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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:jumpyay! So nice to hear from you, Scooby! You sure have been one busy chick! :hug And glad to hear that you have been talking so much with HS sweetie! :wink


:hi, all!


I had a moment while I am waiting for my water to boil for pasta salad (dinner tonight) so I thought I'd drop in...


How was everyone's day?!


I am POOPED! but all of my flowers are in (FINALLY!) I planted 3 beds today... 1 of Dahlia's, 1 with lillies, glads, and something else that I don't know what it's called; then I moved a shrub to a spot that needed something, and replaced its space with a LOT of columbine! My columbine bed needed desperately to be thinned, so now I have 2 beds of it!:clap:c9 Then I hauled away the 2 big piles of :yuck that DH had raked up and left in the corners of the yard.... :whew... outside is ready to go.


Tonight, I need to put the finishing touches on the inside. Tomorrow will be shopping and :xfin a nap before the party... the garage isn't ready to go:blush, but it's going to be :sunny and 85 degrees, so all have agreed that we will keep the garage closed... maybe we'll have it for party #2 next Saturday. That party is for Jamie (my oldest) who is turning 13 :eek next week.... I can't even believe it! I am so proud of what a kind, respectful, and responsible kid she is, but Mama's NOT ready for her to grow up :cry


Well... my timer is beeping... pasta's done! I'll be back after stage 2 of today's project!


Love you all!:hug

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Hi all

Scooby... I thought you got lost somewhere. Glad you found your way back, I really missed you. :cheer On talking to HS sweetheart.

Stacy.... a night time swim sounds like a great idea right about now. I also agree with your gramma and Iam keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Joanne... WTG on the granny square. Once you get going there will be no stopping you. I can't take walks at night cause that is when all the bugs come out.

LeaAnne... I have an aunt that lives in Sommerville. Is that anywhere near you? I miss the days when the kids would have friends over. Now it is just Dh and I. I guess we could have our own sleep-overs :P:devil

Shannon and Colleen....... enjoy your vacations. Be safe and have fun.

Beth... I don't know how you do all that drivng. Today I left the house at 9.30am and didn't get back til 3.45pm. I had errands and shopping to do and I took mom with me also. I had a good day but man Iam TIRED.

Inkstained...... WTG on getting all your deep cleaning done. Love your ideas about the patio gardens.

Well Iam off to get some :crocheting done. Mom's afghan is calling my name.

Goodnight all


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Hello everyone!

Scooby---so good to hear from you!!! You have been one busy lady and I empathize with you with the financial aid/school nightmare. Had a big issue once when middle DD was in school with the financial aid, and I did have to go to the school to straighten it out. Luckily there was a really helpful guy and anytime we had any further issues, I dealt directly with him. Good luck getting the mess straightened out!! I am happy that HS sweetie and you are talking/texting and you are so right to take it one day at a time.


Shannon- Safe travels, "sister" and enjoy the time with the family and Janna! You will be missed around here-ness!!! And so glad that George is leaving and not coming with you!


Stacy- I used to "pretend to be asleep" when DD's were bugging me to do something, too. I had to laugh!!! You are so lucky to have such nice weather year round. My nephew who just moved back east to go to med school told me he really liked LA...alot! I have been to a few hockey games- saw the NJ Devils, the NY Rangers and the Boston Bruins- Hockey games are soooo much fun!!!! The Winter Classic is outside and would be really fun, but DD told me she thinks the tickets will be hard to get and maybe too expensive. She is keeping her eye out since she'll probably hear when tix are going on sale before I will! If you ever get a chance to go to a hockey game you should!


LeaAnne- Glad that the weather is going to cooperate for you tomorrow- have fun at party #1!- So, your oldest is going to be 13! Wow- a teenager!!! (My oldest DD is going to be 30 in August---let me tell you, that makes me feel old, even though I only feel about 35 myself) I wish you all the patience you will need going through the teenage years with a daughter! I sometimes wonder how I survived having 3 teenage girls! (and they were good kids)


Beth- glad you could stop by to say hi!!!!


inkstained- hope you had a great time at Cape May- I love Cape May and have gone there several times.


