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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Morning everyone

I have 2 loads of laundry washed and out on the line. The third one is still washing. Semi cleaned up the kitchen. I have to do a few more things, then when Dh gets back we are going to work for a couple of hours. Then home and Iam going to get my squares done.

Hope everyone is having a nice day.

I will be back later


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Wow, Mary, your mom's afghan is gorgeous!!! :manyheart You do beautiful work. That Monet color is really pretty.


I wish my name was Anne :wink ...Mary just convinced me to make one, too! :lol


Leanne, good luck with those bookmarks. I hope WIZ3283 meets her goal. :cheer


Joanne, black can be hard to work with, but they make these really cool hooks now called Cro-lite. I received 3 of them in a swap and I love to hook after dark now! :laughroll Good luck with dd's 'ghan. We are all here to help!


Whoa, Beth, you are on a roll this morning! Have fun at the pool and good luck to your friend. I had a :heehee at your post because I am making a banana bread right now! We had so much fun at the pool, even my youngest dd got in! I have to say, though, that I never considered that my suit wouldn't fit this year. :blush I really need to do something about this c-section belly. And I have recovered from the frying- I took a 2-hour nap last night then went to bed 1/2 an hour later. :rofl


It is only 9:30 and it is freakin' HOT! I had the doors and windows open since I'm baking (thinking it's pointless for the a/c to run.) Well I just saw a yellowjacket buzzing around my window so I shut everything and turned the a/c on anyway. :blush:lol Next up is blueberry muffins (dd has been begging for them.) Besides that, I was up bright and early and cleaned the girls' room (it looked like a tornado hit. :wink) A family downstairs is moving and the woman asked if I wanted a 3-drawer toy organizer, and a bookshelf. I put the bookshelf in the girls' room and used the organizer for my yarn. :blush:devil I'm sure dh will love that. I also cleaned up the kitchen and living room, vacuumed, made my bed, and picked up the dirty clothes from the bathroom. I still want to steam-clean because one of the girls spilled a ketchup dog on the floor the other night. Aside from that, I am going to sit on my badorkus and :crocheting. It is too hot to go anywhere today, but we may go to the pool later. :shrug

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...wait! aren't you Stacy-Anne?! :lol Or you could pretend and 'ghan along anyway!:devil:manyheart


Blueberry muffins sound dee-LISH!:P You are having a very industrious morning, Stacy! I, on the other hand... well...:blush

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You know...I think think there might be a mistake on my birth certificate...:wink:lol

Don't feel bad about your non-industrious-ness...my blueberry muffins were a flop! The reviews on allrecipes.com were absolutely wonderful, but for some reason, mine decided to burn after only 10 minutes in the oven, and they didn't rise much at all. :shrug I think I accidentally used baking soda instead of baking powder. :badidea DD seems to like them, though. :)


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:wavingGirls!!! :help I have a bad case of the don't want to's. The weather is so nice and pretty, I just can't get that :firelit under the ole aspirin to get anything done except what I have to. So far I have done general pick up, dishes, my 2 min decluttering and that is all. I do need to get the :rabbit cage cleaned but don't want to do that either :lol.

I have basically just been :crocheting, :book, :compute, and playing my DS.:loser is me today :lol. But I am on :c9 .:cheerI did get 2 of my WIPs done. I will post pics of them later. Hopefully I will get more of them finished as I would like to join the rest of you when you start the Corner to Corner Throw.

Joanne- Hope you have a great day with the Delta Force today. Thanks for the vitamin reminder as I had forgot about mine till just now:oops.

Mary- OHHHHHH I love your mom's afghan!!!! It is very pretty!!! WTG getting that done so quickly :yay. Hope you and DH have a good day at work.:scared Squares, I probably need to get started on mine too. But I must first decide what :yarn to use. I guess I will keep mine a secret too, since I really don't know yet what I am doing. TG I still have a month to get them done :lol.

