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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:hi everyone!


We got our new (to us) van. :yay It's a Dodge caravan (we now have 2 caravans). This one is the bigger Grand Caravan (mine is smaller). We're calling them Big Van and Little Van. It will be much better for DH to get into and out of. His previous car was a 2-door and getting DD into her carseat in the backseat was impossible after his injury. He is a handy guy too, so he'll enjoy the space for all his bits and pieces.


My parents got their new travel trailer yesterday so we went over to check that out this evening. It is very nice. I think the neighbours thought we were crazy when we cranked out the canopy and parked ourselves in our lawn chairs right on the driveway (they live in a suburban neighbourhood in a city). I could have stayed there all summer (provided my mom cooked for me, of course :D).


Joanne - Funny how you said it isn't swimming weather. Today when DD and I were at the store, we were looking at the kids bathings suits on sale. There was another mom looking at them and I said, "too bad it's not warm enough to swim!". She laughed. Not a swimming year at all...at least not yet. I hope you have a restful weekend and catch up on your sleep after all those late nights. Maybe cicadas don't usually come until August :think it was just such a surprise to hear them out of the blue.


Stacy - Have fun with the on-line grocery ordering. I haven't heard of that...must be an American service. That would be great for the two or three days before a holiday when the grocery stores are unbearably busy. I hope you get your afghan finished. Is this the laundromat afghan? I hope we get to see pics!


Vicki - I'll have to check out that Disney movie. We are still waiting for the right movie for DD's first movie in a theatre. Good luck getting ready for your trip.


LeaAnne - How's the party prep going? What time should we be there :rofl.


Mary - I'm glad the headache was going away. We had clouds all day today and then all of a sudden a big straight downpour and then nothing. Much ado about nothing. It's all a conspiracy by Kenmore to get me to use my dryer :lol.


Beth - How is your gang doing today? Looking forward to the weekend?


Scooby - :hi how is it going? I hope your week went well.


I am really looking forward to having Shannon back home. I can't wait to hear about her vacation.


I hope everyone's weekend is off to a good start!


Go lima green!

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Stacy - I almost forgot, this was my first potholder I'd ever made. I used the spring trivets pattern from freepatterns.com but didn't change colours throughout. I used one strand of yellow and one strand of pink variegated. I gave it to my mom as a trailer-warming present. I haven't tried the squiggly crochet. It looks fun! What pattern do you use?

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hi, besties!


just stopped by to let you know that I am alive:lol:lol


I'll have time to catch up tomorrow while I wait for the cupcakes to bake.:P


I really miss you girls!:( It's been unreal around here... anyhow, I'll catch you tomorrow :yawn:yawn... I need sleep!


Hugz! :ghug

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Sorry Hookers but thought this was a useful bit of info......

I was cruising through C'ville pages and looking for swap stuff and somehow thought it would be good to read up on this CAL---{I haven't joined a CAL yet} anyhow, STACY----I have had 5 surgeries in less than 10 yrs. and a lady in Hospital billing told me about a Hillburton fund.. it will be different in your area, {it is a charity fund }but she told me that there is almost always in EVERY hospital an "underprivelaged" fund. These are "funding" accounts started by someone that really cares and could afford to help out or they had financial issues and thought it worthwhile to help out others..or, who knows why accounts...anyhow, plz plz tell your cousin and or thier family to check into this..The funding helped me out almost $100,000 so far...ps. they won't help for "general" Cosmetic .....{ugh!!!!!} surgery but for anything medically necessary they usually do...another example is my mother had a heart attack last year, and funding through the same hospital helped her pay everything except scripts after the fact of her...her bill was almost $82,000.my grandfather was in a coma for over a week, his bill was almost $200,000.they covered everything that his medicare didn't..plz plz plz have someone check into this...maybe a power of attorney or next of kin, or someone capable and willing to spend a small amount of time on the phone or @ billing dept. to ask about it and that can help fill out forms concerning income...there has got to be some kind of {sorry to say} Charity fund or whatnot.....I hope you find useful, and that this helps put you and your family's mind @ ease..... the sooner they check into this the better...hugzzz and prayers..


I posted here instead of pm'ing because I thought this info. might be useful to others also...

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Good morning Besties!

Colleen- Congrats on the "new" caravan! And on your mom and dad's new trailer! Shannon-ness got a new trailer this year and now your parents! I think that's neat that you put out the canopy and sat in the driveway.


