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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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LeaAnne and Stacy - Can I join you in the afghan-finishing project? I'm still at the beginning stages of this silly purple people eater afghan, but I need all the help I can get! A push and a :kick would help. One round left on square #2 (they are 12 inchers). I'm going to study that join-as-you-go method later and maybe join the 2 to see how it looks.


LeaAnne - I think I did read Friday Night Knitting Club. People in Seattle...planning a wedding...? It is vague but I think I read that one. I'll double check at the library. I haven't gotten into thread. It is on my lifelong "to try" list. I know you work with thread, so I should ask you. What do the sizes mean in thread. You know how you see Size 10 or Size 30 thread :shrug:think. Is one thicker than others and is one easier to start with?


Shannon - What are you exercising your onemorerowitis on? squares? Another project?


I've got my SPCDS in full gear today. :yay I filled up DD's pool and she's been playing around it. It is still a bit cool having just being filled by the hose to go into it. I gave her some containers and stuff and she's being a "water scientist". My little smarty pants. :manyheart


I have to head to work this afternoon, so I'll check in this evening.


The Friday night Besties club is fine with me. Obviously there will be times when someone can't make it, but I like the idea of trying to get as many of us "live" as we can.


Have a great day everyone.


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Colleen - sounds like you and the "Water Scientist" are having a fun summer day! Major awesomeness!!:yay

size 10 thread is thicker than 20 is thicker than 30. If you have a fave stitch or pattern, try it in thread. conversely, if you find a thread pattern you like, you can try it in yarn. It just comes out a different size. How's that for opening a can of worms for ya?! Now your possibilities are truly endless:D Let me ask you... what is the smallest size hook you have used?


And I say the more the merrier on the 'ghan finishing gang! I haven't tried that join-as-you-go either... I might try it too, since my squares are "granny" on the outside. How many squares for that purple people eater?


Hope everyone's enjoying a terrific summer day!


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Hi everyone

Today was a cleaning day here. Did 2 loads of laundry and it is still out on the line ( love my clothesline) I have done dishes, straighten things up, pulled up all the carpet tiles in the laundryroom and washed them and they are on the deck drying, I have put my yarn in the room it goes in but have not put it up on the shelves yet. Oh and I had to have a little nap today. Now Iam going to make dinner and then hopefuly get to:crocheting.

That amount of yarn will last til about Jan. It really depends on how much time I have and what Iam making. Most of that yarn if not all is going to be made into kids sweaters. We have another show in Nov. and that is it til next year.

Iam in on the friday night chat. I don't see it being a problem. The different time zones I know about with my son living out west.

I will be back later oh and my b-day is Nov.9


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Good evening everyone!

Well, it turned out to be a hot humid day here with sunshine! No bowling tournaments today! Work was good and tomorrow is Friday which is dress down day-I love Friday's for that reason- don't really have to think about what to wear!:yes


Beth- Wow your son is 6 ft 6- my nephew is about 6'5! Good luck with the weaning from the minivan. When I went from a minivan to a car, the hardest thing was getting used to not being so high up! I am thinking that my next car will be a small SUV- like maybe a Subaru Forester or Honda CR-V. But that is years away (at least I hope it is)

Hope the last swim meet went well and enjoy the rest of the summer and your part time driving duties!


Shannon- Hope you enjoyed your day and welcome home to Janna! Sorry you didn't get to Wally World- I stopped on my home tonight to get more yarn for my bestie squares. AC Moore didn't have the color I needed! (that's because i had a coupon for AC Moore, I'm sure). So I trekked on over to Wally World and they did have the right color. Glad that the angels cooperated last night for you too! So you have relatives in LI? Seems like alot of us do.


Mary- Glad you got to do the solar drying thing today along with Colleen. I used to do the solar drying thing when my kids were growing up! We can't have clotheslines in my development- isn't that silly? Glad you got a nap in today and I'm sure you are busy crocheting with all that yarn now


LeaAnne- I am with you- I would definitely have opted for the dinner in a restaurant over the tailgating- Glad you had a nice time at the concert and got to go on a date. I know how rare those times are when you have kids at home! And yes, I have noticed that the Red Sox have changed the vowel from "O" to "U"! But, I'm loving it- Go Yankees!!!! Joba pitched awesome-ness last night. My DH goes to LI about every 6 weeks for work too! (but it's a lot closer for him than for your DH) I listen to the FAN on my way to work and on my way home. (Did I tell everyone that I'm a sports nut-esp a ny sports nut) I think 1010WINS is a news program, not sure if it is even around still, but it was when I was younger!


