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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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You know, I saw your green dot and thought to refresh and see if you posted, but I was in kind-of a hurry, so I just turned off the computer! :lol

What a nice surprise that your dd is visiting! Enjoy!


Mary- you a :crocheting machine! Good luck with that afghan!


Dh called while I was at the PO to say he was finished with his exams, so we met up for lunch. Came home and put a load in the wash, and now the girls are bugging to go swimming. Their friends will be here soon, though- then I will have an apartment full of screaming little girls! :eek:lol


Well ladies...it is 100+ and I've been driving around with no a/c, so I am off to take a shower! Have a great night!

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Stacy..... I miss those days of my kids and their friends running around here. Enjoy, before you know it they are all grown up and on their own.



Thanks for that reminder, Mary. I do try to remember that, but some days I just feel like :loco. LoL I am worn out right now but the girls are having an absolute blast!! You read that right- they are. It is 11:15 here and while I am totally ready for some shut-eye, they are still going strong! :eek I had them go to bed an hour ago, and they are just giggling and having fun in there. LoL It is nice, though...they used to have sleepovers almost every weekend when the girls still lived here. I also just found out today that they may be moving to Oregon in December. So I don't mind letting them have this extra time. :manyheart

Well ladies, I am off to go watch a movie in bed and wait for the girls to fall asleep. Tomorrow we are having a bbq and going swimming. I may possibly be going to see the new Harry Potter movie with my friend. It is supposed to be 105 tomorrow- I hope my a/c can keep up!


Good night!

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Good morning all!

Stacy- hope you got some sleep- :sleepwhen I initially saw your post, it said 2:20AM and I thought wow- the girls are up late!!----forgetting of course, you are on the west coast! DUH! Anyway- hope they had fun- I miss those days too, (sometimes)! Glad they were having fun- and enjoy the swimming and bbq today!


DD and I had a really nice day together- she was mostly working on the computer-:compute sending resumes, updating resumes, researching open positions, while I sat and crocheted. :crocheting We made dinner and she cleaned up (yay!). After dinner, we went to the Goodwill where we were able to pick up some dress pants and some tops (for cheap!!) for her. She love shopping at thrift stores! It was fun spending some time with her.


She'll be heading back to Philly today- I'm washing the "new" clothes we got her yesterday now. Keep your fingers crossed she finds a job soon- she remains optimistic and I am happy she is not working at the bar anymore!


Well, my besties- have a glorious Sunday- remember your vitamins! :yes


Cya later:manyheart

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Happy Sunday Everyone!:hug:manyheart


Yesterday, I got back up that dratted ladder, and sanded my dd's ceiling. I spent 3 hours on it. After clean up, I told my dh that I was ready to prime it. He went in, looked around, and left without saying a word -- :eek. So I hunted him down, and made him tell me what he really thought. He isn't impressed.:blush So I went back up that ladder, and started working on the corners again. The tools don't fit above the door jambs and window moldings, so it's really hard to make it look good and smooth. I guess this project will be on-going for some time.


I worked a little on one square while waiting to pick up my son from work. I'm not progressing as fast as I'd like.


mary - congratulations on your medal for Stashbusting!!! :cheer:yay Your mom's afghan is eating up that yarn! It must be impressive! And you seem to be flying through it.


Joanne, so glad you got some quality time with your dd. Do you read the posts about the little ones, and think that it seems like yesterday since your dds were all that age? I can't beleive how fast they grow. We'll keep our :xfin for your dd's new job!


Stacy, how are you handling the heat? Did you get any sleep with the girls last night? Make sure everyone drinks plenty of fluids!!!:hug


Everyone else, enjoy your vacations, take care of yourselves, and have a wonderful day!:hug:manyheart

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Good morning! The girls finally knocked out at midnight, but that's only because dh went in and laid down the law. :wink They always seem to listen to him much more. :lol They were up at 7, though. :eek How late do I have to let them stay up before they actually sleep in? LoL


I opened my windows, thinking I could get a nice breeze until at least 8, but it is hot already! I will make sure everyone drinks plenty of fluids.


I keep looking at that corner-to-corner afghan and thinking that it would look really cool with scraps. :manyheart Like I need another project to work on, but dh's cousin might really like it for Christmas. (He's an artist and loves handmade gifts.)


Joanne, I'm so happy that you had a wonderful time with dd! It's great that she is so optimistic. What sort of job is she looking for? Is she still looking into that art position?


