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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi everyone

Iam just checking in to see what everyone is up to. I have had a headache all day today. Nothing got done today, oh well there is always tomorrow. I think it is a pressure headache, I need a good thunderstorm to clear my head.

Hope everyone had a nice day.

See you all tomorrow


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I received my square today! Colleen- it is gorgeous! I love snowflakes and you did a wonderful job. :manyheart

Question- I know we are not all joining them the same way, but are we joining them in the same order? :think


Vicki- good luck to your dd! It is very nice of the master to let her test early. Good luck with your paper!


Joanne- I was without insurance for about 2 years before dh's job decided to allow spouses to be added to health plans. It was scary- I was always afraid of getting sick, etc. Thankfully I didn't, but I do know the worry in that. I hope you find a pattern that you like! I thought of you last night when I saw a square-making tutorial on YouTube.


Mary- Here is a link to the hooks I mean- Crochet-Lite Hook. I received these in a swap because I cannot find them around here, and they are fabulous-ness! I've also seen another thread here about ones you set in the light and after about 5 minutes they glow, but I've never seen them around here. I hope your headache clears up for you. :hug

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:yay I'm so happy so many of you received your squares.


Mary - I have a headache too. It must be the weather. :angry


Stacy - I don't think we talked about order for joining them. I kinda figured we would all do our own thing, but whatever everyone thinks. I was thinking I'd wait and see what comes and how I think they all look best together. I may choose to make 3 filler squares too to make the 'ghan 3 ft x 4 ft, which would change things up.


Vicki - I totally understand the too much in the brain thing. Most things go into my brain and right out the backdoor. I joke that I need to carry around a notebook so that I can write things down to remember them. That's exciting that DD is testing for her orange belt. Good luck getting your paper draft done. I sure hope you got everything worked out with the electric company!


Joanne - Enjoy having your Yankees on top!


LeaAnne, Scooby, Beth, Shannon & Jennifer - :hi I hope you are all doing well!

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Stopping by to say good night! Wow- LeaAnne must be very, very busy with the pink paint and whatever color the other DD's room is! Hope you are not tooooo tired!


Well, I found a square I liked, worked about 6 rounds, and decided I didn't like it so I frogged it. But I kept the first 3 rounds cause it looks like a flower. I'll use it as an embellishment on a hat or something (or maybe put it in the middle of a solid square) Or maybe a coaster...or maybe I don't know.


I was thinking the same thing as Colleen- we'll put the squares in whatever order strikes our fancy, but I'm flexible- if others want to all put it in the same order, I can do that too.


I watched Obama tonight- did anyone else?(those in the US that is)- I really think we need a major overhaul of the healthcare system. There is alot of waste and needless tests because of reimbursement amounts and such. It'll be interesting to see what happens, but I think the time has come to address the serious issue of too many people without health insurance.


Enough of the soapbox. Time to get ready for bed. Tomorrow will be a late night since I'll be going to the ballgame after work. Hoping that it doesn't rain and hoping that the a good storm comes for Colleen and Mary so that their pressure headaches go away.


Pleasant dreams all (you too, shannon- missing you around here!)

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Last to post last night and first to post this morning!:lol Hope everyone has a great day today. Forecast is iffy for tonight- not supposed to :2rain, but we'll have to wait and see I guess. I hope everyone has a great day! Remember to take your vitamins.:remember


I'll be back later tonight after the game and know I"ll have lots of reading to catch up on!:ghug to All!

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:jumpyay:faint! I got my square, too... Colleen! It is GORGEOUS! :day:ty... what a nice surprise to find when i took my little break yesterday :hug:hug


Colleen and Mary - hope your headaches are feeling better!:hug


Joanne and Vicki - Thanks for keeping track of the Sox for me:devil:rofl


Stacy - hope that replacement a/c is NEW! :hug


Beth - :xfin for a stress free day for you... without much :driving


:hi, Scooby! Hope you're getting lots of rest:c9


I have 2 walls left to do this morning, and then get my house cleaned up QUICK! MIL is coming back from the cape today, and I know she'll be by for the pre-party inspection:blush... If only I could've gotten the wood work done too (that's what I'm expecting to hear :ohdear:irk) don't get me wrong, normally I adore her and she is a dear friend to me, however, when we have an event happening, she tends to bring to light what i didn't get to... it's a little frustrating. I'll get over it, though:D


Jamie's room came out really pretty... if you can think "bubble gum", then you've got the color.