Delta Force is going to a minor league baseball game next Thursday night- the Somerset Patriots- and we are going to be in the luxury suite box seats (which includes food and drink)- It should be so much fun!!


Mary- You have been one very busy lady! Enjoy your crochet time with Mom's afghan. My DD lives in Somerville, MA- how funny is that??? She works in downtown Boston. Wouldn't it be a hoot if they lived on the same block!!!


Colleen- Well, my friend- enjoy your trip to Ohio- you will be missed around here and can't wait to hear all about the trip on Tuesday!!!


Everyone, have a good night! I may check in later- although I see it's already almost 8:00 and I haven't eaten dinner yet! DH had a class tonight, so I have the place to myself (heaven) and I've just been putzing around- did clean up the kitchen and water the plants. Went outside and watered the flowers, and then came on the computer to pay some bills (isn't that what pay day is for???) and then came here to see what all my besties were up to all day.



And yes, it is great to be going to work, loving my job now---don't know what I'm going to do when this project is over----but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.


Peace out!

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Mary - :yes I live only about 15 minutes from Somerville! Just up I-93 about 4 exits... Way to go on getting all that driving and stuff done!


Stacy - I really could use a night-time swim tonight, too! ...Stupid George! Last night, my troops didn't exit the pool until after 9! I hope you have a great night:hug


Shannon and Colleen - Have an awesome vacation! I wish you both major fun-ness! Especially, be safe with the :drive, ok? I am really gonna miss you girls! :hug:hug:hug


Joanne - Enjoy your slice of heaven this evening! I love having the house to myself for just a little while:c9 And, I won't be far behind you with those 3 teenage girls, my next 2 are 11 & 9!


Hi, Inkstained, Vicki, Beth and Scooby-


I gotta go... Dh just called, and will be home early from his trip... in 20 minutes :eek:eek


Hugs, and Peace, peeps!

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LeaAnne- your DD's are about the same years apart as mine! Oldest turns 30 in August, middle DD is 279 March) and youngest DD is 25 (turns 26 in Nov)!!!


I didn't realize you are only about 15 min from Somerville- next trip up to visit DD, we should "hook" up someplace!!!

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:hi everyone!


My gosh-ness there is a lot to catch up on today!


SCOOBY :cheer:clap- Your post rocked. I think we were all worried about you and missing you. It was so sweet of you to read all our posts and catch up with all of us! :hug Good luck with the college and it sounds like you need a quiet weekend to catch up on sleep!


I just want to say a quick :hi to everyone else. I am all ready to go. Just snacks to pack for the car and my toiletries. I will miss you all and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :hug:manyheart

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that sounds like it would be fun, Joanne, to :hook up the next time you're here... maybe Mary will come visit her aunt, too (hint, hint)!:clap I would enjoy that very much!:c9 Maybe we could even make some granny's while you're here!:wink... or we could visit the yarn shop I just found (I've never been to a real yarn shop!)



:yawn :yawn... I am :tired! And so is the rest of my house... all are asleep! :sleep


:clap1 night off from stay-up-overs!


I got all of my inside stuff done tonight... vacuuming, dusting, kitchen cleaned, floor washed, then got the bathroom cleaned when I went in for my shower... I even used Scooby's trick for the shampoo to dlean the tub/shower while I let the hot water run on my back :c9


All that's left tomorrow is to shop for the goodies, cake, drinks, etc. And clean the rest of my patio furniture. I will make sure I take time for a nap, too, as DD has requested 2 friends for a sleepover after the party :rolleyes... but, how could I say no?!:devil She DID wait 2 months for her party...


I hope everyone has a good night's sleep... i'm off to take advantage of the chance to get to bed at a reasonable hour.


Love you all, sisters! And I'll see you tomorrow! (except Colleen and Shannon, who I'll be praying for for a safe journey!:c9)


nitey nite and sweet dreams!