Beth- Slow down girl, you are on a roll this morning. Banana cake sounds yummy to my tummy. Will keep your friend and her mother in my thoughts and prayers. Hope all turns out well for them. Have fun relaxing at the pool!!!

Stacy- :devilDidn't you know that we officially changed our names???? You are Stacy Anne and I am Scooby Anne. You are on a roll this morning too. Banana Bread, Blueberry muffins, and what was that you said was for dinner???? We will be there when it is ready :rofl. What a great gift you got :cheer. I know the bookshelf and ":yarn" organizer will come in handy.

LeaAnne- I figured you were making all the bookmarkers for Wiz but forgot to ask.:worried Geesh, I am getting very forgetful here lately. I swear I am suffering from CRS disease. I need to dig through my tubs and see if I can locate all those bookmarkers I already have made and send them to her. Have fun getting things ready for the next party. I am sure it will be another big hit!!!!

Vicki- Hope all is going well for you and getting everyone/thing settled back in after vacation. I am finally getting back on track, although it took me a while.

Shannon and Colleen- Thinking about you both and miss you much!!! Can't wait for you both to return.

Well besties, guess I better get off the :ccompute and see if I can get something done. Although I don't wanna :(, and probably won't :D. Hope you all have a great day and I will :check back in later. Lots of :hugand :manyheart.

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Awww... sorry the muffins didn't rise:( At least DD liked them though, so they weren't wasted.

Do you have good luck with Allrecipes.com? I get there and get all :confused... they really do have ALL recipes, i think! :lol


I wish I could get my act together today...:sigh It's a little :irksome... I kind of have stuff that needs to be done :shrug and it just "ain't happenin'" ....At least I'm not alone, though! :ty, Scoob! I feel better now! :devil:hug

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Oh, my word- another message lost in the computer neverland.....I was adding smilies and hit something (don't know what) and it brought me to another screen and my message was gone!!!!


Can't re-create it now- gotta get dinner out of the oven.


I'll be back later


WTG on the throw Mary- Love, love, love it....and all the "anne's" (and I think all of us are Anne's) want to make it now......


Gotta run.....

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Joanne, I do that sometimes, too. Try clicking the forward arrow on your browser. It will usually bring my post back. :think


I spoke too soon about the muffins. She ate one, then came in and informed me there was something black on the top. I told her the were slightly overcooked...she went to the kitchen and I heard her counting. She came back and told me there were 9 more that were "slightly overcooked." :blush:lol


Leanne, I'm hit-or-miss with allrecipes.com. I really, really like Cooks.com. It is much less confusing- you just type in the name of what you want, and up pops a list about a mile long. I almost always find what I'm looking for. :D


Scooby, it is so cool that you have a DS. Great job on getting those WIP's done! I have a couple of things that need to be finished before I start on my Mary-ghan (or is it the "Anne"-ghan? :laughroll) I got an email from Craftsetc.com that my yarn shipped today, though! So it should be here around Wednesday. I'm sure I will have lots of motivation to finish my other things once that arrives. :clap

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Hi all. I think I am settling in here. The dogs are home today, all clean and cut and up to date on their shots. I have most of the laundry done, but it is not folded yet. I had to get up and goto work today for a training on how th use the new web grade book, only to find out later that the social studies class that I usually teach in the sped room is canceled because there are not enough students in there and they will be put out. I did get two hours of credit or being there.

We had a wonderful time on vacation. We were in Stacy's part of the country and the weather was just beautiful! No humidity, breezy, warm, but not sweltering! We stayed at he Grand Californian Hotel on Disney property. We didn't see too many characters, but we really weren't looking for them. I think Space Mountain in Californian is so much better than in Florida; darker and faster! Could not get DD to go on California Screamin' in the California Adventure park, but that is okay. She will do the loops eventually!


We took a couple of days and went to Knott's Berry Farms, Sea World, and the San Diego Zoo. They were great, but I think the zoo was my favorite. I saw the polar bears and the panda bears. They were my favorite with the elephants. We had to sit in the splash zone when we saw Shamu and got wet with cold salt water. Then I got soaked on the River rapids while my husband stayed bone dry! I really dislike him sometimes.


