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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Mary - I'm glad you got home safely. Your grandkids are so cute and I am so flattered that I count as a "girl". :lol 47 pounds, eh? Well done! You guys made me think about that pick up truck commercial where they sarcastically say "unless all you're hauling is yarn". :rofl You ladies really do haul yarn! :rofl


Joanne - I hope you have a great sleep tonight. You are past hump day! :yay Yes, the weather is like NJ in June around here lately :lol. Actually, we have had a lot of thunderstorms. Still more tonight and rain tomorrow. I only get April through October for clothesline season and I am missing out! :angry I get so excited when spring comes and I can finally put my clothes out. I usually get them out there before all the snow melts (but not too early or they freeze....clothes look funny when they are frozen).


Vicki - I love school supply shopping. WTG getting so much cleaning and stuff done today!


Shannon - I will definitely have schmetterling in my prayers. As for a care package, I suspect a card letting her know she is in your thoughts and prayers and maybe a hat or two would go a long way. No worries about the red car club. Mary's and my vans are a blue-green color, so we don't all have red vans.


LeaAnne - How was AC/DC? I hope you and DH had a blast!


Stacy - How is it going? I hope you had fun with your girls today. I've had to buckle Mono into the car as well, although she didn't need a car seat. DD was happy with a seatbelt :lol. Gordon, that's cute.


Beth - How did vehicle shopping go? If you get to choose color, I hear red is a popular colour around here :lol


Scooby, Jennifer - :hi I hope you had a great day!


I made some ham and rice for supper (and Jello -- I am such a gourmet!). I got my groceries done. And I went to work. Busy busy day!


Joanne is right, I work in the evening and then do the bedtime thing. I can usually be on-line by 9:00 EST. I don't work Wed. or Fri. It sounds to me like we need to have an on-line birthday party around here. :devil I think I heard that LeaAnne is having a birthday next week! What day should I throw the on-line birthday party, LeaAnne?


Sleep well, Besties!

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Good morning all!

Had a good night's sleep and I did finish a square last night! (I did a different one and think I like this one better so I still have 8 more to go!) Hope that LeaAnne had a rockin good time at the concert! The angels are expected to be bowling again down here too today I think this is because DH decided he wanted to open the pool that we haven't had a good weather day to actually do it.

Well off to get ready for "hump day"

Remember your vitamins everyone- have a great day- and I'll be back after work.


Vicki- when are you leaving for NY? Is it today? If so- have a great trip!

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Colleen, I had to :rofl. I gave the salesman at the Ford dealership a really hard time because of that commercial. "Excuse me, but can I carry yarn in this vehicle, or is it not capable of hauling yarn?" Seriously! He didn't get it. My husband is now talking about me buying a NEW van, as it not used. :faint. Back to the drawing board for research. It's been 15 years since I bought the last one. Things have changed.


Which fairy am I? Well, it depends which way the wind is blowing. I'd like to think I'm the green fairy, but too often, I need to be thrown out the window. :devil


Joanne, congrats on the square! I'm almost done with #3, but I think I may want to do something different, too.


Mary, I want to come play in your new yarn!!! It would be so much fun to buy large quantities like that.


Hi Everyone else. I need to get my son to work. I will write to all of you later.:hug

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Happy Hump Day to all!

A very quiet morning here. DD is at her friend's house sleeping over and the hubby is at work. All quiet on the home front!

I need to go to the post office today. I had bought DD and my niece a pair of earrings for Christmas. Not sure if DD would like them, I showed them to her, telling her that they were for her cousin (I didn't lie). She doesn't like them, so I need to return them. Then I bought a book from amazon.com that I already had. I know, how stupid of me. So that needs to be mailed back. I plan on getting the suitcases down today and start the whole packing process.

I love the idea of an online chat! That would be fun. I can do it any time during the summer. Once school starts I could only do it at night. Probably after 7 central time.

Mary - 47 pounds of yarn! Where do you put it all? I think my husband would kill me if I came home with that much yarn. Good for you!

Leanne - How was the show? Did you have a good time?

Joanne - We leave Saturday morning, so I have a couple of days to get myself together.

Good morning to Shannon, Stacy, Scooby, Beth, and Jennifer. Hope you ladies have a great day!

Talk to you all later. Have a great day!


