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Harriet the Poo

hooked on amicute

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My blog is full of sweet and unique creations such as Harriet! Please come visit me! http://www.iheartamicute.blogspot.com


welcome to harriet's world. formerly known as harold the poo, he's finally found the courage to admit to his friends and family that he identifies as a woman, a woman named harriet. she's glamorous, she's fun, she's sassy and everything you wish you could be. she even does a little drag here and there.

harriet's hobbies:

lip syncing


giggling about boys

taking photos of herself

being an LGBT-rights activist

harriet's role models:

ru paul

hillary clinton


people that are true to themselves


harriet is so happy she is finally a free and independent amigurumi poo.

work it, girl!


My blog: http://www.iheartamicute.blogspot.com



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