LeaAnne- glad to see you are alive and kicking after the whirlwhind week you have had- and the party hasn't even started! I'm with Colleen- what time should we be there?


Hope everyone has a delightful day- remember your vitamins, girls!


I'm off to start my weekly cleaning- the bathrooms, kitchen, changing sheets in our room and the spare bedroom, laundry, dusting, vacuuming, etc, etc...Also going to clean the spare bedroom and de-clutter it -it seems to have become a drop off spot for odds and ends. I see another trip to the Goodwill in my near future!


Be back later!

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Hi everybody!


This will be quick -- I'll write for real later. I'm getting ready to go to a farmer's market with a good friend (who also crochets) and her daughter and my dd. It will be fun!!! I just wanted to say :hi to all my Besties!


Have a great Saturday, everyone!

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Good morning all. It is a sunny Saturday here. I am tired. I didn't sleep well. I ordered a pay per view movie last night (Definace) since hubby decided he needed to go back to work last night. It was goo. I liked it. How could you not like looking at Daniel Craig and those blue eyes?


Joanne - We did not go to the movies yesterday. We ended up taking one of the dogs to the vet. He is walking funny. The doctor didn't find anything, but said it could be a soft tissue thing. They will look at him again when he is there in the kennel.


Stacy - Go see it! It is a good movie. There are differences between the book and the movie, but overall I think they did a good job with it. It is hard to make a 2 hour movie when the book is 700 pages long!

Leanne - Have fun at the party? Did you get all the paining done?


I have my first load of laundry in and I folded the towels that I washed yesterday. I will do the next load as soon as this one is done. I need to change the sheets and have DD change her sheets too.


I hope everyone has a great day. Talk to you all later!


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Good morning

It started out to be a nice day, I got 1 load of laundry washed, then it turned cloudy. I had to use the dryer. The second load is finished washing and just waiting for the dryer to finish. I have picked up and have dishes soaking. Next Iam going into craft room and organize my yarn and making a list of what yarn colors I need to buy. Iam also getting things ready and packed to go to DD's tomorrow.

Sunday....Drive to DD's

Monday.... Yarn store:devil and I get to meet Colleen:cheer

Tuesday.......Drive back home

Youngest DD is moving to Nova Scotia, about a 2 day trip one way. ( not liking this:( )

Well my yarn is calling me

I will be back later.


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Hi all

Cleaning all done for today- spare room all cleaned out- all extra junk taken to Goodwill-sheets changed and washed and room dusted and vacuumed. Cleaned the BR's the master bedroom, vacuumed all the rooms with carpet and dishwasher on. Didn't clean the kitchen floor yet, and have a few more things to do, but am now sitting down on my badorkus watching the Yankees with DH.


Hope everyone is having a great day.

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Morning, all!


It is hot and humid today. That is really odd since it only rains in the winter. I am told this is earthquake weather. :( The USGS is also saying there has been increased seismic activity that usually shows before a major quake, although of course they won't actually say they think one is on the way. So while we were at the store yesterday I stocked up on pantry items, and water.

I've had a lazy day so far. This morning I worked on my afghan (yes, Colleen, it is the laundromat one.) I baked more blueberry muffins and they were so yummy! I used a different recipe and they actually rose (imagine that! LoL) Cleaned up a little and made my bed, then took the girls to do a craft project at the Learning Store. They made name signs for their room. Then we went to Rite Aid to pick up some goodies. :D Later we are going to see a free movie in the park by my FIL's work. Alvin and the Chipmunks is playing.


Colleen, congrats on your new van!! I'm glad you had fun with your mom's camper! LoL @ the neighbors. Might as well try it out at home before they take it out, though, right? Your potholder sounds pretty. This is the squiggly-wiggly one.


Mary, sound like you have been busy. Enjoy your trip to dd's and have fun meeting Colleen! I'm sorry your dd is moving so far away. I moved from MI to CA about 9 years ago, and, while it was hard on me, I think it was worse on my mother. :blush


Leanne- I hope the party is SICK!! :cheer


Lynn, thank you so much for the info. I will pass it along to my aunt. I know she is fretting about how my cousin will pay for all of this- already he has had 2 skin grafts, a back surgery, plus he was in a coma for over a week, not to mention infections, medications, etc. So I'm sure she will look into all the help she can get.