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I had to wait until I got a pic to share this. Mary gave my DD 3 little dresses for her dolls. They are in pinks and yellow, DD's favourite colors. DD said "Ah, these are the cutest dresses. That was so nice of your friend to give them to me. Next time you see her, can you tell her thank you for me?" So, she says "thank you" Mary, they really are adorable! Modeling the pink dress is a doll my DD has named "Alina".





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Aww what a cute dress! That was very thoughtful of Mary. :manyheart I'm glad you two had such a wonderful meet-up.

Oh, Colleen, I thought of you and your dd's clothing-ness this morning. My 4 y/o went to school with MIL today. As she was getting dressed, she decided she didn't like the outfit I had picked. Picked another, she got halfway dressed before deciding she didn't like it. Picked another, she put it on and got about halfway down the hall, completely dressed, before deciding she wanted another outfit. :thair Six changes later...she was finally happy with a dress and a pair of Dora tennis shoes. :shrug


Vicki- good luck with packing. Sorry dd didn't like the earrings. My oldest is very hard to read- I don't buy anything wearable (clothing, earrings, etc.) unless she is with me, because she could really go either way with it.


Shannon- you cracked me up with your 3 year old slut-ness story! No one really minded sharing- I love it! LoL I had read about Schmetterling's story a while ago but already committed to making toys for Kristie's kids. I am almost done with that, then I will see about making some hats. I think it is very thoughtful and generous to think of others while she is in that situation. :manyheart As for a care package- you should check to see if she has a wish list. Some other ideas would be lip balm, little bottle of lotion (maybe unscented in case she is sensitive), a crochet mystery. She has also mentioned being home-bound, maybe some postcards from your area so she can see other places. I think anything that lets her know that you are thinking of her will be much-loved. :manyheart


Beth- a NEW van! How exciting! Good luck with your research.


Joanne- have a wonderful Delta Force day!


Leanne must be sleeping in after all that :2rock:2rock:2rock. Can't wait to hear about it.


Scooby, Jennifer, and Mary- hope you all have a beautiful day!


Yesterday I ended up taking a nap with my youngest. I slept for 20 minutes when dh called to say he was on his way home. He was at a jobsite and ended up hurting his shoulder. I was so fuzzy-brained when he came home- he took pity on me and had cereal for dinner. :blush I promised lamb chops tonight to make up for it. :D As we were at karate, my one IRL friend :lol texted me to see if we wanted to meet up on Thursday! :clap The girls are going to be so excited! Our 4 y/o's are besties and our 6 y/o's (she has a boy) were in pre-k together and will have the same teacher next year as well. It will be nice to have a real person to talk to! LoL

We also went swimming last night after karate. Our neighbor came down and we ended up staying there until 9:30! :eek LoL But it was fun.


Today is the big produce sale, so I need to run to the store. DD asked if we could go to the park and it looks kind of overcast so I said yes. Hopefully it will not be as hot as it has been. George has really zapped my energy this month and I don't feel like I can tolerate heat as well. :blush

I'd better go jump in the shower and start my day.

Happy Hump Day!



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Hellooo ladies!!!


Stacy- Ahem, a real person to talk to??? Was I wrong? Are we all imaginary friends?:rofl BTW, what does IRL stand for? In Real Life?

Your ideas for the care package are great. Thanks. And thanks for considering her charity.

Good grief at all the clothing drama that goes on around here. You don't think our DKs have a group going, do ya? How funny would that be?

Have fun at the park and the produce sale! Hope DH's shoulder feels better soon.


Colleen- That was so nice of Mary. And what a cute dress!! Sounds like your DD just adores them!:)


Mary- Great job on the doll dress. What a great surprise for Colleen's DD! I'm glad you two had so much fun together. 47 pounds!!! WOW! Is that for you and your DD, or did she get her own stash?


Vicki- Yay for a day alone!! I, too, am having one of those days. DD went to Honey's house, so today is my cleanig day. Enjoy it!!


Joanne- Have fun with Delta Force today. Don't work too hard!!


Beth- Good luck with your research about a new van. How exciting for you!!!


LeaAnne- How was the concert?? Hope you had fun, but aren't paying for it today!:lol

DD loved the fairy story. She kept saying, "Do it again". We even made up our own fairies, and I told her a fairy story last night in bed. Thanks for the idea!


:hi Scooby, Jennifer!! Miss you guys and hope you're having a wonderful day!


It's still rainy here. I love it!! As I mentioned, today is my cleaning day. My ipod is charged and I'm ready to go!!

