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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Beth - I do not wear any hearing aids. My ear is completely dead so a hearing aid would have no effect. I just stand on the left side of people and hope there is not a lot of noise. I have a friend who used to say she remembered where to stand with me becuase she had to have me on the side that was closest to her heart. DD always asks me if she is on the right side. She has been more aware of it in the last year or so.

Leanne - Painting pink on top of the party? I'm with whoever said it - where do you find the time? You are a good mama for your little girl.

Joanne - I am supposed to leave for NY on Aug. 1. Not really looking forward to this trip. I really don't want to go, but I can go see some friends while I am up there. Then I come back and I am back at school! Where did the summer go?

Have a great night all! I am fighting with the electric company tonight.


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:hi everyone! I just did 2 big loads of laundry today (2 more tomorrow). I still have to fold the last one. I bought groceries, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen and did some unpacking. And I worked this evening. So that is a productive day. I am just itchin' to start stitchin'. I didn't :crocheting much at all on my trip, so I am raring to go! Just have to get DD to bed (she has drifted onto this stay up late summer schedule, which is fine but it cuts into my :crocheting time :lol).


Vicki - Good luck with the electric company!


Joanne - Enjoy your peaceful evening. I am jealous! I keep hinting that I want DH to take DD somewhere and leave me the house to myself for a bit...it hasn't happened yet :think. I heard about the Sox and the Yankees tying on the radio this morning and thought of you and LeaAnne.:lol


LeaAnne - Happy painting! I hope pink goes with the stuff you picked out for your DD's room :). She is going to be even more excited about her gift now that you are painting...or did she get her gift already :think. Cake sounds delish! I hope there is a piece left when we all show up for that party this weekend :rofl :birthdayto Jaime! When I turned 13 I got a clock radio...and I still have it :rofl. Oh ya, and I got the soundtrack to Stand by Me on cassette :rofl. See your DD turning 13 is taking me on a trip down memory lane! :)


Beth - I hope the taxi driving went well today. Does your DD enjoy cake decorating? Is this a possible career direction for her? I took cake decorating once and really enjoyed it. I found the constant baking and icing making tiring, but I enjoyed decorating.


Mary - I hope the Dr.'s visit went well. I have looked at that pic of your mom's 'ghan a few times and looked up the pattern. I'm thinking about it. Did you make yours the full 67" x 67" the pattern calls for? I'm assuming you can stop increasing early and just make a smaller square for a throw?


Jennifer - How are you? How is your busy cleaning schedule going? You had mentioned you are a student, are you on a summer break from classes right now or are you studying too?


Stacy - I hope you recovered from your very busy weekend of stay up overs and cockroach hunting! I think your idea for the scrap corner-to-corner is a very good one. It would look great!


Scooby - How was your day?


I hope Shannon's vacation-ness is going well.


Have a great evening!

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Stopping by to say good night to my Besties! I am tired-:tired last night did me in, I think! Yanks are up 5-2, another square done, so I will continue to watch the game from the comfort of my bed.:night Well, the TV may actually wind up watching me!:rofl


Pleasant dreams all!

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Hi everyone


Dr. visit went good. I really like being a grandmother, I have 3 grandkids. One boy 3 1/2, one girl 1 1/2 which Colleen gets to meet on Monday , and then the baby. I always say " If I knew grandkids could be this much fun I would have had them first" :lol Ok enough about them.


Gave the afghan to my mom yesterday and she just loved it. She likes everything I make. If I make something new she always asks " is that for me?" LOL


The corner to corner afghan is made into a rectangle. Not too sure which pattern you are looking at. http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com/directory/afghans.php


Go to this site and it is the corner to corner afghan pattern. This is the one I use for size. Can't wait to see what colors everyone picks. I might just have to make another one just to join in.


Vicki.... Can you please tell me what color your kitchen is ? Thankyou and no Iam not telling why. :devil


I hope everyone had a good day and I will catchup with everyone tomorrow. Iam pretty tried tonight.


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Mary - I was looking at the corner-to-corner throw at CPC. I figured that was it because it is made with that monet yarn you used :lol. I thought yours looked like a rectangle :think:rofl. Thanks, I'll look closer at the corner-to-corner afghan. I'm not committing to making one yet. I have never made an adult-sized afghan. I usually lose interest in even a baby blanket before it is done. I like projects that have shape...and quick projects most of all. However, I want to make this 'ghan for my sister and BIL, so I'm still weighing my options. Oh, your grandkids are just little ones how cute!--and close together in age which is nice. I'm so glad your mom liked her 'ghan (not surprised, because it is beautiful!).


