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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Oooh, yeah, it would. Now I'll have to get them a rocker, too! I wonder if I could find holiday pillows to make. That's an idea too. I'm definitely going to try your flag. It's just beautiful. And I finally figured out how to do single crochets (yay me), so it's perfect timing!

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We were typing the same thing at the same time. Great minds think alike!! They're getting married next June, so I plan on starting when I finish my bestie squares. I found a skirt pattern at priscillascrochet.net, but I'm still looking. I do like that one though.

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Whatcha got up your sleeve, girl? I try to stitch the size of the hook, if that makes sense. But my bestie squares aren't all turning out the same size. If I had to guess I would say tight, but not real tight. How's that for a straight answer?

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A size that would look good on a rocker. I don't know. When it comes to sizing things for projects I'm a ditz.

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That answer works just fine... do you have a size J or K? I think either one of those would make it big enough for a pillow. I crochet loose, so I have to drop 2 hook sizes from what any pattern says. I can't remember what size I called on the pattern, but it is 2 sizes larger than the hook I used.

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Well, he's like a brother to me. And I love them both dearly. I hope this works out. I'm still so new to this. It may be too big a project for me to take on. However, if I can't get them done by the wedding, I can always give them for the holiday they represent. Win-win, I say.

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I do have those sizes. What kind of yarn would work best? I'm ditzy about that too. Boy, I need a lot of help. Thanks for taking on the challenge. I hope I'm not too annoying.

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I am thinking that about 15" or so would be very nice on a rocker. I didn't even ask if they will have a porch:blush... sheesh... talk about presumptious! sorry about that!

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:yes a definite win-win... and I am :hyper to help! Truth be told, I have been in a bit of a stitchin-funk lately, and this is just what I needed to bust me out of it!:clap ...Isn't it funny how things work?!:D
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They have a small porch, but they can always put it inside too. And I never thought about it, but a rocker is such a great wedding gift!! They'll be all set when they start having babies, but it's something they can use in the meantime too. I'm so excited about this!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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It is funny. I truly think that all of us here found each other for a reason. I'm very blessed to have all of you in my life. I'm glad I could help with your stitchin'-funk. I actually made all this up just to help you. hehe

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You are most welcome! Hey, I just went to priscilla's site... is it the quick and easy skirt that you are going to make?

I really love her designs...she is one talented lady

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I believe so. Is it cream with a red ribbon? I love the yo-yo one too, but it looks too complicated for me. And I love love love ribbon through crochet. I think it's so pretty!

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...and I would agree that we all found us for a reason! You all mean so very much to me:manyheart This is one of the happiest places ever! I think we really are all Besties!

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Well don't say I didn't warn you!! You probably figured it out with my first post. Do you remember? I said I was going to start calling cleaning "crochet foreplay". I'm such a dork. But I'm okay with that. I've come to accept me for me.

"I am what I am"--Popeye

I should put that in my siggy!

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I've never been a part of a group of friends. I've always had just one here and there. I did have three really good friends before I got married, and they all decided they didn't want to/couldn't be my friends anymore. It's still hard for me to talk to people because of it, and that was six years ago. This group has given me more confidence. In fact, I'm looking for a crochet group to join, and if I can't find one, I just might start one. Okay, now I'm sharing way too much. Sorry.

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:rofl:rofl... I forgot about that! OMG... and now my house is clean:eek:eek


hehehe... this IS perfect timing!


Oh! My DH just came by and asked what we could possibly be talking about... so I told him about your quandry for your cousin's wedding. He said "you really have a lot of fun on that Crochetville, don't you?" my reply was... :shrug "What can I say? I am a dork!" He :lol:lol and said "you know what? I LOVE your Dork-ness!" :rofl That guy...

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I know what you mean... I don't have many friends left either... and I don't get out (at all, really)...


I think it is AWESOME that you want to start a group if you can't find one! I hear that IRL's are pretty cool :heehee


...and no, you weren't sharing too much! That's what friends do! :manyheart

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Do you have the whole family doing the -ness thing now??? It cracks me up that you girls are still using that. When I found out I was pregnant, my sister gave me a nice toiletry bag. She put a note with it that said, Happy Babyness!! I forgot all about it until we went to Florida! Too funny!

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I think Stacy's exaggerating about the IRLs. I just don't believe it.

I meant to ask you...did you wear your purple crocheted top to the concert?

And how is the quitting going...or is it gone already??? Are your kids getting rich?

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