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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Well, ladies, it has been a fun night here worrying about Stacy and earthquakes, wondering about Colleen and Mary's "hook up", having LeaAnne's DH solve the missing title problem, hearing from Shannon-ness and DD's "gordy", and Stacy and her AC!


Hope that Scooby, Beth, Vicki and Jennifer had a great day too.


I'm going to go get ready for a good night's sleep- have a very busy day at work tomorrow with Delta Force and I want to be well rested- not that I'll sleep right away, but at least I'll be in a supine position.


Have a wonderful rest of the night besties!:hug:manyheart

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Ok... here's a shocker... we couldn't do it! :lol:lol They said they should have called earlier to tell me that they needed me down there! :rofl.... So I said I will be having coffe in the morning around 9, at which time the angle of the sun will be coming in the window perfectly to see EXACTLY how to do it! :rofl... Kindof like when the planets align... you know?!

I know, I'm a dork!:lol

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OMG! I just went to log off and what do I see, but a posting by Beth and leaAnne! Sorry about the van not being there- but I'm sure you will find something! At least you have a car to drive in the meantime (although without AC, not much fun)


LeaAnne you are too funny tonight- it must be from all those paint fumes you inhaled last week!!!


Anyway, for real, I'm outta here.....cya in the AM and I'll catch up on all the chatter then.


Luv you guys (do u remember when everyone wrote love that way???)


Nighty night...sleep tight.....and you know the rest!

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I have to :heehee about Mary being a grumpy grandma! That's priceless! AS IF!


Stacy, :tryme you GO GIRL! and get that new AC! How long have you rented there? Why do they keep taking care of the new people?! That sux!


Beth - :xfin that you get to test drive some models tomorrow:cheer And thank goodness for the sedan! Is it by any chance RED?!:lol


Joanne- I hope you have a good night's rest, GO DELTA FORCE! :cheer

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Yeah, Joanne, we know the rest... but we've had enough BUGS already! :lol


:rofl about the paint fumes! I guess this would be my 1 of 3 or 4 times a year that I am funny... come to think of it:think that's about how often I paint! :heehee You might be onto something:devil

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I'm signing off too, Ladies. It has been a big day, meeting a Bestie and all. Shannon is wondering what we all look like. I never thought to bring a camera. Oh well, maybe next time.

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okee-dokes! That was SOOO much fun, though! It was fun all being here "live" and everything... a perfect end to the day, I'd say:yes


I gotta go pick up DD from a friend's house...


Hugz, my peeps!

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OMG! This is just too funny to read! The back and forth is so much fun! Love it!

Stacy - Glad to hear that everything is ok there.

Colleen and Mary must have had a great time! Grumpy Grandma. As if ANY grandmother would be grumpy with their gtandkids!

Shannon - Sorry to hear that you got a little crispy. That is so funny that DD thinks it is "grody". Haven't heard that in ages!

And I FINALLY figured out what those green lights meant! I'm a little slow sometimes.

Have a great night all!


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BUMMER!!!:grumpy I can't believe I missed the live chat! I was here, too, and logged off too early. Stupid dinner!


Beth- I'm so sorry to hear about your van. Good luck finding a new one!


Okay, I think that's it for me. I will tell you that when we got to the town our hotel was in (we left Friday and stopped in Alabama for the night), I realized that my 1st square was too small using the suggested hook. Lo and behold, there right in front of me was a Hobby Lobby. So I asked my dad if I could run in, and he actually let me!:yay:cheer He's so swell. Of course, they all think I'm silly for being in this group. They'd understand if they were hookers! My sister calls you my imaginary friends.:lol But I don't care, I love all of you and I'm blessed to have you!!:ghug

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Imaginary friends! As if!! (My dh thinks that it is silly, too, though. He wants to know why I need to be in a group that encourages crochet? I guess implying that I do it too much already. :think:devil) LoL @ your dad letting you go in the Hobby Lobby.

I missed the live chat, too! Darn it! I signed off right when it was getting started. :blush


Beth, I'm sorry that your van was gone! That just means it wasn't meant for you, anyway. :xfin that you find your perfect vehicle tomorrow!