I'm not :crocheting tonight. It was too late when DD got to sleep and I got the dishes done and I'm a bit tired. Too bad, because I really want to sit and :crocheting...just can't seem to find the time. :sigh Maybe tomorrow, my day off :yay.


Good night Besties. Sleep tight. :hug

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hey, girls -


Mary - How was lunch? I agree with Beth and the giggles... absolutely music from the :angels, i say:yes


Colleen - WTG on getting so much done! Look at you go! I am :xfin that you get to :crocheting to your :manyheart content pretty soon!


Joanne - Hope you got to see the end of the game:wink, and that you get in a good night's sleep:hug


Vicki - Wow-ness! You're gonna just finish unpacking, and you'll have to pack again! New York sounds fun, especially since you'll get to see your friends:clap For how long will you be there?


Beth - Hoping you got some extra badorkus time this evening! :cheer:clap Heaven knows you've earned it!


:waving, Stacy! Missed you today! I hope you and those girls did something fun and cool! :hug


Scooby - Hope you're having good times, and not working yourself too hard :hug Your get-up-and-go must have come back today and I bet you've been cleaning like crazy today! I hope you're doing well.


Jennifer - hope you are doing ok... thinking of you every day!:hug


:xfin that Shannon is having a nice and restful vacation;)


I have 1 coat of primer then color to do tomorrow, then we get to put in all the new stuff!:clap I got her Zebra prints with bright pink... everything but the rug... she has a gift card for Bed & Bath, so I think we'll go when we're done and let her pick it out. she is VERY excited! She also said thank you to you all for the birthday wishes, and giggled :heehee... she says she is happy that I have such great friends. I agree with her:yes:manyheart


After I got the first coat of primer on, I went into the other "girls' room", and sanded down those walls, spackled, and masked... apparently there will be another room to paint before the weekend. I guess I am a sucker for sad faces:(:(:rofl... Oh well, the paint's only been waiting in my garage since, :think I dunno... February?! It's a good excuse to get it all done, I guess :shrug... It could be worse - a couple of years ago, I decided 3 days before this party that my kitchen, dining room and downstairs hallway needed to be painted, and I got it done... so I'm thinkin' this should be a cake walk! (chocolate fudge birthday cake, that is!)

DH has taken Friday off to do the yard work and help me with any last minute errands that need to be done. The party is not until 3 on Saturday, so I have PLENTY of time, right:blush?!



Anyway, now that you all know that I am a nut-cake:devil I guess I should call it a night, so tomorrow I can get rollin' early!:D


Sweet dreams, my peeps! Peace out! :ghug

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HI Besties!!!! Nope, no :firegot lit and didn't get any :kick. So nothing got done again today but supper and dishes :lol. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. It was :2rainand cloudy all day so I just sat around and did nothing but hobbies.

Colleen-:welcomeback!!! So glad to hear that you had a nice trip. AWWWWWW I know how the DD felt, as I missed my own bed too when I was on vacation. WTG getting so much done today. Hopefully you will get to cash in on some :crocheting time.

Mary- :yay for the good news from the Dr's appt today. :yes knew your mom would love the afghan as it is very pretty. You did a great job with it. I need to find some yarn so I can be prepared when everyone else starts that ghan cuz I know I am going to need help :lol.

Vicki- :rofl It was me that you left out of your post early today.:lol I know I have done that a time or two myself. It only happens to the best of us. Ut oh, hope everything is ok with the electric company. Don't :tryme:kickwhip up on them too bad. I am tempted to fight with mine, as I was gone for the last 16 days of that billing cycle (and nothing was left on but the refrigerator, ceiling fans and hot water heater) and my bill is $10 less than it was last month :think.

Joanne- Nope no :firewas lit under the aspirin today. Maybe I should try to get something done before I go to bed. :idea How about :crocheting. :sofunnycan you tell I am just not in a cleaning mood:shrug Vacation must have ruined me.

LeaAnne- You go girl :cheer:clap. You are better than me, getting all that stuff done. Tell DD :bdayfrom me too!!! Sorry I wasn't here to tell her earlier. I love the birthday gifts you chose for her. I am so proud of you!!! You have made soooooooo much headway since this CAL began!!!!!:hug:bowAnd me, :loser:heehee I am backsliding.

