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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Im starting to fade ladies-I'm starting to "slur" my words (to steal from LeaAnne's verbage) I get up every day at 5:23- and it is now 11:37 and I have to get up early to get some cleaning done before I head to Philly


It has been fun being part of the Friday Night Bestie's Club. Sorry that Mary couldn't make it- wow will she have lots to catch up on tomorrow.


Colleen- enjoy your 3 day weekend! and again Go Lima Green!

LeaAnne- enjoy your weekend at the Cape

Stacy- have fun at the movies

Shannon- hope you get to go to Mom's restaurant for cole slaw tomorrow night!


Night all!

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Good night, Joanne! Have a safe and fun trip tomorrow. Hope you find good stuff at the bookstore and farmer's market!! Love ya.

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:nite, Colleen - GO LIMA GREEN! :cheer and enjoy your weekend!


I hate to say it, but I need to bow out, too... DS has to be at football uniform pickup at 8:30 am. From there, we are headed straight for the Cape (:xfin that we don't hit much traffic)... it's supposed to be perfect beach weather, so I am "Jacked"! ... my tan is fading... :rofl

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Man, people are droppin' like flies around here.


Good night, LeaAnne! Have fun at the Cape while I sit here and look forward to cole slaw! Love you. Sweet dreams.

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:nite, Joanne! Have fun in Philly tomorrow! Hey, eat a cheese-steak for me, will ya?!


Shannon and Stacy... don't you girls be staying up too late now! :rofl


I missed Mary, Beth, Scooby and Jenn:( I hope they come to the party next week...


hugs, Besties!


This has been so much fun!

I will miss you girls this weekend... Happy :crocheting all!

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Good night, girls! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

I just got booted and couldn't get back in. :think


Shannon, that is too funny! What an awkward moment. Last time I was at the gyno, everything was quiet, and I guess the NP was a bit uncomfortable. So she asked me, "How's it going?" I was like, uh, you tell me! :rofl



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Good one! How's your cousin and your grandma doing? I've been thinking about them. And praying, of course.

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Leanne, with my first section, I was doped up, too. I don't remember the first couple weeks of Isabella's life, either. I do clearly remember standing in the bathroom, watching dh bathe her, and he said, "What is your problem?" I was in a weird fog that I couldn't shake.

With the next one, I had planned for VBAC (even told the NP all through my pregnancy) but when it came time to see the OB at 32 weeks, he wouldn't do it. :( So that is why they are all C's.

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Thank you for the prayers. :manyheart My cousin is apparently doing really well! He had back surgery last week, and another skin graft on Monday. If all goes well with the graft, he will start the physical therapy for his back and they hope to have him up and walking around by the time we get to MI. :clap

My grandma is very eager for us to be out there. I have a bad feeling that she will go downhill after we leave, because seeing my girls is really the only thing she wants. But who knows? My other grandma lived with lung cancer for 7 years before she passed.


Have you gotten the EEG results yet?

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I didn't have that problem with my C. I don't remember much of the first day or so, but after that I was fine. No, not fine. I would get so upset at night and just cry for no reason. I got to the point where I wouldn't sleep. I snapped out of that when I didn't hear DD crying one night, and she was right beside me.

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I really hate drugs. It is scary, what they can do to a person. I freaked out when I found out I had to have the first C. It was an emergency because she was stuck and her heart rate was dropping. The anesthesiologist came in and put in like 3 different IV's. My hubby swears he was talking to me all through it, but I don't remember a thing. :shrug

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I hate to say it but I'd better get going. My youngest two are fighting over a dollhouse and it sounds ugly. Have a great night, and enjoy your cole slaw! :hug

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That is awesome news!! I can't believe he might be walking so soon! As for your grandma, I understand what you mean. My grandfather waited until the last of his 12 children got to town to pass. But I think that is amazing, that people can do that. It's certainly hard on the people left here, but think how happy it made him to see all his children. And like you said, no one truly knows what will happen but God. They may have gotten all the cancer. That's what I'm praying for for her anyway.