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:hiBesties!!!! This is my lost stop in for the night. I got everything caught up today except the laundry and cleaning the office, as I had company once again:blink. I did get the office decluttered for a good cleaning but that was it.I also managed to get some :crocheting in too which was nice and relaxing. I think now I am going to go curl up in my bed and :book and hopefully get a good :night's :sleep.

Colleen-:ty I promised all of you that I would read all the past posts and I did. It was nice to just sit down and read what everyone had/has been up too. You all :2rockand to be honest with you I don't want to miss anything :lol. Hope you have an awesome time on your trip and we will miss you. Will be looking forward to reading all about your trip and fun when you get back!!!

Stacy- No, I haven't had the garbage disposal checked as it is brand new, well put in in January. I am the only one that has lived here since it was put in and I always check it before I put anything in it. Not sure what the problem is but it drives me :loco. I miss the night time swims. While on vacation it was so relaxing to go out to the pool and swim.:rofl I think all parents have pulled the trick of pretending to be asleep. I know I have done my share of that.

Leanne-:yay on getting all those flowers planted!!! Wtg on getting all the household stuff done too for the party. I am all of you have a fantastic time at the party!!! Will be anxiously awaiting to hear how it all goes.

Mary- AWWWW shucks!!! You are just too sweet!!! I don't like not having time/or being able to :check in with everyone. Yeah yeah yeah, ok I admit I am an addict and when I can't stop by I have DT's :lol.

Joanne- You are right, dealing with financial aid can be one heck of a :headache. Seems like every year something goes wrong and I have to go to war with them. Hope you have fun at the ballgame with Delta Force. Sounds like it is going to be a great time!!!!

Shannon- Have a wonderful vacation. You will be missed while you are gone. Can't wait to hear all about it when you return.

I hope all the rest of the besties have had a fantabulous evening!!!

Well, I guess tomorrow's chores will be cleaning the office and laundry. Other than that I think I am going to sit on my aspirin and :crocheting. Take care and lots of :hug to my dear dear friends!!! :manyheart you all.

Good nite and sweet dreams!!!

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Good morning Besties!

Shannon and Colleen- In case you check in---safe travels---have a wonderful time---and can't wait to hear about both of your adventures when you return.


LeaAnne- Take time to rest between getting everything ready for the party- remember you are having a stay-up over again tonight!!!


Mary, Beth, Scooby, Stacy, inkstained- have a wonderful Friday.


Vicki- missing you but hoping you are having a wonderful time with Mickey!!!


Remember to take your vitamins and have a fantabulous day!


"Catch you on the flip side"........

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Hi Besties!


Happy Friday to you! I do read all the posts, but I am suffering from severe fuzzy headedness today, so I won't even pretend to be able to keep up with everyone.


I'm glad Scooby is back. It's so nice to hear from you. I already miss our vacationing friends. They will be home soon, right?


My son had a swim meet last night. It was the hottest day of the summer, so far. I drank lots of water, but I wilted any way. I couldn't get to sleep after, so today I am :grump:huh:tired:morcoffee


Joanne, enjoy your Friday. It's nice to hear how much you enjoy working with the Delta Force.


Scooby, sounds like you came back and hit the ground running. So how do you like the decluttered office?


LeaAnne, how nice to get all that work done in one day. If we didn't already have a WonderWoman, I think we'd have to give that title to you! I hope your party goes wonderfully. Enjoy your flowers. Wanna come weed my flower beds? :devil


Colleen, have a safe trip! And remember to have lots of fun!!!:yay


Stacy, add me to the list of parents who can fake sleep on cue. Mine are teens, and I still pull that from time to time, just to get some quiet time.


Mary, driving all day is exhausting! Isn't it nice to have all those errands behind you though?


:hug:manyheart to all my besties! Have a weekend of fantabulousness!

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'Morning, besties!