:hiBeth- I have been telling myself for two days, there is always tomorrow. Thanks for the encouragement and knowing that someone else is saying that too.

:wavingStacy- Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!!

:hugShannon- Miss you and awaiting your return!!!

Think I will go try some :magic:2magic and see if I can at least get something done. If not, as Beth said, there is always tomorrow. Have a great night besties and see you tomorrow!!! :hug:manyheart

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Good morning all- running a tad late this AM- even though I did fall asleep early, but just wanted to stop by quick and say Good Morning and Happy Hump Day!


Good luck with all the painting, LeaAnne- Super Mom to the rescue!!!


I'll catch up with all of you later. Have a spendiferous-ness (in honor of Shannon-ness)Wednesday, take your vitamins and enjoy the day!


cya later

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Good morning all. I am still fighting with the electric company. Nothing is wrong, they are just stupid.

Leanne - I will be in NY for a week. Now, however, hubby's boss is acting like an idiot and the vacation may be canceled. I am still waiting to hear. It will be good to see friends and family, though.

Mary - My kitchen is green, specifically the color is called Corn Husk Green. Will ya give me a hint as to why you asked?

Scooby - How could I forget you? I always leave someone out. Silly me!

Must run ladies. I will check in later!


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morning, girls!

Just a quick :hi to let you know I'm thinkin' boutcha;)

Hope you all have a splendiferous day:yay

I'll be back later... off to grab that roller!


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:waving all!

You ladies sure are chatty! I've been in a funk and didn't feel like posting yesterday. But it seemed like everytime I checked in, there were more posts! Good thing I kept up on the reading, at least. :lol


Vicki- good luck getting a clue from Mary- we've all asked and she hasn't cracked yet! :lol Sorry to hear about the electrical company. I hear ya on the stupid. I'm off to fight with our gas company today. I paid the bill over the phone last month and they took that to mean I want email statements, which I didn't realize until I got a shut-off in the mail 2 days ago. :angry:angry I specifically remember the woman asking if I wanted paperless statements and I said no, because I tend to forget about them. :blush Good luck with dh's boss and those vacation days!


Leanne, you are a crazy woman! :rofl Good luck with the painting, it is really sweet of you to do this for your dd right before her party. :manyheart The stuff you got for her room sounds awesome-ness! At least you had the paint waiting for you. What color is your other girls' room?


Colleen, I'm happy that you had a nice trip! I hear ya on the kids drifting onto a late-night schedule. Mine have been going to bed way later than normal, too. I usually don't mind but dh and I used to watch movies (non-cartoon ones :lol) after they were in bed and that has been put on hold. :shrug


Mary, glad everything went well at the dr.! Of course your mom loved the afghan- it is gorgeous! How fun that you spent time with your grandkids. Hope you got some rest!


Scooby, I'm going to send my kids your way for a day so I can sit around! :lol Good luck with your :2magic. And, of course, there is always tomorrow! :hug


Hope Shannon is having tons of fun-ness on her trip!


Beth, Joanne, Inkstained- :hi and good morning! Hope you all have a fantabulous day!


My yarn should be here today! :clap I have to finish my afghan as I've been trying to use dh's at night. :blush (The a/c in our room is super-cold.) Last night he asked when I'm planning to make my own. :lol

Oh, guess what?! The cockroach did not die! Yesterday I parked in the underground parking at Target, and when we came out (of course the stupd things like the dark) it was on oldest dd's carseat! :faint She screamed. LoL I killed it with my shoe and threw it out of the car, but she refused to sit in her seat. She is over the 6 years/60 lb. limit on the carseat law, so I let her sit in the middle on the way home. (My car has 3-row seating and she sits in the back, because her booster will not fit in between the two other carseats in the middle row.)

Our a/c died for good last night. I called the manager and she came over to see it. She started to say that her maintenance men are off today, but dh came out of the bedroom at that moment and her tune changed. She said she would call them to make a "special visit." She hemmed and hawed and finally said that she would swap ours with the one in the "model" unit. It really makes me mad because she swapped ours last year with an empty unit and the empty unit got a brand new one!! What is the point of that? We've been here 6 years already and I can't even get a new a/c? :angry:rant But when I brought that up, dh quickly told her that we would be happy to take it as long as it works better than the one we have now. :thair I wanted to :tryme him. :blush

Well ladies I must be off to make breakfast for the monsters. Be back soon, I'm sure!