Joanne, you have been super-busy also! Enjoy your game. :hug


I am off to monitor the kitchen. I just looked over my shoulder to see the youngest 2 trying to make their own chocolate milk. :2eek:2nono



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Stacy, you had me :rofl with the mental picture of the two youngest making chocolate milk. Ah the messes I've seen in my kitchen! I hope your kitchen survived. I also hope you don't have a quake.


Joanne, You wear me out! You work all week, and have the energy to do all that on your weekend! I'm :nworthy You amaze me!!!


Mary, be safe with all the driving! I'll be thinking about your meeting in the yarn shop :drool and wishing I were there!!!


Vicki, I'm glad you enjoyed your movie. I don't know a lot of movie stars by name, so I'll have to check out Daniel Craig. I do like pretty blue eyes, though! Did you have trouble getting all that housework done on a beautiful Saturday? :sun


Colleen, congratulations on your new van!:yay I have a 1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager, which my oldest ds helped me pick out when he was 15 months old. He's learning to drive in it now. It's been the best van! I am happy to hear that you got one that's going to be as good as mine has been!!! I :manyheart the idea of a trailer-warming present! That's too precious!!!


LeaAnne, thinking of you and your :party. Hope all is going stupendously.


Happy Weekend, Scooby, Jennifer, and Shannon! :hug


I am on vacation today -- no :drive, no cleaning, no cooking. I went to the farmer's market, went to a coffee shop, went swimming, and I have laundry to fold. Now I am going to get off the computer, and work on squares!

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Beth - I did get all my laundry washed. Now I just have to fold it. I will do that in the morning. I also managed to get the sheets in washer and dryer, empty the dish washer, reload it and go dinner. I will vacuum and dust tomorrow.

Mary - Have fun at the Yarn store with Colleen!

DD and I watched another Indiana Jones movie. Now I am sitting here watching Pretty Woman because there is nothing else of interest on. I am so tired. I couldn't sleep last night and ended up getting up at 4:00 in the morning to watch t.v. I just feel blah today.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great day. I will see everyone tomorrow!


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Hi all,


Beth- I think it is easier to clean on Saturday, then during the week after working all day- just the minimum gets done during the week. I have lots of energy first thing in the morning- so usually it is whatever I can get done in the AM/early afternoon is what gets done! You amaze me with all the driving you do- Glad you had the day off from that today. And WTG on the 93 Caravan- with all the driving you do, that van has sure done you good. My brother and SIL have a grand caravan- theirs is probably around a 98- and my SIL said she hopes it runs forever!


Stacy- OMG! Hoping you don't have a quake- that is one reason I could never live in CA-although I guess if you don't think about it then it is ok. My nephew said he loved Cali! And I wouldn't be surprised if after he finishes his 8 long years of his MD/Ph.D program that he'll move back out to the West Coast. Blueberry muffins sound yummy- love any kind of muffins, but must say that corn and blueberry are my favorite!


Mary- hope you had a good day- sorry you had to use your dryer (along with Colleen). That's rough having DD moving 2 1/2 day drive away. I agree with Stacy, even though it will be hard on your DD moving away, it's always hardest on the Mom!


LeaAnne- I second the "hope your party is "sick"!!!!


Shannon-ness is due home tomorrow!


Colleen, Vicki, Scooby and everyone-


Have a good rest of the night.


Cya in the AM

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I've been a terrible CALer this week! Please forgive me. Please pretty please. I forced myself to make this last week a DEAD ZONE week: Nothing got done except cleaning, cooking, and crocheting. I did this because today, July 25th, was my first ever Craft Show! I was so terribly nervous that I forbid television, internent, and even the radio in fear of distragrations. I had taken 4 days of earlier in the month for a CLEANING ZONE to give the house its not so semi-annual top to bottom that happens whenever we have a showing. I also cheated a little the week before the last by using my down time from cleaning to read instead of crochet. I had so much I was determined to get down before the craft show that hadn't been done, the only way I could think to get it done was declaring this last week a DEAD ZONE. I'm so sorry I didn't post, but I hope you understand.


As for the craft show, it did not go well. I was one of five crocheters there, but since I was the only one there for whom it was there first craft show, I had far less to offer. Other crafters there also admited the craft show overall wasn't that bad, and for a first (and free to crafters) craft show the turn out was actually good. But no one really bought anything and foot traffic was rather minimual. Needlessly to say, I didn't sell anything. I was a little disapointed, I was hoping to at least sell something...even if it was one of my dollar items. All well. Anywho...I'll have to catch up later, I was up to 2 something in the morning last night finishing a last project...so I'm dead beat. Goodnight all.

