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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I missed so much! I am gonna post quick... I am a little :tired from last night's stay up over, and we are having another tonight:eek Oh, well, it IS summer vacation!


Hey, Mary, HOLY MOLY, girl! You were SMOKIN' today! Can you send me a match to light a :fire under my butt?! I seem to be out of matches and butts:lol WTG on getting SO much done today! You must feel awesome:hug (and those puns didn't hurt me a bit!:devil:lol)


Shannon - :jumpyay... I am so HAPPY that everything went well for Janna today! Now you can get packin' for an awesome vacation! How cool is THAT?! I was :lurking all day, waiting for your scoop... :hug:hug:hug to you girls!


Stacy - I totally love your top! It is BEAUTIFUL! did you say it is your first wearable? It sure looks like you've made bunches... your work is lovely:dreaming

And glad you're enjoying that phone... I have the EnV2, and have fun with texting my DD's! It is Wicked Awesome as they say around here:lol


Beth - Ooooh! an original design?! I can't wait :hyper... sounds awesome. Tell DS we hope he gets a good night's sleep in his new room;)


Joanne - Glad to see that you got to enjoy some :sun today... by the time you got home we had all clouds here, but at least it wasn't raining:clap:c9 Hope you got to enjoy the All-Star game, too... the computer here is in the family room now, so I get to watch and type at the same time... it's tied 3 - 3 in the bottom of the 7th and Papelbon is pitching...He's kinda scary sometimes :scared

Hugs coming your way:hug


Inkstained - :hi! I am glad you are feeling better... and that you got quite a bit done today! Good For You! Tomorrow, just listen to some of your fave tunes, and that deep cleaning will be done in no time! Have fun in Cape May on Thursday!:clap That sounds like so much fun! My sister used to live there... it was a lovely place to visit:c9 anyway... it sure was nice to hear from ya!:hug


and :waving to Vicki, and Scooby... I miss you girls!


I'll catch you all up on my life tomorrow... I gotta go make sure that tonight it's called a "SLEEP"over! :rofl


Hugs, Besties! ILYASM!(a little text-ese for you, Stacy!:heehee)



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Good morning Besties!


Quick note to say hi and good morning and have a splendiferous-ness day!


LeaAnne- AL wins again! Papelbon gets the W and Mariano gets the Save- sweet!


Running a little late so I'll check in with you all after work!:ghug

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Good morning everyone

I have 2 loads of laundry to do today. The first one is in the washer now. The sun is shinning and Iam putting it out on the line. We are going to the in-laws for lunch today so I don't have to cook dinner tonight. We just have something lite at night when we go there.

I didn't get to crochet last night cause we had company. Oh well there is always today.

I felt like I was on :c9 yesterday after getting all that stuff done. It made me feel really good. It is not too warm here so I think that is where I got all that engery from.

Now that Iam wonder woman With my special powers I can attack those fleas at shannon's house. Anyone else want to help?:lol

Hope everyone is having a great day

see everyone tonight


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Leanne, you crack me up! Hope those girls really had a SLEEP-over this time! Thanks for the lesson- I really need to brush up on my text-ese! I'm so used to typing at the computer that I just text complete words, instead of using shortcuts and it takes 4-eva! :laughroll


Shannon, I am so, so happy to hear the EEG went well! A good nurse definitely does make a huge difference. :xfin that her results will come out much better this time. Good luck with the hearing test today. Hopefully you will be able to concentrate packing once it is over. :hug


Colleen, good idea to download some car games! Can I ask where you found them? I-Spy gets a bit tiresome after a while- especially when 2 little girls fight over who saw what first. :lol Sounds like you are almost ready to go!


Inkstained- So glad to hear you are feeling better. Good luck with your deep cleaning- I agree with Leanne- turn up your favorite tunes and your place will be clean in no time! Enjoy your girl time at Cape May. I've heard that it is a beautiful place. :manyheart


Beth, I see now why you cook 2 different meals. I had a :heehee @ "I kind of like the guy." You are so thoughtful and considerate. :manyheart Good luck on your squares. Whimsical is fun! Can't wait to see it.


:hi and :2hug to Vicki, Scooby, Mary, and Joanne. Hope you all have a fantabulous day!


Karate actually went well last night! :clap:cheer I gave dd a very long speech about listening to the instructor instead of playing. I also made sure she knew that she would not return if she played around, and it seemed to work! Next week they have a "practice test" so I really have to work with her this week. Which brings me to the next thought, that I really need to set a summer routine. Oldest dd's techniques are getting much harder (for me, anyway :lol) and she also needs to spend much more time practicing. I also need to work with my 4 y/o on her letters and writing, so she is ready for pre-k in the fall. Can someone please send me the proper equipment to light a :fire under my butt, too? :hook

Thank you for the compliments on my shell. It is my first wearable (well, aside from the lace wrap top, but that is more like outerwear.) I finished 2 squares at karate last night but I don't know if I am happy with them. I found another pattern on CPC that I really like so I will try that one and see which one I like better. :hook

Gotta go get the dishes washed and breakfast started. Have a :sun day, all! :hug

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:hi everyone!