We haven't gotten the results back yet. Her neurologist moved to Mississippi the day after the EEG was done, and she's not taking phone calls until next week. I do know that there was still a lot of activity in her brain. I just don't know if it was as much as last time. But apparently the medicine is working for her, because she hasn't had another seizure.

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Sorry, Shannon- I didn't mean to sign off as soon as I posted! I wanted to stick around to hear about Janna. But my youngest decided to stop terrorizing her sister, and turned my computer off, instead. :angry I think she is going to be worse with the terrible 2's than my middle one. :eek


I'm glad to hear that the meds are working for her. Will she need them for the rest of her life, or only until the activity in her brain slows? It's too bad that her neurologist moved- is she still close enough that you can see her or will you have to switch? I hope you can find out about her results soon.



Oh, I forgot to tell you all. I passed along that info Monchichi posted about last week. My mom said that the day before I called her, my aunt found out that my cousin had been approved for it! :clap Everything is covered, even the skin grafts. What they won't cover is if he decides down the road that he doesn't like his scars and wants cosmetic surgery. But, hey, can't complain about that!


Well I better run now. I just had to pop in and apologize for not being around when you posted. I feel really bad.


Hope you have a good night and enjoy your day tomorrow. :manyheart


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:( I missed besties chat night! It was fun reading all your posts.


Joanne, I love your dd's art work. It's so vibrant and alive.


I spent 4 hours in a dealership yesterday while they got the paperwork straight, but I have a "new" van. My old one has 138,000 miles on it. It's not done yet. My dh decided that he can fix it, so my oldest ds can drive it when(if) he gets his license.


I am going to meet 2 IRL friends at a local coffee shop for 2 hours of :crocheting and :blah. Wish you could come!!!:manyheart Have a wonderful Saturday!!!



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Good morning all

had a blast with the chat last night.

Here's hoping everyone has a great weekend and in the case of the Canadians- Colleen and Mary- enjoy the extra long weekend!

Shannon- fingers crossed for good results on the EEG

Stacy- that was great news about your cousin.

LeaAnne- have fun at the Cape (boosting your tan)

Colleen- hope the last game is a blast Go Lima Green

Beth- when do you get the new van? Or do you have it? Have fun at the coffee shop! Coffee, IRL and crochet= perfecto!

Vicki- thinking about you early this AM on your way to NY!

Scooby, Mary and Jennifer- have a great day


Remember your vitamins girls!

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:hi, all!


Last night was major fun-age! Thanks for the cool chat:D, and sorry to have missed the girls who couldn't make it:(


It is a glorious :sun:sun day here... DH and DS are gone to get the football gear and meet the coaches, the girls and I are getting ready to go.


I hope you all have a terrific weekend! I'll be back tomorrow night.


Colleen - I hope DD's last game with the Lima Green was great, and that you didn't have to do too much entertaining! Enjoy your trip to the used bookstore, and enjoy your nice, clean house!


Shannon - Be sure to say :hi to Janna, Sissy, Honey and BigBob for me! and don't eat too much cole slaw!:lol


Stacy - I hope your weekend is great! Enjoy the pool with the girls and Jorge. Say :hi to them for me! I hope that Jorge's shoulder is feeling better.


Joanne - Have a wonderful day in Philly with "Lili" today! I hope her yart sale is a huge success! Good luck with cleaning tomorrow, and thank you for reminding us all that this is a Clean-along! :rofl


Beth - Congrats on the new van!!!! :dance How lucky that Old Red will be good to go for DS when he gets his license!


:hi, Mary! Happy holiday weekend! I hope you get to use up a few pounds of that gorgeous yarn!


:hi and :hug:hug to you, Scooby, and Jenn! We sure do miss you girls:blush


...and lastly, I hope that Vicki and her family have a safe trip to Long Island today, and that they have a great vacation there:yay


I know that there's more I wanted to say... but can't think of it right now:blush


Anyhoo.... I luv you all! :ghug

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Hey Besties!


