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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I am usually the one with the camera- and every time all 3 DD's are together I always take a pic of them togehter and get the ah, mom- do you have to? And my answer every time? yes, I do...I have a great pic of the three of them together at youngest DDs rehearsal dinner last year that is the wallpaper on my computer at work.

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See the thing is I've been having a bad hair day for like 5 years, so I haven't had a good picture of me for a while. I don't suppose being a mom has anything to do with the bad hair :rofl

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Go, Lima Green! Have fun at the book store.


We don't have Italian Ice. Although the stores do sell ice pops in that brand. Is it the same thing? :think

I visited Boston once when I was in HS and I am dying to go back. I would love to tour the East Coast. You all have the coolest things.

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I don't think we're doing anything special this weekend. DH is going to Mississippi in the morning to check out a deer lease...or club, or whatever. He'll be back later in the day. I'd like to go to my mom's restaurant for dinner. I've been dying for some cole slaw. Weird. And no, it's not a craving.

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What about pizza, Shannon- NY makes the best pizza- and alot of New Yorkers migrated to Jersey and brought their pizza making skills with them


Colleen- Good luck to Lima Green tomorrow- and have fun at the used book store- you just reminded me of something else I have to do in PHilly- go to the used book store and youngest DD told me that there is also a farmers market tomorrow that she wants to go to

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Shannon, I know i'm the one that turned you onto it, but what is the book called. I want to see if my library has it. I really enjoyed the show and I'm sure I would find the book interesting too. I don't suppose any two people can be exactly the same, like he had trouble with ABCs but Janna picked them up quickly and I'm sure there are things that he picked up that she hasn't...Know what I mean?

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I'm thinking my head looks enormous in that picture. So that is what you all picture me as, huh? :rofl I might take a different one after I color my hair next week.

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Oh, yes. Can't forget the pizza. Man, you're really making me want to go up there. And I'm drooling b/c I haven't eaten dinner yet. I'm gonna go make a sandwich. I'll be right back.

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I think you should get the cole slaw Shannon ---and what is a deer lease?


No, ice pops are not the same as italian ices'. Italian ices are in a cup and they are kind of creamy (I can't really explain them- but they are the best-

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Oh! and NY has the best Chinese Food... Boston has the best Italian IMHO... :thinkI am trying to remember the name of our Italian Ice... I want to say Mario's? It comes from somerville, Joanne!

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I made the mistake of saying "beauty parlor" (I know, right?) to DH, and now he says I'm an 80 year old with my parlor and my big sunglasses and my crocheting!! Okay, I'm really going to get some food now.

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Shannon, that is too funny! I can picture that! In my vision you have a beehive, though. :rofl


No, I'm naturally a brownie. But I have been coloring it a deep red-burgandy for almost a year. It washes out really quickly even though it is supposed to be permanent, so I am waiting until the week before we go to MI to do it. :lol

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My hair hasn't had a good hair day in years- I was born with naturally curly blonde hair. when I was in HS, the rage was long straight hair parted in the middle. I would iron my hair (and not with a flat iron like they have now- with a real iron) What was I thinking? Then in my 20's, 30's I liked my hair although with each pregnancy the blonde got darker and was eventually light brown. Then when I got divorced at 40, I became a redhead (my mom used to beg me to go back to blonde) So being the rebel fairie that I am I kept it red -and then the grey started coming in and the texture changed- the curl is going away, waves still there along with the frizz....I'm not a redhead anymore, more of brown I guess ( I don't know what color my hairdresser uses) My hair did look good at my DD's wedding though..

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I happen to LOVE donuts! Yummy!


:rofl Old Lady Shannon! Beauty Parlor is a dated term?!


ok... I have one for you all... in your kitchen, do you have cupboards or cabinets?

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My hair is naturally frizzy (I don't even call it curl anymore) and it was blonde when I was young but now is closer to light brown (Joanne, you and I have similar hair except that I'm not quite 40 yet and not divorced yet, so it's still light brown :rofl).

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Cabinets, but I love the word cupboard. I should start using it. I have a list of words that I like, or that I made up. My favorite is britches. It brings a smile to my face.

Oh, and I started getting grey when I was 12. Yippee.


Colleen- Born on a Blue Day by Daniel Tammet. He has a newer one too. I can't remember what it's called though.

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