The other girls room is interesting, but fun. I have a purple kid living with a pink kid...Krissy's 2 walls are a light and cheery pink (a shade up from pastel). The purple girl (Lindsey) chose a deep dark purple, like an eggplant color almost. Her paint took 3 coats:eek. So here it is, girls, your word of the day: SICK!... It's the new word for "awesome" I'm told. Anyway, Lindsey's walls are SICK! I really like it! And so does she:clap She told me last night that she may never come out of her room again:lol:lol That kid is too funny:lol...


Sorry for not posting yesterday, I got caught up, and didn't knock off until after 1 am... I am not sure if I'll be back today... perhaps tonight.

Please know i miss you guys, and hope you all have a "SICK" day!:D


HUGZ, Besties!

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Happy Thursday! WE had some good rain down here last night. It took a while to get here. DD and I were having a movie night and I kept seeing lightning in the sky. The rain finally came about an hour later. There were a few loud thunder boomers!

Anyway, I finally managed to get the laundry folded. I think we are going to go school supply shopping today. Then I will work on my paper later this afternoon. DD goes back to tae kwon do tonight to work on her test pattern, so I will make an early dinner.

Regarding our squares, I think we should join them individully. Then we can post pictures and see how we each did them. That would be fun.

Mary - I hope you are feeling better today.

Joanne - Have fun at the game tonight!

Scooby, Stacy, Beth, and Colleen - Hope you all have a great day!

Talk to you all later!


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Good day, Besties!


It is raining raining raining here. It's like New Jersey in June :rofl.


I hope everyone has a fabulous day! I am pretty much caught up. Just one bag of stuff to put away and things are back to pre-trip status.


Vicki - Have fun school supply shopping--it's hard to believe it's time for all that stuff.


LeaAnne - The new room colors sounds fabulous! My MIL once commented that she would take my curtains home and iron them for me....I told her Martha Stewart doesn't live at my house :devil. She hasn't commented on my home since. :D


Joanne - Have a great time at the ball game!


Stacy, Scooby, Shannon, Beth, Mary & Jennifer - Have a sick day!

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Hi Girls

It is raining here also. I still have the headache. I don't get them to often just when the air is bad and it needs to rain. I did take something for it this morning and now Iam feeling a little dopey. I don't plan on doing to much today except :crocheting. I have all my squares done and they are packaged up. I just have to add a little note about why I picked the color.

Colleen.. Are you bringing DD with you when we meet? I would love to meet her also.:)

LeaAnne... The room colors sound " SICK" LOL Hope you are not over doing it, and have a little time to relax before the party.

Stacy... I will have to look around and see if we have those hooks here. I have never seen them, but really didn't look either. I do have a favourite hook (size) and when I see them I stock up on them. I wear my hooks out, I have even snapped the metal ones. I guess cause I crochet soooo much.

I hope everyone has a nice day

I will be back later


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I have been working on a square-based afghan forever, but keep putting it on the bottom of the pile of WIPs, because of lack of interest. The squares are 12", so I am going to incorporate my Besties squares! Now I am MUCH more excited to get busy on it! My afghan should be about 5 x 7.


I need that :fire over here. I am dragging! I dropped both boys at their respective jobs, and took the girl shopping. We went to PetCo to get dog treats, and had to look at all the critters. They had an adoptable guinea pig that came with all his accessories. We left with just the dog treats, but came back. My dd HAD to get him with her very own money. So now I have a boy and a girl guinea pig in my house!!!:eek But they are in seperate rooms.


I have a plan for the corner to corner throw! My middle sister is getting her own place, after moving back in with my parents for a couple of years. She is a HUGE Pittsburgh Steelers fan, which makes it easy to give her things. I want to make the throw in gold, black, and white -- Steelers colors. I think she will be very happy to have it.


Mary, I hope your headache feels better soon. Feeling dopey isn't much good, either. I hope you get a lot of good :crocheting done!


Colleen, good job getting all the vacation things put up so soon after returning.