Now I need to get myself in gear and finish getting the trip tp NY done. We are going to see my FIL. We haven't been there in a few years. I need to get the airport transportation finalized, rent a car, and get some plans made. I have a friend who wants to come down and see me and I think I can do that when FIL takes DD and hubby on the boat to go fishing. That will work nicely!

Mary - the afghan is beautiful! I think that should be our next CAL after the squares.

Speaking of my squares, I only got part of one done while I was gone! That's it!

I still need to go back and read what I missed. From what I gathered, Shannon and Colleen are away. Hope they are having fun and can't wait to hear from you all!


I will post pictures for you all. I need to finish my laundry tomorrow and get some vacuuming done. I had done stuff before I left so I didn't have as much to do when I got home. I can get used to this!

Talk to you all later!


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Hi all, I'm back after dinner.


Vicki- sounds like you had a blast on your vacation- and the Grand Californian @ Disney- nice!!! When are you heading to NY? You are quite the traveler this summer!


Mary- your ghan for your Mom is a hit here for sure- I think everyone considers themselves an "Anne"!!! I agree, it should be our next CAL after the squares. Be honest, though- is it too difficult for a newbie like me?


LeaAnne- the party animal in the crowd- I guess with 4 DK's though, it's not hard to have parties, sleep-overs, stay=up over's going on! Good for you for taking it easy today- no need to feel guilty about that! You either Scooby!!!! Somedays you put me to shame with all that you get accomplished!


Beth- Banana bread- yummy! You sure were busy early this AM. Hope all went well with the cardiac cath. And nice of you to spend time at the pool!


Stacy- You, too, were busy baking up a storm- loved the comment your DD made! I asked my DD's (who all like to cook/bake) where they got that from, since they didn't get it from me. They all told me "The Food Network"! My cousin uses Cook's all the time- she has linked me some recipes from there. I really don't like to cook, but when I am with DD's they motivate me- since they all love it so much. Tonight for instance, we had baked chicken and a salad- simple but healthy!


Colleen should be driving home and hope that Shannon is having a perfect-ness time!


Delta Force is getting busy now- but I am still loving the position. Looks like the end of August, we'll be working late and maybe even on Saturday getting ready for the first account to "go live' in sept. But you do what needs to be done. Of course, that will cut into my crochet time. And still have to get the badorkus in gear about our squares (and finish DD's ghan) Can I have some more time in the day???


Speaking of which, I better get out the ole hook and yarn and whip up another one while I watch the Yankees.


Have a wonderful night all....(no smilies- not taking the chance) I think I did hit the forward arrow before, (but maybe it was the back arrow???)

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Hello Besties, I'm back!


It just took me quite a while to get caught up on all the posts and I was only gone for 4 days! I have no idea how Vicky and Scooby caught up! I guess I won't be able to travel anymore without internet access for fear of falling too far behind on this gang :rofl. It is great to hear that you all had busy, productive and fun weekends.


My trip went very well. Lots of time with my cousins and their kids, my aunt and uncle, and my parents. DD had lots of fun. We had a bit of trouble with her environmental allergies acting up, but we managed. It was very busy with a meal at each of the local family-member's houses, a little bit of shopping (I would have liked more :D) and a trip to the zoo (the highlight for us, for sure!). They have a baby elephant at the zoo there and it was soooooo cute. :manyheart DD was so good for the long trip. She is a homebody and was a little bit homesick, but she was a trooper.


I went to a Joann's for the first time :yay:c9. It was fun! I bought some Simply Soft, which I've read lots of great things about here at the 'ville but never tried (they don't sell it here in Canada). I have no idea what I'll be doing with it (maybe a diagonal afghan :think:rofl) I also bought myself a crochet book.


I don't think I'll be able to catch up with everything, but here goes:


Vicki-Anne - Welcome home! It sounds like you had a fabulous vacation! I hope your trip to New York is just as great!