Stacy - I printed out a couple activities for the car. One of them is car bingo where they circle the things they see (a dog, a bridge, etc.) out the window and the first one to get a row wins. Great for the non-readers. Here's the link http://www.nickjr.com/printables/diego-car-bingo.jhtml And it prints out 3 copies! I googled car games for kids or something like that and also printed out a scavenger hunt where they tally how many of each picture they see (2 versions - in the city or in the country). There were lots of suggestions for games to play with readers that we aren't quite ready for yet. Actually you should google airplane games because I think I saw some of those too :think. I'm with you, I had these grandiose super mom plans for the summer that just are not coming together. I was planning to serve her lunch in a lunch box once a week so she could get used to that. And I need to get her an epi-pen pouch and have her practice wearing it around places (right now I keep it in my purse). Good intentions, right? I have no idea where the summer is going!


Mary - Yes, this cooler weather does help us be wonder women, doesn't it. I'm on my 3rd load of laundry today and it has been great clothesline weather! I hope you get some :crocheting time in today.


Joanne - :hi Have a great day with Delta Force! I hope there is more sunshine for you to enjoy after work.


LeaAnne - Lack-of-sleep-ness overs 2 nights in a row. You are a very nice mom! Like you said, it's summer :) I thought of you last night. DD made a little "house" out of a shoebox for her tiny little princess dolls yesterday and she made 2 beds, so they could have a sleep over :) But she wanted to put a cardboard wall between them because they shouldn't be talking when it is time to be sleeping :lol. I'll have to remind her of that in 10 years.


Inkstained - Good luck with your deep clean (wanna do my house next?:rofl) and have fun with your Mema and sister!


Beth - Happy taxi driving-ness!


Shannon - I hope the packing is going well!


:hi Vicki and Scooby!


3 loads of laundry washed and I've got to go put the last one on the line now. I'm going to try to get to the library today for books and stuff for our trip. I guess I should cook something for supper tonight :think What is everyone else having? I'm thinking tacos, DD's favourite.


Have a great day!

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Thanks for the link. I just sent a bunch of coloring pages from Nick Jr. to dh yesterday to print. (My printer is out of ink.) Good idea to google airplane games- I never thought of that! Is your dd going to be in preschool or kinder this year? My niece has an Epi-Pen because she is allergic to red ants, and the school just keeps it in the office. SIL has an extra that she keeps in her purse.


We are having a bbq chicken salad for dinner. I found this killer jalapeno ranch dressing at Smart and Final, and it goes really well with the bbq (although it sounds like it wouldn't. LoL) I also forgot to say thank you to everyone who replied to my veggie question. Giving them the same plate for dinner/breakfast/lunch until it is finished grosses me out, so I wouldn't do it to them. I do try to have them help with dinner as much as possible and as soon as they see a veggie they don't like, they turn up their noses. I am dying to have a veggie garden but we only have a small patio so I don't know how I would go about that. My 4 y/o is generally much less picky than my oldest and will try almost anything if the oldest isn't around to influence her. I didn't like veggies when I was little but I love them now so I can only hope they grow into it, like I did. :lol

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Update on my grandma- the family had a meeting with the oncologist today. He is sure that he removed all of the cancerous growth, but the only way to be certain that the cancer cells are gone is low-dose radiation. Also, the only way to tell if it is gone is a CT scan. My grandma refused both. According to my mom, she feels she has led a full life and has come to terms with her mortality. She also doesn't want to know how much time she has left. Since she is of sound mind and body the dr. had to take her word over anyone else (my aunt was pushing for radiation) and said that since she refused both there is nothing more he can do to help her.

I am happy for her that she is at peace with her decisions, but it is hard for me to think that our trip will (probably) be the last time I ever see her. :(

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Hi friends! I've missed you all today!


What a day! I am absolutely livid at the pharmacy where we get DD's medicine. It was supposed to be ready on Monday, and still wasn't, then they gave me something else (generic maybe?). I am changing pharmacies. I've had a problem every time I've gotten her prescription filled there.


Stacy- I'm happy to hear that your grandma is at peace. I know it's hard for everyone else, but at least it's comforting her. You never know, they may have gotten all the cancer. I'll keep her in my prayers, of course.:hugs to you. When do you leave?


Colleen- How's the packing going? I'm hoping to start and pretty much finish tonight. That way I can work on the house all day tomorrow. I went out and bought finger puppets, a pocket Etch-a-Sketch, a magna doodle, Color Wonder markers and a coloring book, a pinball game, a kaliedascope (sp?), and 2 Kai-Lan movies. They were all pretty inexpensive. I'm going to individually wrap them and give them to DD every hour or so. I guess I went overboard, but we go on at least one trip every summer. I'm thinking I'll hide them all until next trip when we get home. All I'll have to replace is the coloring book. Not too shabby!!


Joanne- I hope you are having a marvelous day with Delta Force!!


Mary- I think we've got the fleas under control for the time being, but feel free to come down and do the other million things on my to-do list!!


Hello, LeaAnne, Scooby, Beth, and inkstained!! Hope your day is going great!


When does Vicki get back??? Hope you're enjoying your trip, Vicki!!


They recommended Janna get a formal hearing test done because she failed in her left ear. Her teacher said it could be anything, like congestion, but we should get it checked out. I guess it will have to wait until we get back. Her glasses aren't in yet,either. I hope they come in tomorrow. Her "nerdy spares", as I like to call them, are getting too small for her face. Other than all that hoopla, I have a mountain of laundry to tackle and a very dirty house. I am SOOOO ready for a vacation. And Janna really deserves one too. She's such a great kid!! I'm so proud of her!


