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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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2 bathrooms cleaned, the upstairs vacuumed, and the dishes put in the dish washer! The only thing I didn't do was take something out for dinner. That means pasta for dinner. I hate pasta. But it is a cheap, quick dinner. I can make the sacrifice!



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:yay:clapI got my Scooby Square :yay:clap I got my Scooby Square:yay:clap I love it! It is so bright and cheery and pretty! Thank you so much for the treat too!!! I hope you are on-line soon, Scooby. We miss you and hope everything is okay :hug


DD and I took the sled to the store for the meat needed for DH's potluck lunch at work tomorrow. He's bringing buns and a meat and cheese tray. We also picked up the bread for the stuffing. I took my turkey out of the freezer today. It's defrost time :tup:tdance


After our walk to the store we went to the school and DD went sledding down the hill. I went down with her once, but the ground is really bumpy from the ice beneath the snow, so it was too bumpy a ride for me. But it is a beautiful sunny day and it was so much fun. :manyheart


Stacy - I hope Eva is okay. I'd hate for a child to be sick for Christmas. I'm glad to hear the girls are playing nicely. Good luck with your grocery shopping.


Vicki - You are on a roll. Nothing like company coming to get things done :D I'm with Stacy, if you don't like pasta I don't think we can be friends. :no I LOVE pasta!


Sarah - I hope you get a rest. I hope Keith is okay too.


:hi to everyone else!

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Ooooh I want to go sledding!! LoL @ taking it to the store. Sounds like you two had fun. :manyheart Thanks for reminding me to take the turkey out of the freezer! We have a small one that I bought when we first moved here, and dh wants to make it on Christmas day. Do you think it is still good? :think


Eva seems to feel better. :shrug She is a little cranky, but outside playing with the other two. I poked around in her mouth and she is cutting 2 molars, so I will keep her on the Tylenol for the rest of the day.


Everything is clean- beds made, dishes loaded, 2 loads of laundry done, floors swept and mopped, table, counters, and island clean. Now what? :think I guess I will go take my shower, then we will run to the store.


Oh, I have a question I wanted to run by you all. All of the household bills are in our name (Roomie has tons of studen loans and was worried that we would have higher deposits if some of them were in hers. Or something.) Every month, I tell her how much they are and what day they are due. Then a week before they are due, I remind her. Then the day before, I have to go and hunt her down for them. Last month she tried to say that I never told her about them until the day before. IMO, I shouldn't have to hunt her down for the money. I think that if I tell her, she should be adult enough to remember when they are due (with a calendar, organizer, whatever.) As it is, I give her 2 reminders. Even when rent is due, I have to ask for the money the day before, she never just comes to me with it. Our gas and internet are due tomorrow and despite my notices, she seems like she doesn't remember at all. I'm thinking that I want to get a dry-erase board and put it on the wall in the kitchen, to write the bills and the dates they are due. What do youthink?

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Stacy - Come sledding :yay It is fun and your girls would love it! It may sound funny to take the sled to the store, but wagon wheels are useless in the snow, so the sled is the best way to get around. It is just a bit too far for her to walk, so the sled helps. Plus, DD thinks it's fun so she'll agree to go :lol and I didn't have to carry anything.


As for your roomie....Grrr, I'm going to start referring to her as your 4th daughter. I think a dry erase board would be a good idea. It will look like a reminder for both of you, but it will help her remember things and encourage her to take some responsibility. Also, then you shouldn't have to go through the sort of embarassing situation of having to ask her for money. The other thing I would do in this situation is document when you gave her the reminders for each thing somewhere (on a calendar, in a date book, or in a notebook). That is just to cover your own badorkus, if you know what I mean. :wink

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I'm just wondering if I can join you guys in this, haven't crocheted a whole lot lately...or cleaned for that matter and this seems like the ticket to motivating me to do both, lol.

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Welcome, ChayaSar! This is the best group of women around. We don't always talk about cleaning, though, just to let you know. We've grown much closer since we started, and share our families and daily lives. :manyheart


Colleen, what do you do with the sled when you are in the store?