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:hi everyone!


I'm with Vicki, feeling kind of blah today. And a bit :grumpy. We went to soccer this morning (it rained lightly, but we were spared what could have been). Next week is the last soccer game :eek Where did the summer go? :think DD and I baked cookies (they are chocolate chip, Joanne, your favourite!). We went to the library, in my opinion a great thing to do on a rainy Saturday. I cleaned up the kitchen several times. I'm starting to think I need to make a rule that others in this house put their dishes in the dishwasher...or at least near it! DH and I shared the lawn mowing after supper (things are improving!).


I got a 200 crochet blocks book form the library, so I studied that for an hour or two (total overload!) and tried a couple squares for my sister's 'ghan. I'm having a hard time deciding on what to do--I have a hard time making decisions in general, especially when it comes to gifts. I read a book for a while. I'm reading a book about a yarn store owner who starts a "Knit to Quit" class. I thought of LeaAnne, one of the class participants is trying to quit smoking :hug.


Joanne - WTG getting so much done today!


Vicki - I hope you feel better tomorrow. Enjoy your movie.


Stacy - That is precious, the 2 youngest making chocolate milk. Sounds like you found some great activities for the girls--crafts, free outdoor movies :yay


Beth - WTG keeping your van so long! I don't expect we'll keep ours that long, although you never know. My mom traded her '94 grand voyager about 2 years ago, so her's lasted a long time too. Good job taking a "vacation" today :hug


Jennifer - It is great to hear from you! I'm very sorry to hear that the craft show was not a success. With every experience we learn things and hopefully next time will be better! :hug


LeaAnne - How is the party going? I hope it goes well and that DD has a great time showing off her room.


Scooby - :hi how are you?


Mary - Safe driving to your DD's. See you soon!


Shannon - We are all looking forward to welcoming you home!


Have a great night everyone.

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:hiBesties!!! Sorry I have been missing in action the last 3 or 4 days but I have been busy and had lots of company :sigh. I think I need to get the ole :slingshotout to keep everyone away :lol. Wednesday we had company over, again at supper time. Thursday I got the :rabbit cage cleaned, the living room vacuumed/dusted, the kitchen deep cleaned, the bathroom cleaned and the floors swept and mopped.And then we had company that showed up at supper time, so once again I cooked for everyone and then cleaned up the mess. Friday, I got my grocery shopping done, general pickup, dropped some stuff off at the goodwill and got the office semi clean. Friday evening oldest DS and his gf came for supper then we went out shopping and to get :icecream. :cheer:clap:yay Youngest DS went with oldest DS back to my mom's for the weekend. I thought I was going to have a nice quiet day today until another dear friend showed. And I said sorry but if you will be here for supper it is leftovers since I am by myself :rofl. I did get to :crocheting ,and :book a little bit. Other than that, not much has been happening here.

Sorry I didn't post sooner, but I did get my package from you Colleen!!! The square was beautiful!!! I also loved all the extra little goodies.:ty.

Well girls, I think I am going to hit the bed. It has been late nights for the last several days and my badorkas is really dragging :tired. I will catch up with everyone tomorrow. :hugand :manyheart to you all!!!!!

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Good morning Besties!


Jennifer- sorry to hear that the craft fair was not a success. But kudos to you for focusing all week to get ready for it. Hope the next one "fairs" better!


Colleen- Wow- Lima Green's season is almost over! And I hear you about the put the dishes in the dishwasher. It is only DH and me here, but why is that I find his coffee cup or a bowl or a plate in other rooms beside the kitchen? I don't think it is all that difficult to put it at least in the kitchen sink. As I am sitting here now, I see one of his coffee cups on the end table! i agree, the library is great place to spend time. My library doesn't have such a great selection of crochet books, but I have taken out a few. Wish they had the 200 blocks book- I could probably get lost in that for hours too!


scooby- wow you get lots of company- Glad that you are getting somewhat of a rest- that was classic- if you want to stay for dinner, its leftovers!!! Hope you got a good night sleep.


LeaAnne ....well....the party is over and I hope it was a raging success and that everyone appreciates all the hard work you put into getting ready for it. You have earned some serious crochet time!!!