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Good morning everyone

Colleen... The afghan you can make any size. WTG on getting the laundry done.

Vicki........ Sorry not telling what the kitchen colors are for.:devil

Joanne..... How many squares do you have done? You sound like you are doing really good with them.

LeaAnne....... Hope your painting goes smoothly. I have an open concept, kitchen, diningroom and livingroom all in one and I need a paint job. Want to come and help? Sorry I forgot :birthday to DD.

Scooby.... Iam sure your house work will wait for you when you are feeling better. Mine always waits for me.

Stacy... Glad you got the bug. My hair on the back of my neck is standing up just thinking about it.

Beth.... I love to hear a baby laugh. I have to agree it is the best sound.:)

Shannon.... I hope you are having a great time and you have wonderful weather.

My news......... My squares are done:clap I just have to get them ready for mailing. Which will be at the end of the month. Colleen will get hers when I see her on Monday. Iam counting the days til we meet.

I will be back later


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I am wiped! I think I'm just tired after my trip. 2 loads of laundry done, one still in the dryer, both still need to be folded. Dishes put away, pork chops in the oven for supper and veggies and a fruit salad still to make. I am planning to bake some cookies too. I went to Walmart for some household supplies and bought DD's school backpack. I made DD's allergy appointment for the fall. I ordered her epi-pen pouch. I needed a catch-up day like this.


So, now I'm off to decide if I'm baking chocolate chip cookies or ginger snaps...:think I'm thinking ginger snaps again.


I'm hoping for some :crocheting time after supper. I REALLY need some :crocheting time.


I hope you are all having a great day!

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Colleen, I got your square:mail!:hug:cheer:clap:manyheart:hug:yay I didn't know what was in my mail box at first, but as soon as I saw your name, I started :dance. It is gorgeous! You are very talented. And so very sweet. Thanks so much. What fun!!!:day:ty:ty


Now I want to get busy with mine, so I can send them to everyone!!!:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting (I have two done.)

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Hi Besties!


LeaAnne, Mmmmmmm, chocolate cake! :drool. I hope your dd has a splendiforous :birthday:party. Thirteen is a good age. How goes all the painting?


Mary, I have reached the point where I'm not looking for any more children EVER, but grandbabies are appealing to me more and more! Yours are all so young. It is good that you get to enjoy them.


Colleen, Did you make the ginger snaps? :drool. I'm going to need a napkin if you keep telling me what your baking! Travelling always tires me out, too. I hope you have your energy back soon.


Vicki and Stacy, good luck with your utilities. I'm sorry you've had to deal with so much stupidity.

Vicki, the squares are due Sept. 1.


Scooby, why don't you take a vacation to recuperate from your vacation? I usually need a day or two to get back into the swing of things.


Jennifer, I hope you are having a good day today. Are you taking classes during the summer?


Shannon, I hope you are having fun on your vacation. We miss you, girl!!!

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Ok, ladies, I am freaking out at the moment. I just got Colleen's square. It is beautiful! I love the colors.


Now, why I am freaking. When are squares due? I thought they were due Sept. 1. Help!




Vicki, oh dear, do not freak out! I was in Ohio for the weekend and mailed my squares from there to save some money. No worries, there is lots of time left! I'm glad you got yours. :hug

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Beth - I did make the ginger snaps and they are yummy (unfortunately I keep sampling them:blush).


I pulled a Stacy this afternoon and made my DD a big tent in the living room with a blanket and chairs. She set up a tea party for her teddies in the tent and allowed me to get my baking and cooking done in the kitchen! Thanks for the idea Stacy!


I am waiting for DH to get home for supper, so I've started :crocheting. Finally! :c9. I'm working on a table runner that my SIL ordered about a year ago :blush. In my defense she ordered 2, I made her the first one right away. This is #2.

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:woo:jumpyay:clap My square from Colleen came today-What a great surprise to go to the mailbox and as soon as I saw the package I got a big:D on my face. Ran into the house and opened it up. I LOVE it!!! DH says oh, she really does very nice work- her stitches are so nice and tight! ( I guess as opposed to mine that are on the loose side)


I love the square you chose and the meaning behind it.