Thanks for the input. It is pretty uncomfortable to always be asking her for the money, plus I wonder if it's my fault that she doesn't remember? I think i give her fair warning. I'm just afraid she will be like, oh you didn't tell me and now I don't have the money. Or something. :shrug

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Yes, I am the un-Italian Italian. I do not like pasta. Never have and probably never will. The only reason it is even in my house at the moment is because it will keep me out of my meat freezer for a day and it is a quick meal to make. Otherwise, I could do without it. Hubby and DD will eat to their hearts' content tonight. I will barely get it down. I know, that is horrible. I can live with it. Please love me anyway!

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Well glad you'll have me :)


I'm looking so forward to Thursday and Friday.... my first 2 consecutive days off in over a month, I'm so tired!!!! 2 days off in a row is SO NEEDED, you're so busy getting everything done with only 1 day off that you never have time to just rest and be ya know?


I haven't played with my crochet hooks in forever now, probably the last 8 months, they're so neglected!! I'm starting small, going to be making yo-yo's and trying this almost mesh looking joining method, not sure what the squares of them will become, not letting myself call it a project, just like a warm up!!

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hi, Friends!


I didn't sleep last night either:(:tired:yawn... I saw every 20 - 30 minutes on the clock.

We did manage to "almost" finish the shopping today... I was just too tired, so DH is out now trying to finish. Then all we will have left to do is buy the food for Christmas dinner:P


The chickens are out of school now, so tonight I am taking some Tylenol PM (which I never do... I am afraid of oversleeping)

Tomorrow is the Nutcracker!:yay We are so excited, we can hardly stand it! I will have to take some pics of my young ladies all "gussied" up... to me that will be the best part:U


Stacy - I think the "white board" is an excellent idea, as is calling the electric company to see if there is some reasonable way to break up this bill into payments. I was glad to see that all the girls were getting along so nicely today:yes They must know :santa is watching!:devil


Colleen - You are always so clever and resourceful... look at you and DD, sledding to the store! I :heehee about you dreaming of :crocheting last night... happens to me all the tme! Great reminder, too, of the candy cane in the cocoa! What a wonderful "Christmas-y" treat! YUM!


Vicki - We'll still keep you, even if you are an unItalian-Italian:lol No worries... this irish gal eats enough spaghetti for both of us!:lol Your sis arrives tomorrow, right?


Joanne - :lol:lol about finding a tote to fit in the coat closet! You are a girl after my own heart!


Sarah - I hope Keith is feeling better:hug ... that poor little guy... and his momma needs some sleep, too!


ChayaSar - :welcome! to the funnest bunch of friends on the 'net! Oh, yes... and we occasionally clean, too! :rofl:devil Your "warm up" project sounds intriguing... you'll have to keep us posted on how it turns out!:yay


Shannon - How was your sleepover? Are you doing ok? Not stressing, I hope:hug:hug:hug


Mary - How was the shopping trip? Did you remember everything?


Beth - How is your leg feeling? And how goes business in your "goody factory" ...errr... I mean kitchen today?!:devil:hug


Judy - :blush I am trying to remember what you said you were doing for Christmas, and I just can't. I hope that your day was wonderful!


Tena - How are you managing everything today? I am praying for your family, and especially for your GK's to have a great Christmas:hug


ScoobyDoo - Are you ok? I sure hope so... we haven't seen you in a few days... are DF's daughter and her DK's there yet? Is DS still being a big help?:hug:hug


:hi and :hug to Jenn, Vickietoria, Frogger, and whomever i might be forgetting:think(If I did forget, I sure didn't mean to!:blush) Man! My brain is tired!!!!


I'll try to stop by tomorrow, ok? But meanwhile, please know I am thinking of you, and praying that all is going along for you without undo stress. It's time to enjoy!!!!


Love to you all~


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Hi Ladies

Iam DONE !!!!!!! The groceries are bought, home and put away. I just have a few things to do around the house tomorrow and then Iam all ready. DD and her family come tomorrow :cheer Not too sure when DS is coming, either tomorrow or next day :cheer The only thing I forgot to get is a dinky car for DS for his stocking. I put one in his stocking every year. He is now 28yr and has quite a collection. I think I might have a spare car here, if not I can get one just in the store at the end of my road.

SCOOBY I love my square. I got it today and I love the little gift too. Thankyou sooooooo much. I hope you are feeling ok. I too have been thinking about you.:manyheart

Welcome Chayasar

:hi to everyone else.

I will BBL to see if anyone is here to chat.