Have a great day girls!!:manyheart

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Stacy!! I forgot to tell you. I don't think crochet hooks are allowed on planes. Stupid terrorists, messing up our livelihood (sp?)!! I'm not positive, but you might want to call and ask. I'd hate for you to have to leave your hooks at the airport!!

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Thanks, Shannon! I will have to call and ask. Given the option of missing the plane to return my hook to the car, or getting on and throwing my hook away, I'd miss the flight. I am not tossing my bamboo hooks for anyone! I don't see myself getting any crochet done on the plane, with the girls, but it wouldn't hurt to take it, if it's allowed. :hook

We are leaving on August 13th. She knows we are coming but doesn't know when. (My mom "accidentally told her- she has a tendency to do stuff like that because she likes the spotlight.) Anyway I am hoping that my mom will call me from the nursing home one day this week so I can let her know. She is not allowed to have a phone in her room because she can't talk. How dumb is that?)

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Hi everyone!

Stacy- I am happy that your grandma has made peace with her mortality and is of sound mind to make the decision. As hard as it is on the family, it is ultimately her decision to decide what kind of treatment (or lack of treatment) she wants. I have a living will for that very same reason. As a nurse, I have seen families put their loved ones through all kinds of treatment- when the end result is the same. And in the meantime, they have suffered needlessly. My own family is very clear on how I feel about what I want and don't want in the event I couldn't make that decision. I have a co-worker whose mom was very ill- she was 89 years old- and the family was having a hard time to let her go and they ended up having a feeding tube put in her and the last 2 months of her life were not pleasant. To me anyway, quality of life always wins over quantity. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. It isn't easy! I have been through the death of my mother and father and they both had very clear ideas about what they wanted. My mom, in fact, had her mitral valve replaced when she was 42 years old. She almost died then. They told her it would last about 25 years, and then she would need it replaced. She told everyone, she would never go through what she went through after the 1st surgery and when it was her time, that was it. Well, long story short , her valve started failing and she was adamant that she would not have it replaced and she died at the age of 68. It as hard for all of us, but she did things on her own terms and that is what is important. Well, enough of that---sorry if I rambled, but I am very passionate about honoring people's decisions on how they decide they want to have an illness treated.

On a happier note, glad that you will get to go out to see her and so happy to hear about DD's Karate lesson. It is hard to get motivated to get on a schedule in the summer---I always tried to let the DDs have fun in the summer- the rest of the year is so structured between school and any kind of activities.


Colleen- Loved your DD's setting up her princess dolls for a sleepover and then wanting to put up a cardboard wall between them so that they would sleep- that is so precious and you definitely have to write that down and give it to her in about 10 years when she wants to have "stay-up overs" all the time. I'll never forget the one "stay-up over" we had for my middle DD's 13th birthday- we had 13 girls in the house (plus my other 2 DD's) What a night- but oh, what fun- they put on a skit for us and just had a really good time- those are the times that you wonder how you lived through them---but that create such great memories.


Mary- glad that you are having good weather- that does tend to give you more energy- At least it does me- I was so depressed in June with all the rain! But this month, I feel all invigorated. Of course, liking my job now doesn't hurt!! Got to go for a walk after work tonight to soak up some more sun- so relaxing!


Beth, Scooby, Vicki and Inkstained- hope you all had a wonderful day.


LeaAnne- hope you got some rest today after your two stay up overs! Oh, and did you hear that the NHL Winter Classic is going to be at Fenway this year on New Years Day? Bruins vs Flyers- I'm thinking of seeing if DD wants to go (and if so how much the tix are). I'm sure it will be "wicked" cold- but so much fun!


Shannon- Hope that the glasses come in before you head out on your vacation- and that is a great idea of wrapping up all the games you bought and handing them out in bits and pieces. And also great to keep them hidden at home- so they will be special each time you take a trip. Glad that the fleas are gone- but Mary can come here too anytime she wants to work her Wonder Woman-ness!!!!! You have been very busy tending to Janna with all the tests- you both do deserve a vacation and hope you have tons of fun-ness.


Oh, I forgot to tell you all- I actually did a "traditional" granny square last night- I've been struggling with it- (and isn't that considered to be one of the most basic crochet things to make?) It is 8X8 and came out pretty good. I'm on a roll of practicing these squares. As a matter of fact, I think it is time to clean up the dinner dishes (oh, by the way Colleen, we had baked chicken, zuchini and fresh green beans for dinner. I know, not exciting, but hey, it's healthy! I'm with you, don't really like to cook, it is a necessary evil! I'd much rather clean (did you hear that everyone) than cook.


Have a great night all-- sorry - no smilies in this post- I want to go grab the hook and yarn and get to bed at a decent hour- I've been staying up far to late when I get up at 5:23 each day!


As Shannon and my DD would say........Peace out!

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Does anyone have any ideas of what I can make for my cousin and his bride for their wedding? I have the 63 cable squares book, but I don't know if I'm quite ready for that. If I don't start now, it will never get done.


I also have some Bernat Cashmere that I don't know what to do with. I'm going to bring at least one other project on my trip, in case I need a break from the squares.


I got one for you Joanne--Peace Out Homies!!;)

(BTW, yay for your traditional square!!)