Well my "plan" backfired on me yesterday, and I actually fell asleep! :rofl Dh came home early, though, and the youngest dd ended up falling asleep as well, so it turned out fine. Add me to the :tired list today, though! Youngest dd didn't fall asleep until 11 or so (because of the late nap,) oldest dd woke up around 2 and asked for a blanket, and middle dd woke up at 4 to say she peed her pants. :sigh Got up at 5:15 to get breakfast ready for dh, and when I went to the kitchen, there was a totally wierd-ness spider in the sink! It was mostly black, with a tinged-red body, and as soon as I turned on the faucet, it started to jump and run zig-zag all over the sink! :2eek That sucker was FAST! I am terrified of spiders anyway, so I grabbed the hugest cup I could find, drowned the darn thing! Now...the :yawn is partly my fault, since I should have went back to sleep after dh left, but...well...I stayed up to :crocheting.. :blush:lol


Leanne, hope your dd has a fantabulous party! Good luck with yet another stay-up over!


Scooby, you are on fire, girl! I'm glad to see that you took some time out to relax and :crocheting. Good luck with that office.


Beth- Hope your fuzzy-headedness clears up soon. Sorry to hear about the heat- it can be a huge brat sometimes! Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, today, too! :hug


Shannon and Colleen- hope you have safe and fun travels!


Mary, Inkstained, Vicki, and Joanne- Hope your weekend is filled with fabulous-ness!

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Hello ladies!


We're ready to go! Just waiting on Dad and Sissy to get here. I'm actually doing some last minute cleaning!!!


I don't know if I'll have access to a computer, but I'll be back next Sunday! I hope you all have a wonderful, safe week. I'm looking forward to working on my squares.


I miss you all already!!:(


Lots and lots of :hugs and :manyheart!!!!!!

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Wow, lots of posts! I will have to sit down and read them all later, but for right now just wanted to stop and say :clap. I had a great time yesterday...save for the boat trip over. I get motion sick, but once I figured out the farther up (bowards) the boat you were the better it was, I was fine! The bus trip to the boat was actually far worse! The bus was very old and had no shocks, so it went up, down, side, bounce, ugh it makes me dizzy just to remember it. I took lots of pictures, and maybe I can share some with y'all if you like!


Today there's a dollar sale of yarn at my Local AcMOOre. So I am going to take myself, all my self descpline, and the two dollars left to my "Yarn Budget" and get 2 skeins of super bulky yarn. I will attempt to not droll at the yarn. I will attempt not to stare. I will attempt not to spend 2 hours in the craft store. I might just have to count my change to see if I have an extra dollar....


After that, kitchen chores, laundry, pans, a stove, and vaccuming all patiently await my attention.

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Hi Inkstained! Sorry you had such a rough time with the boat and bus. I also have motion sickness so I can sympathize with that! I'm glad to hear you had a great time despite the sickness. I'd love to see some pics! You are a stronger woman than I if you can only spend $2 on a dollar yarn sale! I don't buy yarn unless it is for a project, or if there's a really good sale. A few weeks back, our Michael's had yarn for $1 so I loaded up. Now I will be set until I have another project in mind.


Have a safe trip, Shannon!


Oh my goodness, you guys...today must be a bad bug day for me. As I was driving down the road, I heard my 4 y/o very casually say, "Bella, I see a bug." They talked back and forth for a minute, then my 6 y/o yelled out, "Mommy! I think it's a cockroach!" :eek:eek:eek If there is one bug I hate more than spiders it is...you guessed it- a roach. I turned the corner as fast as I could, parked and jumped out to look for the thing. After banging on my seat for a second, it finally crawled onto my stick shift. :faint I grabbed a travel-size can of hairspray I keep in the car, and my shoe, but it ran away right before my shoe came down. Pounded on the seats for another minute or so- the whole time thinking how this thing was going to creep up on me while driving- then finally got back into the car and drove to the nearest Target. I had planned to go, anyway, but I picked up a bottle of Raid (they have a trigger one now, so it doesn't spray everywhere.) After we got home, I sprayed down all of the seats, under the seats, etc, and shut the doors. It is going to smell really, really nasty in there next time I open the door, but hopefully the dumb thing will die. I mean, really- how in the world does a roach get into the car? I get the heebidy-jeebies just thinking about it. :scared:huh



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Hi everyone

I got a good amount done on mom's afghan last night, and plan on doing the same tonight. Not stopping or starting anything else til it is done.