Beth, I'm sorry to hear dh wasn't impressed with your sanding job. Maybe he could help you with the parts that he thinks don't look ok? Or is this your project? :lol Don't worry that your squares are progressing slowly. I am only on my second one. I'm hoping to take them to MI and work on them at night. The shipping cost won't change but if I mail them from MI to you all on the East Coast then they should arrive faster. :lol


Leanne, Scooby, Mary, and Inkstained- :hi and good morning!


Hope Vicki, Shannon, and Colleen are having super fun-ness on their vacations!


I am off to make breakfast. Be back later!

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Hi ladies! I am finally home andI came to see what my besties were up to and what I missed! It seems I missed a lot! I will go back and read everything that was posted and then I can write back to everyone later. My husband is laughing because there is a website called Crochetville!

I will talk to everyone later. Have a good Sunday!


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Hey, girls!


Sounds like you are all having a wonderful weekend!


:hi, :waving! :welcomeHOME, Vicki! We sure did miss you! :hug


Joanne- How nice that DD came to visit! I hope that her job quest is successful. Good for her for sticking to her guns! :yes And I am glad that you got some good :crocheting time, too! Instead of baseball, I am watching the British Open this weekend. I have been :cheering for Tom Watson, but he got too tired during the playoff.:(... Oh, well, it WAS an amazing tournament! Hope you've had a glorious Sunday!


Stacy - Coolio! A stay-up-over:clap:clap I hope that the girlies had fun and that today you got to enjoy swimming and that BBQ! did you get the new AC for your place? :hugs and prayers that you are staying nice and cool.


Beth - :(Sorry about Dh's response to your work... You have been working very hard on that project, and sanding up over your head is no easy job :no I hope that he got to help you a little, and that it's getting done for you. :blushAt that point, I'd rather be :driveing... I, too, am our "handyman"... DH is not good at any of the "fix-it" kind of things... he cuts the lawn and is a great weeder, but other than that, everything around here falls on me or the Yellow Pages. I hope that you're not working too hard today :hug


:hi, Mary! I, too, looked up that 'ghan that you're making. :drool I LOVE it! I might have to :frog one of my unfinished 'ghans (I have a lot of them:blush) and try this pattern. It looks like once you have set the pattern, you can just-a-go on it:clap... I hope you get yours finished soon. :hug


Yesterday, I was a limp pile of you-know-what. I think all of the things I did this week while George was visiting was a little too much. I am feeling a little better today, but am glad that I don't have all that much to do:P

The kids are all gone to a birthday party at the neighbors, and DH is gone golfing with one of his old buddies:c9 I am enjoying some peace and quiet for a little while, before I head back to check on the kids.


:hi and :hugto Scooby & Jennifer!

...and I hope Colleen and Shannon are having fantabulous vacations!


I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day... Hugs, Besties! :ghug

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:hiFriends!!! Yesterday I was a :lurker in between running up and down the steps from the apt to the laundry room. I did get my 4 loads of laundry done yesterday. Besides general pick up, cooking, dishes and the everyday chores I didn't do much else. I did sit on the ole aspirin and :crocheting. Which is also what I plan on doing the rest of today too :lol. I am :tired as oldest ds,the new girlfriend, and a friend came at 9:30 last nite and picked up youngest ds and took him bowling. When they got back at about 11:30 they decided they were hungry so they went to the grocery store and got microwave/oven stuff to cook. At 12:30 I was fixing chocolate milkshakes and they all sat around and watched a movie. DS, new girlfriend, and friend left between 2:30 -3 am.


Stacy- :woosounds like the sleepover was a blast!!! I know all the girls enjoyed themselves. Isn't the sound of kids laughing and giggling one of the most wonderful noises you have ever heard. I still love to hear my boys laugh and giggle. Hope you all have a great time with the bbq and swimming today. Hope the heat doesn't get to you all. It is really pleasant here today. I still have all the windows open and just the fans going. BUT by the end of the week I will have to turn the a/c back on as it will be :hotagain.


Joanne- Soooo glad you had a wonderful evening/day with DD. Keeping :xfin crossed that she finds a good job. :D I love shopping at thrift stores too. :lol My kids laugh at me, cuz when I go thrifting, I check the crotch seams and butt seams, zippers and buttons as I am not too good in the :sewing dept.