Colleen, that is too funny about the red van! My van is red also. :tup Dh is talking about getting me a new one, though, because mine is a 94. I will be sure to tell him it has to be red! :lol


Mary, as if you could be a grumpy grandma! Have a safe trip home.


Leanne, good luck with your over-the-phone tech support! :rofl It is so cool that your MIL still hangs out with her junior high friends!


As for the a/c thing...we have lived here for just over 6 years. This manager has been here for the last 2. She has her favorite tenants, who come over to drink and let their kids play, etc, and basically if you're not one of them, she doesn't do much to help. She wanted our kids to be friends at first but once I found out what goes on in her home, I didn't let mine go over there anymore. :shrug Now when it comes to fixing something or needing a new whatever, I get the "fast fix." I cannot even tell you the things that she has had the "maintenance" crew do, just to get out of fixing the actual problem.

Anyway...it is bedtime so I better get going. See you all in the A.M!





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Good morning all- Yes, it is early- I fell asleep quicker than I thought I would, and woke up around 4:45. Figured I may as well get out of bed, since sometimes, when I fall back asleep for another 1/2 hr I feel worse off. Does that make any sense?


Stacy- You, too have a red van? Never realized that there were so many of you besties with red vans! When my DD's were younger I had a caravan and the color was called "black cherry" it was kind of a dark red...so I guess I can be considered part of the "red car club" too! (that and the fact that DH's car is red!)Now, I'm all about silver (could that be because I have lots of silver going through my hair?) Of course, you'd never know since my hairdresser knows how to take care of that!


Shannon- it's good to have you back- you were missed while you were away. Imaginary friends--that is too funny. And nice of your Dad to let you go to Holly Lobby. We don't have any HL's here in NJ. I did a search once and they are located in 34 states, but they are not on the west coast or the mid-atlantic or north east states. Go figure. I've seen lots of good comments about HL yarn from other posters here.


Vicki, Stacy and Shannon- Sorry you missed the "live' chat- it was fun.


Mary- safe trip home today "grumpy" grandma!


LeaAnne- I'll be thinking of you at 9AM with your cup of coffee looking out the window! Enjoy your day!


Colleen- have a great day today and yes, next time, bring the camera!


Stacy When I showed my DH the 1st square, he said so you have to make 8 more and then what to do you do with them. I told him I mail them out. So he asks me well who puts it together and won't it look funny that none of the squares are the same? He doesn't get it, I'm afraid.(he thinks everything needs to match), And then he chuckled when I told him we all put our own together the way we want to. So he said, "you are going to put it together?" Ok, so I've never done one of these, but that doesn't mean I can't. Anyway, he did think it was kind of neat when Colleen's square came in the mail- kind of takes the imaginary out of the conversation....


Well, I guess I'll start getting ready since this is the time when I normally get up.


Have a fantabulous day all and remember your vitamins.


Cya on the flip side...

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Good morning everybody!


I am SO proud to be an imaginary friend! That just :day!


So, are we the imaginary friends, the red car club, the besties, or something else???


Have a good day!:hug

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good morning!


...oh, I'd say we're something else, all right:yes:devil


I think it's hysterical about all of these red vans:lol


DD used to think I was :cuckoo, too... but now he is happy that I have you guys... he was sitting here last night while my fingers were happily tapping away. He was :heehee a little, but he thinks it's great that I have so many friends (even IF I can't "see" them:U)


The Live Chatting was sooo much fun! We should try to pick a time each week to do it. It's like you girls were right here sitting with me... it was AWESOME!