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Hi Everybody,


I have been MIA with back spasms. Just what I need, to compliment the bum leg. I tried heat on the back the first day, and it didn't help, so today I iced it, and I can actually walk now without going "Ow ow ow ow." I didn't bake anything. My dh made both regular and gluten free cookies, which warmed my heart so much! He was so upset that they didn't turn out like regular cookies -- the flour doesn't firm up the same way, so they are very flat, crisp cookies. I was just happy to get two kinds of cookies in one year. That I didn't bake! My middle ds made his homemade toffee that he gives to the aunties, uncles, cousins and grandma for Christmas. My other two kids need to make caramel corn and spiced nuts, which are their gifts to everyone. I always preferred homemade gifts to store bought cheap gifts, which is the family tradition.


Joanne, your Giants managed to squeak out of a close one with the skins on Monday. (Sarcasm there.) Congrats on the win. OK, on the badorkus kicking! (I'm so ashamed.)


Mary, I'm so glad you get to see family. Enjoy them!


Chayasar, welcome to our group.


LeaAnne, enjoy the nutcracker! What fun!


All my besties, :hug Have a great evening!

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:( sorry that you are having back problems, Beth:hug (i won't hug you too hard... OUCH!) Make sure you get plenty of rest!

I :manyheart your tradition of homemade family gifts.... I wish my IL's were appreciative of homemade, but :no... it's hard to explain to my chickens why they get all of these "purchased' gifts from nana, and something small and thoughtful from grammy. I was raised with the traditions that you have in your family. I wish they stuck here.


anyway, off my :soapbox for tonight :lol:blush


I hope you feel better! Are you getting to :crocheting at all? Or do the spasms have you lying down instead of sitting?

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:welcome ChayaSar! Enjoy your 2 days off! I hope they are very relaxing and you get lots of yo-yo making done :yes


Stacy - I just left the sled at the bike racks. Nobody would steel it; it's just a plastic sled. Works great!


Vicki - We still love you. Here's what I'm thinking; if we ever have dinner together there will be more pasta for me :D


LeaAnne - I hope DH gets the last of your shopping. Enjoy the nutcracker! Can't wait to see pics of your pretty girls.


Mary - :yay you are DONE! Enjoy your family! I put a dinky car in DH's stocking every year too. This year he's getting a ferrari :devil When we were dating he told me he'd marry me if I'd buy him a snowmobile. I bought him a Lego snowmobile. Guess it didn't count, because I had to wait until he gave me a ring :lol


Beth - :( I am so sorry to hear about your back :hug Hooray for your DH baking cookies :yay He's a keeper :yes I'm glad to hear you have that tradition with your kids. DD does a homemade gift for her grandparents each year. This year it was the little reindeer pots. A great lesson to learn that a gift from the heart is worth more than one from the mall.


Joanne - One full-day and one part day left :yay


:hi to everyone else!


DH's van was just the computer registering that the snowtires were slightly different in size to the regular tires :eek The good news is, it wasn't a costly repair so close to Christmas. I made soup this evening. I now have to prepare a meat and cheese tray for DH's potluck lunch tomorrow. I finished my mom's scarf and am on the first row of MIL's.

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Hello everyone and welcome to ChayaSar!!:welcome


Presents are wrapped---YAY!!!!:clap And I am just sitting down at 9PM after a very long day...and I have to work Christmas Eve!!! UGH

I need to finish the scarf from last night- only the rest of the last row- and I guess I won't be starting another. Can I have 48 hour days please????


Stacy- the whiteboard is perfect idea- when my DD's were in college and living in a house of 5, my DD bought one since most of the bills were in her name and posted the bill and amt due from everyone each month and the day seh needed the $ from them so she could pay the bills- this way you won't have to keep after her- she is a grown up after all isn't she?


Colleen- thanks for the lego updates and love that DD is peeking with the flashlight- that is precious! And YAY for sledding. Thanks for the suggestion on the candycane in the coffee. Now why didn't I think of that..:think.me who loves peppermint mocha lattes?


