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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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We are going to be in so much trouble!! I'm going to edit an earlier post to tell her to look here first and see how much we chatted. That way she'll realize before she gets enthralled (did I use that right?) in all our lively chatting.

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No, it was too hot for the purple top.


the Q is still a Q, and :yes my children are cha-chinging all over the place! My Krissy is AMAZING! I think she got my MIL's cleaning gene:blush (that's a wonderful thing!)

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That's a great idea... everyone's gonna :faint when they see that they missed the fun-ness (sorry... I HAD to:devil) :hi gang! We wish you were here! :ghug


I know, she would be late for work and everything! Oh well, it is casual day, so maybe she'll have more time?!:blush

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Yay!! I'm so proud of you. I just told Joanne over on pg. 151 to go to the last page or she'll be late for work. I hope she's not too mad at us!

I'm just waiting for the 'Ville patrol to come over and tell us lights out! How funny would that be?

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You wouldn't be referring to the margarita night, now would you?? Man, it would be so awesome if we could all meet up one day. And make it a yearly thing. At least then I'd know what you all look like!! It cracks me up that I don't.

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I usually am not up this late, but I was having so much fun, I couldn't help it. I will be :tired tomorrow, but it will be worth it!:clap


My kids stay up late, and sleep in in the summertime... tonight they went to bed right before Colleen... close to midnight! I have only 1 morning girl, who is happy to stay in bed and read. My older 2 and my DS would sleep till noon if I let them:blush... usually, I drag them out at 10. that's late enough!

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Confession: I am addicted to watching Frasier and Will and Grace. They're on from 11 pm to 1 am. That's usually my crocheting time too. I'm not watching tonight though. This is much more entertaining!!

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It would be fun if we could all meet... I know what you mean about not knowing what everyone looks like. It would be fun to see. We should work on that somehow. at least for now, though, we'll have our live chats:clap I think it is really neat.


and yes, I have a couple of friends who I go out with a couple of times a year, and wherever we go, we always end up leaving with the staff:lol... it's become kindof a tradition. Since we don't see each other enough (they both live 2 streets away), we always have lots to talk about. those are my 2 IRL's. the rest of the people I talk to are related to school or PTO in some way.

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Are they on Nick at Nite? I like Frasier, Seinfeld and King of Queens. My girls have just gotten hooked on George Lopez and the Nanny. We all love the Fresh Prince of Bel Air!

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If we all got together and crocheted, we'd have some wonky-lookin' stuff coming off our hooks, because our mouths would be moving faster than our hands!!


It has been 32 posts since we did the happy dance for you. It's about time to cut you off, young lady. I don't want you to pass out before you make it to bed!

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I love all those too. When I was pregnant, my sister and I watched Fresh Prince constantly!! Do the words Thunder Chunky mean anything to you?

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:lolThunder Chunky!


You are right... I hate to be the party pooper, but it is after 1 here, and my fingers are starting to slurrr their words;):rofl


And we momma's need our rest, right?

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Oh, Frasier and Will and Grace come on Lifetime. I'm not happy with Nick at Nite anymore. They're catching up with the times. I want to watch Patty Duke, Mr. Ed, and Welcome Back, Kotter. You can see what they show now on any station. And I like the wholesome-ness (ha) of the old shows. Plus, I'm really a Sweathog inside. "Up your nose with a rubber hose!"

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I hear ya. Have sweet dreams and I'm sure we'll get an "earful" from the others about this tomorrow. Love ya!


Everyone else- Love ya too! XOXOXO

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I love those shows, too! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Snort!


Holy Moly! We are past 1600 posts!


:dance:elle:dance How popular is the ole HAL/CAL?! :heehee


nitey-nite, punkin'...


and nitey nite to ALL my besties! XOXOX :ghug


I'll C Ya all in the morning for :mug:coffee



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I'm sorry...did you just snort??? That made me laugh out loud! Not that it's the first time tonight, but that was really funny. Okay, I'm done. Good night!

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Can I get in on this conversation???




When I logged in and saw how many posts occurred in the 'wee'hrs of the night I thought to myself- oh, no! So as soon as I came to this post, I decided, you are right- I am running late and can't read the rest. So sad I missed all the chatter last night- Boy do I have my reading cut out for me when I come home from work!!!


Birthday list is post 1479- maybe LeaAnne can move it to the 1st post for easier finding?


Well, really gotta run- 6:17 already!!!!! Remember your vitamins- have a great Friday----cya later

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You had me :rofl with your chatter last night. What a fun group of friends!


I am spending today getting reacquainted with my kitchen. It needs a lot of love right now. I hope to spend a day on each room until my house looks presentable. I also hope to get some time to :crocheting every day. Tomorrow is August 1, so we only have 1 month to finish our squares!:eek Maybe that will help light a :fire under my badorkus!!!


Have a :manyheart day!

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Good morning all! :yawn


Well, after our "stay-up-over" last night, it took me a while to get to sleep. Thanks LeaAnne and Shannon for the smiles and laughs. I am looking forward to LIVE CHAT tonight at 9:30. :hyper


Beth - getting reacquainted with your kitchen :rofl I love it! That is a good one. I wish I could get un-acquainted with mine some days, but then there are times I need to get reacquainted too.


:rofl I am laughing so hard I'm crying. My DD just came down and said "wanna see something my bum can do?" Then she turned around and showed me that she's learned how to squeeze her tushie. :rofl I am guessing she might have done this in the mirror before showing me :rofl I love being a mom!


This day is off to a great start!

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