My youngest dd used to have imaginary friends who lived under the couch. They were all fairies: Susie was hot pink and a rascal. Alice was green and always calm, and there was Kayley who was light pink and the sweet one. DD used to behave according to which friend was "out to play":lol:lol ... every time something went wrong, it was really Susie who did it(:think) and we'd have to "throw her out the window" (well... fairies CAN fly!) and tell her she could come back when she could play nice. :heehee fun memories... Shannon, please tell your sister :ty:hug I hadn't thought about it in a while... Meanwhile, which fairie would you all be?!:rofl:devil


Joanne - have fun at work today! :lol about the hairdresser! My hair is more salt than pepper these days:blush


Beth - Good luck with that van search!... I hope you find the perfect deal!:cheer


Mary - a very "safe home" to you...I can't wait to hear what kinds of yarn you bought... i saw over at the stashbustin CAL that you were stocking up for the winter... are you part squirrel?!:rofl


Stacy - stay cool, and stick to your guns, girl! Is there anyone over this manager's head you could talk to? I would be very :frustrated Hope it goes well:hug


Vicki - :xfin for much success with that packing:) Alone time sounds like :c9


Shannon -awesome story about the HobbyLobby... I am with Joanne, we don't have one of those around here... it was so :clover that there was one across the street from the hotel:clap


Colleen - what's on your agenda today?


:hi, Scooby & Jennifer! Hope you girls are staying cool!



Today for me is the laundromat this morning, and tonight, DH and I are going to :2rockAC/DC:2rock... I'm thinking it's a good thing we write instead of talking, because I probably won't be able to hear tomorrow:lol... anyway, we will have fun. I have never seen them before, although i tried to get tickets when I was in high school X years ago. Not to mention that it's not often that we actually have a DATE!:wink

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Good morning, Besties!!


LeaAnne- I'm Kayley, of course. And I'm the only Kayley in the bunch!!:lol:lol Just kidding. That story is too cute!! Your DD has quite an imagination. AC/DC sounds like fun! Can I go too? I can fit in your pocket, you know!


I'm feeling a bit left out. My SUV is charcoal. Is it possible to get any further from red than that? I guess I'm the oddball of the bunch.:loco But you all already knew that, huh???


Mary- Have a safe trip home, you grumpy grandma, you!!:)


I'll be back in a little while. I think the storms are almost here. Have a great day girlies!!

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Leanne, you'd have to "throw her out the window!" :rofl:rofl That is too funny. Sounds like your dd had quite the imagination. I'll be Alice. I'm a good, calm girl. :devil And it would be fun to be green. :lol Have fun :2rock at that concert!


Joanne- I, too, sometimes feel worse off if I go back to sleep. Then I am :grumpy for the rest of day. Needless to say, I generally try to stay awake after dh leaves in the morning. :lol We don't have Hobby Lobby here, either, but I received some ILTY in a swap and it was wonderful! :manyheart That's what I used for my laundromat afghan, actually. It would easily be my favorite yarn if I could buy locally.


:hi to Shannon, Colleen, Mary, Vicki, Beth, Jennifer, and Scooby! Hope you all have a fantabulous day!


I am also off to the laundromat if I can pull my badorkus out of this chair. I have a headache on the left side that is George-related (or is it Jorge-related? :rofl) and don't really want to move. Last week we went at almost noon and it was so :sweat:sweat, so I should probably suck it up and go.


Be back later after it is all put away!

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I am crying I'm laughing so hard at the fairies and Shannon being able to fit in LeaAnne's pocket for the AC/DC concert. Priceless. My DD has imaginary friends too. The main friend is "Mono" and she visits sometimes, lives with us sometimes, and often goes away for weeks at a time to visit her Grandma who lives sometimes in Australia, sometimes in California, sometimes in Toronto. Mono has frequent birthdays. The other one is "Dressel". I think she just fills out the numbers when 2 isn't enough and there are no further details about Dressel I know of. When I ask what they look like, it appears they look just like my DD and their moms look just like me :). Mono has a baby sister. I just told my dd about the fairies that lived under the couch and the one that got threw out the window. She thought that was funny. My sister had imaginary friends when we were young (Toby and Nana) and always blamed one of them when the ball accidentally went into the street. "Mom, Toby threw the ball on the street, can I go and get it?"


LeaAnne - Enjoy the AC/DC concert. Are you wearing your black top or is it still in progress? "X" means high school was 10 years ago, right?:devil


Stacy - My advice is to ignore the manager's posse and just keep asking for things to be fixed until she gets sick of replacing her make-do fixes and gives you the good stuff. You know the story of the tortoise and the hare...slow and steady wins the race.