LeaAnne- glad you got most of the shopping done and enjoy your sleep tonight. :c9


Vicki- I'll take pasta 7 days a week, but love you anyway!:hug


Beth- Hugs to you (gentle hugs, very gentle hugs):hug Glad that DH did some baking and love that your family has the homemade tradition. Of my 3 DDs, the artist is the one who always gives us homemade gifts and I love it! Cant wait to see what she made this year. I made DD her ghan, and made the youngest DD a hat and scarf. I made my DH's granddaughter a hat/scarf, his DD a scarf/hat and the two scarves I just made frm the LB site I'm going to give to DD's MIL and her Sister-in-law. I'm going to make oldest DD her hat/scarf with the yarn she picked out in Boston.


Do you realize that my post this morning said I had 4 days sleep the night before instead of 4 hours sleep???:lol Do you think I'm a little tired?


Mary- enjoy your family- I know you must be so excited!!!! have fun with them!


Mary and Collen- what is a dinky car?


Sarah- hope the Dr visit with Keith went well and that he is a-ok!


Scooby- missing you and hoping you are ok!!:hug


Tena, Judy, Shannon, Frogger, Victoria, (and anyone else if I forgot) have a great rest of the evening.



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You still have the yarn in your trunk!!! :rofl Thanks for that laugh- I needed it! I am very thankful for our coat closet- I have 2 bags of yarn in there that dh doesn't know about and I almost pulled them out when getting the vacuum cleaner for him the other day! :lol


Sarah, I'm sorry that Keith is not feeling well. :hug Does he still take naps? Maybe you can catch a small-ish nap while he takes one. :yes How nice of you to offer to make something for your niece. You should ask her to let you know by, say, August, that way if it is complicated, it will give you more time to work on it. :wink


Colleen, I don't think I've ever dreamed of crochet! Sorry you didn't sleep well. Enjoy your day at home. Too cute about dd peeking with the flashlight! :lol


Scooby- are you ok? We haven't heard from you since that fall. I hope all is well and that you are feeling better. :hug


Shannon, Leanne, Mary, Beth, Vicki, and Tena- have a great day!!:hug


I didn't sleep very well last night, either. Klaus peed on our bed so I got out the other comforter since our washer isn't big enough for the dirty one. It smelled musty but it was my only option. Then Eva and Mia both came and and wanted to sleep with us, which ended up with me sleeping on the last 2 inches of the bed. I did go back to sleep when dh left this morning, though. That was nice. :manyheart the girls are all playing with no fights! :yay Eva woke up crabby (I think she is sick) so I gave her some Tylenol and now she is eating frosted mini wheats on my lap.

Need to run to the grocery store today. I am going :loco without my car! I told dh to put in the bad part and I would just chug down the street. :rofl The girls and I are going to walk to the Smart and Final down the street to pick up ingredients for cookies. I joined 2 squares last night and I will probably work on that some more today.


Love and hugs to everyone!


Keith isn't sick, he fell out of his bed last week and bruised his knee pretty badly, so we ended up having to take him in for x-rays to make sure nothing was broke since he wouldn't put any weight on it, thankfully no broken bones but he's going to be sore for at least another week cause unfortunately there is no way to tell a 3 year old that they need to take it easy, so by the end of the day it's swollen again despite my trying my best to keep him busy doing things that keep him from jumping around too much...


sometimes he takes a nap, sometimes not, but after his doc appt we went to his Grandma's cause they're going out of town til Sat and had been gone since Thur last week, he had a blast making cookies w/ grandma and I got a great pic of his grandma covered in powdered sugar after he threw a handfull on her...

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Stacy - Come sledding :yay It is fun and your girls would love it! It may sound funny to take the sled to the store, but wagon wheels are useless in the snow, so the sled is the best way to get around. It is just a bit too far for her to walk, so the sled helps. Plus, DD thinks it's fun so she'll agree to go :lol and I didn't have to carry anything.


As for your roomie....Grrr, I'm going to start referring to her as your 4th daughter. I think a dry erase board would be a good idea. It will look like a reminder for both of you, but it will help her remember things and encourage her to take some responsibility. Also, then you shouldn't have to go through the sort of embarassing situation of having to ask her for money. The other thing I would do in this situation is document when you gave her the reminders for each thing somewhere (on a calendar, in a date book, or in a notebook). That is just to cover your own badorkus, if you know what I mean. :wink


I'd also get her to sign a contract stating she will pay you by a certain time and have her sign something each time you tell her about a bill... that way she can't come back and say she wasn't told cause then you'd have her signature and a date...