Vicki- Have fun in LI! My nephew is living in Port Jefferson and my godmother lived in Huntington for a gazillion years. She sold her house 5 years ago and is now in Lake Ronkokoma. hope you got your laundry done and the packing started. Have fun at the Mets game (but don't root for them) I hear Citi Field is supposed to be nice.


Colleen- Glad you got to use the solar drying system today- I know how happy that makes you! Loved that your daughter was a "water scientist" today! She sounds too cute! Hope work was easy for you! I love the name "The Friday Night Besties Club" Sounds like it could be the name of a bestseller!


Stacy- What a great deal on all that produce! My DD's in Philly and Boston have great farmer's markets too and get good deals. Not so much where I live. I hear that there is one at Rutgers Gardens on Friday and I always forget about it until its too late. Hopefully I will remember tomorrow. I can go a different way home from work and pass right by it. The garden is run by the students in the agricultural programs at the Cook college division of Rutgers.


So who is keeping track of all these birthdays?


So far: (that I could find w/out losing this message)

LeaAnne- Aug 6

Joanne- Oct 10

Mary- Nov 9

Vicki- Jan 27

Beth- May 24

Shannon- Dec 9

Stacy-Aug 31

Colleen-Nov 2




Well, DH just called- he'll be home in 10 minutes from class so I want to get his dinner ready!


Have a good night everyone:hug

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Colleen - That is so cute that your DD was being a water scientist today. Mine likes to play in her "mudatory". She makes it as muddy as she can!

Mary - How many sweaters will you make from all that yarn? That great!

Shannon - Were you born on Long Island? I was born in Queens, NY, but my parents lived on L.I. My hubby was born up there too. There is a lot of driving up there, but The most we will be driving is when we go to the game. No, I won't root against the Mets this time. Only if they are playing my Yankees!

I hope everyone else had a great day! Leanne, Joanne, Beth, Jennifer, Stacy - Have a great night!

Ok, I got the packing done and I checked DD's suitcase. MUCH BETTER! Everything was neat and tidy. Now Hubby just has to do his. Today I got all the laundry done and I cleaned the half bath. I read for about 2 1/2 hours for my paper today and I did dinner and the dishes. Just grilled steak and a salad. Nothing special. DD wanted her nails painted, so I polished her finger nails and toe nails. Now I am just getting ready to polish mine and relax a little. DD has her orange belt test tomorrow and the dogs are going to the doggie hotel tomorrow too.

Talk to you all later!


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Colleen - sounds like you and the "Water Scientist" are having a fun summer day! Major awesomeness!!:yay

size 10 thread is thicker than 20 is thicker than 30. If you have a fave stitch or pattern, try it in thread. conversely, if you find a thread pattern you like, you can try it in yarn. It just comes out a different size. How's that for opening a can of worms for ya?! Now your possibilities are truly endless:D Let me ask you... what is the smallest size hook you have used?



The smallest hook size I have is a 3.25 mm, but I'm not sure I've worked with anything smaller than 3.5...if even that :think. I know would have to buy a tiny steel hook to try thread. I like the idea of just making the pattern in yarn, though, depending on what it is of course :yes. Thanks for explaining the thickness! :hug So the bigger the number, the thinner it is. Kinda backwards, but :shrug Someday I'll give it a try. Maybe a bookmark or something would be a good start, I suppose.

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I'm back- DH didn't want dinner- he had grabbed something before class so I have lunch for tomorrow!


Vicki- Small world- She lives on Lorenzo Circle. She and my mom were friends since grammar school so even though I call her "Aunt" she is not blood- but she is a hoot! I love her to death! She and my mom were such opposites- She is really special- we always have a good time. I called her since my nephew needed a place to stay until his apt was ready when he moved from Cali and she didn't skip a beat about having him stay with her. She and her DD even took him out for lobster/crab dinner on his birthday. He is making new friends and adjusting to med school and life on the island. My aunts DD took him to the beach one day in her 66 Corvette- which he loved!