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LoL Shannon! I meant no offense to my besties! :manyheart Yes, IRL means "in real life." Granted, this is real, too, but you know what I mean- actually talking to people with my voice. :rofl If I typed out everything I thought when I come in here, you guys wouldn't even have room to post. :lol


Good luck with your cleaning and enjoy your quiet day! I should probably get some cleaning done instead of spending so much time yakking away at the pool. :blush:rofl


Let's see...we went to the grocery store and loaded up. Came home, put it away, and went swimming for almost 2 hours. I should say, the girls went swimming- I talked to a neighbor. :blush Jorge teases me because the guy is around 70 and we get along really well. He's an artist and I am intrigued by that. (I've always wanted to draw but stick figures are as good as I get. :lol) Plus he treats my kids like his own grandkids. Anyway, we had a good, long talk and now the girls and I are upstairs, vegging. I made lunch and my youngest is sleeping on the couch.


Hey...do you any of you have "finish-itis?" :blush My afghan has been sitting on my table since Monday. All that I have to do is finish the border and weave the ends, yet I can't bring myself to do it. :think It is irritating, to put it mildly. I always have that problem when I am close to finishing a project. :shrug

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I took DD for a swim at the INDOOR pool today. Yep, still raining and storming here. We were supposed to go visit my parents and the new trailer at the camp ground today, but no thanks. Mud makes me nervous and creates more laundry. I don't need mud :lol. After swimming I made tacos, cleaned up the kitchen, 3 loads of laundry, went through DD's fall/winter clothes and purged a bag full, took the bag of clothes to donate to the thrift store....and then spent some money at the thrift store :D. I bought this awesome old crochet booklet from Patons. I'm guessing it is from around 1970. It has lots of fun vintage patterns in it. The funniest thing is the original price on the cover was $1.00. I paid $1.99 :rofl. I love it!


Stacy - I don't usually get finishitis at the end of the project, more around the 1/3 point. That's where my afghans become long-standing WIPs. When I get to the end I'm usually pretty motivated to get it done. Glad to hear you had a good day at the pool with the girls and your old-man-friend ;). Have fun at your IRL get together tomorrow.


Shannon - How did the cleaning go? I hope you had a great day! Good job making up fairies with DD. Sounds fun! My DD just keeps trying to figure out why they threw the fairy out the window :lol.


Everyone else - :hi! I hope you had a great Wednesday!

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Hello Besties,

This is my 1,000th post!


Beth- good luck with the research for the new van- (are you getting red?)LOL


Stacy- I think it is great that you are friends with a 70 year old man- I'm sure the converstation is probably rather interesting. Artists can be intriguing folks (as I can attest to since my middle DD is an artist). Sounds like you were very busy today- did you get a nap in?


Colleen- Your DD sounds like such a sweet kid- how nice that she wants to have you thank Mary- glad to see that manners are not a forgotten art! (not that I would expect anything less from you) Glad you got to go the pool indoors- We have had a few nasty storms here today- one around 2 while I was at work- lost power for a minute or so. (Why is it when there is a storm and the power goes out at work, it only lasts a really short time, but when it goes out at home, it lasts hours???) It is raining again right now, but I don't hear any thunder (yet)


Shannon- How did the cleaning go today? That was great about the fairies and cute that you decided to tell a fairy story at bedtime.

Vicki-That was good that you mentioned about the online chat and the different time zones. I didn't even think about that- We'll have to coordinate the times.Between all of us, we are in 3 different time zones I think!


LeaAnne- Boy, AC/DC must have worn you out! Hope you had fun!


Mary- That was so sweet of you to bring Colleen's DD's some dresses for her doll. The pic that Colleen posted is so cute.


Well, I'm gonna sign off cause the angels are bowling up a storm- I'll try and get back on later.


have a good night everyone!

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Hi everyone

Colleen tell your DD she is very welcome for the dresses.

It is going to rain here also. It is getting very dark out so Iam going to make this short. Tomorrow it is suppose to be nice so Iam doing laundry and it is going out on the line. Iam having the same problem as Colleen as it keeps raining here and I have to use the dryer.

The 47 pounds of yarn is just mine. DD got 20 pounds for herself. Also I bought her another 3 pounds that I owed her.

Hope everyone had a good day and I will try and get back later, If not I will be here tomorrow.

Iam soooooooooo in on live chat, just let me know when and what day


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Hi everyone- another quiet night I see.

