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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Colleen- your squares are gorgeous! :cheer


What a sad story. I don't know the conversion of km to mi would be but it sounds very fast.


She has 2 kids- one just turned 8 and the other is 2 weeks younger than my 4 y/o. They all just love each other. I am positively bursting to tell our manager! :clap

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No, they wouldn't get hurricanes there. From what I read it was more likely a tornado. Alberta is landlocked (just north of Montana) with the Rocky Mountains to the west and the plains to the east.

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The news just did a story about a senior citizen exercise class called Silver Sneakers. I'm thinking about joining. What do you girls think?

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They really did do a story about it, and I really did think to myself, "Hey, that looks like a fun group." I'm so embarassed!

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No worries, remember when I toured that retirement facility and I was all excited by the facilities (especially the knitting and quilting groups) :rofl But seriously, if you really are 85 I still think you're fun!

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Thanks, you're sweet. Yeah, if I was 85 I'd be one hip old lady!! But alas, I'm just a 30 year old dork!

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I've been praying about trying to start a crochet group at my church. We don't talk to anyone at church, and I don't like that. We don't mean to seem stuck up, but neither one of us is outgoing.

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Ya, if you were 85 you probably wouldn't still be awake right now. With that said, it is 11:30 here and DD went to bed at 6:30 so I figure she'll be up bright and early tomorrow. I should probably put her on the potty too :think


As always, chatting with you all has been a pleasure. I even got a round and a half done on another square!


Nighty nighty, sleep tight!

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You get her up at night to sit on the potty? DD is still not potty trained.


Sweet dreams tonight. Hope DD doesn't get you up too early on a holiday!

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I've been praying about trying to start a crochet group at my church. We don't talk to anyone at church, and I don't like that. We don't mean to seem stuck up, but neither one of us is outgoing.


That's a good idea. Keep us posted on how it goes.

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Good night, Colleen!


Shannon, I think that is a wonderful idea. I'm not outgoing at all but dh is. Last year I went out on a limb and signed up for the prayer shawl ministry at our church- and the never called. So I really haven't tried since. :no

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I don't usually get her up to sit on the potty. Only if she had a huge drink in the evening or couldn't go before bed. I'm just thinking 6:30 till (fingers crossed) 6:30 is a long time to go.


It helped when she first started going the night through without a diaper to put her on the potty before I went to bed. She doesn't really wake up. She does it in her sleep. It's just getting harder to carry her on and off the potty now that she's getting bigger.

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I'm not outgoing either. I don't usually volunteer for things, but I tried to volunteer for the Girl Guides (kinda like scouts but for girls) last year and they never called me either. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there and then when they don't call it discourages you from doing it again.

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She won't wake herself if she has to go?

DD barely started to wake herself about 6 months ago- I didn't even realize until one morning she woke me up with, "I did it Mommy!" LoL

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