Stacy- No worries. I figured you had your hands full. Thanks for asking about DD. We will still use the same neurologist. She'll be about 3 hours away. She has to be on the med. for 2 years, then we'll see how she is.


That's great that your cousin is covered. How are his spirits?


It is a rainy, rainy day here....so no cole slaw for me. My big weekend plans got washed out. I hope everyone is having a great day. I'll check back later to see if anyone is around. :manyheart

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Hi All

Sorry, sorry, sorry about chat last night. I remembered about it then I was watching a movie and there it went out of my head. When I remembered again it was after 11pm and I didn't think anyone would still be here. Again Iam soooooooooooo sorry.

I did read all the post and I was laughing out loud while reading them. You guys are the best.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be on here tomorrow night and I will fill you all in on all my answers to the questions you were asking each other.

Stacy..... No I didn't think you looked liked your pic. I was picturing you different.

Good night all

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Hey everyone!


We had a beautiful day here today. It was like summer! :think Wait a minute ....it IS summer. :lol DD got a medal at soccer (they all got medals), we took DD to the splash pad for a run in the water, I went to the library, and I spent my obligatory weekly sum at Walmart. Why does it seem you run out of everything at the same time? Soap, detergent, napkins, kleenex and so on and so on. I still haven't made it to the bookshop, but maybe tomorrow.


I hope everyone is having a marvelous weekend!


Joanne - How was the Yart Sale?


Shannon - Sorry to hear the rain soggied your day.


Mary - We missed you last night. What movie did you watch?


Beth - Congrats on the new Van! What colour did you get?


LeaAnne - I hope you are enjoying the beach!


Stacy - I hope you had a good day with your girls (and Jorge too).


Vicki - I hope you had a good trip to NY.


Scooby, Jennifer - :hi girls!

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Hi Besties

Philly was a blast- and the Yart Sale was neat. The front porch was covered in art- it was so awesome-ness! People stopped by and chatted and looked around and some people chatted, looked around and bought things- She did good- she made about 250 today and there is still lots of art left. She and the roomies are thinking of setting up the front porch every Saturday through the rest of the summer. And she also got a call from a cafe and they are hiring her and she will be starting Monday- not the ideal job, but a job...she has also finished all the paperwork for being a substitute art teacher-so we'll see about that. My youngest and I walked to the farmers market about 4 blocks away and got the yummiest blackberries and white peaches that we all snacked on. We also bought corn, zucchini, peppers, onions, tomatoes and homemade jam. We went to the used bookstore and to the thrift store. It was an amazingly wonderful day! That is the neat thing about having DD's- when they grown up you get to be friends too!


She gave me a painting as a present- which I thought was sweet. While we were hanging on the porch at the Yart Sale, I crocheted a couple of washcloths for her.


Shannon- Sorry you got rained out of your cole slaw! But hope you had a nice day anyway---you are the one that said she likes rain! LOL


Mary- Sorry you missed us last night, but hope you enjoyed your movie. What did you watch?


Colleen- Congrats to DD on the medal (Just wait, when they all start piling up --medals and trophies all over the place). Glad you have the bookstore to look forward to either tomorrow or Monday. And so glad the weather was so nice for game of soccer and a swim!


I didn't get too much done today (other than lots of fun). I did change the sheets and get them washed before I left and also had some weeding to do in the front which I did nice and early! Tomorrow will be the usual Saturday routine- bathrooms, kitchen, vacuuming, dusting and laundry.


Hope everyone had a wonderful day and I'll cya in the AM!


Sweet dreams everyone!

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Good morning!

Just a quick hi to wish everyone a wonderful Sunday. Laundry is on (1st load in the dryer, 2nd in the washer). I've dusted all the rooms, but didn't want to run the vacuum while DH is sleeping. Dishwasher has washed all the dishes- just need to unload it. Bathrooms are next up on the agenda, but taking a quick break to have a cup o' joe!


I'll check in later- remember your vitamins!

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