Well, the angels were bowling alot tonight but seem to have finally decided to call it a night!


Mary- that yarn haul is amazing! I can't even imagine that much yarn in someplace other than a store!!! have fun with it! Hope you and Colleen get to hang your clothes out to dry tomorrow. When you are both finished, feel free to do my laundry and hang it out for me too!


I'll cya all tomorrow. Hope everyone has pleasant dreams and that wherever you are, the angels have decided that they have had enough bowling for one day!

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Hi, all-


I really am here... it was a busy day, recovering this place from a night of having a babysitter. It was our first time having someone who was not a relative mind the kids, and other than the mess... all went well!

The concert was a lot of fun, and major loudness!:2rock I guess I must me approaching middle age, having to live out high school dreams and all! :rofl... Friends of ours went to the show, too. They were tailgating at the stadium, but we opted for a date:c9... dinner in a restaurant with air conditioning sounded much more appealing. It was the first time in quite a while that we actually got to have a real date. It was really great!


I am so happy to hear that so many dd's got to enjoy the fairy story! The reason Susie got thrown out the window, was so that she could fly home to her mother's house in the woods...:rofl about the slut-ness, Shannon :heehee too funny (and you said you were the light pink fairy!:rofl) It was cool to read about all of the "imaginarys" that are around:c9 These are the best memories, aren't they?


Mary - :faint:drool WOWZERS! that's a lot of yarn! I must admit that I am mildly envious:blush:D I was wondering... when your kids were younger, did you get to :crocheting every day then, too? I think it is wonderful that you get to crochet everyday, and that your family should let you on :ctree too if you want... after all, a passion is a passion, right?:devil


Shannon - How was your cleaning day? DD is at Honey's, so is your sis ovah tonite? I will be holding Schmetterling in my prayers, too... I can't even imagine what she and her family are going through.:(


Stacy - I think it is so cool that you have such a nice neighbor:yes...he sounds like a very nice man. It sounds like you had a busy day... what kind of produce did you get?(yummy!)

I, too, get "finish-itis":blush... I think it's because I put so much energy into getting the bulk of the work done, I tend to run out of gas to do the finishing. I already want to be onto the next thing. :think Does that make sense? Or maybe that it's that I just don't enjoy end-weaving:lol

Enjoy meeting your IRL tomorrow... sounds like fun!

btw... how is DH's shoulder today?


Vicki - How did you make out with your quiet day and your packing? are you ready for the Big Apple? Are you able to bring :crocheting on the plane?

Did DD have a fun "stay-up-over" at her friends house?! :rofl


Joanne - :woo:yay on your 1000th post! How very cool is that? I KNEW you'd be a Susie!!!:lol

We are waiting for those :angel to be bowling around here, too...:shrug nothin' yet, though... Just "wickid" muggy! I won't complain, though, since Mother Nature waited an extra 6 weeks to send us summer:D

OH! and have you noticed that the Sox changed their vowel from an O to a U lately?!:rofl


Colleen - How fun that DD got to go to an indoor pool today! So, you like vintage patterns, do you? I like the deal you got. What's the booklet called? and :yes there is another b-day next week... round abouts Thursday. We go to celebrate next Saturday at my sister's... that is HER birthday:yay Our family has alot of summer b-days... 7 in August! We all celebrate together each year on the second Saturday. My sister hosts a pig roast. It's a lot of fun, and I will get to see my Uncle Art, my step-dad, and my Auntie Sharon. Last year, my mom, my aunts and I sat around :crocheting for the afternoon... it was tres cool!


Beth - Did you find a vehicle that IS good enough to haul around yarn?! :rofl... I loved that story! I hope the search is going well... (personally, I don't think my next vehicle will be red. I don't seem to be having much luck with that color:devil) Hope you haven't been too hot in the sedan.... and :yes I can see you as the Alice type!


:hi, Scooby and Jennifer... how are you girls?:hug


So, as far as "Bestie Night" goes, I have been thinking... I think Colleen said she is off on Friday nights, and Vicki is available after 7 central time. Perhaps we could do Friday nights at 9 eastern? (Stacy, what time do you eat dinner?) should we do 8? What do you all think?



Wow! look at me... Yakky-Doodle! :lol Have a great night, all

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Hey there Besties!!


I guess I missed the memo stating that the North American Angel-Bowling Finals were this week!! The LA team is really good!! I've been hearing strikes all night!:angel:angel:angel:angel:angel


Mary- Wow! That's a CRAZY amount of yarn! How long will it take you to go through all that?