LeaAnne - Sounds like the birthday party was a success! Oh the summer fun at your place sounds great!


Beth-Anne - I hope you enjoyed the pool and the banana bread. I hope you get that ceiling done to everyone's satisfaction, but ultimately just do your best and feel proud that you did it yourself :hug.


Scooby-Anne - Sounds like you've been having lots of busy time with the DSs and :crocheting and cleaning as always! You are super Scooby-Anne!


Joanne - It is so nice that your DDs take time to come visit you. I'm so glad you got to see 2 of them in one weekend! I bet you could do the diagonal afghan with our help. I haven't looked at the pattern yet, but I will.


Mary-Anne - Your mom's afghan is beautiful! I love the colours!


Stacy-Anne - You've been busy entertaining and bug-catching! I hope you got those buggers :lol


Jennifer-Anne - How was the yarn sale? It sounds like, bus and boat aside, your trip was fun.


I hope Shannon-Anne is having a fun vacation.


LeaAnne mentioned that she had not received the addresses yet. I did send them to everyone. I think I got replies from Joanne and Beth and I see Stacy received them. LeaAnne please check your PMs and let me know if you did not get it. If anyone else did not get it, please let me know. I'll go double check my sent items now. Thanks!


It is nice to be home. I will have tons of laundry to do tomorrow.:P

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Hi everyone

Colleen.... welcome home. I did get the address, thankyou. Iam glad you had a good time. I will be going to DD's this weekend and then into the yarn shop on monday. Can hardly wait to meet you.

Joanne.... I don't think you will have any problem with the afghan. You know the basic stitches and that is all you need. Iam here to help.

Vicki.... Your trip sounds great. Glad you had a good time and too bad Stacy couldn't meet you. That would have been fun.

Beth... Prayers for friends mom, hope all went well. Backing, I :nworthy to you. My mom and sister are great cooks, me I crochet.:lol

Stacy... Iam :nworthy to you also. You are on :fire today. WTG hope it is not too hot there today.

LeaAnne and Scooby...... Put your feet up and relax, you deserve it.

Well Ladies I didn't get to :crocheting today. House is starting soon and my squares are calling my name.

Goodnight All


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:welcome home, Colleen! :clap It sounds like you had a wonderful time! what colors of simply Soft did you get? I enjoy using that yarn. The drape is so nice on 'ghans. It just takes some getting used to the slippery-ness on the hook. I hope you enjoy using it! Oh! and I did get the addy's today. They must have gone to that other astitchintime person. Thanks for sending them:hug

:rofl WTG on turning us ALL into -Anne's! :clap I LOVE IT! It's kind of funny that most of the friends I have have an Anne in their name someplace, so this is perfect! :rofl


Mary - How did work go with DH? Hope you had fun watching House and working on your mystery squares! :hug


Joanne - Saturday will be our last "party" until the fall:yay Tomorrow is oldest DD's big 13, and Saturday will be her annual bash. She still hasn't told me yet exactly How Many:blush kids she invited this year (I heard around 50). We always have this party, the last Saturday of July, and not only kids are invited. We invite a few of our friends, our families, as well as the families of Jamie's friends... after all, summer IS Family Time!:clap We eat, talk, have a few beverages... and basically enjoy. You are all welcome to come if you like:lol:wink...

Hey, it sounds like you are on a roll with your squares!:clap I am so proud of you!!! Hope you enjoyed the game tonight!


Stacy - :rofl:rofl your DD is Priceless! I Love that she counted the overcooked-ness. Sooo cute! I miss that kind of stuff already, and my darlings are still young:blush Where does the time go?

Thanks for the tip about Cooks.com, I'll have to check it out! I am like Joanne, though, and don't really love to cook. I Do, however, enjoy baking in the fall when the weather gets cooler. Which reminds me, did you get your AC replaced?


Vicki - WOW! Your vacation sounds so wonderful! The grand Californian? COOL-ness! Thank you for taking the time to give us all the very descriptive details... Now I wanna go there! It's so nice to have you back!:hug:hug and :woo to coming home to a clean house! ain't it grand?


