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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:morcoffee Good morning, Besties!


I need to run to the grocery store. I'm sorry I haven't been posting much. I've been busy :crocheting Besties squares! I finished 3 and have 2 more mostly done. I hope to finish those and get 2 more along today.


My van is silver, but since we are keeping "Old Red" (:manyheart that name, LeaAnne) I can still be in the red car club, yes? It's a 2007 Chrysler Town and Country with lots of options I wouldn't get if it were new. And since I intend to drive it for 15 years like the last one, I won't have to shop for another car until I'm 60.


Joanne, the yart sale sounds so cool. What in incredibly fun day with your dds.


Coleen, congrats on dd's medal! Does she have a place to display it? I prefer running out of everything at once, so I only have to make one trip. I get very tired of returning to the store every day or two to pick up something else we need.


LeaAnne, congrats on winning the GOLD MEDAL for stashbusting!!!:yay:cheer:clap and Mary, congrats on the SHOOT THE MOON award! I was SO surprised when you won it?:rofl I am just happy for you that you've got a good place to buy yarn, you have fun shopping for it, and you can bring it all home without overloading a poor, defenseless Ford truck. :rofl. BTW, my new minivan has lots of storage for yarn!


Shannon, did you ever get your cole slaw?


:hi everyone! I hope you have a splediferous Sunday! I must run. :manyheart

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Hideho Besties,


I have a :headache, but the show must go on! After church I walked to the grocery store and picked up some supplies for a good old fashioned Ontario summer supper (ham, macaroni salad, and cabbage salad). I've got the macaroni salad made, the cabbage chopped and ready to add the dressing and other ingredients just before supper, the ham is in the slow cooker). DD wants to bake a pie so that may still be to come (if we get to it, it will be canned filling and frozen crust :devil). Tomorrow we will have the leftovers and I'll run out a nearby farm to hopefully get the first of the local Ontario corn :manyheart (my favourite thing about August!). After DH is done washing my van, I'm off to that used book store to poke around for an hour or so.


Beth - your new van sounds perfect. Room for yarn, perfect! Oh ya, I guess you've got to fit those tall kids of yours in there too :think. Well, they can always sit on the yarn :rofl Sounds like you are making headway on your besties squares :yay Can't wait :hyper


Joanne - Sounds like you had a great day in Philly with the DDs. The Yart sale sounds like a success and a blooming "Saturday" industry for some industrious talented young people. I'm happy to hear that DD got a job :yay


Everyone else - :hi I hope you are enjoying your weekends.

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Beth- Many happy miles in your new silver van! And have fun filling it with some yarn!

Colleen- sorry you have a headache- My DH would love what you are having for dinner but I won't be making any ham anymore since it is so high in sodium and he has to watch the amt of sodium he eats. (of course, I'm sure he sneaks some now and again, since he loves ham- at least they sell lo-salt ham in the deli!)

Hope you have fun browsing around the bookstore- one of my favorite things to do,


Cleaning is all done- and I am going to start working on another square. It is raining and the angels are bowling . The weather folks are saying thunder/lightening all day into the night- I guess its the Angel Bowling Tournament of Champions! Hope today's not the day Vicki was supposed to go to the Mets Game!


Off to grab the :hook and:yarn -

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Hey there friends!!


Just got back from church and ready for a nap! I have lots of stuff to do today. The bug man is coming tomorrow and I don't want him to think the bugs belong here! Our fireplace is on because there's a smell coming from it. And our A/C is on the fritz. I think it's on its last legs! Hopefully someone will be able to come look at it tomorrow. Other than that, everything's great here.


Beth- Your new van sounds pretty. How exciting that you got a new one, and you don't have to say a final goodbye to the old one!! WTG on the bestie squares. I've been working on mine too.....or :froging, that is. I think I have 3 done so far.


Joanne- :yay for your fun day, DD's yart sale, and her new job!! I guess the LA angels got knocked out of the tournament--it's sunny and hot here today! Good for you getting your cleaning finished. Have fun :crocheting! So sorry about the Yankees. I saw the final score. Yikes!!


Colleen- I wish I could walk to a store. We live in the country. Dinner sounds yummy, as well as the Ontario corn. Enjoy the book store, and I hope your head feels better soon!


:hi and :ghugs to everyone!! Have a great day!

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Hi everyone-

2 more bestie squares done! And the Yankees finally won against the White Sox today (of course LeaAnne's Red Sox won 18-10 against Baltimore today).


The Mets are playing since it stopped raining- although clouds persist- so if Vicki's at the game, all should be ok.


Hope everyone has a great evening!

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Hi again!


Joanne - WTG getting 2 more squares done :yay. And :yay for your Yankees too :).


I am working on my purple people eater 'ghan. I am being indecisive again :bang I'm going to finish the square I'm working on and then ask your opinions.


Be back soon.

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I'm working on another bestie square- Dh fell asleep watching tv and all's quiet here- hoping to finish this one before calling it a night. Ill check back in when I'm done and see if Colleen has posted her purple eater square!

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Oh! the anticipation!! Colleen, could you hurry it up with that square?!?! This is absolute torture!:rofl I'm kidding. I just can't wait to see more of your work!


Joanne- :cheer for all your bestie squares! Is your hook smokin'?! :yay for the Yankees!! I know that put a smile on your face!


Hey there, Mary! Have you had a nice weekend?


I'll check back in a few minutes.

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Oh dear, I didn't realize people were waiting for me! Here I've been sitting around frogging and crocheting up a storm :hook.


OK, I think I've come to terms with my choice. Here is what I have so far. I'm going to do three different styles of squares (all plain old solid grannies with varying colour combinations). This picture isn't the greatest, but you've been waiting.


Whatcha think?




I'm going for something kind of graphic. See my join-as-you-go?

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Thanks Mary! I think it will turn out alright. My sister and BIL are not very traditional people, so I wanted something with a modern feel. I like the join as you go. I think I've often avoided squares because I was afraid of having to sew, so this is a great solution for me!

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I like it!! Will every other square be solid purple, with a multi-color in between? It's very nice. How big are you going to make it? BTW, how's the join-as-you-go working out for you?


Mary- My weekend's been pretty good. Thank you for asking.

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HI Shannon, Mary and Colleen,


I love the squares Colleen- and the colors are awesome-ness. I am going to have to try that join as you go method, since I am liking squares now that I've figured them out!

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It's a grape purple, a light grey and a dark grey.


I do like the join-as-you-go.


I like squares too, Joanne. I've found tons of squares and colour combinations I want to try. I just can't see me having the patience to stick to one colour combination for a whole 'ghan very often. :shrug

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I got 3 bestie squares done today- and yes, Shannon, my hook was smokin!


I could get used to just sitting around "hooking". If I had a holiday tomorrow like Colleen and Mary, I'd start another one....


Colleen- how was the bookstore?

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I think I'm going to go 4 x 4 squares. The finished 'ghan will be 50+ inches square. Yes, I'm doing an alternate solid, multicolour. There will be like a diagonal stripe of the thicker striped multi-colour one and then alternating diagonal rows of solid, thin stripe. If that makes sense. :lol

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