Joanne- Congrats on your 1000th post!! And just since March, right?


LeaAnne- Well, thank goodness there wasn't a slut fairy to choose from, eh? DD really got a kick out of the story! Glad you had fun on your date, and got to rock it out with AC/DC!! Sister is not here tonight. I think she's coming over next week, 'cause DH will be on a job. We're gonna go see Funny People. She's 17 now, so it's all good!


Colleen- Did DD have fun swimming?? I hope you get to hang your laundry out tomorrow (you too Mary).


Stacy- No offense taken! It's nice to use your voice once in a while. I know what you mean about getting along with older people. I get nervous talking to people my own age, but I can talk to old folks all day long. I think it comes from talking to so many at my mom's restaurant. (Yeah, there's a senior plate on the menu)


Vicki- Did you get a lot done today? Are you packed yet? Where in New York are you going?


Hello to Beth, Scooby, and Jennifer! Hope you had a terrific day!!!


I did pretty good today. I decided to go to Wal-Mart tomorrow, but it's supposed to rain again. I dunno. But tomorrow I just have to dust and vacuum.


When is everyone's birthday? We are friends, we should know that about each other. Mine is December 3rd.


Well, I better go. I'll try to check back later. I'm on DH's computer 'cause mine is acting up.

:manyheart you guys, even if you are all in my head!:D

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Well, the clouds had moved out last I looked. I even got out for a walk this evening. And then I watched the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and had a good cry (I'd read the book but never seen the movie). I am a sap. And yes, I am the light pink fairy. ;)


It looks promising for the clothesline tomorrow. Thank you all for supporting my obsession. I have two, clotheslines and crochet. OK, maybe 3...sappy stories.


I was going to write to each of you, but the power keeps cutting out. 'puter is on battery back up so I didn't lose what I started.


I'm shuttin' down - cya tomorrow.

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Gosh it looks like all of your angels are having a tournament this week! I wish we could get in on some of that action. It has been muggy lately which is very unusual. Actually, the weather this year has been downright crazy.


Leanne, I'm so happy that you had a :2rock time at your concert! Very cool that you went out to dinner instead of doing the tail-gatin' thang! You hit the nail on the head when you said you run out of energy toward the end of a project and just want to move onto the next one. That is exactly how I am. :blush I finished an ami for my swap tonight and I have pledged to not start anymore projects until my afghan is finished. :shrug As for the market, I bought mangoes, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, apples, peppers, celery, green onions, red onions, peaches, eggs, yogurt and Mexican bread- all for only $17! :manyheart Gotta love the dealz!


Shannon- I am an only child and I am *guessing* that is why I get along so much better with older people- I spent a lot of time with my older cousins. :think I get kind-of tongue-tied around people my own age. It's kind of embarrassing to admit, and dh laughs at me sometimes, but there you go. Oh, and my birthday is August 31. Youngest dd is the 30th. Dh tried to talk me out of it when we set the date, but I wanted all of them to have the same birth day. *dork alert*


Colleen, hope you get a clothesline day tomorrow! Sounds like you were seriously busy today! I'm glad you took some time out for the indoor pool. And that vintage pattern book sounds cool. Gotta love inflation! :rofl


Mary, that yarn haul is awesome! I am :drool. That bright pink variegated one is way cool. Is it a yarn-store brand or a mainstream? How long does that last you?


Congrats to Joanne on your 1,000th post! :cheer:cheer


Looks like we are heading to the outlets tomorrow after our playdate. Dd put on her pajamas and it looks like she grew overnight. :eek Her shirts go up to her belly button, the pants look like capris, and the shorts are kinda hoochy. :rofl Plus her swimsuit is all stretched out. I didn't have it budgeted, but it needs to be done. :shrug

Oh, as for the Besties Night, we usually have dinner between 5 and 6, so anytime after 6 is good for me. :D


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Good morning-

Took me a bit of time to read through the chatter so can't post much now. The angels cooperated and took a break from their bowling (yes, it was quite a tournament) and I was able to sleep w/out their interruption. Angels can be nice like that!


Friday sounds good for the chat for me. When we have decided on a time- let me know- around 9:30? That would be 6:30 for the Cali girls.