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Stacy - That is reassuring to hear that your grandmother is of sound mind to make that decision herself. It is difficult for family members to make those decisions, so that is a blessing at a difficult time. WTG to your 4 yo doing well at karate! About the epi-pen, we have a law in Ontario that the child should carry the pen on her person. We actually prefer that she does, because if she reacts then it is with her. I just need to get her used to the pouch. She has picked one out for me to order on-line that says "Epi-Princess" on it. :P


Shannon - Good for you getting all of Janna's tests done. :clap I hope you get her glasses. Good luck packing too! I'll give some thought to the wedding gift this evening and let you know if I come up with anything.


Joanne - Congratulations on making your traditional granny square. :yay Keep going after 8 inches until it is 12 and you are good to go! I learned to crochet with a granny square. My mom gave me all her scrap baby yarn and I made 10 or so of them about 4 inches each. I still have them and plan to make them into a baby blanket or a doll blanket. I want to learn the join-as-you-go method and that is probably what I'll use to learn (that or our besties 'ghan). I'm glad to hear you are still soaking up the sun! That NHL winter classic would be so much fun! If you can get tickets you definitely should. An NHL game is a real treat to a Canadian. Most Toronto Maple Leafs fans will never see a live game because the tickets are difficult to get and too expensive for most of us to afford (they are very in demand). DH and I went on a vacation to Phoenix a few years ago (before DD) and we went to a Coyotes game. That was the first and only NHL game either of us have ever seen and it was fun! Our Blue Jays are a totally different story. Stadium seats 55,000 and only a few thousand fans will show up.


:hi LeaAnne, Mary, Scooby, Vicki, Beth & inkstained. I hope everyone has a great evening!


I am feeling pretty organized for our trip. One day to go! I work tomorrow evening, so I want to be ready to go. It will be an early start on Friday! The only thing I haven't got a handle on is a crochet project. I might have to just bring a book! :think

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Hey Shannon - Check out this thread for lots of great wedding gift ideas.




A round ripple seems to be a popular wedding gift around here. A table runner would be nice and could accompany some nice table linens or a vase. Napkin rings? The Christmas decorations or a tree skirt is a very nice idea for a young couple starting out. The drawer sachets is nice idea too. You could add one to a gift's packaging to dress it up :think. When is the wedding? How much time do we have :lol.

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Greetings from the clean house! Well sorta...I have some pots to do, from cooking this night, and have to clean the stove Friday...but other then that, the house looks much, much better. I even got crochet done today which usually doesn't happen on a deep cleaning day! Turning on Haydn (my "Running" music) was a great help while cleaning even though my sister complained that I was drowning out her Bach, but hey she has earphones right?


Stacy...finally an answer to a question I finally know something about. We have a very small yard, we live in town, and I love gardening. Things wouldn't be the same without the feeling of good dirt under my fingernails. Patio gardening can even be fun. All you really need is 5 gallon buckets (ask at your local fast food restraunt for their empties...they'll usually give it to you for free), gravel (construction site near you, driveway, from the beach [kid's like collecting rocks anyway), and lots and lots of dirt. What you do is give the buckets a good cleaning (with soap, rinse well), and let out your inner anger by using a power drill to drill holes inside (five on the bottom, four on the sides about half way up). Fill the bottom with gravel, then sand if you like, and then fill the rest up with dirt. You can then plant whatever you like in them. Certain plants tend to better in them however, such as tomatoes, any kind of pepper, strawberries, and basically any plant that likes to grow up but not out. Window boxes or an old upside down wood step work great for plants that like to spread out such as squashes, pumpkins, zuccunies. A small wood crate, large cermaic dish, or any container at least 3 to 5 inches deep and 6 inches long works well with herbs. You will be surprised what a plant will grow in. A large old boot for flowers (to attract bees), a baseball hat for some chicks and hens, the possibilities are endless. Also remember that if your patio is railed you can use a long shallow box and train any vine plants (such as peas, greenbeans, or limeas) right up your railings. I don't know your seasons where you live, but here it's pretty much past tomato, pepper, and bean planting time...but there's still time to for squahes and herbs!


Irishrose: It depends on how much you know them. Personally I like to create fillet mats with the couples name for someone I didn't know well, and something more personal for someone I do know. I recently gave a friend a baby blanket as a wedding gift as I knew the couple immediatly wanted to try to have children.

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:blush I missed everyone AGAIN!


:hi, all! There is so much to catch up on!


Stacy - :hugI agree with everyone else. Your grandma is very brave, and I would also vote quality over quantity of life. Your visit will be so very special to her... :(Sorry about your mom "spilling the beans"... my mom is like that too, and it can make you very :angry! On the flip, though, she must just be so excited that you are coming, it must be hard for her to contain herself. After all, she DOES have an awesome daughter, and beautiful granddaughters to show off, right?:wink.... :hug I am thinking of you all, always.

p.s. congrats to DD on a good karate class! And as far as schedules go, i tend to throw them out the window in the summertime :rainbow:c9


Shannon - :whew! You and DH and Janna sure have earned your vacation! I hope Janna's glasses are in in time, and even if they're not, I bet she won't mind! She is an :angel! Give her a big hug from me, K?

hmmmm... :scrachin... suggestions for a wedding gift... Have they registered anywhere yet? If so, you could check out the color schemes they are going with and make them a 'ghan, or you could make them some ornaments for their Christmas tree. I like to give ornaments, because it's something that most couples don't think of or start out having. At my house we do 1 ornament for each of us each year, and the start was when we got married. It's a nice way to begin nice memories. When is the wedding?