Vicki, did you have a good movie night with dd? What did you watch? Did you get your back-to-school things purchased? How goes the paper?


LeaAnne, :nworthy I can't believe everything you are doing to prepare for this party! I am in awe. The colors sound so cool. I need to do that for my sons' room. One likes green, the other likes blue.


Joanne, I think it's cool that you can use the center of your square as a flower.


Stacy, do the lighted hooks help with dark yarn? My eyes aren't what they used to be.


Scooby, Jennifer, and Shannon, HI! I hope you are having wonderful splendiferous days!!!

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I have just had such an ordeal, my mind is just mush right now. My oldest is with MIL today, so I took the youngest 2 to the park. When we were about to leave, my car wouldn't start again. So I left the keys in the ignition, opened the door, and went around to get my jumper. Well, my car door shut and I really didn't even think about it, so I hooked up the jumper, and when I went to start the car, the doors were locked. :eek The windows were open about an inch so I told my 4 y/o to unclip her carseat and pull up on the lock. She has done it before (she locked the doors on me in the winter) but she couldn't do it today. I started freaking out...called hubby to bring the spare keys but he was about 25 minutes away. The parks guy came over with a coat hanger and tried to push the lock button down, that didn't work. He tried for like 5 minutes, then suggested I call Triple A. Well, I have roadside through Verizon so I called them. The woman said it would take them about an hour to come out so I should call the police. Tried one more time to get Mia to open the lock, she couldn't do it. Called hubby and he was still 20 minutes away. It had to be over 90 in that car. The only good things were that the windows were open slightly and the girls each had a water bottle, so I kept telling them to drink. All this time about 3 other parks people came over, finally a guy came over who knew how to unlock cars and he set to it. I called 911 and they redirected me to the fire department. I was on the phone with fire dispatch when the unlocking expert popped the back door open! :faint Oh my gosh, I just started bawling. I couldn't even talk to the fire dispatch so I handed the phone to someone else and ran to get the girls. They were both sweating and I think the really good thing was that they had the water. After I got them out I just kept hugging the guy who got the door open. Mia said she had to use the bathroom, so the guy gave her a Tootsie Pop and we left. Now we are at home, in the semi-air-conditioning. My 4-y/o wants to go swimming so we are going to let lunch settle a bit then we are going out to the pool. The manager called and said that she doesn't know which unit she is going to switch our a/c with because the one she had isn't as new as she thought. :shrug


Beth- the lighted hooks do help a lot with dark yarns. I followed advice posted on one of the forums here and put a small dab of nail polish on the very end of it, because it the light seemed to shine out more from the tip than the actual hook. I was actually using black yarn in the dark last night and made an entire square. :hook Your idea for the throw sounds awesome!


Vicki, hope you had a super-fun-ness movie night. Good luck with back-to-school shopping. I can't believe it's almost time for that already! My mom buys either their supplies or uniforms, I think this year she already bought the supplies (which sucks because that is my favorite part. :devil) So all we have to do is get uniforms and backpacks.


Leanne, the bedrooms sound Sick-ness! :manyheart That word went around here a couple years ago. Our neighbor used it all the time. Sometimes he would use it in a sentence that made it sounds like it went either way (cool or really being sick.) I got so confused! :rofl


Joanne, I didn't watch Obama last night. I meant to, but I forgot about it until about 7 p.m. I checked out the remarks on our local news website, though. We definitely need some kind of healthcare reform (don't even get me started on that) but I don't see how it will be done without raising taxes yet again. :ohdear


Colleen, :tup to joining them our own way. I honestly hadn't even remembered that it would only be 3 squares by 3 squares. LoL So I guess I'd better get my butt moving and figure out some filler squares for mine, also. :D


Ok, I'm going to lie down for a bit before we go swimming. My 4-y/o looks like she might knock out for a little while, too. Talk to you all later!

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Beth - We had a very good movie night. We watched Indian Jones and the Last Crusade. We like that series. I am going to work on my paper now, but I wanted to come and see what my besties were doing. We did some of the school shopping, but I forgot to print out the list that the district puts out. Her district is very picky about what supplies the kids get. They even go as far as to say they want the kids to have Crayola crayons over Rose Art or Prang and get very snippy if the crayons are not Crayola! I had a teacher one year want me to go and buy Crayola because that was what she wanted. I told her no. I think she was annoyed, but Rose Art works just as well. Cheaper too.

