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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:cry after all my bragging about my good ole van, it died today. :cry I was taking my sons to their volunteer activity, when I saw that we drove through a cloud of smoke. As we drove along, I realized that the smell of the smoke was staying with us, so we pulled off the street, and called my dh. When he got there, I turned on the engine, so he could see the source of the smoke. The wires coming off the battery were melting. I guess I get to try to find a new to me vehicle, too. :sigh. I feel like I'm putting down an old pet.
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Beth, I am so sorry to hear about your van:cry... I felt the same when mine died:sigh... :xfin that you find something reliable/reasonably priced soon! :hug:hug Is there any chance of fixing it? What did DH say?

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Hi guys. We went school clothes shopping today and found some really cute stuff! When we go shopping for clothes we actually have to look in the womens section. DD is tall (she is almost up to my nose!) and built like my hubby. A little round (that sounds so bad!). She found some cute jeans capris in a store called Cato (all on sale) and we got some more cute stuff in NY & Co. So needless to say, I got nothing done. The only thing I did today was fold the laundry and empty the dish washer.


Leanne - we have been having movie nights with DD since she was about 6 years old. Hubby would pick 3 or 4 different movies for her to pick from and we would go from there. She can tell you who Tom Hanks is. She wanted to go see Angels and Demons when it was out because he was in it! And no, I haven't started to pack yet. I will do that probably Wed. Complete all laundry on Thursday. What will be the sport once Lima Green is over? Will there be a new season of soccer?


Beth - Sorry to hear about the van. I hope you can find something else that you like. Can it be fixed?


Stacy - You have my fingers crossed that there is not earthquake. I hope all is well and I hope the girls didn't make a mess with the chocolate milk!


Mary - Have fun tomorrow! I am sorry your DD is moving so far away. Once she is settled take a plane and go see her. That will be fun. Who knows, you will probably find a great yarn shop there!


Shannon - Welcome home! I hope you had a great time!


Scooby - I think people show up at your place at dinner time because they know you cook and that it is good! Hope you had a great day!

Jennifer - Sorry to hear that the show didn't go as well as you would have liked. Hopefully the next one will be great!


Joanne - Hope your day was great!


Colleen - Glad to hear that the party was a success! That is sweet that your DD was showing off her room to everyone. That makes it all worth while!


We are going to see G-Force tonight. Hope everyone has a great night!



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Hello Besties!!


We're back! I've missed you all so much! We had a great time at the beach, and I was a little sad to come home.:( I have a lot of catching up to do around here with all your chat-ness that I missed!


Colleen- Your square is gorgeous!! Thank you, thank you so much! Now, how do I make mine look like yours??? Mine are quite wonky!


Love you guys and I'll try to check in later!!:manyheart

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:welcome Home Shannon-ness!!!! I know how it feels when vacations are over- kind of sad-but hey, we are all here to cheer you up!!! Can't wait to hear all about it


Beth- so sorry about the van- but hey you did gets lots and lots of years and miles out of it. Hope you find a great deal on a new to you van/car soon.


Vicki glad you had a good day shopping and was able to get some good deals! How old is your DD? Is she at the pleasant to shop with age or the age where everything Mom says is nice is really "gross"


Well, I finished my first bestie square (which will be mine since I see a couple of things to improve upon, but one down, 8 to go.....


I'm going to get off the computer because the angels are bowling. I'll be back after they've finished!

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: hi Besties!


I second the :yay! Shannon came home! :yay Joanne finished her first square! :yay LeaAnne's party was a success! :yay Vicki had fun clothes shopping with DD! :yay I just talked to Mary on the phone, she made it safely to her DD's and we are meeting tomorrow :yay.


Beth, I am so sorry to hear about your van :hug.


It has been quite a day. DH and I dropped DD off at my parents this afternoon and did some shopping and went out to dinner. It was nice and lots of fun! My house is a disaster and I have some catching up to do! The fridge needs to be cleaned out this evening for garbage day tomorrow and I've got some laundry to do tomorrow. It has been thunderstorming here off and on ALL DAY. I think the angels had a big bowling tournament today. We've had like 5 or 6 thunderstorms since about 10 am, which is verys strange.


