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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Well.... it was either learn, or never know what my kids are talking about:lol

although tonight I said "TISNF" which was That Is So Not Funny, and Lindsey told me I am a "dork" :rofl

:shrug... I don't care, at least I am having fun! and it's about time she figured out my dork-ness:devil ... a leopard can't change her spots, you know:heehee

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You were right...she is a smarty pants. My DD read the word doctor yesterday. My mouth dropped. I couldn't believe it! (Sorry about the bragging, but I'm sure you all understand)

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Padookies! :rofl NVM! TISNF! Will I ever stop learning a new language on here?


I guess Mom's become dorks about 13 years into the job, eh? (If not sooner). And yes, I say "eh" all the time! :rofl.

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I like it. "Let's put a padookie in you hair so you don't get any bibbets". I could get used to that!

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I wish I could say "eh" all the time, but I don't think it would jive down here. Hey, I'm a mutt too BTW. My parents are from LI, and moved to NOLA when Mom was pregnant with me. I'm the first Southern girl in the family. Most of the time I don't claim to be though.

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She read the word Doctor! Wow! I saw this TV program while you were in Florida about ...what are they called...the guy from the movie Rain Man was one. Savants! That's it Savants. Anyway, a lot of them have had head injuries or seizures and they become super duper smart about certain things. Like the guy from Rain Man. Anyway, it was really interesting. Made me think of your DD at a 2nd grade level,....Padookies and all!

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Hey, as far as I know, I've been a dork my whole life! My sister def. thinks so. Today she became a fan of Lion Brand on FB. I asked her if she wanted to be just like me when she grows up, or if she was just mocking me. She wrote back, "I'm supporting you, stupid." Nice, right???

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DD's speech therapist thinks she might be a savant too. That word has bad connotation for me (high school memories), but DD might be. Do you know what the program was called? I'd love to know more about it.

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Sorry, I didn't mean it to have a bad connotation. To be honest, I'd never heard the word before this program. I'll look it up for you and see if I can find anything. It was on TV Ontario, but it was a British program.

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LeaAnne- You're about to post your 1000th post!!! Yay! I'm so happy I'm here to celebrate with you!


Colleen- I don't really have an accent, although I have picked up some of DH's habits (yuck). Listening to my family and being down here has leveled me out. My mom says "y'all", and I hate that word. I say "you guys".

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Why, Shannon, would the word savant have bad memories for you? I think it is so wonderful that Janna is so very smart! It's a blessing.



MAN! are the girls gonna be bummed they missed this! this is fun:clap


Hey, btw... this is my 1,000th post! 2 of us in 2 days... WOW!

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Colleen- Don't be sorry. We used to call each other that in French class my sophmore year, that's all. We kinda used it instead of retard, I guess. But we didn't REALLY understand what it meant, either. No worries, girl!

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Wow. Thanks for the link. That was fast! I'll have to check it out when we're done "chatting" (although, this could go on for a while)

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I most definitely think it's wonderful that Janna is so smart. And she's figured out how to learn with her brain having constant seizure activity. It's always "firing off".

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Y'all is a comfortable word too :yes. I use it sometimes. Shannon, you may not think you have an accent, but I bet you might think that I do if you met me. It's all relative. I grew up partly in Wisconsin, so I can turn on my mid-west accent in a snap when I'm around my cousins or my BIL.


Ya, it's awesome that Janna is such a smarty. It must be fascinating to see her learn.

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