on your plates, with your parents. Glad you have Luke to balance those worries out a bit.


Julie, I'm sorry that you can't tolerate the new med. Swimming might be a be a good exercise option for you, since the water will cushion the impact of activity on your knee.


Linda, hope you are feeling better today, and that you and Kim are having a nice relaxing day. Have you gotten the hang of the free motion quilting yet?


Marisa, have fun at the game today.


Tammy, how is the pattern writing going?


Toni, glad that the floods aren't affecting you.


Judy, I seem to remember you starting that Lucy bag. It strikes me as slightly funny (and quite clever), that you turned it into a kitty bed! Good way to make use of the work and time you already had into the project.


Marisa, enjoy yourself at the game tonight.


Cheeria, glad you are feeling a bit better. Hopefully you will be completely well by Friday and ready for your treatment. And shoe shopping is one of my favorite things to do!

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Cindy- Glad to hear that all of your family made it home safely in the ice- Very sad, though about the critically injured 17 year old and the man that lost his life. I sure hope it is the last of winter's blast---at least the ice part- Snow is one thing, ice quite another! I wouldn't mind working Saturday if I wasn't working Monday through Friday on top of it!


Cheeria- I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling better and I can hear the "spring" in your post!! Enjoy your day- as gray and gloomy as it is outside, at least it isn't snow and ice!!


Change in plans- DD called back and said she won't be coming over after all. She went over what she needs to get done today for the upcoming week at school/student teaching and said she really can't spare the time to drive down here, visit and drive home. She also got some CD cases for the art project she is working on from her BF's friend. I don't blame her, and at least we'll get together next Saturday evening.

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Morning all


My gosh , am I behind on posts or what ? WOW .


Forgot to click on all the reply buttons, so will just have to wing it here .



Looks like your little tote-carrier is a great hit. It's really cute and most kids have some types of gadgets they'd use it for ,whether their small games machines, cell phones , ipods ...and all the other gadgets they have ... it'd work great . Should be a real hit !



thanks! :hug.... I'm excited about writting up the pattern.

Good Morning, Ladies. :waving Yay for pictures! :)



Tam ~ Wow! Another great pattern idea - and the finished backpack is perfect.:hook


I ended up taking care of Luke for a while yesterday so DD and her DH could go see his grandma (90)...she's in the hospital and not doing too well. DH spent most the day with his mom (95)...they're talking hospice perhaps this week. :( (But they're taking it one day at a time.) And then there are my parents. :sigh Feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment!


Thank you for being here and for letting me "talk" things out. :ghug


Time to shower and get organized for the day. :)

Thanks hon!

Oh...sweetie............ :hug :hug :hug



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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't sleep in today :lol I fell asleep with the tv on last night and when I woke up Spanglish was on, so I watched that and worked on my sweater :D Then had some bfast and here I sit checking in. I have a sixers game tonight at 6 and need to run by work before I pick up Mary since we both forgot to grab the tix on friday for tonight's game :( Oh well, at least I pick her up from her mom's which is just right around the corner from work :whew


Nothing new to report here today, just lounging. Have to run up the road to cvs, the pharmacy was closed when I got there yesterday, so couldn't drop off my perscription :(


It's rainy here today, so I won't be heading to the car wash :shrug



Val - I hope work goes well and uneventful for you today :hug



Tam - Hey there young lady, what are you making today? Your so quick, you get to do a whole new project every day :lol


Today I got all 10 of the charity squares I needed done for a lady DONE. I have been working on the pattern for my drawstring backpack... and making my granny square for today for the CAL I'm in. :hook

Morning everyone, I just got up, YEP, I slept in and didn't go to church, but Oh I really needed the rest and feel so much better now. Yesterday was so beautiful with warm weather and sunny skies, it made my food shopping chore more bearable since it put a spring in my step. :lol:lol Today we are faced with a grey, raining day but that's alright for behind all the rains will bring May flowers. :lol:lol My DH told me that the clocks will be going forward one hour next week in order to save energy, isn't that a little early for we use to turn the clocks up in April. :think I went to the mall yesterday just to scout out the spring and summer clothes and try on a few. Yuck, I still need to lose weight and ran out of the dressing room without any clothes to buy. :( So I decided to try the shoe depatment and I came out of there with two pairs of shoes, that's the extent of my shopping. :eek I'm giving myself 2 months to lose more weight, now that the weather is getting springyeer ( a word I made up) me and the little darlings can go for 15 minute walks every day after breakfast. Yes that is what we are going to do. I'm feeling great my voice still sounds like a cold but the heaviness in my chest is abating which is great. This Friday I'm due for my IV treatment so I don't want anything to interfer with that. I did go back a little and read some posts and I am now able to continue working on my doily ghan which I need to get a picture of it up.



Tammy - Love the bags you made for your sons.


To anyone I may have miss, since I'm just flying through HUGS :hug

Thanks hon!

I'm so glad you slept in and got some needed rest!

I'm also glad to hear you're feeling a bit better!

do take care dear! :hug

Hello everyone. Its a gorgeous sunny day here today, although very cold. They have salted the roads though, so it's not as icy as it was. We all got home safely last night, but a man was killed in an accident because of the ice, and a 17 year old girl was critically injured in another accident. Hopefully it was winters last blast.



Tammy, how is the pattern writing going?


Pattern is coming along! :computer

OMGoodness......... I'm so sorry to hear of that accident! How heartbreaking! :(



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Hey Cheeria

Good to see you and you sound much more chipper today, so maybe the extra rest did you some good . It is nice to look for spring or summer type clothes now -- nice to see the brighter colors and short sleeves !




I think we traded weather --we woke up to the snow and slick roads today . That ise is the scariest stuff !

I hope we are on the tail end of the winter .Getting REALLY tired of snow and cold. I think we need to relocate to a warmer state ..

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