I better not chat long, since it is still storming and I've got some cleaning up to do, so I'll catch up individually another day.


I'll log on tomorrow after I get home and fill you on meeting Mary and her DD.


Good night friends!

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Quick good morning Besties!

Colleen and Mary- have a fun time today meeting each other! The angels were at it last night for quite a while. Forecast here calls for thunderstorms all week- or as the weatherpeople like to say, chance of thunderstorms (this way they are covered whether it actually does storm or not!)


Gotta get ready for work- Happy Monday- have a fantabulous day--take your vitamins---and cya after work!

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:coffee mornin', besties!


Colleen and Mary - Have a fun time at that yarn shop:manyheart


Joanne - hope today's workday is splendiferous


Beth - :xfin that you are having a good day, and that your van is fixable.


Stacy - :hi! How goes it, girl?!


Vicki - how was G-Force?


Scooby - did you have dinner guests again last night?


Shannon - Hoping you and Janna are cheering up from the end of vacation blues, and that you had a great night's sleep back in your own beds!:c9


Jennifer - How is it going for you today?


It's gonna be :hot here this week...:jumpyay I think summer might FINALLY have arrived! I have my :hook:yarn & :mug and am planning to do not much else... I suppose I'll have to get some laundry done, as I didn't get to enough of that last week, and I need to look for the title for my old van. The neighbor took it for his son to fix up, so I need to get him the title for it. Other than that, though, I am gonna cash in my :crocheting:crocheting time this week... I have a birthday-ghan for my sister to do (our birthdays are next week - I am the older Irish-twin)


hope you all have a good morning, I'll check back in a little while...

Hugz, Besties!

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Grrrr:irk... :thinkI can't find the dang title for the van :(I guess I'll have to go in my attic:sweat:sweat... on second thought... there's always tomorrow! I gave it the college try for today, and in the process purged 3 junk areas...:eek If I'm not careful, I'll be organized soon:devil:rofl

My DH is beginning to think I've lost my :confused mind!


It sure is quiet here today... I hope you are all enjoying some summer fun!



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Okay ladies! I get home and you get quiet??? What's up with that???


I have a picture to share with you. This was taken at the Gulfarium on Okaloosa Island. The sea lion (Kyle) is holding a fish in his mouth, and the dolphin (Zack) is jumping up to get it. I can't believe I got this picture!!


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Woah, LeaAnne! I think we just bumped into each other with our messages. Sorry you can't find the title. You have gotten so much done! I wish I had your energy!!

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Hi everyone. The angels have been bowling here too. They were at it last night during the movie. When we came home I had BIG puddles in my back yard and the water fall to the pond and the pool filter were off. The fuse must have popped, but the fuse box is closed and I can't get it open! The angels were at it again for a minute, now it is just raining. I can keep my sprinklers off another day or two!

G-Force was cute. The ending was a little silly, but it's a kid movie. There was really only one line that would probably over DD's head. Otherwise, it was good. I would recommend it to all who want to take their lovelies to the movies.

I have gotten nothing accomplished lately. I really need to get my badorkus in gear and get some stuff done. I need to clean the bathroom and pull the suitcases out. DD is going to play with her friend tomorrow, so I know I can get some stuff done then. But right now, I just need a fire lit under me. I don't wanna do anything.

Shannon - WELCOME HOME! I am glad you had a great time and the picture was great! That was a split second shot!

Have a great day all. Talk to you later.


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Shannon - That is one AWESOME pic! :clap Welcome home, and don't worry about not being motivated...you must need a vacation after your vacation... I can't wait to hear all the details;)


Vicki - Glad to hear that the movie is worth the take... and :xfin for your fuse box... hope the :angel:angel didn't get a strike:eek


...:hyper I am just waiting to hear how it went with Colleen and Mary today! I hope they enjoyed a terrific time:manyheart


:hi, all... off to get supper.... C U all in a bit:ghug

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Hi all,

Quick hello before I start dinner I am anxiously awaiting to hear how it went with Colleen and Mary!