Joanne - :jumpyay on the Granny! I am so proud of you! I started, like Colleen, making granny squares. I still have my "doll blanket" that I made. the best part about granny's to me is that you learn about counting, joining, and the dc stitch... I also like it because of the 3 stitches in a section (there's a lot of meaning to that number, I think, religious and otherwise)

The winter classic sounds like it WOULD be fun!:clap The B's AND Fenway at the same time?! What Boston sports nut would be able to resist that?! I hope you and DD get tickets... Hey, and if you do, we could pull a Colleen and Mary and "hook up" at a LYS!

...hey:thinkwait a second... did you say that you prefer cleaning to cooking?! :lol You crack me up!!!!



Colleen - I am so happy for you for your trip!!!! It looks like you are all ready to go!:cheer

:rofl about DD's princesses having to SLEEP at their sleepover! :yesyou absolutely have to write that down to remind her down the road :lol Your DD is so clever...your stories of her always make me chuckle:heehee

I was also glad to read that she picked out her own special pouch for her epi-pen. don't worry, she'll do just wonderfully! It's us mom's that always have the worst time with the start of school:blush


Inkstained - We are posting at the same time! Wow! You are like a gardening guru!!! COOL! I suck at gardening... my mom's green :tup didn't get passed on:blush... I admire anyone who can successfully grow anything, especially veggies! YUM! ( I did notice that you grow Lima beans?!:heehee) ...and AWESOME job getting so much done today:clapSee? The music will get you moving every time!

Have fun in CapeMay tomorrow! I'll be thinking boutcha!


Mary... <ahem> I mean WonderWoman! :nworthy! I sure hope you got to put your hooks to good use today!:hug p.s. After Shannon's, feel free to stop just outside of Boston on your way back:rofl


:hi, too, to Beth, Vicki and Scooby-Dooby-DOO! :manyheart


So, "Stupid George" is on a whirlwind tour! Latest stop is my house:(... did a whole bunch of Nothing today... not even:crocheting... I just didn't feel like it :sigh



Stay-up-over update... day 3: friend 1 (my favorite spare kid:manyheart) went home today (she's been here since Monday) friend 2 (who was here yesterday) came back again today, stayed till 9, then took oldest DD back to her house for a stay up over there. DS was feeling left out, so he had a friend here for the day... who left before dinner. 3rd DD also feeling left out of this whole gig, called one of her friends to come swimming, and... You guessed it! SLEEPOVER! :rofl They just finished playing Trouble (Perfect game for 11pm!), and have just gone to get settled in...


this ladies, is my life:lol:lol... it is totally not about me, it is about my children making great memories! And :tired as I am... I wouldn't want it any other way:manyheart These are the things that I remember doing when I was a kid, and they are the BEST memories of all!!!



Oh, hey! I almost forgot (again) to tell you the greatest scoop! I can't even believe I haven't told you yet!

My former "stinky stick" money has been rebudgeted!!!!! :yes My kids are now earning ALLOWANCE! :woo! Their chores are: make beds, clear the table, pick up after themselves, and keep their rooms tidy. Over the week, they have begun to appreciate all of the work involved in keeping things nice, so they are getting after each other to keep it up! So far, so good... I hope that we finally get some good habits formed this summer. at least there's no school stress to compete with, you know?


I suppose I have :blah:blah on for long enough... Almost 11:30... time to go put those lights off;)


Hugz, Besties! And Sweet Dreams!


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Thanks for all the great wedding ideas, Besties!! The wedding is June 5th of next year. I want my gift to be really special. My cousin is like a brother to me. He even lived with my family for a while when we were younger. So this is a big deal to me. I like the idea of a Christmas gift, like a tree skirt. I'll have to check around and see what's out there.


You guys are the bestest besties ever!!


Sweet dreams and big hugs to all!!

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Good morning Besties!

Wow- some late night chatterbugs! inkstained- you are a gardening guru! I, like LeaAnne did not inherit a green thumb. I think I may try some herbs as it is too late for tomatoes--although here in NJ there will be plenty of Jersey tomatoes (the best-est) come August!


LeaAnne- I agree with you about it being all about the DK's in the summer- you are creating memories. Stay up overs in the summer are what summer is all about- and hey, my thinking was, i'd rather know where the kids are! My house was usually full of girls! Love that you have re-budgeted your "stinky stick" $ and that the kids are now involved in helping to clean the house- Isn't it amazing how kids can do anything for $? LOL.


Shannon- have fun getting ready for your vacation and the tree skirt sounds like a wonderful idea. Glad you have lots of time and that you are planning ahead! Hope you are getting all your packing done- when are you leaving- Friday also? (oh, that is tomorrow!!) Have a safe, wonderful-ness trip!


Colleen- have a great day! And, in case I miss you later, Have a splendiferous time in Ohio! Safe travels and can't wait to hear all about it!


Scooby, Beth, Stacy, Vicki and everyone- have a wonderful day, take your vitamins and I'll cya later!:ghug

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Hey ladies!

Leanne, I totally agree- you are making wonderful memories for your kids! I remember doing the exact same thing when I was younger and can't wait until my kids are old enough to have sleepovers. I love when their little friends come over now, even for an hour, and they play dress-up and put on "shows." It is too cute. :manyheart Congrats on re-budgeting your stinky stick money. It is wonderful that you are also teaching them responsibility, and respect for what you do. :yay


Joanne, good luck getting tickets to that NHL game! I've been told there is nothing quite like going to a professional hockey game. The Red Wings are huge where I'm from but I've never been to one. Dh is dying to see the Kings play at the Staples Center but FIL mostly gets tickets to basketball and baseball games.