Beth- :eek:( So sorry about DH's response to your work. Did he ever say what was wrong or how to fix it? Did he offer to help you? I will have to say, :nworthy, you tackled a job that I wouldn't even know where to begin to even start. So even if DH agree, I think you have done a fantastic job, without even looking at it.


Vicki- :welcomeback!!! You have been greatly missed!!!!! Hope your trip was wonderful and can't wait for you to share with us. Have fun reading all the posts. I had 16 days to catch up on when I got home, but I enjoyed every minute of it. :nahnah at DH. Tell him :wavingwe all :2rockhere!!!:lol:lol


Mary- How's the afghan coming? When you mentioned it I thought that it was the same one I attempted and :2froged. And guess what, :yes it is. For some reason I had trouble with the first 2 or 3 rows. It just didn't look right. That's pretty bad when you can't even get the first rows done :blush. Maybe I will try it again since I know someone who has made it and can help me:lol.


LeaAnne- :hug:( Sorry to hear you felt like a limp pile of you-know-what. :) happy that you are feeling better today. Aunt Myrtle (aka george) has a tendency of making us feel that way. I am on :c9 too, as DS is downstairs at the neighbor's house playing games so it is nice and peaceful around here too. Hence me :crocheting the rest of the afternoon evening. Hopefully I can get some of the 20 something WIPs done. I have vowed to finish them before starting anything else. :xfin fingers that I can stick to my guns on this unless they start driving me :coo:coo.

Shannon and Colleen- Hope you are having superb vacations!!!! Miss you both very much!!!!:hug



Well ladies, I am off to :crocheting now and enjoy the rest of the day. Hope you all are having a great Sunday and will :check back in later. :hugand :manyheart to you all!!!


:blush:2blush:embarOh yeah, before I forget again to ask because I have already forgotten ( I have CRS), what is the mail out date for our squares? This time I am going to write it down on the calendar.

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:waving, Scooby!


I was glad to read that you are having a nice, relaxing weekend!:clap:clap Plenty of badorkus/aspirin time is good for your soul, you know:angel


the deadline for the squares is September 1. Colleen got all of our addresses, and will PM us all a list when she gets back:cheer:cheer


I have to say that I keep changing my mind on my squares...:blush Lots of great :ideas. So, I am going to be like Mary and let it be a surprise :neener


It's time to go round up my troops and get them home... I went to check on them a while ago, and there was a guy there with all kinds of animals. My 9 y/o was wearing a boa... :eek EEEWWWWW! I can't like snakes!


I'll be back shortly...


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Hi everyone

Stacy.......105 OMG I think I would melt. Stay cool and drink lots of water.

Joanne.... Glad you had a nice visit with DD. I love going to thrift shops. You just never know what you are going to get.

Beth... Thankyou, Yes the afghan is eating up alot of yarn. Which is good . At the end of the month I have to go and get my supply of yarn and Iam sure I will be the Shoot the moon winner:P

Vicki........WELCOME HOME :hug

LeaAnne... I love this pattern cause you can make it as big as you want and it works up pretty fast. :cheer for having a peaceful day. I know what my squares are going to be, you just don't :neener Also they are almost finish lol.

Scooby.... When ever you are ready to start Iam here. I also use this pattern to make my dishcloths. Just an Idea incase you want to start small and practise.

Colleen and Shannon....... Iam thinking about you guys and hoping you are having a great time.

Talk to you later


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I am so annoyed-:thair-I just typed a really, really long message to everyone- and it said I wasn't logged in! OHHHH how frustrating!!!!!


Welcome Back Vicki- we missed you! Can't wait to hear all about your vacation.


I had a great weekend with DD! Today, she , DH and her BF went to the Apple store since BF's mom is buying him laptop for his birthday and he wanted to check out which one he wanted since she will be ordering it online (she lives in VA). We then went to lunch and then dropped DD off at the train and dropped BF off at his Dad's house. While at lunch youngest DD called and wanted to visit - our schedules have not been cooperating so spent the rest of the afternoon with her! What a blessing to have spent the weekend with 2 out of the 3 DD's. And the weather was spectacular-ness- Honestly, this has been the best July in a long, long time. Today was sunny, low humidity in the 80's- perfect-ness!!!! Love, love, love it- just makes you feel good:yes


Stacy- funny how kids listen to the father more than the mother, huh? Glad they had fun and hope that the BBQ today wasn't too sweltering hot- 105 degrees!!- Drink plenty of fluids!!!