Beth - How did the cath go? I am holding your friends mom in my prayers.


Jennifer - How are you doing, girly? We haven't heard from you in a few days... I hope you are well:hug


:hi, Scooby! I hope you got to enjoy the rest of your do-nothing-ness day!:hug


I ended up diggin out that :ipod, and got done what I needed to, and then after supper, DD#2 and DS came shopping with me for the big birthday tomorrow. I hope she likes what we picked (Lindsey said she's gonna flip, Mom!). We figured since she never tends to come out of her room anymore (ages and stages), we'd get her a bunch of things to spruce it up for her. New, fun curtains to make a "canopy" with, a new lamp, window curtains, and comforter set. :xfin for me, girls, that she loves it! She's a great kid, and deserves much more.


I guess that's it from here... I gotta get my badorkus to bed and get some :sleep... I got ":eekcompany's coming" cleaning to get to tomorrow! and I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but the Good News is that it's gonna :rain tomorrow!


sweet dreams, besties, and I'll be here with :mug to have coffee in the A.M.! :ghug


p.s. thinking of you, Shannon & Janna! :hug

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Welcome Back Colleen-Anne!!! Glad that the trip went well and that your DD was such a trooper- you were missed around here!! I like the Simply Soft and made a scarf in one of the 'brite' colors- kind of like a periwinkle blue- my middle DD saw it and adopted it! How can a mom say no? I allso made a red one in the simply soft for oldest DD (in honor of the RED Sox!) Hope you enjoy using the yarn.


I had the darndest time with the square tonight- darn yarn- so tangled-ness! i was sooo annoyed, but determined not to let it get to me. So it took me a long time to get one more square done for DD's ghan. And I will pay dearly in the AM I'm sure since it is now almost midnight!!! (what is with some skeins of yarn that are such a mess when you get near the end of them???)


Anyway, I may not have time in the AM to wish you all a good morning and remember to take your vitamin reminder since I will be hitting the ole snooze button till the last possible moment!!!


So, consider this your vitamin happy Tuesday reminder! Have a fantabulous-ness day to all my bestie "Anne's" and I'll cya after work tomorrow!

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Good morning Besties!


This morning, I checked my schedule for the day, and every 2 hours, I am taxi-ing a kid somewhere! Like clockwork, from 7 a.m., until 3 p.m., then I get an extra half hour, and it's off to my dd's cake decorating class. We leave at 5:30 to allow for traffic, and it runs until 8:30. I have lots of time between things, but I still don't think I"ll get much done today, besides :drive


My friend's mom did not have the cath yesterday. I really don't know a lot of the details, but something in her pre-surgical tests made them cancel it for now.


Welcome back, Colleen! it sounds like you had a good trip. Your daughter did so well, for a homebody far from home. It's so good to visit with family.


LeaAnne, wow! A party for HOW MANY people? :eek I hope it's a lot of fun. Don't forget to take care of yourself while you're rushing around getting things ready. I think you came up with a great gift for a 13-year-old girl. My 15-year-old girl would love me to finish her bedroom so she can move everything back into it!!! But she's been very patient.


Joanne, one of my friends rolls all her skeins into balls before she starts working on them, to avoid the tangled-ness at the end. I like fighting with the knots, for some perverse reason. (Hint: I'm :loco)


Mary, my mom and sisters are great housekeepers, me, I bake. :rofl.


Vicki, I'm glad your home safely! Your trip sounds wonderful. Sounds like your daughter will remember it for a long time.


Stacy, your dd sounds too cute. Enjoy it -- they grow quickly!


Scooby, inquiring minds want to know, did you ever get the fire lit? I need one today. I'll settle for :coffee:morcoffee Today, I want to :sleep.