Mary - I am sorry you still have a headache and I hope the rain clears it all out!

I was planning on making something to fill out my besties squares too. I don't know what I will do, but I can figure that out when I have the other squares. I finished another one last night, so now I am up to 6 done. I am going to start another one tonight at tae kwon do.

Okay, off to really do some work on my paper!


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Good evening all :hi


Stacy - :hug what an ordeal! I was almost in tears reading it. Your DDs were very brave, as were you. Thank goodness for that parks employee who can pick locks (who knew we would be happy for people who can do that :lol). I hope you had a good, restful afternoon after all that! I hope the manager gets a clue and gets you a NEW A/C!


Vicki - Isn't that crazy that the district requires crayola. I'm sure there are many families who would be happy to be able to afford new pencil crayons at all let alone Crayola. Good luck with your paper. WTG on getting 6 squares done!


Beth - Great idea to use your squares for fillers! Can't wait to see it when it is done.


Mary - I hope your headache goes soon. It has rained here lots today, but no thunder storms yet. I'm afraid my DD will not be able to come with me on Monday. DH and I talked about this in depth today and have decided she will not come with me. It isn't because of you, it is because others could have read where and when we are meeting. We just are not comfortable with that, so she will not be with me. We are, like many parents these days who hear stories on the news, very protective. I am very sorry to disappoint you and I hope you understand. I would love for you to meet her some day. Maybe next time :hug.


LeaAnne - I hope the party prep is moving along smoothly!


Joanne - I hope the weather held out for your ball game and that you had a great time!


Scooby - :hi what has been keeping you busy?


Shannon - I hope your vacation is super-duper-ness and that Janna is having a blast!


Jennifer - :hi


Have a great evening all. I finished Mary's square today, so now I will work on my SIL's table runner and hope to get started on my sister's 'ghan. I am really torn trying to decide what to do with it. I want to do squares, because I enjoyed making our Besties squares so much. :think

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Stacy... I will have to look around and see if we have those hooks here. I have never seen them, but really didn't look either. I do have a favourite hook (size) and when I see them I stock up on them. I wear my hooks out, I have even snapped the metal ones. I guess cause I crochet soooo much.



Mary, I have to ask, what is your favourite hook size? Do you make all your patterns with one hook size, or prefer patterns with that hook size? I haven't tried anything but an aluminum hook, so I'm just interested. I do find I don't like my 5.5 mm and I'm not sure if it is the size or the hook.


How about everyone else...favourite hook size? favourite hook?

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Stacy, :hug You poor thing! What an ordeal! I locked my 3 babies and 2 dogs in the car once right after I set off a bunch of flea bombs in my house, and I didn't know what to do, so I feel your pain. (I went back in the house in the flea fog, and called the car dealership, which was at the end of my block, and they sent a mechanic out in a minute to unlock us!) I'm so glad everyone is OK. I hope you got some rest, and some time at the pool. I hope you get a new a/c unit, too!


Colleen, I'm glad you are enjoying squares.


Vicki, I would think teachers wouldn't require specific brand names. I am SO glad I don't have to deal with that now that I home school. My kids' elementary school had preprinted lists of required supplies that we were supposed to buy, then the first day of school, the teachers would hand out a different list of supplies. Good luck with your paper!


Hi to everyone else. I hope your day is good.

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Stacy - what a horrible experience! I am glad to read that everyone is okay and that it all turned out well.

Leanne - The Yankee fans are booing Nomar Garciaparra tonight. He is playing for the A's now and just came up to bat. The boo birds came out.

Joanne - did the rain hold out for your game? The Yankee game was delayed for almost 3 hours because of the rain.

Mary - Did your headache go away today?

Shannon and Scooby - Missing you both!

We got some rain here today. YAY! I can turen my sprinklers off for a day or two. That will be nice! I worked on my paper a little bit today. Then I began to organize some of my research that has been sitting on my table. I put it all in their files in this little drawer system I bought. I found some articles I wanted to reread and kept on organizing. I organized so well that I can't find the article that I wanted to reread! They have to be here somewhere!