LeaAnne- glad you got to spend some time relaxing today- you deserve it. Also glad that you were busy watching golf- Thanks to you, the Yankees are now only 1 game behind the Sox- You can just keep NOT watching the Red Sox so they can keep losing, and the Yankees can catch up!


Scooby- wTG on getting the laundry done- and the up /down stairs- (good exercise for the legs!!) Glad you are going to sit on the aspirin aka badorkus and relax- you have had a very busy week and earned that time, sister!!!


Beth- I'm sure you are doing a great job on the mudding/sanding- it is definitely something I wouldn't attempt (nor would DH) I, like LeaAnne would have consulted the Yellow Pages!!! I give you lots of credit for doing it, in addition to all the driving you do. Do you sleep???


Mary- Congrats on the stashbusting and I love the afghan. DD wants an afghan for Christmas- she wants me to surprise her--(she said you are artistic, you think of something and surprise me.What she doesn't realize, is that I am NOT artistic -she is! All I know is as an artist, she likes lots of vibrant colors(at least that is what she paints). I think this afghan you are doing is cool. Is it hard? Don't forget, I'm a "newbie" only took it back up in February after a very long time away from it. You saw how I had to perservere on the granny! But, I have been working on squares- doing 8X8 ones to make a lapghan for oldest DD's 30th which is in August. Then I have to work on the ours!


Inkstained hope you had a nice, relaxing Sunday


Colleen and Shannon- miss you two around here and hoping you are both having fantabulous-ness times!!!!


Everyone- have a great night- I'll cya in the AM:manyheart

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:hi.... I'm baaack!

Finally got all of my chickens out of that pool, and home... 9 y/o just left for a sleepover at someone else's house:c9 (I called hers a "sleepover", because she actually sleeps;)) The rest of the gang are getting into their pj's and settling in... DH is not home yet, but I did get a text that he beat his buddy by 3 strokes...and shot an 86. It was his best round in some time, so I am sure he is celebrating:dance:rolleyes


Joanne - I figured out why it says "you are not logged in" when you type a long message. It happened the other day to me when I was using DD's laptop. When you login, click the "Remember Me" box. Then, it keeps you logged in instead of "timing you out".

:lol:lol about the Sox! You are too funny! Although I do have a "lucky spot" on my couch for when I watch the Sox and the Patriots :wink... I'll try to be careful not to sit there EVERY time:lol

I definitely think that you could make that 'ghan that Mary is making. If you are doing granny squares, then you are already doing the stitches you will need... the only problem would be the counting for increases and decreases. I was thinking I have seen that pattern before, not on a diagonal.... let me see if I can find it for you:think When do you want to start your gift?

I am so glad that you got to spend some time with 2 out of 3 DD's this weekend!:clap:c9 and that your weather was perfect-ness! We had a really nice weekend here, too, although last night was a little on the muggy side. We haven't even put in our air conditioners yet... haven't needed them. I agree, this month has been so nice. The last time I remember a summer like this was when I was a child in Maine... a couple of years ago:rofl:devil


Hey, Mary! :heehee about the squares... I am being like you, in that they are a secret... even to me! :rofl Hope you're having a "stitchin' evening!"


... and a big :hi to all the rest of my besties! I can't wait to hear how the rest of your weekends went!

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Hey girls!


Yay, Vicki is home! Welcome back, and I can't wait to hear about your vacation!


Leanne- Yikes, a boa!! I think it would freak me out to see my kid wearing one! I think that Colleen sent out the addresses already, while you were on vacation. She said she had to send out it out twice because she couldn't add all of our names to one PM.


Scooby...making milkshakes at 12:30? Yowza...you were up late! Sounds yummy, though. How nice of your oldest ds to include his brother in his plans. :manyheart


Joanne, how neat that you got to spend time with 2 dd's!! Sounds like you had lots of fun. I don't want to butt in on your afghan question, but the idea I had this morning was to do that pattern, alternating black with bright colors. Also, if you don't want to try something like that yet, maybe you could make bright-colored squares and join them with black? Good luck and I'm sure dd will love anything you make for her.


Hello to all of my other besties. :hi


My mind is fried from the sun. We spent almost 3 hours in the pool, then decided it was too hot for a bbq, so I made pasta instead. :lol The girls went to the neighbor's house to watch Spongebob and make clay figures, while the adults stayed here and watched a movie. Now dh and youngest are sleeping and the middle one looks like she's on her way. :wink I am so ready for a nap, too! LoL

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I'll remember to check the remember me box!!!


