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Church and crochet

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I would consider it very inappropriate unless it is a small, informal church, and there is a general consensus among the members - and the pastor - that it is ok. I think that generally in any congregation there would be individuals who would be offended, even scandalized by it. It could appear to show a disregard for the feelings and sensibilities of others, and a lack of consideration of time and place, even if that were not actually the case at all.

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I find it very inappropriate.When we are in the house of God we are on His time not our time.Most services are only an hour maybe 2 counting SS,Can we not give our full attention while we are in church? I can't imagine God looking down on us while crocheting in church,thinking wow how talented or uh couldn't you have used a different color for that article?

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I've been enjoying reading this thread...one thing that keeps popping up in my head though is the yarn shop that I go to for a couple of hours every or nearly every week. This place is very social and there's something going on almost every day...with people that want to see you there as often as you can make it...I told my husband once that it's like a "church of yarn..." and so I do feel like many of the others that have written that when in church, my attention really should be on the sermon, on the prayers, etc...and honestly I've always been that way and have been challenged by others sitting next to me, and that's the only reason I don't think too harshly on anyone who might want to crochet or knit during a service, although, no one in my church does that. What children we do have in the church while service is going on (we are a small church) if they are fidgety, there are coloring books in the pews to occupy them, if they aren't going to Sunday school and I don't have a problem with that...keeps them quiet so I can hear the sermon and I greatly appreciate that.


Still, my knee jerk is that on Sundays if I'm there, I'm there to pay attention to God, to the parishners, to the priest and not anything outside of that...that's what the rest of my day is for. Still, it's always something to ponder...


There are a couple of us that do crochet during the Tuesday Bible Study...and fortunately the other ladies don't seem to have a problem with it, they like what we do and they can see that we are still engaged in the reading and conversation. I don't do this very often only because as I get older, it's harder to divide the attention.


To the original poster, it all depends on you, your minister or priest, the congregation or parishners...but I will say this in closing, for this particular subject, if you have to ask, then I think you know the answer for yourself.

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In my case, the congregation was fine with that. And twiddling your thumbs for over an hour doesn't keep you focused on God. I always had Christian music (or teaching) on my radio at home so I don't need to watch people sing; for me - music is not something you watch.


and i was always working on a prayer shawl or charity hat/scarf.

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so i spend most of my day driving and i have random thoughts run through my head all the time. i also listen better if i can keep my hands occupied. i usually need more than one thing to occupy my mind. when i worked in data entry i used to either listen to books or the radio as i worked. figured i could focus more on the sermon if i had something to keep my hands occupied.

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As an adult with ADHD, I need to do something to keep myself from daydreaming. I always have something else going on than just the "task" at hand. I often listen to an mp3 player while cleaning the house because I am less distracted. I have a hard time staying still and if I do stay seated for more than a few minutes I go into la-la land or start to doze. I haven't gone to church in years because we moved away from the one I grew up at who understood and would allow me to sit at the back of the church and get up and pace (quietly) behind the back pew if I felt I had to. Had I known how to crochet I probably would have done that.

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