Colleen- glad you stopped by to see what was going on.

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Stacy- how were the outlets? I love going to outlets! I love a good bargain- my mother taught me to never pay full price for anything! It's a lesson I think my DD's have learned too.

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Hey Besties!


Looks like a ton to catch up on, here. That's what I get for not being home all day! :lol


Beth, 6'6"! Holy moly. My dh is 6'2" and when I first moved out here, I had a Grand Am. It was so funny watching him get into and out of that thing! :rofl Hope you can find something that everyone can fit into.


Colleen, sounds like you and your water scientist had a rockin' day! Glad to hear you took advantage of your solar-powered drying system today. Of course you can join in on the afghan-making. I think posting about mine lit the :fire I needed. I am almost finished with the border, but still have to wewave ends, w hich, of course, is the worst part. :blush I used the join-as-you-go method so I will post a close-up of it for you.


Vicki, great job on the packing. Sounds like you are having a nice relaxing day. Good luck to dd on her orange belt test! :cheer


Joanne, the produce sale is at a grocery store. I asked dh about it because I wasn't sure why it was so cheap, either. Apparently, the Latin grocery stores buy from local farms and they are not union, which is how they can sell the produce for so cheap. Either way, I :manyheart it. LoL We do have a college that has a wonderful agricultural program and they have farmers' markets in the summer. Oh, and for the list, my b-day is August 31. :tup


Mary, sounds like you accomplished much today, too. I hope you got some :crocheting time.


Hello to Scooby, Leanne, Jennifer, and Shannon. :hi


We left at 9:00 this morning and headed for the outlets. I got 2 pajama sets, a swimsuit, and a nice church dress for $35! :manyheart And the best part is that dd picked out all of them on her own. She really wanted a 2-piece suit but dh almost had heart failure with her last one, which was a 1-piece but had an open back with a clasp in the middle. Luckily we found another 1-piece that she really liked. :whew Off to the playdate- the girls had so much fun! Mia was super-excited to see her little friend, and Isabella immediately found a little corner to sit and chat with hers. There are 5 kids in the family and she gets along the best with the 8 y/o, who also is a boy. (That girl takes after me, I think.) We had lunch at the Target cafe and went on the carousel. Isabella and her friend talked their way through lunch, comparing video games and superheroes. :lol It was really cute. Dh texted me to say he was home, so we left and stopped at Rite Aid for some goodies. Came home and had dinner, now we are chillaxin.' DD is dying to try out her new swimsuit but neither girl ate their dinner, so it will have to wait for tomorrow. And of course no cleaning was done today. That's ok-everyone needs a day off. :rofl


I'm gonna go and work on my afghan a bit more. Hopefully I will get the border done tonight. Nighty night!


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I'm hot, sweaty, and tired, but my darling son is SO happy! This was the last time he got to race against one of his teammates, an 18-year-old who usually wins everything. For the first time ever, he actually beat the 18-year-old (by .04 seconds, but hey, it counts!) Not bad for a 15-year-old!


No more swim meets for a couple of months!:cheer


Everybody have a great night! :ghug

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Beth- Congrats to DS on his win! Hey, it's all about those seconds in swimming! Enjoy your time off from full time driving!


Stacy- sounds like you had a great day! Enjoy your chillaxin!

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:cheer:cheer Yeah! for Beth's DS!!!! Nice Win!:cheer:cheer


Hi, all!


Stacy - :lol about Mia and the "older men"... you are funny! It sounds like you had a fun and action-packed day! Glad to hear that you are chillaxin' with DH! How is he feeling?


Joanne & Vicki - My DH stays in Ronkonkoma when he goes on business, and that's where the wedding was last year,too! OMG, the world just shrank, again!