Thank you for the imput on my grandma. I completely understand her decision and can see why she would decide that. She has had 6 heart attacks and a major stroke, and I'm sure the radiation would take it's toll. Really, aside from having a full life, why would she want to put her body through that, just to buy a couple months or a year or whatever? Apparently my aunt is the only one who wants her to try, but *thankfully* she is too involved with my cousin to spend any time trying to convince her.


Inkstained- thank you so much for all of that advice!!! I printed it out, and will do some shopping soon. I think the girls would really dig having their own "garden" on the patio. We live in southern CA, where the weather never falls below 55 or so, and it almost never rains. I will have to do some research to see what should be grown right now. I am so impressed that you listen to Haydn while cleaning! I love the music but don't know it well enough to name pieces or anything. I would never have thought to clean to it.


Shannon- Enjoy your vacation! You and Janna so deserve it!! (I'm sure dh does, too. :D) I love your idea of wrapping all of the goodies and giving them to her one at a time. My kids love those Crayola Magic color thingies. How long will it take you to get there?

Hopefully her glasses come in. I'm so sorry you had such problems at the pharmacy!! Are they supposed to substitute for meds like that? Our pharmacy calls dr. before subbing anything. Although every time I go to pick up something, the pharmacist is an absolute arse until I pay for the meds. Then he is all smiley and nice. :think


Colleen- Hope you get everything finished! I love that your dd picked an "Epi-Princess" pouch! That is too cute. I'm sure she will be more eager to carry it, since she got to pick the pouch. :yes


I hope Vicki is having an awesome vacation!!


:waving to Beth, Mary, and Scooby-Doo!


I can't believe that stupid George is visiting Leanne already! He hasn't actually been here yet. I have PMDD so I get the invitation about a week before he actually arrives. :sigh I am feeling severely unmotivated. I do need to run to Joann's for some safety eyes. Tomorrow I am planning to get up early and take the girls on a picnic to the train museum. It is an outdoor museum that has full-size trains that can't run anymore. They are open to the public, to climb on and sit in. The girls love it but usually want to buy something in the store (it has a huge Thomas selection) so I need to wait until payday. :lol

Well I'm off to take my vitamins and get this place cleaned up a bit. I might run to get some swim diapers, too, so I can actually take youngest dd in the pool. I have a feeling we will be hanging out there for most of the day. :wink






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Good morning Besties!!


Stacy- Wow. Your grandma has been through a lot! It's good that almost everyone is okay with her decision. I can't say I blame her for making that decision!! Lots of prayers coming to you and your grandma.

What are you making with safety eyes? Yeah, I'm nosey!:blush

DH isn't going to Florida with us. He saves his vacation time for Nascar and hunting. Darn redneck!!! It used to bother me, but not anymore. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? We're going with my dad's family. There will only be about 20 of us there this year. I'm excited. I'm not ready, but I'm excited! I think it will take 7 hours the first day and 2-3 hours the second day.

I don't know what the pharmacy was thinking. They never said anything about talking to the doctor, and they've never tried to give that to me before. My personal opinion is they just don't have their act together. I have a friend who is a pharmacist in Shreveport, so I may just start using her. I know she'll take care of me.

You have a lot of things to do with the kids in your area. That's great!! We have a few things, but nothing too exciting. There have been talks of building an amusement park, but who knows when that will be.

I hope George isn't too mean to you this time around. He's about to leave here. (Yay!)


inkstained- Thanks for the gardening lesson!! I just may try something. I don't have a green thumb either.


LeaAnne- Yay for allowance, SuperQ!! It's great that they're getting after each other about what gets done. If they have fun with it, it won't seem like work.


Joanne- Have a great day at work. Tickets to the game would be awesome!


Colleen- Have a safe trip and a fun vacation!! Can't wait to hear about the reunion!!


Everyone else--Hey there!! Have a spectacular day!!


I need to get my badorkas in gear and pack, or they'll have to drop me and DD off at a nudist colony!!:D

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Good morning, all! :coffee


Shannon - I hope you get all of your packing done! :rofl it sounds better than the nudist colony! :devil And Good For You, making that :drive all my yourself! Having a reunion with your Dad's family sounds like fun-ness!


Stacy - enjoy the pool today:sun :hug


Beth - :hi, and happy :drive-ing!


Joanne - hope you have a great day at work!


:waving to Colleen, Mary, Vicki, Scooby and Inkstained... hoping you have a splendiferous day!


I am off to scrub down some patio furniture, and plant some flowers... we are having a birthday party tomorrow afternoon, and it needs to be done. I just wish I felt like doing it:blush


Hopefully, I'll be back to check in in a bit

Hugz, my Peeps!

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:whewI finally read every single post starting with June 23rd :lol. I am finally caught up. So bear with me as this will be a long post. Sorry I have not been around much, :ohdearbut there just doesn't seem to be much rest for the weary around here. Seems like I have been on a roller coaster ride since I have been back home. :help:dreaming If I could just re-pack my bags and go back on vacation:rofl. But this is what I have been up to starting with last Friday:


Friday I finally went to the grocery store and that was about it as I had company off and on all day.