I won't be starting the afghan until after i finish the one I'm making now and get the squares done. And you know how it goes, if I make one for one DD, I need to make one for all 3!


Stacy- I like you idea- I love the way black looks with bright colors- but I heard that black (or any dark color) is hard to crochet with cause it's hard to see the stitches. But, I think if I did a granny- it wouldn't be too hard.


I love the way the afghan Mary is doing looks- it is different being on the diagonal and something that I think my artist DD would love- being as she is definitely a non-conformist and so is this afghan!!!!


I know I can count on all of my besties to give me any help I need!!!!

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Joanne - I think you should definitely go for it, and try that 'ghan when you're done with the one you are doing. If you give me a head's up, maybe I'll make one with you... it sure does look fun:clap... I'd also be willing to bet we'd have some company:wink...let us know, ok?


Stacy - Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day, and :cheer:cheerfor tired babes! Hopefully you all get a terrific night's :sleep


...speaking of which... I am off to bed myself :yawn


Sweet Dreams, all my besties! :ghug


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Good morning all!!


WTG Mary on finishing the afghan-:clap:cheer:yay


LeaAnne- I'll let you know when I'm ready to begin!


To everyone---have a great Monday---remember your vitamins----and I'll be sure to check in later after work.


Gotta go empty the dishwasher and finish getting ready for work......

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Hello everybody!:hug:manyheart:hug


Mary! Congrats on finishing the afghan. Is your hook smoking? You were FAST on that! Where are the pics???


Stacy, did you have fun at the pool? Have you recuperated from the frying? I don't know if it's my age or my northern blood, but when I've been in the sun for a couple of hours, I'm too wiped out to do anything else all day.


Joanne, LeaAnne, can Beth Anne join you with the diagonal afghan CAL? :rofl I have made a lot of afghans, they are my very favorite thing to make, but I've never worked on the diagonal. See what Mary started?


Vicki, WELCOME HOME!!! We missed you so much:hug So how was your vacation?


LeaAnne, the boa would have freaked me out. I would have been OK with my kids petting a snake, but not wearing one!


I started today on a roll: I decided to work on the kitchen before it got hot, and made a dent in the mess. I should get my badorkus OFF the computer and back in gear. But so far, I washed a lot of dishes, took care of the recycling, decluttered a bit, did a load of laundry (washed, dried, and put up) baked a banana cake from scratch, and taxied a son to work. I need to be available this afternoon for a friend's kids. Her mother may be having a heart cath, and she needs someone to give her kids a ride home from the pool in case the weather gets ugly. Hmmmm, doing a good deed by sitting at the pool for a couple of hours -- yep, I can do that!:rofl


I hope you all have a super splendiforous day!

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Good morning, gang!


Beth - I think "Anne" afghan sounds like a fun idea:devil:lol... I better get some WIPS whipped so I'll be ready:blush

Enjoy the pool today, and prayers to friend's mom with the heart cath... hopefully everything will be clear:xfin.


Joanne - hope you have a Delta-licious day! :hug ...and thank for the vitamin reminder:)


Mary - :clap:yay:clap WTG on finishing Mom's afghan! That was really fast! She's gonna Love It!:clap:yay:clap

Stacy - :oops I forgot to tell you who I am :crocheting bookmarks for. There is a thread in the charity section, right here at the 'ville. They are for WIZ3283, who is a super lady. She is collecting them for a grand re-opening of her town's library. She is hoping to get enough to give everyone who comes a bookmark. The opening is August 1st, so I gotta get as many as I can get done mailed out by Wednesday, so she will have them in time.


Vicki - How did your "babies" make out at the kennel? Are you all getting settled back in at home?


Scooby - :xfin that the school financials are working out, and that you are enjoying good times with DS and friends


Jennifer - Did you have a good weekend? Did you enjoy some :crocheting time?


:waving Shannon... thinking of you at your reunion-ness:hug


:jumpyay Colleen comes home tomorrow! We missed you!


Today, I need to do some general cleaning, just to keep everything up, and get my "to-do" and "to-buy" lists done for Saturday's party, and :crocheting up a load of those bookmarks!

have a great morning, everyone! I'll see you in a while. :hug:hug

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