I got another square started tonight. Once I log off I will continue to work on it. That is really it from here. I hope everyone has a great night and I will see ya all tomorrow!


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Hi besties!

just read through all the posts- busy day! The game was delayed because of the stupid-ness rain, but we had a good time and the Patriots won! It was neat being in a suite! And the Patriots won. They had a tv that showed the Yankees in a rain delay- saw that they didn't start until a little after 10.

I am tired and better get to bed, and will respond to all tomorrow night after work.

Just really quick- LeaAnne the colors sound "sick"!


Pleasant dreams all!

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Thanks so much for that reassurance, Beth! My dh (which doesn't stand for dear at the moment) asked how I managed to do that and actually laughed. :angry Then he asked why I didn't just have Mia pull the lock up. Like I didn't think of that. :reyes At least everyone is ok, though. I took my 4 y/o swimming while the youngest one took a nap. We stayed at the pool for about 2 hours, then came upstairs and she took a nap. So that was nice. I wanted to take one, too, but youngest dd woke up right as we were coming upstairs. A friend invited me to see the new HP with her tonight, but she lives a 1/2-hour away and the movie starts at 10:30. :eek It was nice of her to invite me but I really need some sleep. :yawn


Vicki- I had no idea that Nomar plays for the A's now. I don't follow sports, but he was my daughter's favorite "Dodger guy." (Actually, she just likes the number 5 but always asks where Nomar is when we watch the Dodgers. :lol) Hope you find that article!


Joanne, sorry to hear your game was rain-delayed, but hey- at least you were in a suite! :lol


Leanne, I hope you're not buried under all of those paint cans!


I hope Shannon is having a fantabulous vacaton!


:hug to all of my other besties. I am off for the night! :manyheart


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Good morning ladies

It rained quite a bit here last night. My head is starting to feel better. Thankyou for asking.

I didn't sleep much last night. Youngest DD is moving to the east coast Aug 16. and this has me a little upset. I always knew someday my kids would grow up and move away, I just never thought so far away. I sat and :crocheting til 5am and then slept for about 2 hours.

Stacy.... I bet that must have been very scarry for you. Iam glad everyone is ok.

Colleen..... I mostly use a 4.25 hook. It is a metal hook and it just works with my tension. When ever I see that size I stock up, so then I always have spares. I wonder if that is what I do with my yarn, because I have alot of that also:lol:devil

Hope everyone is having a great day and that LeaAnne comes out of the paint fumes soon

I will be back later


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Happy Friday everybody!

It is looking a little cloudy here. The weather this morning said we are getting in to a more active weather pattern, so maybe the rain will return to us now.

I really do not have much planned for the day. I am going to do a lot of cleaning next week before we go to see my FIL. Then I can come home and not worry about doing anything. I really won't have time. I am back to work the Monday we get back. I do need to wash some towels. I will do that today. DD wants tosee that new Disney movie with the guinea pigs, so maybe I will do that today.

Stacy - Do you like the Harry Potter series? I loved the books. We saw the new movie last Sunday. It's good, but as with all the movies, it is a little different from the book. Still good. It's long. Almost 3 hours.

Joanne - Glad you had a great time at the game, even if it was rain delayed.

Mary - Glad to hear that your head is feeling better. Where on the east coast is your daughter moving?


Colleen, Shannon, and Scooby - Have a great day!


Enjoy your day!



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Happy Friday Besties!


I am relishing a quiet day at home. DD and I walked to the grocery store, I've done some :crocheting and some reading, I did some dishes/kitchen tidy, one load of laundry. We are going out this afternoon to pick up our new (to us) van. We sold our car because it was too small for DH to comfortably get into/out of.


Last night I sat in front of the computer and made a hot pad. It turned out nicely. I was just playing with another one, but I'm not loving it. I've been thinking lots about my sister's 'ghan and I think I'm going to do squares. I just need to dive in and get started. I think I'll try solid grannies with different variations of the 3 colours of yarn I have (light gray, bright purple and a variegated purple/gray), then I'll try the join as you go method with a dark grey, then add a border. :think Might as well try it and see how the squares look.