Shannon- that is one awesome-ness picture! And I agree, very quiet here today (I guess i didn't miss much being at work )


Vicki- Packing tomorrow sounds like a plan without the kiddie interuptions


LeaAnne- good luck finding the title to the old van. Hope you enjoyed lots of crochet time today. And yes summer has finally arrived here too- hope the angels dont decide to go bowling again tonight, though


Well, gotta make dinner. Be back later.

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Where are Mary and Colleen??? I can't wait to hear all about their "hook" up. I wish I could meet all of my besties one day. Actually, it would be nice to just know what you all look like. I have mental pictures of you all, and as I learn more about each of you, the pictures change. I think I'm the only one here with a picture of myself for everyone to see. Feel free to send me pictures with your squares, Besties!!


I miss the beach. I can't wait 'til next year. I got a little bit crispy, though, and now my hairline and ears are peeling. As DD would say, EEEEWWWWW, GRODY!!:yuck She, however, has a nice little tan going on! She loved the beach, especially the waves. She wasn't scared at all!! She just ran right out there. She was very good all week though. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed the vacation just as much as I did!


I was thinking that I would put my square in the middle of the blanket, so that mine would be touching everyone else's. But the filler square idea sounds good too. It'll be hard picking a color for them since all of our squares will be so different. It's definitely something I'll have to ponder on. BTW, my squares are wonky, and I'm not good at weaving in my ends. Any suggestions on either of these problems?


Well, I'll be :lurking tonight, waiting to hear from Colleen and Mary!

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Trust me Shannon- my square can't compare with Colleen's- but the way I see it- the squares are being made with love, so they will be perfect.


Patiently waiting to hear from Colleen and Mary!

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hey, there, Pumpkin-ness!


:rofl... I missed you and Janna... Grody!... To the MAX! I am so glad that you guys enjoyed the beach!:clap We haven't been back to the beach since the 4th, but I think we are going this weekend:c9


Where is the wonky-ness? sometimes too many or too few stitches cause "Wonk"... I am sure that your squares are beautiful, tho... They ARE from you!! ...and as far as end weaving goes, if you have a darning needle, run the yarn through the middle of the base of the stitches, then tug it out a little and trim... that's how I handle it anyway:wink I think everyone has their own method, though.


I am :lurkin' too... I was for most of the day, but nobody was around, and I didn't want to look like a horse's badorkus (wait a sec, I'm a poet and didn't know it!:rofl) by keeping on posting. I woulda felt like I wuz talkin to myself or somethin':lol


Anyway, it sure is great to have you back!:hug

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LeaAnne- I had a Great day-and I see that you are doing the sunflower ghan- that is too funny- I saw it yesterday and Debscrafts55 has a link to a video tutorial on her blog done my Mikey- I actually tried doing it last night. But, I have to work on the besties squares and on some of the squares for my DD afghan. But the sunflower ghan is definitely on my list of things to do- might do it for middle DD for Christmas.


Mary and Colleen- where are you???


Scooby, Beth, Vicki, Jennifer, Stacy- hope you had a great day.

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:yes I am doing the sunflower 'ghan quick for my sis. Her b-day is next week, and she is a sunflower FREAK! So it will be perfect! You will enjoy the pattern when you get to it. It's quick, easy, and the trim is the granny stitch:jumpyay.. who could ask for more, right?


I am glad you had a great day:hug


so, this is weird.... Stacy wasn't here at all today... I hope she's ok :scared the last time she was here, she was talking about earthquakes, I think. I haven't seen anything on the http://news:shrug

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I googled earthquakes today and looks like there was a 3.5 magnitude earthquake yesterday- And come to think of it, did Stacy post yesterday? That is a minor earthquake, and I'm sure if there was anything major it would have been all over the news.


Patiently waiting.......

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Oh, man. I hope Stacy's okay. How scary is that? Stacy, if you're lurking, please write us so we know you're okay. Maybe she just lost power because of it. I'll be praying.

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