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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Oh, my, I missed quite a chat last night! It seems you all had lots of fun in the wee hours of the night!

Nothing new going on here. DD needs to get up and get herself going because the dogs need to go to the kennel.

Talk to you all later! Have a great day!


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Colleen- :rofl:roflThat is sooo funny! Your DD "cracks" me up! (Sorry...I couldn't help myself) Thank you for the links. I think it might help us understand DD better. Very exciting!!


LeaAnne- Apparently my brain went to bed before we were finished talking. I thought you were ooohing and snorting about the 1600 posts. I got in bed and closed my eyes. Two seconds later, my eyes POPPED open and I thought "oh, she was being Horshack. I get it now. DUH". And then I laughed out loud again (more quietly though).


Colleen and LeaAnne- The stay-up over was lots of fun. If tonight's chat is anything like last night, we better all try to get a nap in today!!:lol


Beth- I need to give my kitchen some TLC soon too. I hear you about the squares. I've been working on mine, but it seemed like we had so much more time. Where did this summer go?


Vicki- You leave tomorrow!!:yay Are you all set and ready to go? How long will you be up there? We will miss you (again)!! You're such the little traveler!


I think I'll be able to get to Wal-Mart today. And I still have some cleaning to do. My :hook and :yarn kept calling yesterday, and I finally gave in.


Have a wonderful day everyone!! :manyheart and :ghugs to all my Besties!!

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:hi gang!


:yawn.... last night was so much fun! :ty again Colleen and Shannon!


Vicki - good luck with your babies going to the kennel and have a fun trip... are you gonna be here tonight?


:hi, Joanne! Happy Friday, girl! Yabba Dabba Dooooo! I hope you weren't late for work:D


Beth - :rofl about your kitchen! :blushI'm gonna wait till the kids are back at school to do mine... I'm presentable enough, I think;)


Colleen - :rofl:heehee about your DD! She is too funny! Must take after mom:devil


Shannon - have fun at Walmart today... and yeah, take a nap!


Stacy - good morning!


morning to Mary, Scooby and Jennifer! Hope you get to join us tonite!


Does everyone agree to putting the b-days on post 1, or should I send them be PM? We still don't know Jennifer and Scooby... I miss those girls!


I gotta run... breakfast, etc...

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Life doesn't get any better than this! We had a play at the very sunny park and some bike riding with our friends. After getting home I had just enough time to clean up the disaster that was my kitchen, pick up our shoes and hats and sunscreen and stuff, and start a load of laundry. All before DH gets home for lunch (that way it looks like every thing is under control here ;)).


My afternoon will probably include some bathroom cleaning, dusting (maybe vacuuming if I get really motivated). We need to go to the library, pick up a loaf of bread, and I need to plan a good supper. Luckily it's BBQ weather here, so that should be easy enough. Let's see :think Meat :check, potatoes :check, salad :check. Super, I'm done! :yay


Have a great Friday everyone!

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wow, Colleen... that Does sound like a perfect day!;) I do that "quick! clean up before DH gets here!" all the time... you know, it's that whole June Cleaver image I'm trying to keep up:lol Don 't you love how they think you spent HOURS?! :devil


I just finished my chores for today, too, and am off to make lunch.


We had a little packing to do too, as we are going to see MIL at the Cape house tomorrow for the weekend... :woo beach, here I come!

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Wow, you girls are good!


What time should I be over for dinner, Colleen?


What time should I be over to leave for the beach, LeaAnne?


DD and I are about to go to town to get the book that the autistic savant wrote. I'm praying that this will shed some light on what's going on in DD's brain. It's such a mystery!! :ty again, Colleen!!

Love you all!!:manyheart


300th post!! Happy Dancin' Time!!

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Oh, a weekend at the beach sounds fun LeaAnne! Can I come along too? I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who does the quick clean up before DH comes home. It's amazing what I can accomplish in the 20 minutes before he gets home from work ;)


Shannon - You are welcome for supper anytime. I'm no great cook, but if you are coming I'll be sure to make a dessert (I am a good baker!). I'm glad that link I gave you was helpful. I sure found it interesting, so hopefully it leads you to some helpful information. Did you get to Wally World?