Here's a big :hug for all my besties! Have a great Tuesday!:manyheart

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Good morning everyone

Dh and I have to go into town to the doctors today. Nothing wrong just a visit. We are then going to meet up with youngest DD and granddaughter for lunch. I forgot to tell you. Granddaughter is 5 1/2 months old, weights 18 lbs 13 ozs and now has 2 teeth.:clap She is such a good baby. Just like my kids, I never lost a nights sleep.:angel

LeaAnne the present sounds great, and how many for party????

Beth... You sure do drive alot. I live in the country and I don't drive that much.

I will catchup with everyone later

Bye for now


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:morcoffee morning, besties...


Joanne - sorry for the tangled-ness... that always seems to happen to me near the end of a skein as well, but I am like Beth, I would rather deal with the tangles than roll my skeins into balls (it takes to much time:blush) I hope you aren't too :yawn today after burning the midnight oil:hug


Mary - good luck with DH at the doctor's... and have a fantabulous visit with DD and that baby! I bet she's gorgeous! :hug:manyheart


Beth - you are amazing! How do you do all that you do? All of that taxi-:driving would make me :crazy AND :yawn!

:ty for the vote of affirmation on the gift... it's good to know the mom of teens, to keep me on track:wink

Hoping you have a safe and terrific day!


good morning to you all: Scooby, Vicki, Colleen, Stacy, Jennifer (and Shannon)


My troops are filtering out of their beds:)... gotta get them some breakfast, and get crackin' around here... today is :ipod, heavy cleaning, and tackle my bathroom ceiling which needs a coat of paint (MIL suggested that I get that done before the party)... OH! and I have a cake to bake!:D


I'll check back in a while, when i get a break...


:ghug besties!

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Good morning all!


Thanks for the warm welcome home. DD was happy to sleep in her own bed last night. The first night we were there she woke at 5:30 am and said "I want to go home to my own bed". I felt bad, but explained that sometimes you have to sleep in a strange bed to do fun things. A glass of milk and a rub on the back and she fell back to sleep.


My plan for today is :wash:wash:wash, groceries and then work. Unfortunately it is supposed to rain here today and tomorrow so I'll have to use the dryer :(.


Mary - I can't wait to meet you on Monday. :yay I am going to make your square this week so I can give it to you in person.


LeaAnne - Good luck with the cleaning and party prep--that is going to be one big party! :eek Sounds fun! :yay I guess with that many people you'd have room for 8 or 9 extra people and their families, eh? Jaime's gift sounds perfect. I'm sure she'll love it. I love names that end in "Anne" or "Anna". Leanne was one of my top picks for my daughter's name, but it reminded DH of some girl from highschool :P. I also love Joanne, Maryann, etc., etc.


Joanne - I hope you had a great day at work and got an extra coffee to get going this morning.


Beth - Happy taxi driving today!


Vicki, Scooby, Stacy, Jennifer, Shannon and anyone I missed - Have a great day!

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Good afternoon all! It is a slightly cloudy day here in Texas. Maybe we will get some rain. We got some on Saturday. It cam just as we finished getting everything in the house!


I am still going through all the posts that I missed when I was away. I think I am halfway through. I managed to get the last load of vacation clothes in the washer and dryer. They still need to be folded, so I will do that later. I vacuumed the first floor and the stairs this morning. I just realized today that I can clean out the hose on my vacuum cleaner! Does anyone else have a purple Dyson? There is a little thing on the bottom that you can take off for when the hose gets clogged! My hose works again! I found it by accident. The vacuum fell backwards and that was when I saw it. I thought I had broken it.


Shannon - Glad to hear that the trip the the doctor was successful and that Janna is doing well. Let's hope the hearing test goes well. I have that problem with my ears. The left one is dead. The school found it when I was 5 and I failed the hearing test. The only thing my left ear is good for is to hold my glasses and earrings. And make me look symmetrical.


Stacy - I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. It is hard when family members make decisions that we don't like. You are in my thoughts and I hope the trip is a good one.


Inkstained - I hate when my migraines just hang around. I become very unproductive when I get one. I ended up with one the first night we were in California. My husband ended up taking DD to the pool and I just laid on the bed. Nothing to do but wait for it to go away.