LeaAnne and Joanne....... a trip to somerville sounds great. I need to get a passport first. You just never know where I will show up:devil A better idea would be if everyone came here. I have lots of land for tents, trailers etc.... and I promise to tell the bear to be good.:P

Hope everyone has a good weekend


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:hi, everyone!


:whew... I survived it! It was a fun party and we had about 20 kids. lots of swimming and whiffle ball for everyone except my DD, who Stupid George came to visit yesterday, too:(... she didn't even tell me why she wasn't swimming with her friends, oldest DD spilled the beans.:blush


I am all cleaned up, and am getting ready to cook some burgers and dogs on the grill for the stay-over guests and us:manyheart :clapMy kitchen will stay clean!



OMG-ness! Stacy! I would have totally FREAKED had I been in your shoes!:eek:eek:eek I'm with you... better a stinky car than a running roach! EEEEWWWWWW!:yuck


:hi, Mary! :clap on the progress you ahve made on your mom's 'ghan! I bet you can't wait for it to be finished!


:hi, Joanne! How was work today?


:hi, Jennifer (Inkstained)! So sorry to hear about your motion sickness:yuck:yuck... that happens to me, too, and it SUX! Good luck at the yarn sale! And WTG on your will power to spend all that time and only spend $2! WOW! You are a very strong young woman! :manyheart


Beth... I forgot to mention how much I love gardening... NOT! :blush


:waving to Scooby & Vicki - hoping you had a delicious day!:hug


Shannon and Colleen - I miss you already! Hope you get there safe and sound! :hug


The troops are about to get back in the pool, so I gotta run, but I'll be back!


Hugs, and Peace, Peeps!:hug:manyheart

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hi everyone!

Stacy-you weren't kidding when you said this was a bug day= I don't mind spiders- don't get me wrong, they don't freak me out, but I don't like cockroaches- How the heck did it get in the car???Hope that theRaid does the trick! Hope there have been no more bug-nesses in your life today!


LeaAnne- glad to hear tht the party went well and that the weather cooperated. Too bad that stupid George had to visit DD! Have fun the rest of the evening and try and get some sleep during the stay up over


Beth- Hope you hae a great weekend also and that you get to take a small break from alla the taxiing- you are so right- it can be very tiring


inkstained- glad you enjoyed your trip yesterday and sorry about the motion sickness. I don't have it, but my oldest DD always takes Dramamine when she goes on a long bus rip!


Mary- WTG on Mom's afghan- good self discipline not to work on anything else until you finish!


Scooby- did you get any of the financial aid nightmare resolved today?


DH took me out to dinner tonight after work- it was nice surprise and we just got in a little while ago- very relaxing after being in training all day at work today.


I didn't get any cleaning done since we didn't get in until late. But Saturday AM is my time to clean, clean, clean- need to wash all floors, clean BR and Kithen, do launddry, vacuum, dust, etc.etc. It'll be a busy morning.


Well, my friends, I am tired and going to go watch the Yankees in bed .....


Hope tha tShannon and Colleen are having safe trips and that their DD's are tolerating the long drives.


I guess Vicki should be back from vacation soon.


Cya in the AM

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Dinner sounds divine, Joanne:c9 What did you get?

Good luck with your cleaning in the morning! Do you have any other plans for the weekend?


Beth- How are you feeling? Wilted is a good word... Hope you drank lots of water today, and that you got to enjoy it without TOO much :driveing! How is DS enjoying his new room?


Jennifer - I hope your chores don't take you too long, so you get some good :crocheting time this weekend! :xfin that you scored at that sale! And :yes, share your pics... we LOVE pictures!:wink


Stacy - :lurk:dragonfly:bee:ladybug:2magic hope all of your bug-ness has buzzed off! :hug

Have you and yours got any big plans for the weekend?


Mary - I am thinking of you with your mom's afghan, and :xfin that you get to finish it off quick! What one are you making for her?


Scooby - How's things with you, lady? Are you going to join me for some good ole' sittin on my aspirin and :crocheting time?! :wink I hope that you got everything caught up that you wanted to, and got to get that office done before more company and/or stay-up-over friends came:D


... :think I can't remember when Vicki's coming home...:( I think I'll go back through and see if I can find it...