I have to get dinner on and will be back later. We are having pork chops too with a salad. I just had to come and say thanks for the square!!!

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Gosh, now I'm dying for my mail to arrive! New yarn and a Colleen square, all in one day! :clap Although I'm wondering if mine will be a tad later than the others since I am on the west coast.


Colleen- Glad your dd enjoyed her tent and gave you a break! Isn't it wonderful?


Beth, don't feel bad, I also have only 2 squares done.


I spoke with my mom today- lots of news.

My cousin had back surgery on Monday. He pulled through just fine but is in a tremendous amount of pain. Only 60% of the first skin graft succeeded, so they will have to do one more. If it takes on the second try, he will start physical therapy for his back. He can move his toes, though, so that is a great sign. The dr. finally realized that he does not have insurance (my aunt has been telling him but he didn't want to listen because of my cousin's condition) and now he is rushing the surgeries to have him out as quickly as possible. :ohdear In the beginning, the dr. said he would be hospitalized indefinitely, now he is saying he should be out by the time we arrive in the middle of August. :eek


Well I better scoot and get dinner ready. Be back later!

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I'm back!

Colleen- Glad that Stacy's tent idea worked out for DD and that you were able to get your baking done! Ginger Snaps sound yummy, but my favs are chocolate chip!! And guess what- the bird hit the ole mailbox again- but I didn't even care because of what was in the mailbox today!:lol We are supposed to get rain tonight- so I'm hoping mother nature will take of what the bird left behind!!! Glad you found some time to pick up the hook and yarn today!!!:crocheting


LeaAnne- zebra stripes with pink sounds so perfect for a 13 year old! How did the painting go today? And I also want to know what color the other DDs room is going to be. (you know we are a nosy bunch around here!)


Stacy- Thanks for the update on your cousin. And yes, healthcare is dependent on whether or not you have insurance or not- sad but true. I really hope that we can get some real good healthcare reform in this country! I know how I worry because middle DD doesn't have any health insurance.


Beth- I see your survived all your taxiing yesterday!


Mary- You are so secretive! :devil Can't wait to find out why the need for kitchen colors!! I have finished 8 squares. I am not that quick and had to frog a few times until I finally got it down. And these are only 8x8. How will I ever get 9 12X12's done? :think Maybe I'll start one of them tonight!!!


Scooby, Vicki and inkstained- hope you had a great day. I'm starting to wonder if inkstained was just a short term visitor?? Haven't heard from her in a while.


Oh, LeaAnne- Yankees are in 1st place!!!!! (just had to get that in:lol)

I'm probably going to be heading up to Somerville the week of labor day since DH is heading to GA for a certification class he needs to take. I thought I'd head up to my favorite city (Boston) that week. Maybe we can work out something to meet somewhere? As it gets closer, I'll let you know my plans- I still need to make sure DD is going to be in town:lol.


Colleen and Mary---I keep thinking of you getting to meet each other- how fun and exciting!!


Well that is it for now. I'm going to go searching for yarn and a good square pattern that can live up to the beautiful job that Colleen did on hers!


Have a good night besties:ghug

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Colleen - Now that you mention it, I do remember you saying that you were going to mail the squares when you were visiting across the border. Silly me! These things do tend to slip my mind. Too much in it, I guess,


Joanne and Leanne - Yes, the Yankees are in first place. They won today. There was no score in the Red Sox game when I looked. They are playing down here in Arlington.


I finally got my electric company problem semi solved. It only took me all day today and half of yesterday. Now I get to wait and see if they completely solve it. That may take a few days. I was so mad that I even went on their website and e-mailed the executives of the company.


I got nothing else done today. I didn't even pick up my hook and crochet. I did get some reading done last night and today during tae kwon do. DD's orange belt test is scheduled for July 31. The other kids won't take theirs until Aug 8, but we won't be home that week. The master was very kind to let her take it early. He is a good guy!


Anyway, maybe tomorrow will be better and I'll get some stuff done. I need to work on my paper tomorrow too. The next draft needs to be sent to my study chair. Just too much stuff to do and I need a fire lit under me. Scooby, come light it for me! And did you know that there is a 6th edition of the APA manual?!?


Shannon - Hope you are having fun on your trip! I miss hearing from you!


Mary - Having fun with all your secret squares?


Beth - I hope you had a great day! Thanks for setting me straight with the squares!


Have a great night all! I will check in tomorrow!



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