Saturday (early afternoon) my mother called and wanted to know if I would drive her "up the road" :2eek . Which really means would I drive her to Metropolis, IL (2 hour trip) to the casino. Her eyesight is really bad, although she still drives, but can't drive that far alone and is restricted from driving at nite.:sighSo I did, as if I hadn't already drove enough that week trying to get home from vacation. Needless to say I was up all nite again, and didn't get home till about 11 Sunday afternoon. Nothing got done Sunday, as I went to bed very early.

Monday morning DS had an ortho appt which went very well. Afterwards we went to the bank, to pay some bills, pet store for :rabbit food, and then to gas station to fill my truck back up. When I got home, I had company again, all afternoon/evening. Plus DS had company until 10:30 that night, and finally the mom came and picked up ds and friend so they could spend the nite at friend's house. After all company was gone I spent a couple of hours getting the kitchen cleaned and picked up the rest of house. Finally went to bed about 2 am.

Tuesday, I had more errands to run while ds was still at friend's house. I got the :rabbit cage cleaned and general pick up done before ds got home with friend in tow :sigh. Then I had company stop by again :irk. So once again I was cooking dinner for everyone and entertaining. DS and friend then came up with the :idea that the friend should spend the nite at our house. :thair So I said ok, although I just really wanted to clean up the mess and go to bed early for a change. Needless to say we were up till about 2 am again.

Wednesday, I had to get up early and the get the boys up and ready as they had to go to school and get their schedules, take ID pics, and yearbook/school pics. Then we went to the grocery store to pick up a few groceries and the dollar store to pick up a few needed items. Then home for lunch and cleaning. I managed to get all the dusting and vacuuming done, deep cleaned kitchen and all appliances, :2froged a blanket and got all the yarn wound, finally sorted thru the 3 bags of clothes my mom gave me, cleaned the bathroom,sorted the laundry, and unpacked 2 bags that somehow got misplaced after vacation.After getting dinner cooked and kitchen cleaned back up, I took ds's friend home. I then did a little more cleaning and finally sat down to :crocheting and listen to an audiobook on my :ipod for about an hour.


Today, I haven't done a whole lot yet but am going to. I am hoping to get the 3 loads of :wash done, sweep and mop the kitchen, make a run to the goodwill,and get the office cleaned. Maybe I will have everything done by tomorrow so I can just rest the whole weekend long. Wishful thinking on my part I guess :lol. Among all this stuff I have been doing, :rantI have also been battling with the college about my financial aid for the upcoming school year. For some unknown reason they have a hold on my account that was placed there in April. The hold makes no sense because it was something I had to do before I could get my diploma which I received in the mail when I was on vacation. But this stupid hold is causing me problems with my financial aid. They have also put up unmet student requirements on my acct which are not unmet, as I have emailed the financial aid office and gave them all the confirmation numbers stating that all my requirements are met. They have yet to answer my questions as they just keep tap dancing around them. So finally yesterday, they sent me a telephone number of a lady to call to help me. So I :phone and of course she didn't answer and I couldn't leave a message as her voice mail was full :angry. So I guess I am going to have to make a trip to school to get all of this straightened out.


Anyways, such is the life and times of Scoobydoo :lol. Ok now I am going to catch up with everyone.


Stacy- So sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope everything turns out for the best for him. It is nice to hear that you finally have purchased your tickets for your trip to see Grandma. Glad to hear that her pain has greatly decreased. Also glad to here the good news about DH's cousin. Sounds like you all had a blast at Knott's Berry Farm!!! I am with you on the fear of roller coasters. At one time, way way back in my younger days, I would ride them occassionally but not now. I love your shell top. :cheer:clap You did a great job on your first wearable. I haven't tried adult sized wearables yet, but maybe someday I will get brave enough to try them :lol.


Joanne- Wow. WTG DH on trying to eat healthy and buying the nutrition books. Must have been really nice for you to come home to a lovely meal cooked by him!!!! It is great to hear that you are really enjoying your new job with the Delta Force Team!!!! It is nice to be excited about going to work and really enjoy what you are doing. Makes going to work a whole lot easier. So sorry to hear about the incident with your DD and her job. I don't blame her one bit for not going back. :yay DD for standing her ground!!! I hope that she finds a good new job real soon. WTG on the squares!!! Once you get the hang of squares they are really easy. My energy??? HMMM the dr's ask the same questions, as I have hypothyroidism (uncontrolled) which normally makes one really tired and not have any energy, but I seem to be the opposite. I am always tired but seem to be able to make myself go go go. The only vitamins I am taking is D, Calcium, Fish Oil, and a multivitamin.


Vicki- You have been super busy too. But the vacation will be all worth it!!! I know you will be glad when you get that paper done. :eek I too wrote a paper on inclusion. It was a tough one for me to write because I have mixed feelings about full inclusion. From the standpoint of being a speech language pathologists, I agree with it. From the standpoint of being a parent, I disagree with it. I know that sounds weird that I agree, but disagree :lol. I hope that you are having a wonderful vacation with Mickey. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!!!!


Leanne- :rofl going to the laundry mat is the pits. We don't have washer/dryer connections here so I know all about it. The main reason I hate doing laundry right now. I hope you got your washer fixed. Glad that you had a nice trip to the Cape. :haha about the sandy butts. I hope that the Q is going better for you. One of these days I am going to join you on the Q journey. Just haven't managed to get that far yet.