Hugs to you all, my besties! :bheart:hug:flower

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Hi Besties!!!! Well, I sat on the ole aspirin most of the day today and didn't get much done but :crocheting. I got supper done and the kitchen cleaned, baked some brownies, cleaned the :rabbit cage (as it appears I am the only one who knows how), ran the vacuum in the living room, did general pick up, changed the sheets on the beds, emptied all wastebaskets and washed them, got more stuff ready for the goodwill, and I think that was it.

:(Didn't get the office dusted or vacuumed as that is all that's left and my :wash is still waiting. This must have been laundry day for the apt complex as someone has been in the laundry room all day. Guess those 2 things will have to wait till tomorrow. I do have all my windows open letting the fresh air in as it is going to be 59 :wcold:wbrr tonight and 55 tomorrow nite. So strange for July. Lows for the rest of the week are in the 60's and highs will be 79 for Saturday and Sunday. 80's until Thurs and Fri which both days will in 90. Strange strange weather for this time of the year. Guess I better enjoy it :lol

Stacy- :yuck on your bugginess. I hate those nasty little buggers too. Such disgusting little bugs. I don't mind spiders and other bugs but hate roaches and waterbugs. :lol You pulled one of my tricks with the raid. While in SC, they have fire ants really bad, some how they crawled through the door crease/crack and got in my truck. DS had been eating sunflowers seeds on the trip down, and the ants were after one little sunflower shell that he had dropped under the seat. Needless to say, I attacked them with raid, left all the windows up for a couple of days. It did the trick.

Mary- Wow, you are on a :crochetingroll. WTG :cheer:clap getting so much done on your mom's afghan!!!

LeaAnne- :clap Glad DD's :partywas a big hit and everyone had fun. Dang, so sorry to hear that Aunt Myrtle unpacked her bags on DD. She visits at the most unopportune times. Yummmm we should have had supper with you tonite. Love hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. We ended up having cubed steaks, mashed potatoes/gravy, corn, sliced homegrown tomatoes, cucumbers, fried squash& zucchini, sliced onions and brownies for dessert. I love summer time. A dear friend of mine always brings me cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, green beans from the garden. And yes, as soon as I post this I am going back to sit on my aspirin for some more :crocheting. And go figure, I had company again this evening right around supper time, so needless to say I fed everyone again. I think sometimes my company intentionally shows up at supper time :rofl just because they know I am cooking or will cook. Oh well, someday when I am hungry, maybe someone will feed me :lol.

Joanne- :woo what a sweetie you have!!! I know that was a nice surprise for you to have DH take you out to dinner. WTG DH!!!! Hope you have a great nite enjoying the Yankees game. Happy Cleaning in the morning.

Jennifer- Glad to hear you had a nice trip besides the motion sickness. Let me tell you, you have more control over a yarn sale than I do. I go :pig wild and spend way more than $2 :lol. My yarn closet is living proof of that:yes.

Beth- Hope that you are feeling better and not :sick anymore. Hopefully you got some much deserved rest today.

Shannon & Colleen- I miss you both already, but having you both are having a fantabulous time with lots of laughs and fun!!! Be careful,stay safe and hope to hear from you both soon.

Vicki- Miss you much too. I hope that you and Mickey are having a great time also.

To all my besties lots of :hugand :manyheart. I think it is time to go sit on the ole aspirin and get some of my 20 something WIPs done. :blush I think I have put them off for long enough. I am also going to listen to a :book on the :ipod. Take care and hope you all have a fantastic nite. I may try to check back in later.

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Good morning!!!


Happy Saturday! Got up at my usual time so that I can tackle all the cleaning without wasting the whole day! Enjoying my cup of coffee and checking in. one load of laundry is on already. We had some wicked thunderstorms last night- luckily we didn't lose power, but some parts of the state did. Not looking too nice out there this morning. Cloudy, humid...we'll see what the weather brings later. I was watching the Yankee game in bed last evening and it started raining in the 8th inning. They went into a rain delay(for almost an hr). I think I fell asleep within minutes of that rain day, but was happy to wake up this morning to see that they won!