Beth, Vicky, Stacy, Mary, Shannon- "Top o' the morning to you" (that's my Irish heritage shining through)


Have a great relaxing Sunday everyone! (remember the vits)

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Wow- just realized it's 8AM- I did get a good nights sleep- A woodpecker was having some fun this morning and woke me up --I hadn't even looked at the clock- just figured it was around 6AM. Wonder how late I would have slept had the woodpecker not been pecking away???

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Good morning to all of my besties! You all were chatty yesterday.


Beth, your van serves you well with all that driving! I'm glad you are having a very-well-deserved vacation today! Enjoy.


Joanne, blueberry and corn muffins are my favorites, also! Come to think of it, I really haven't made corn in a while- I used to make them with pasta dishes. Glad to hear you had a good nights' sleep.


Scooby, you sure get lots of company! Funny how everyone shows up around dinnertime. :lol Sounds like you got alot accomplished even with all of your visitors.


Colleen, I can't believe Lima Green is almost done! Sounds like you had success at the library. Ours only has crochet clothing books, unless we specifically request something else- then they will send it from a different library. But how am I supposed to know what to request if I don't know what's out there? :lol What about making a sampler afghan? Maybe pick 1 or 2 squares per color, that way you don't have to pick just one. Glad to hear things are improving with dh. :yay Sorry to hear about the kitchen-cleaning. I'm lucky in that area, because the military and my MIL trained my dh to put his dishes where they go! LoL He is very disciplined in certain cleaning areas- others, not so much. If only his clothing would make it into the hamper instead of an inch away...:think


Jennifer, so sorry to hear that your craft fair didn't go well. But at least you can learn from it and be more prepared for next time! :hug Hope you got some sleep after working on your project.


:hi and good morning to Vicki, Leanne, and Mary!


Hope Shannon has a safe-ness trip home!


Dh's cousin is coming over after church, which means I have to get my badorkus off this computer and clean up a bit. Happy Sunday!

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:hug:hi, girls!


:whew! It's done! ... and :yes, the party was sick-ness! 40-"ish" kids and 20 adults. Lots of food, :blah:blah and fun, but I am happy that it is ovah. I am worn OUT! Jamie had her "best party" and very much enjoyed showing off her new room:c9


This week has been a whirlwind of clean-ness, which is awesome because I must admit, there was much that I have been slack on for a Looong time:blush So... both rooms for girls have been painted, and thoroughly cleaned (under beds, closets re-org'd and bags and bags of purgeness:D) Also, purged and cleaned DS's room which was Desperate for attention... 6 bags from that room alone! That all took until Friday night, then I went and got the shopping done. Yesterday, I did the cooking (potato and pasta salads, 6 dozen cupcakes, and made 60 hamburger patties) In between, I made it to the laundromat (we needed towels for the pool party:blush). I finished just after 3, which was when the party started. DH was WONDERFUL!... he cleaned my rugs, and got the yard done to perfection! He played "grillmaster" at the party, so once I was done, all I had to do was relax and enjoy our guests:clap. The last left at 10:30, so for the first time, I cleaned up right away. Today, we are just kicked back and enjoying some good family time:c9

DH was blown away with all that was accomplished this week, which makes me very :D:). This week, I get to relax, and enjoy some much-earned :crocheting:crocheting time! Oh! and Tuesday night, we are going to a concert. That will totally :2rock!


I need to go back now to see what you've all been up to, so I can say hi properly! I missed you all very much, and can't wait to see what's been going on... and Shannon comes home today:clap:yay I am excited to hear about her vacation-ness!


So, my dearest friends, I'll be back shortly to say my "propah hellos!"

hugs:hug:ghug to all of you!!!:rainbow:c9

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LeaAnne- Glad that the party was "sick"- And great that DH was such a help- enjoy the rest of the day and relax and take it easy. I did finish my weekend cleaning this morning- and am planning on spending the rest of the day relaxing. (other than cooking dinner). You must feel great that you got sooo much accomplished.


DH has decided that he wants to open the pool this week and have an end of summer party at the end of August. So, I guess that we'll have the pool open for about 4-5 wks- hardly seems worth it to me- but hey, if that's what he wants, ok with me.


Stacy- have a nice visit with your cousin.


Well, back to the Yankee game and think I'll pick up the hook and yarn.....