Shannon - Great story about the HL. We don't have it here either. My dad came into Joann's with Mom and I when we were in Ohio. He and my dd picked out a birdhouse that they are going to paint together some day.


Vicki - Enjoy your day!


Beth - Happy vehicle shopping!


Joanne - I hope you had a good day with Delta Force. Sleeping late often makes me feel worse too, but with our relaxed summer schedule I seem to be doing it a lot!


Hi Scooby, Mary, Jennifer!


I just dusted and vacuumed the upstairs. I have to figure out something good and healthy for supper tonight that I can prepare and leave for while I'm at work. I need groceries, so I might do that this afternoon before work. I'm doing laundry too. It is supposed to rain and storm here again today. I miss my clothesline :(.


Have great day everyone!

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Now that I think about it, my oldest used to have an imaginary friend, too. His name was Gordon. (She really loved the Thomas the Train at the time.) He went everywhere with us and she insisted that he be buckled in the car, too. Once she asked if I could hold Mia so that Gordon could use her car seat. She also wanted me to buy an extra car seat just for him. :lol


Ok, I really need to get moving now!



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DD doesn't have any imaginary friends yet. She does pretend that her cousin is here a lot. And since we got home from Florida, she's been toting around about 15 animals and babies. And they all have to be tucked in with her at night.

I, on the other hand, had an imaginary boyfriend when I was 3. (I'm such a slut) My cousin was dating his twin brother, and their names were Chuck and Truck.:rofl I don't know who belonged to who. I think we were all pretty okay with sharing.



Now I have something serious to tell you guys. There's a charity thread about hats for brain surgery patients. I've made a few hats, but I haven't sent them out yet. Anyway, Schmetterling started it and she has quite a story. She has had numerous brain surgeries. She got meningitis after one surgery, and now she has at least a dozen seizures a day. She has 2 kids, and her husband just had to find a new job so their insurance will be running out soon. She's very nice, and this charity is very important to her. You can find out more about it in the thread. I'd like to send her and her family a care package, but I'm not real sure what to send. Does anyone have any ideas? She still crochets, but just little things. Her kids are 6 and 7. Also, if you could maybe consider making a few hats for her charity, that would be great. At best, say a prayer for her. I can't imagine going through what she's going through. Thanks for "listening", and please let me know if you plan to help.

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Hey there besties!

Leanne - I don't know which fairy I would be. I can be calm, but if I get angry, then i can yell and scream with the best of them.

Shannon - Don't feel left out of the red car club. I'm not in it either. My Pathfinder is green! Hubby's truck is red. That is the first time either one of us has ever owned a red car. He wanted a red car a long time ago and his mother had a fit! She insisted it would get stolen if his new car was red!

Okay, I finally got off my badorkus today and cleaned! First I unloaded the dishwasher and put the dirty breakfast dishes in. Then I dusted the downstairs and DD dusted upstairs in her t.v. room. I washed two loads of towels/sheets and folded the towels that were in the dryer. I cleaned hte microwave inside and out. I finished up most of the school supply shopping and started my own. I usually get extra stuff for the kids; notebooks, pencils, eraser toppers, stuff like that. I needed new stuff for my desk. I got a new stapler and tape dispenser and new things to hold paper clips and the clamp clips. Then I went to Franklin Covey and spent my lungs on a new binder for all my papers that I need to carry with me. Ugh, it's almost here. Where did the summer go?

Anyway ladies, I hope you all have a great day. I will check in and see what I missed!


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Hi everyone

Iam home from DD's. I had a good time, but then again I always have a good time with the kids.

Colleen is just wonderful. I really enjoyed meeting her and I wish everyone could have been there. Nine of us in a yarn shop:rofl All buying yarn :lol I buy my yarn about 4 times a year. I go out to DD's and then we are off and running to the yarn shop. I really do love to crochet. I don't know if I told you guys or not, but I crochet everyday except x-mas day. The family wont let me:(.