Dusting started, BBQd some hot dogs for DH's lunch (he called ahead to place his order...and he thinks I've got it good :rofl). Laundry on the line. I'd better get to those bathrooms!

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So, it is :rain:rain BIG time here today... and my DK's have decided to go swimming.... well, there's no such thing as "wetter", right?!:D


These are the things they will remember forever... you are right, Colleen - Nothing beats Motherhood!:manyheart

:lol at your post, Colleen! :devil We ARE tricky, aren't we?! :heehee

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15 pages since I last posted! I almost passed out when I saw that! :rofl I had a great :heehee reading through the late-night convo. No, Shannon, I am not lying about IRL friends. I only have 1, though. :lol


Leanne, your kids are swimming in the rain! I love it. These ARE the things are they will remember forever. :manyheart Enjoy the beach. I do "quick clean-ups" too, although it really doesn't matter how long it takes me to clean- dh always thinks it only takes like 1/2 hour of my day. :think


Colleen, :rofl at your dd! How cute! I've caught my dd practicing new "faces" in the mirror before she shows me. Yesterday in the car, she said, "Hey Mommy, this is my new mad face. Look at me!" Luckily she sits right behind me so I could look in the rear-view. It was too funny.


Shannon, I hope you make it to Wally World today.


Beth, good luck with your kitchen. Mine needs some lovin', too, but it will have to wait until we come back from MI, I think.


I'm cool-ness with putting the b'days on the first page.


Oldest dd went to work with dh today, so I've just got the younger 2. I promise I will try not to lock them in the car today. :blush:lol In fact, I may not even drive anywhere. My 4 y/o wants to walk to Rite Aid to buy M&M's, and she wants to go swimming "by herself, without Bella." So it sounds like she has the whole day planned. I did manage to wake up at 8:30, which was SO nice.

Well, I'm off to get dressed, as she is standing next to me, smacking my arm and saying, "Mommy, get dressed already. I am, see?" :shrug

Have a fabulous Friday!


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The Angels are here! The Angels are here! And they brought rain with them! DD and I were at Payless getting her some shoes for school and it started to POUR! Luckily it stopped long enough for us to get to the car, but it was pouring again by the time we got home. DD wanted to play in the rain, and I would have let her, except for the lightning. That put a damper on it. Oh, well. There will always be another lightning-less rain storm.

Leanne - the babies are at the kennel. That job just wears me out! And then the funny part was that the dogs never want to go in to their carriers. Today at the kennel they heard a very large dog bark and they didn't want to get out! My oldest dog ran back in with my youngest! I had to dump them both out! I should be here for the chat. Hopefully I will be awake. The car is picking us up early, so I may not stay for the whole thing.

Shannon - I am ready to go! DD is packed and hubby needs to throw his clothes in the suitcase. Hopefully he won't be doing it at midnight!

Stacy - It sounds like the girls are ready for their day! Hope they have a good one!

Talk to you all later!


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I am on a roll! Someone must have lit a :fire under my tush! I dusted the living room, cleaned both bathrooms, vaccumed the downstairs bathroom, the laundry room, the living room & kitchen, mopped the downstairs bathroom and kitchen floors, had DD help me tidy the playroom, purged some toys and moved the HUGE toy treehouse my parents gave her this week :no. I went through a drawer and purged some old magazines. DD and I walked down the street to get the mail. I am now getting supper ready. It feels great to get stuff done! :yay


Have a great trip Vicki!


Stacy - I hope you enjoyed Mia's day :)

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Hi all!!!!

Wow! I was cracking up reading all the late night chatter between LeaAnne, Colleen and Shannon! Thank you Shannon for the warning-or I surely would have been late!!! And congrats on the 300th post! That was very considerate of you- it's nice that my besties know I check in every morning before work!


Vicki- hope we get to chat tonight- but in case we don't- have a fantabulous trip to NY and enjoy the Mets game!


It is pouring rain here too today- this morning on my way to work the skies opened up! It was kind of off and on rain during the day, and voila! skies opened up again on the way home!! So, even though I remembered about the farmers market, I came straight home. It is still raining- and every now and then I hear a little bit of bowling (or is it a plane?)