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Joanne - WTG on sleeping until 8! You needed it fer shure... a lot of late nights this week :crocheting squares, and enjoying the game (even tho it was rain delayed). You are definitely stepping out of the box and working hard trying new squares:yayYou should be very proud of you! I know I am!:wink


Vicki - Did you find that article? It sounds like you have been working very hard on your paper:yes. We love the Indiana Jones movies, too! It's awesome that you and DD have movies in common to enjoy.:manyheart I hope you got some good sleep lastnight, And :cheerfor getting all of your laundry done! Are you packing yet for NYC?


Jennifer - You are definitely not a bad CAL-er... you just were cashing in on the "C" part!:cheer You should be very proud of you... you did all of that work AND did your 1st show! Good for You, girl! That takes guts, you know... and don't be dissapointed that you didn't get a sale;) Now you have a head start on inventory for the next one! Then you won't be all stressed trying to get things made, and you will be able to relax and enjoy it.... good energy = good things!:hug


Stacy - :eekyou have had quite a week! All around your car... That was sooo scary when you locked your keys in! :thinkI hope DH can figure out why it keeps stalling on you... that must be so stressful, not knowing how it will go, especially when the girls are with you:worried. And thank heavens you got that roach!

Oh! and I am with Beth - I :manyheart muffins! All kinds! :xfin that the chocolate milk wasn't a fiasco... You'll be glad tho, when they become a bit more independent :wink... trust me! I didn't think that it would happen here, but now I am so :U that the kids get their own drinks and snacks. it saves a lot of extra trips to the kitchen.

I hope your family is enjoying a fantabulous family day, and :xfin that you don't get any quakes... enjoy your visit with DH's cousin, and say a big:hi to all from me!


Scooby - :lolthat all of your company tends to arrive for "Scooby Snacks!" You must be a wonderful cook!... I :think all the time, trying to figure out how you manage to get so much cleaning done with so much company! Do you think maybe it's because they wait till dinner time?! :yayThat you have so many nice friends who just "drop by"...

I hope you are having a swell Sunday, sweetie, and that all is well with you and the boys!:hug


Beth - :faint:cheer I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that you got a DAY OFF! I am soooo happy for you:manyheart The farmer's market with a :crocheting buddy and your DD's sounds like :c9! I must tell you that I might have thought of you the most with all of the painting! I hope that you also got today off of van-ness! You sure deserve a break! :hug


Colleen - :( that the Lima Green is nearing the end ALREADY! Summer is half-way over and has barely even arrived.:sigh... We are all certainly getting jipped (sp?) this year.

Congrats on that new-to-you van! It's sounds really great! I wish you much success with it! Also, congrats to mom and dad on the new camper! ...and :lol at all the neighbors looks about you all sitting under the canopy!... (truth be told, I woulda been right there with you all!:U It sounds like a little bit of :c9 to me! Not to mention the great memories!)

Lastly, :ty again for the beautiful square, and goodies!:manyheart My DH was very :) to see it, too! He said that he is happy that I have nice friends, and thinks what we are doing is really COOL! :hug I couldn't agree more!:yes:yay


Mary - :( So sorry about how far away DD is moving. I can't imagine it... although I live far away from my family, and don't get to see them much at all:blush... I am hoping for the best for you:hug How is your weather behaving today? I hope that the pressure headache finally went away, and that you are feeling super-terrific!... Have you seen any more bears?!

(You will be happy to know that this week, you will be my inspiration! It's gonna be all about :hook& :yarn!)


Colleen and Mary, Have a fantabulous time together tomorrow!!!! We are all incredibly jealous:devil, but happy for both of you! I hope it's the beginning of a wonderful friendship! :hug Extra hugs to you both!


:jumpyayHI, Shannon!!!! Welcome home, pumpkin-ness! WE MISSED YOU! :hug I hope you & Janna had the BESTEST vacation!:clap:c9


Sorry if I missed anything, but please know I missed you all!

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OMG, Joanne! We were posting at the same time-ish!

I think it sounds like a great idea to open that pool! I think summer's really coming this time! Heaven knows we've earned it, right? We opened our pool really late, too, but when you consider the savings on electricity and chemicals? It's WELL worth it! Enjoy! p.s. if you need any cleaning help before your party, I might know someone :wink:rofl :rofl :rofl.

Enjoy that Yankees game... we are watching "Home Alone"... a FAVE movie in this house!

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