My birthday is 10/10 (just like the radio station 1010 WINS)


Well, gotta run and hop in the shower. Still muggy here today and they are talking more angel bowling tournaments. Hope they don't hit Canada so Mary and Colleen can use their clotheslines.


I'll talk to you all later. Have a splendiferous Thursday....and....remember your vitamins!

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Hello Everybody!:hug


Wow! So many posts, and so little brain power to respond to them all!!! :rofl I love this group! :manyheart


I wonder if the angels are just following around that bird?:think We had a pretty impressive storm last night. I love it when the rain blows into windows on 3 sides of the house in the same storm, don't you?


Today is the last swim meet for summer swim. The year-round swim doesn't start until September. Today is my dd's last dance class until schol starts in September. I may actually become a part-time taxi driver soon!!!:yay:cheer:clap but just for one month.


My birthday is May 24. Many, many, many, many years ago.:blush


Joanne, it was nice of the angels to let you sleep. Do you have a special connection with them? Congratulations on your 1000th post. It was nice of you to use that special post to talk to us!:hug


Mary -- Your yarn haul is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!:drool I would have so much fun playing with all of it! And it was so sweet of you to make the Barbie clothing! I think you are a shoo-in for Shoot the Moon this week, but WOW! It's worth it!!!


Stacy -- happy clothes shopping for dd. Can you pick out her clothes, or does she have to choose them? Don't they grow fast, when the weather is right? Your produce deal sounds awesome! Wish they offered that around here!:strawberr:lemon:orange:apple:lime:drool


Colleen -- I'm glad the weather was good for a walk. I hope you get to use your clothesline today. Or, as my friend calls it, your solar-powered clothes drying system. :sun


Shannon -- congrats on getting so much done yesterday, so you can enjoy today after just a little housework. Will you get a chance to :crocheting?


LeaAnne -- I took the car in to my favorite mechanic, and got the a/c recharged. It's cool now. My glasses fog up when I leave the car. :c9 I am not in that big of a hurry to get the new vehicle now. We're going to try to wean me away from a minivan (now that I don't have 3 car seats) but I need lots of leg room. My oldest ds is 6'6" tall, and his younger brother is catching up to him rapidly. I'm so glad you are able to go to the concerts! :2rock And a real date, too??? :faint. What was THAT like?


Vicki -- smart lady, thinking about the time zone differences. :idea


Scooby and Jennifer, :hi. Have a great Thursday!

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Here is the reason I remembered about the time zone thing. I still have friends who live in NY and my financial advisor is still there. Whenever I make appointments to speak to him I have to ask if it is 3:00 your time or 3:00 my time. That is the only way I can keep it straight! And when I call friends I have to think about what time it is there. I know, I am a dork for actually remembering things like that!


Shannon - We are going to Long Island, not The Big Apple. The closest I will come to the city is when I go to Queens for the baseball game. The Mets are playing the Cardinals. I am getting ready to do my laundry and get the packing done. Hubby already has his clothes on hangers ready to throw into the suitcase.


Leanne - Glad to hear you had a great time at the concert. And a real date night too! That is awesome.


Mary - What will you make with all that yarn? How long will it last you?


Stacy - No angels bowling here yet, but the weather said there are thunderstorms to the north of us moving in our direction. We'll see if we get any!

Beth - Have fun at the last swim meet!


Scooby, Jennifer, Joanne - Have a great day!


Off to start my laundry. Talk to you all later! Oh, my birthday is Jan. 27!



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Hello! I'm going to try again. The power went out 4 times over the course of 1/2 and hour last night. Just off for 10 seconds and then back on. Just enough that we had to reset the clocks, several times. Funny thing is, we weren't having storms for the first time in days :shrug


LeaAnne - I'm glad you enjoyed AC/DC and your date. Good for you! Yes, I guess I like vintage patterns. I just like patterns in general. They have this big bin at that thrift shop of pattern books, but they are all mixed together (knitting, crochet, cross stitch, sewing). It makes for fun digging. So, your birthday is next Thursday. :yay


Stacy - Good luck clothes shopping today!


Beth - I love that solar powered clothes drying system :rofl 6'6"! What are you feeding him! ;)


Joanne - Congrats on your 1000th post! I hope you have a good day with Delta Force today


Shannon - Good job getting lots done! My grandma's birthday is Dec. 3. She will be 87 this year :manyheart. My birthday is Nov. 2. Are you going to keep track of all this for us? :think


Mary - I love the pic of your yarn. Such pretty colors! Yes, I guess that would hurt your stashbusting score. Oh well, totally worth it. :yes


Vicki - I hope you enjoyed your alone time. What is that like? Maybe I'll find out someday.:c9


Scooby, Jennifer - :hi Have a great day!