Shannon- that is neat that you took DD bowling- I love bowling. At work they have a bowling night once about every 6 wks- it's lots of fun.


Beth- loved your expression about re-acquainting yourself with your kitchen!


LeaAnne- hope the rain stops for your weekend at the Cape! And congrats on your 1,000th post- (it's an Anne thing---lol)


Stacy- my first hubby used to think I had it sooo easy at home with 3 DDs when they were growing up- no matter how much I did , his answer was but that should have only taken you a 1/2 hr- Men just don't get how much is involved I'm so glad that I got to stay home with the kiddies- I was kind of like Colleen- I worked in the evening for about 4-5 hrs/night- the hubby came home, and I went to work. And as they got older, I worked part time while they were in school.


Colleen- your DD "cracks" me up too- sorry Shannon, I couldn't resist using your little pun, too!


Well, I'm gonna sign off now, take a little rest if I can and be back for the Friday Night Besties Club @ 9:30.......


Hi to Mary, Scooby and Jennifer!


hugs to all!!!

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Hello ladies!


I got the book--can't wait to start reading it and see if there are any similarities between him and DD. Went to Brookshire's instead of Wal-Mart. As I was pulling into my driveway my car hit 40,000 miles!! It got me wonderin'...Beth, how many miles were on your van?


Colleen- You just wanted to see if you could get your bum to move like DD's!!:lol Good for you getting all that done! My house will bust at the seams if I don't start purging soon. It's really bad!


Joanne- DH and I both love to bowl, but we only go once a year--nephew's birthday. So I told him last night that we'll have to start taking DD. Later that night I told him I was glad I'd get to bowl more. He said, "I said I'd take Janna bowling, but I didn't say anything about you." That guy....what a card!:lol


Vicki- My parents lived in Ronkonkoma (sp?) when they first got married. I wonder if you know any of my family. Have a great trip.


I don't know if I'll be here tonight. It's right at DD's bedtime, so I may be late. If I'm MIA, I fell asleep with DD and I'm out for the count!


Love you guys!!

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Hi All

You guys were busy last night. Too funny about warning Joanne lol . I did read all the post and yes I was laughing while I was reading. I had to go shopping today and man was it HOT. I remember saying I wanted nice weather so I could use my clothes line but I don't remember saying I wanted it hot. I will try and get back tonight, If not Vicki have a nice trip.


See you in a bit

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Geez, Mary- kinda splitting hairs, there, aren't you? :lol


Joanne- my hubby says stuff like that all the time, until it is time for him to stay with them while I go out. (The whole twice a year that it happens.) Then when I come home, he says, "I don't know how you do it!" :lol I worked for about 6 months last year, but it didn't work out. Dh works from 6 a.m.- 5 p.m., then I would go in from 5:30 and work until 11 or 12. We never saw each other and the girls started acting out. So we decided it was better that I just stay home all the time. He got a pay cut in March, though, and it is catching up to us, so it looks like I will have to look for work again after we come back from MI. :blush


Colleen, you are on a roll! WTG! Now you can come do mine. I will cook for you! :lol


Shannon, bowling sounds like fun! I'm glad that Janna had fun. My kids love it, too. It is expensive over here, though, so we only go on birthdays.


Well we only had a 1/2-Mia day. We ended up going grocery shopping, then to Rite Aid. We started to watch a movie but dh called and asked if we wanted to meet them for lunch. I asked Mia, and she actually rolled her eyes and said, "Ummm....sure. But first we have to go swimming. Alone!" :rofl That girl cracks me up. I ate way too many onion and jalapeno haystacks, and now have mean heartburn. But I will be here for the Bestie's chat. :manyheart

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Stacy - That is a lovely pic in your avatar. Which DD is that?


Hi Joanne! Hi LeaAnne.


Fri. night is one of DH's and mine favorite shows, but I saw the first half. It's about these 2 Canadian guys who travel around the world for a year and took their camera man with them. They are in Brazil tonight !

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Thanks. That is Mia, my 4 y/o.


Dh and the dd's are watching a movie that I don't like. So I popped some popcorn for them and then sat down here. LoL

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