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Hi Everybody,


I have been MIA with back spasms. Just what I need, to compliment the bum leg. I tried heat on the back the first day, and it didn't help, so today I iced it, and I can actually walk now without going "Ow ow ow ow." I didn't bake anything. My dh made both regular and gluten free cookies, which warmed my heart so much! He was so upset that they didn't turn out like regular cookies -- the flour doesn't firm up the same way, so they are very flat, crisp cookies. I was just happy to get two kinds of cookies in one year. That I didn't bake! My middle ds made his homemade toffee that he gives to the aunties, uncles, cousins and grandma for Christmas. My other two kids need to make caramel corn and spiced nuts, which are their gifts to everyone. I always preferred homemade gifts to store bought cheap gifts, which is the family tradition.


Joanne, your Giants managed to squeak out of a close one with the skins on Monday. (Sarcasm there.) Congrats on the win. OK, on the badorkus kicking! (I'm so ashamed.)


Mary, I'm so glad you get to see family. Enjoy them!


Chayasar, welcome to our group.


LeaAnne, enjoy the nutcracker! What fun!


All my besties, :hug Have a great evening!


sorry you are having back trouble. :hug:yay for the cookies

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:hiBesties!!!! I'm not going to respond to everyone right now but just wanted to stop in and let you all know I am ok. Friday nite/early morning Saturday, I awoke from my sleep with terrible pains in my chest (sternum area). It was a dull nagging pain, with an occassional sharp pain that went across to my arm. At the bottom of my steps is a settee/bench type thingy and the arms are curved wood (hard to describe maybe I can take a pic later)anyways, when I fell down the steps the other day, I hit my chest/sternum on on the arm of this bench thing, but I either didn't really notice the pain or didn't have a lot of pain there. I guess I was hurting more in my ankle and knee and was more concerned with that :rofl So, Saturday, my chest was really sore and giving me fits. DF came home Sat. afternoon at 1 from work and I was still in bed :oops, and finally at 4 he came up to make sure I was ok. His Christmas party for work was at 6 and I did manage to get a shower and suffer thru it with him :lol. We came home right after we ate, cuz I just couldn't sit there for too long. Sunday, the pain was still there, but better, and I really didn't do a whole lot but lay around and rest. DF rearranged the dining room, which is now a den, for me and got the rest of the laundry done :clap. I am feeling much better now, still having a little pain in my chest but nothing like it was. My leg/ankle/shoulder is still a little sore but better.

DF's ex BIL called and said he would be here next week and wanted to know if he could stay with us for his annual hunting trip and we said sure. Well last nite, the BIL called and said he was about an hour away :eek. He had to come this week instead of next because he couldn't get away from work next week. So right in the middle of fixing dinner, I (with DF help)had to rush upstairs:blinkand get the bed in the spare room made, all my fleece and yarn put up that was in there and move out a few boxes that haven't been sorted thru, dust and sweep the floors.

:whewI did manage to go out today and get the rest of my shopping done and went to the grocery store to get everything for Christmas dinner. It has been a little hectic around here, and I have tried to find time to stop by and let you all know I was ok but it just seemed there wasn't enough time in my day to get online until after midnight and I was just too tired.

Tomorrow I am planning on doing some baking and other odd and end stuff and I will try to catch up with everyone then. We still have :snow but are under a winter weather storm advisory, as we are expecting rain mixed with sleet (which has already started) most of the night tonight which will turn into snow by morning. They are predicting that we get 7-14" of :2snowby Friday. Although I love the snow,I am :( about this as I am s'posed to be leaving for a trip to Casper WY to see one of my other Ville friends Saturday, but will have to wait to see what the weather is doing.:xfin that I will still be able to make it to her house. Well I am off to :sleep now. I have missed you all and hope that you have a great day today. Take care and lots of :hugand :manyheart to you!!!!!!

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!:hi and Good morning Besties!

Scooby- so glad to hear that you are ok! Was worried about you. I'm praying that you get to make your trip to Wyoming!! Have fun!!! Can't wait to start the Boxing Day CAL- and glad that you and Mary are in that group too....anyone else want to join us???


Well, I didn't finish the scarf but am going to work on it b/4 getting ready for work, so I better skedaddle and get to it:yes


Have a wonderful day everyone!!!:ghug:

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