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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I haven't colored in a while:blush so I am salt and pepper. MIL (who, btw, dyes hers blonde) says it looks nice :lol


when I did color it, though, I liked the deep burgundy tones... Nobody messes with a redhead, you know! :devil Now I just don't bother....I can't keep up with it, and then it looks BAD!


...funny, I was imagining that Joanne was a blonde/light brown, and Colleen...hmmmm.... dark brown?

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OMG I'm laughing so hard right now---Colleen- you can go red if you want- you don't have to get divorced!!! LOL


All 3 of my DD;s have different hair. The oldest has dark brown bone straight hair, (she wears it short-Middle DD has beautiful wavy long light brown hair and youngest DD has light blonde long straight hair. I remember when 1st DD was born with a full head of dark brown hair I said, she is not mine- I imagined a blond haired baby- (of course I was coming out from under anesthesia after a Csection)


I'll really BRB- hope I don't miss too much

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I didn't dye my hair for a while, and the guys where I worked called my greys "platinum highlights". I think it was more of a brain thing than a color thing.

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The reason I ask, is in Boston, they are cabinets. In Maine, they are cupboards. It drives DH crazy when I sometimes slip and say cupboard.

The things we wonder about, right?



Oh! and 2 of my girls get their hair straightened... and I use the old iron! it's a lot faster than those straightening wands they have now.

...and to think, i slept with bandanas tied around my head to keep my hair flat and straight when I was young!

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LeaAnne is a redhead...I didn't picture that. I'm not sure what I pictured.


As for me being dark...that's probably a mixture of the Irish first name and Polish last name. I'm not Irish and I'm only Polish by marriage. Blonde (gone light brown), blue eyes, very fair skin.


Thanks for the title, Shannon. My library has it, so I'll request it soon.

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I didn't dye my hair for a while, and the guys where I worked called my greys "platinum highlights". I think it was more of a brain thing than a color thing.


Is that the older is wiser/distinguished and polished look?! Yeah, yeah THAT's what I'm going for! hahahaha

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I was all excited for a second when you said a Polish last name! I am Polish by blood :blush and was super-excited to change my name when I got married. Dh teases me sometimes that I only married him so I could change it.:lol

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Thanks Joanne that I don't have to get divorced :rofl, I recently did a semi-permanent in red...just for fun. It wasn't me.


My DH calls closets cubboards and it drives me nuts!

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Everyone in DH's family was born with hair, and everyone on my side was born bald. In fact, I was 3 before my hair really started growing. So we were all wondering who DD was going to take after. I was a little freaked out about having a baby with hair, but when I saw that head full of black, I thought, yep, perfect. And it stood up everywhere. She looked like a little spider monkey. Now her hair is light brown and has beautiful ringlets at the end. I'm always asked if I curl her hair. Nope.

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LeaAnne is a redhead...I didn't picture that. I'm not sure what I pictured.


As for me being dark...that's probably a mixture of the Irish first name and Polish last name. I'm not Irish and I'm only Polish by marriage. Blonde (gone light brown), blue eyes, very fair skin.


Thanks for the title, Shannon. My library has it, so I'll request it soon.


:yes I think you are right, it was your name that tricked me! and I don't bother with the red anymore... I am au' naturale! I used to be light brown, then got darker with more grays (or platinum highlights) with each child... That's funny, how we all got darker when we became moms!

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Joanne- A deer lease is private land to hunt on. You have to pay dues and stuff so the landowners can keep it up. He's been looking for one that's close to join, and this is the closest he's found. Besides his dad's lease, of course.

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ROFL Joanne! Oh, the things we can say under anesthesia. :lol I had 3 c-sections. With the last one, I was given Darvacet in the hospital as a pain killer, and I just kept laughing because the room was going in circles. I asked the dr. if I could take some home. He said no. :(


My oldest has gorgeous, thick dark brown hair. When she was younger it had ringlets at the bottom. They got cut off during her first hair cut and never grew back like that. Now it is stick-straight. And thick. My middle one has super-long medium-brown hair with blond streaks. It is also super-fine. She also had ringlets when she was a baby but MIL cut them off because "they looked weird." :angry My youngest has wavy light-brown hair, which is also very fine.

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DD has thick brown hair. It's not quite dark brown yet but it will be. It has a bit of wave to it, though, so she might end up with my curl. I now I'm having a bad hair life because she's 4 and she doesn't want her hair to go curly like mine. :(

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Stacy, it was weird for me to change my name when I got married. I had more of a plain-jane kind of name before, so I never had to spell it or pronounce it carefully. Funnily enough, I think I get more respect from the old European ladies in town now, though. :think

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Wow, lots of c-sections!


It is kind of weird that the hair color became lighter with each child. I was blond when I was little, it didn't turn brown until I was about 7 or 8. So I'm not too surprised that they have light hair.

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I also am fair skinned and blue eyed-my Irish heritage! only one of my DD's got the blonde hair/blue eyes from me. The oldest 2 have brown hair/brown eyes like their father. Colleen- that is too funny- that your 4 year old doesn't want hair like you!

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LoL @ the respect. Before we got married, I would say my last name and people would just look at me like, "Whoa!" It is largely Hispanic where we live, so I was the oddball. (Well, I still am, but at least I fit in, name-wise. :lol)


Enjoy that cheesecake, Shannon! Yumm!

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Colleen- I'm with you, I was born with an easy last name, 1st marriage had an easy name and when i got re-married- I have to spell my last name each time. Sometimes I can't even pronounce it right. Glad you are getting the respect from the old European ladies

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I could chat with you ladies all night, but I have to be up early to bake cinnamon buns before soccer. It is the last day and guess who the sponsor is?...Tim Hortons! So, they provide timbits (donut holes) for all the kids. Well, timbits are not peanut free, so I have to bring DD a safe subsitute so she gets her treat. Then I have to get her dressed and off to soccer on my own :angry.


Have a wonderful night. I can't wait to read the rest of the "stay-up-over" tomorrow.


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I had 1 section (after going through 36 hours of labor)... I don't remember the first week of Jamie's life, I was so doped up:(

The last 3 were VBAC, and DS was natural... he came so quick there was no time for drugs!


Jamie has medium brown curly (like a spiral perm) hair. She hates it, because all of her friends have bone straight hair:(

Lindsey is my dark beauty... almost black with a gorgeous wave. Again, she hates it. (why do we girls always hate our hair?)

Krissy (fairy girl) has LONG light brown hair.

All of my kids have very THICK hair from me... Thankfully, they all inherited their dad's eylashes... long and luscious!

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I have to tell this story about my last name. My maiden name is the most common last name out there. (probably because of my family) I was at the Gyno's one day after I got married, and she said, "Wow, big change in the last name." I started telling her how weird it was for people to ask me how to spell or say my last name, all while she's doing her thing down there. She and the nurse look up at me at the same time and she says, "How do you say it?" It would have been fine if eye-contact hadn't been made while she was "working", but it freaked me out. Now I think it's funny!

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