Hi to Leanne, Colleen, Mary, Beth, and I know I am missing others. I just can't remember who. To whom I missed, I hope you are having a great day!


Talk to you all soon!



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Vicki, you and my dd are mirror opposites! her left ear is right, and the right ear is deaf. We didn't know until her physical to start preschool at 4. She does really well, though. Do you need any aids for hearing?


Colleen, good luck with all the laundry! We only got the towels done today. I told my dd not to start the next load, because I'm not sure it would make it into the dryer. There's always tomorrow!


LeaAnne, painting before a party! :eek How in the world do you have time for that??? And what kind of a cake are you making? :drool


mary, is it true? Is grandma the best job on the planet? I hope you enjoy that baby! Will you listen to a giggle for me? The most beautiful sound on the planet!!!:c9


It's so nice to sit on my badorkus in front of the :ccompute to check in on my besties. But I need to go.:( I'll :check in on everyone later!:manyheart:hug

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:hi, gang!


I am taking a little break to stop by... It appears I have opened the biggest can of worms:blush I got my bathroom ceiling started. Good news is, I think I can just wash it, and not have to paint. Bad news is birthday girl was bored today (heaven forbid!)... so what do I do? We cleaned her room out, and border has been stripped, edges taped, and walls sanded. Tonight after cake, we get to prime the walls, so tomorrow we can paint her room pink... :ohdear... I swear, I am a glutton for punishment:lol


...it's a lucky thing that most of my big cleaning was already done, right?

Also lucky that she chose Wendy's for dineer so I don't even need to stop to cook ... :rofl that girl is always thinkin of me! :rofl


I'll stop by again before bed, I hope you're all having a good day!


Oh!... P.s. the cake is chocolate fudge with chocolate frosting... YUMMY!



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Hi Besties!

LeaAnne- you are one busy mama! I liked your choice of gift for your DD- wish her a big Happy Teenager Birthday for me. My DDs liked getting new stuff for their rooms at that age- And what a great mom that you are going to paint the room for her (even before you have to get ready for a big party! You are earning your "Bestest Mom" stripes for sure!!!:yes And the chocolate :cake sounds yummy----:birthday to Jaime!


Colleen and Mary- how lucky you both are that you will be 'hookin' up on Monday- you'll both have to tell us all about it! Mary- hope that the Dr. visit went well today and that you had fun with DD and your grandaughter- 5 mos- personality starting to show- oh how fun!!!


Vicki- So when are you heading to NY? I also have a Dyson, but its not purple- it's red- I'll have to check the bottom of mine to see if it has that thing where you can clean out the hose. But, I am NOT vacuuming tonight! Did do a load of wash when I got home from work- it's humming away in the dryer now.


Beth- What a busy driving schedule and then cake decorating tonight. You are earning bestest mom taxi driver of the year award!:drive


Jennifer- hope you are having a good day- haven't heard from you in a while- hope the migraines aren't acting up.


Stacy-How was your day today? You aren't anywhere near the wildfires in Ca are you?


Scooby Doo how are you? Did you get a fire lit under the aspirin?:lol


My day began very early, but I did have an extra cup of Joe this AM to get the badorkus in gear. I treated myself to Starbuck's today- a cup of bold (and a free pastry). It is raining here in NJ again ---just when the Yankees tied the Sox for 1st place, we are going to have rain??? Hope they get a game in tonight. And hope the rain goes away on Thursday since I am going to a minor league game with Delta Force.


Shannon- hope that you are having a fantabulous-ness time--miss you around here sister!!


I'm with Beth and LeaAnne--I'll put up with the tangled-ness.:yarn..I'm not about to start winding my skeins before I crochet- I don't have the patience for it and I'll take my chances with the yarn from the skein. Hoping that tonight goes better than last night. It's quiet here until 9- DH has class tonight- so peaceful- I don't have to cook since its only me here so I think tonight might just be a tuna sandwich!!!


Have a wonderful evening and I'll check in later !:manyheart

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