Colleen's square is just lovely can't wait to get the rest and start putting them together. She also gave me a crochet hook that lites up. I was playing with it last night and grandson was watching me.:lol I think he wanted to try it too.

Colleen and I have the same color van and the same make. How cool is that? Her's is just newer then mine.

Stacy.... Iam glad you are safe and sound. I don't know too much about earthquakes but they sound scary. As for AC you give them heck.

Shannon... Iam glad you had a great time on vacation. Would love to hear about it. Dad taking you to Hobby Lobby to funny.

LeaAnne... It is nice to hear that you came up for air from painting. I do have a livingroom/dinningroom/kitchen that needs painting. ( hint,hint ) :)

Joanne...... WTG on your first square.

Vicki... When do you leave for NY? Good to hear you have all your school supplies.

Beth..... So sorry to hear about your van. Did it suffer much? I hope it rest in peace.

Scooby.... Hope you are having a good day.

Jennifer... I would like to talk to you about your craft show. I do 2 shows per year and maybe I could give you a little advice, If you would like.

Yarn shop purchase.............. drum roll.......... 47 pounds :):devil There goes my stashbusting score. Oh well but it was sooooooooo worth it. When I get it all unloaded from the van I will take a pic to show everyone.

Going to go and sit with Dh. I will try and get back later. If not I will see you tomorrow.


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Forgot to tell you guys. Lastnight I tried to log on 3 times before it would let me. DD has dialup and an older computer. Then I couldn't read half the posts. It just let me do a fast post.

Yesterday at lunch, my grandson wanted to sit beside Colleen so I had to trade seats with him. He is all about girls right now and he is only 3 1/2 yrs. :lol

Just had to share.

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Hi all,

Chatty bunch today- I love the fairy stories- and I am Susie-(the rascal). I was laughing out loud reading about all the "imaginary" friends! And Shannon I really laughed out loud reading your comment about being a 3 year old slut. I had also read about Schmetterling in the posts- I don't think she has posted in a while- I can't imagine having 2 young kids and enduring that many seizures a day. I have never made a hat before, but have that on my "bucket list" of things to do--that and a round ripple. I think it a great cause- brain injuries are devastating- and there are lots of charities for chemo caps, and folks who have brain surgery, also could use a cap. I'll think more on the care package and try and come up with some ideas


Colleen- Sorry that you are missing the clothesline- welcome to my June! (not that I use a clothesline, but all the rain gets to you after a while! Hope the sun shines soon so you can hang your clothes outside!


Mary- Hope you had a safe trip home- laughed at LeaAnne's comment about you being a squirrel- wow- you are a grumpy grandma, and now a squirrel packing away all her stash for the long winter! How much yarn did you buy? So you are in the stashbustin CAL- what did this do to your total?


Vicki- So you spent your lungs on your new binder? That's a pretty high price to pay!!! LOL! Glad you got so much done today- and yes, my dear, summer is going fast!


Beth- hope you had good luck finding a new ride- and if so, what color? RED????


LeaAnne- Have fun rockin tonight on your date at the AC/DC concert!! And I like your idea of a live chat once/week- as for me, it has to be in the evening since I am at work all day and can't go on the computer for "personal" use. I know Colleen works in the evening, but think she is usually here around 9 ish or so. Let's hear what the other besties, or imaginary friends, or Red Car Club or whatever other name it is we call ourselves.....Me, I like "Besties"


Well, better go grab some dinner- think it is ready- porkchops, applesauce and salad


Have a great night- Hoping to get a square done, but DH didn't go to class since he had a flat tire and ended up having to get 4 new tires on his RED car. He got a good deal on them (or so he says- so I'll believe him). Two of the tires were pretty bare, and with the 3rd one flat, figured he may as well get all 4!


Stacy- hope the George (or was it Jorge) headache has gone away


Scooby and Jennifer- hope you are well.


I'll try and check in later

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Mary- we posted at the same time- oh my goodness- so much yarn- and you crochet every day but Christmas- that is too funny!


Your grandson is a real "ladies" man already!


Enjoy your time sitting with DH- he needs some of grumpy grandmas lovin!


Hugs to all

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