Vicki - Glad to hear that you got the packing done... I hope you have a fantabulous trip... I saw Citi Field in April, when we went to NYC for a few days (I had never been... I'm not really a city-gal:blush)... anyway, the stadium looks REALLY NICE! I hope you enjoy the game. we will all miss you:hug


Joanne - I hope you:remember the market on your way home tomorrow... that sounds like a really cool place. Enjoy casual day tomorrow, as well as listening to the FAN... I figured you listened;):devil

p.s. my b-day is the 6th, and Shannon's is Dec. 3rd.


Colleen - a 3.25 is a size D, right? and :yes definitely try a thread pattern with thin yarn. You could try a skein of RH Luster Sheen, if you can find it... it's a little bigger than a size 3 thread, and would work well with your 3.25 hook. I don't know if they offer that product in Canada, but basically, look for a fingering weight cotton yarn. Do you have a pattern that you want to try? Keep me posted on what you are up to with that, ok? :hug


Mary - That sure is a lot of kids' sweaters you are going to make! ...and :cheerfor all you accomplished today! :nworthy All that AND a Nap?! You are a blessed lady:c9


Shannon - how was Janna's visit with Honey and BigBob? I hope you are having a nice, quiet night... after all, you must be :tired from the onemorerowitis and all that cleaning!


Hi, Scooby and Jennifer! :hug to you both!


Today was pretty nice. Warm and less humid (my dd's hair was happy about that! :rofl). The kids had a lot of fun being their own "club"... lots of :lol:lol:lol and swimming. All in all, a perfect day. Then DH took us to Applebee's for dinner and out to buy DS his cleats (did I mention he's going to play football??!). Practices start Monday, and equipment pickup is Saturday. For the month of August, practices are Monday through Thursday: 5:45 - 7:45. It all sounds kindof intense to me :shrug he's only 7... We'll see how it goes. I am sure he will LOVE it.


I think that :crocheting :bug is biting... I'm off to do some stitchin'...


Luv you all!

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Ok, I'm so excited! I tried the join-as-you-go method on my first two squares. I wanted to make sure I liked it before I continued making squares. I love it! It is super easy! I've started square #3. I think I'll need to make 16 or 20 squares to make it either 4 x 4 or 4 x 5. Gee gosh golly gee darn (that's for you, June Cleaver), i think I'll have to go by Mary's Yarn Store (it is now your yarn store, Mary :lol) and pick up another pound each of purple and dark gray. I think I'll need them, the purple for sure. It turns out I didn't like the variegated when I got it working next to the purple and grays, so I'm going with solids only. DH hasn't said anything about what I've got done so far, so I suspect he doesn't like it....but it's not for us, so it doesn't matter if he likes it :P.


Beth - Congrats to DS on his swim win! That's awesome! That will give him a big confidence boost for next swimming season!


Stacy - Sounds like you had a fun day. That is so cute Isabella and her friend chatting about video games and stuff. WTG getting some new duds for her at the outlets. I hope Mia isn't continuing on with the outfit changing she did the other day. My DD's favourite bathing suit was in the wash when we went swimming yesterday, so I told her she had to wear one of her other suits. She picked out a 2 piece. I had bought it on clear out for $2 or something crazy like that thinking it would be fine for the backyard. But that's what she wanted to wear to public swimming. I am trying really hard to just let her go with what she wants to wear (and I'm doing very well!), so I said okay. :shrug What can you do?


Joanne - How nice that you have lunch made for tomorrow. More time in the morning, I bet! And a good lunch to boot! We have a radio station here called 1010. It is an all-news channel. 1010 on your dial, CFRB. :lol We also have a station called The Fan, also all sports. It's a big world, but kinda small at times, isn't it.


Vicki - Good luck with all the last minute preparations for your trip! Enjoy Long Island and your baseball game.


Where is Shannon-ness tonight? :think


:hi and good night to all my Besties. For the official record, my b-day is Nov. 2.

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Oh, man! Now I'm going to have to investigate that Join-as-you-go method :lol do you think the end weaving will be less???


I think it might be more :think You'd have two ends to weave for each square. :( OK, I think you just ruined it for me. :lol I'm just kidding. Have you ever tried working over your ends to avoid some of your end weaving? I'm doing that with some of my squares, where I change colours. I just crochet over the end with the next colour so there isn't as much end weaving at the end. Only works with some patterns, but it helps.

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