I just had the strangest thing happen. I was sitting in the living room crocheting (imagine that!) when I heard the sound of cicadas in the trees (you may call these bugs by a different name depending on where you live, but they are the ones that make a loud buzzing sound when it is hot). It was so strange because I realized this was the first time I'd heard them this year! We've had a cool summer, but I didn't realize it was so cool that I was missing one of those summer sounds.


I hope you are all having a great day!

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Mary, I'm glad to hear that your head is feeling better. :manyheart


Vicki- I :manyheart Harry Potter. I have not seen the first 5 movies because I don't want them to ruin my perceptions of the books. (I know, I know- I've heard many times that I have to take them separately, but I just don't think I can.) Anyway, the previews for HBP look incredible, and I really want to see it, but no way could I drive that distance with the way my car is. My friend called this morning and said it was awesome and she is willing to go with me another time so that I can see it, too. (My dh does not "do" Harry Potter.)

I see your dh must've gotten his work/boss problems resolved- have fun on your NY trip!


Colleen, the idea for your sister's 'ghan sounds nice. Do you have a favorite hot pad pattern? I love the squiggly-wiggly one. I've heard of cicadas but I don't think I've ever actually seen one. :think:shrug How nice that you noticed the missing sounds, though. Sometimes when I'm outside I love to just sit back with my eyes closed and listen to all of the sounds. *dork alert*


Leanne must be very busy getting ready for that party. I hope it is a fantabulous one! :cheer:yay


:hug to all of my other besties. :manyheart


I did my grocery shopping today. My oldest dd is dying to use the online ordering system, but I had to get a few things with coupons and they are not accepted through the system. I'm thinking next week I will just order some of the things I need that don't require coupons, just for her. LoL

Dh called earlier and said he is not feeling well, so just bought a couple of frozen pizzas for dinner. He doesn't eat much when he is sick so I mostly bought them for the girls. I'll throw a salad together and that will be good.

I'm going to relax and work on my 'ghan for a while. I bought 2 periwinkle instead of 2 brown, now I have to re-figure what I am going to use for filler squares.

Be back later! :yarn


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Hi everyone! Happy Weekend!:clap

wow, was my badorkus dragging today- stayed up late too many nights this week- so glad tomorrow is Saturday (even if it is my cleaning the house day).

Stacy- I'm so glad that all worked out with the car/kids- that must have been so scary! My SIL's mother has done the ordering online for groceries and loved it- but like you said, you can't use the coupons. I think it would be fun to try once, and your DD will probably get a kick out of it.


Colleen- Good luck with the new (to you) van! What kind did you get and what color? Glad you got to relax and crochet and I love the colors that you have for the ghan. Very pretty together and I'm sure it will come out beautiful(now that I have seen up close what beautiful squares you do) I, too heard cicadas the other night and realized it was the first time. I kind of remember them coming in August (why, I don't know???) Anyway, they are the "sound of summer". It is feeling like summer here today- hot and humid (although not hot like it gets where Stacy is) About 90 and humid.


LeaAnne- hope you are not drowning in all the painting. At least DH was home today to help you get all the work done b/4 the party. And hope MIL wasn't too critical of things!


Scooby- hope all is well.


Mary- glad the headache is clearing up. How far away will your DD be? My oldest DD had moved to Oregon about 6 years ago and I was so sad since I knew I couldn't afford to fly cross country to visit here. Although she loved it, she couldn't find a good job, so she ended up moving back home and then found work in Boston and moved there. I was sad that she was moving to Boston area, but hey, it's only about a 4 1/2 hr drive which is a doable visit. I don't get to see her as much as I'd like, but she is happy and that is what matters. Hugs to you- I know it will be hard in the beginning.


Vicki- Did you go the Disney flick with DD? It looked kind of cute on the previews. I guess you'll be heading ot NY after all!


Beth- hope you had a relaxing day and got to spend time at the pool- We still didn't open ours- don't think we are this year, since it is already the end of July, and we'll be away for 5 days in august, and with us both working, the only time I get to go in is after work or weekends. I really haven' t missed it since it really hasn't been swimming weather here this summer.


To all, have a wonderful night. and our DF Shannon is due home Sunday-


did everyone remember their vitamins today????:lol


cya later

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