Shannon- So sorry that you have still been at war with the fleas. I know how it feels as we had the problem several years ago. :yay Janna for doing so well in speech therapy and that speech is getting better. Hope that they will be able to help her with the apraxia. So happy for her that the meds have stopped the seizures and that the EEG went well. Oh no, so sorry to hear that you have been doing the sc wrong. But glad that you figured it out :cheer. WTG getting that sink and garbage disposal in. When they remodeled my apt in January, they installed garbage disposals, and I am not so sure that I like it. :yuckIt makes my sink stink all the time and I am forever using bleach, baking soda, lemons whatever I can think of to make it smell better. Hope you have better luck with yours than I do mine :lol. I love the your top and the color. You did a great job!!! Wow, a :tree farm!!! :clover with all your research and snooping!!! Never hurts a girl to dream.



Colleen- That would be really nice if you and Mary could meet up. That would be a lot of fun!!! HMMMMMM ketchup and ranch. Don't think I could bear that, but hey whatever works for DD. Glad to hear that she found something that she likes and that she is eating meat!!!! Great job on the flower yoke top. It looks great!!! Love the color too. So sorry that dd won't wear it, but maybe she will change her mind. The Italian Festival sounded like so much fun. I bet the food was absolutely marvelous. We have a Greek festival here with lots of great food and more desserts than a person really needs!!! Glad you enjoyed it and had fun. Oh yeah, congrats on making the 1000th post here.



Mary- So glad that you had a great visit with DS. I know that you are tickled pink that he will be coming home for good soon!!! WTG on the great success at the craft show. The sweaters you and DD crocheted are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the :photo. UMMMM, that is scary that you ran into the bear. Please be careful when going out to smoke. But at least you were out of harms way. Sorry I am late responding about this, but here are my kitchen colors:



Beth- Whoa, you have been really busy too. It is amazing how much :drive you do along with everything else you keep up with. DD's sweater turned out fantastic. I love it!!!! Like I said earlier one of these days I am going to make a wearable. But as my luck would be, it would be way to small or the sleeves wouldn't match or something lol. Excellent job!!!


Inkstained- :welcometo these fabulous group of ladies!!! I hope you are enjoying coming here and visiting with all of us. Sounds like you have a great plan on cleaning and getting everything done. Seems like I do more cleaning than anything else and I have loads of :crochetingtime racked up but never seem to get to cash in on it :lol. OH well, maybe this weekend I can catch up on the :crocheting.


Wendiann- :welcometo the group!! Glad to have you join us. Just wanted to mention that you shouldn't feel bad about encouraging the kids to clean. I enforce chores on my ds. As Beth stated, I too want my kids to have the life skills that they will need when they leave home and make a life of their own. In fact, DS spent the entire morning cleaning his room, cleaning out his drawers getting rid of clothes too small for him, cleaning out and rearranging his closet, taking out the trash, and a few other odd and end household chores that I asked him to do. In fact here in a little bit he will help me do the laundry. And I don't regret or feel guilty about making him help. It actually pleases me in knowing that I am preparing him for adulthood and making sure that he will be able to care for himself and not be dependent on someone else.



Geesh, I think I managed to touch base with everyone. I hope I didn't forget anyone and if I did, I am sorry and didn't do it intentionally. I forgot to mention that while I was on vacation I learned to :knitalthough I don't really like it. I am still practicing a little and it is getting easier but I still don't care too much for it.


By the way Shannon, because you asked and wanted ALL the juicy details, I have been talking to the HS sweetheart nearly everyday, either thru texting or actual conversation. :blush to say that some of the conversations have gotten very deep. I don't know what will happen but I am just taking it one day at a time.


Well, I have been here entirely too long trying to catch up. I will never get anything done if I don't get up off my badorkas. I need a good swift :kick or a :firelit under it. I hope everyone is having a great day and hopefully I will get to check back in later!!! I have missed you all and :manyheart you all dearly!!!! Lots of :hugto you!!!!!

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Scooby!!! :hug It is so good to hear from you! I was starting to worry that you were buried under all of your luggage. :lol

Good for you on getting so much done. You are a whirlwind! How cool that you talk to the HS sweetheart almost daily. I guess he wasn't scared off by your bumming clothes and messy hair, afterall. :wink Have you had your garbage disposal checked for something being stuck in there? When we first moved in, ours gave off a horrible, disgusting smell. I used lemon, baking soda, vinegar, even those little balls that are supposed to be made especially for disposals, and nothing worked. After much bugging, the manager finally had it looked at. Turns out that the last tenants somehow managed to get a shotglass, scrubby sponge, and about 4 inches of a broom handle stuck down there! :faint:2eek I almost passed out when I saw the plumber pull it all out! :eek


Shannon, I am making amis for a couple charities here, plus participating in the Ami Swap. Joann's is the only place here that sells safety eyes. I bought 5 packages (just so I don't have to go back) and when dh saw them, he was like, uh, do you really think you'll need that many? :rofl I'd rather have too many than not enough. :wink Enjoy your reunion. It's nice that you are going with your dad's family. Have a safe trip!


Leanne, is that garage all cleaned up and ready to be "the cool place?" :cheer Good luck with Party #1 tomorrow!


We went for a walk at like 8:30 last night. The girls saw some people in the pool around that time, and now they want to swim at night, also. Dh wants to take them but he wants it to be a surprise. They are bugging to go right now, but I don't want to take them down, then have to come back up to make dinner, only to go down yet again. So I think I am going to lie on the couch and pretend to be asleep, so they stop asking. :devil:blush

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