DH had taken me to Outback for dinner last night- I love their bread!! It was really a nice treat!


To everyone-----enjoy the day----and remember your vitamins. I'm going to get off the ole badorkus and get to my cleaning now (it is so much easier when DH is sleeping. No interruptions- the only thing I won't do while he is sleeping is run the vacuum. Even though he may sleep through it, I don't want to wake him if I don't have to.:lol


I'll check in later- have a spendiferous day!!!:manyheart

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Good morning! :coffee


I am hoping that there won't be much for me to do today besides chillaxin' with my :hook and :yarn... I have a lot of bookmarks to make for the charity CAL.


My big chores are done, thanks to the party:wink, so all I should need to do today is feed everyone and maybe run my vac later on:c9

I have :wash, too, but don't want to deal with the laundromat on a cloudy Saturday:blush... maybe I'll go early tomorrow morning.


Joanne, we got that BIG rain lastnight too... it's still really cloudy here, but we'll see what happens. :xfin that it turns nice, the boys are supposed to go golfing this afternoon.


Happy Saturday, besties! I'll check back later on.


Peace out!

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Good morning!


Joanne, dinner sounds wonderful! How sweet of dh to surprise you. :manyheart He sounds like a keeper. :wink


Scooby...you sat on your badorkus for most of the day, and still finished all of that cleaning?! You must be one fast cleaner!! :lol Yikes, fire ants! Glad the Raid worked for you, or that would have been one painful drive home. Hopefully it worked in my case, too. I am going grocery shopping in a little while, but I am going to stop at the car wash and clean/vacuum the inside of my car. Lord knows I don't want those things getting into my groceries! :scared


Beth, I hope you are feeling better today. :hug


Leanne, have fun sitting on your badorkus today! Good luck with your bookmarks. What charity do you make them for?


I hope that Colleen and Shannon are having safe travels. I wonder when Vicki will be home? Can't wait to hear about her fun-ness!


Dh is off taking an english placement exam for college. I need to get off my badorkus and go to the p.o. and grocery store. Tonight the girls are having a sleepover. Their best friends used to live right across from us, but the parents got divorced last year and the mom moved about 45 minutes away. We only see them once every few months so this is a real treat. My girls are super-excited! I am kind-of worried because the oldest one is very sensitive about staying with other people, and it's been so long since they've slept over. I'm trying to think of stuff to keep them occupied. Tomorrow, their mom is coming over and we are having a bbq.


Well I better get off the ol' badorkus and get moving. I am so, so tempted to try the grocery delivery service but I am afraid they will get my order messed up. :lol Do you guys have it in your area?


Well, besties, have a fantabulous day! I hope the rain holds off for those of you on the east coast! :hug





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Well, the bathrooms are spic and span as is the kitchen. Bathroom rugs washed and dried, kitchen cleaned, living room dusted, bedrooms and office dusted, family room straightned up. Now all I have to do is vacuum and finish laundry. Got a call from middle DD- (the one in Philly) and she was in NJ visiting her boyfriend and is taking the train from his place to visit me today! So the vacuuming and rest of laundry will wait till tomorrow. Going to pick her up in about 15 min- she is going to stay over and then catch and early train back to Philly in the AM. This is a very pleasant surprise!


Weather here has cleared up- it is sunny, warm (a touch on the humid side).


Hope everyone has a great day!!!!

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Howdy everyone

Today it has been raining off and on. Went to the dump this morning. Dh went fishing so I had a peaceful day. I picked up some stuff around house and made dinner and I have the dishes soaking. I mostly :crocheting today.

Wanted to come on and see what my friends have been up to. Seems like everyone is having a relaxing day today and just :crocheting. except for Joanne who has all the energy.:cheer

I was wondering when Vicki is coming home also. It must be soon. I hope she had a great time.

Well Iam going to check out a few things on here and then...... you guessed it back to the afghan.

Have a good night


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