And yes, it is an "Solar Powered Clothes Drying System" (SPCDS) Day :yay

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Top O' the Mornin', Besties!


Maybe the :angel bowling IS following Colleen's bird! It has missed us, (so far) :lol:lol


Beth - :cheer:cheerfor AC! I am glad that you got it fixed, and that you can now get "foggy glasses"! :clover to DS on the last swim meet. I hope it goes well.... :jumpyay for the drop to "part-time" status on the taxi-service! Whatever will you do with yourself?!:lol


Vicki - :clover on your packing, and :xfin that DD picks the right clothes this time;) Long Island sounds :c9... we went there last year for a 4th of July wedding. I really liked it. Also, DH travels there once a month for his job. He likes it, too. Enjoy the Mets game! Are you going to route against them, being a Yankee fan?!:P


Colleen - :clap:clap Happy Solar-powered drying system day! I hope the air is nice and dry so it will work faster... I, too, am a sap. There's nothing like a good movie to have a good :cry. One of my favorites is "Fried Green Tomatoes". I love stories about "sisterhood". they are the BESTEST! Have you read "Friday Night Knitting Club"? I think you would enjoy it.

So... you are a pattern collector, huh? Do you like thread patterns or just yarn? ... The light pink fairy... :yes I can see that VERY easily:U


Stacy - People tell me all the time that I was born a generation too late, because I relate better with people older than me. I am not an only child, but I am the oldest sibling (which my sister finds a way to CONSTANTLY remind me of:blush:devil)... Oh well, maybe we are just a little more sensible than our own generation, right?:wink

So... you need to finish your 'ghan, huh? I have one that I need to get done, too... Let's hang in together, and Get It Done! :cheer:cheer We can do it!!!!


Joanne - :lol at WINS... isn't that New York's other sports radio station? DH listens to the FAN all the time, when he is in New York or Connecticut. Here its WEEI. I hope you have a good day, and that the :angel bowling is elsewhere today. :hug


Shannon - I want to see that movie "Funny People", too... my house is full of Adam Sandler fans:devil "Happy Gilmore", and "the Waterboy" are 2 faves!

I hope you enjoyed your time alone yesterday, and good luck at "wally-world" today. :hug


Mary - Hoping you get to enjoy your laundry day, too... and I am with the girls... how long will that yarn last, oh :queen of the :flying:hook? I am in awe of all the :crocheting you do :manyheart


...and a big :hi to the rest of the gang!

I hope you all have a fantabulous day! :ghug

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Good morning all my Besties!!


My computer works again!:cheer:yay:cheer


Stacy- Good luck finding clothes today! They do grow fast, don't they? And some more than others, just ask Beth!:D


Colleen- Happy Clothesline Day! We still have rain, but I don't care. It will stop me from going to Wal-Mart today though. Shucks, and I love going to Wal-Mart.:no:yuck My grandmother turned 87 this year too!


Vicki- Enjoy your trip! I would love to go back up there. I haven't been in 3 years. It was DH's 1st time, and he didn't like it because he had to drive. Pretty scary!! I have family in Rockville Centre, Huntington, and Lynbrook. And a few other places too. My parents are from up there.


Beth- :yay for AC!! You fog up those glasses, girl! 6'6"....Wow! Is he still growing?


Joanne- The angels were good to both of us last night! The tournament was over before I went to bed too. Of course, I didn't go to bed until 2 because I was suffering from onemorerowitis for about 3 hours! I got to sleep in today though, with my munchkin being gone and all.


LeaAnne- My mom says I'm from the wrong generation, too. She just can't figure out which I should belong to. Probably the 40s, because I love the music and movies from then.


:hi and :hugs to Mary, Scooby, and Jennifer!


I'm off to finish my cleaning so it will all be done when my girl gets home! Have a wonderful day ladies!!

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:lol:lol I can relate to the 40's... I love the music, too. Although, maybe it would need to be the 50's, like June Cleaver (DH WISHES!:rofl) I just got my pearls and pumps on, so I can vac! :rofl

Sorry about missing the Walmart trip, but glad you got bitten by the "onemorerowitis" bug... can you send him my way, please?:lol

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