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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Everyone! I finally got a 12 inch square! :clap:clapI had given up on the Drew square (first a 15 inch sq, then a 13 inch:( (but now with the great assistance from Colleen I'll try it again tomorrow night) Thanks Colleen!!! :manyheart


Anyway, I did a Solid Granny Square and although not perfect, at least it is 12 inches!!! I think I figured out to make the solid granny square better next time. I watched a you tube video but it only went for 5 rounds which made it about 8 inches, so I kind of had to wing it to figure out how many stitches on the remaining rows to make it 12 inches.


Off to bed, tomorrow is another busy day!


Pleasant dreams all!

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Hi everyone

:woo To Joanne for getting the 12 inch square. I bet it will be just lovely. I for one know how hard you have been trying to get it right. :cheer To you.

Shannon good luck tomorrow with the test. As for the vacation have a great time. :cheer For getting the kitchen done.

Colleen Glad you had a great date night. When Dh takes me out I really enjoy it. Wish I could crochet in the car, it upsets my stomack. Have a great long weekend. Are you going to be doing any shopping?

Stacy glad you had a nice date night also. Have fun with your new phone.

LeaAnne. :cheer:cheer:cheer for not smoking. My day is coming. That is nice that the kids go from house to house. That way they are not always at one house and give the moms a break.

Beth I need to clear up something. The yarn I bought for scarfs is for DD not for me. I don't make the scarfs. Stashbusting........ I didn't want you to think I wasn't counting it. It is going to her house at the end of the month. Your kitchen farm theme sounds great.

Vicki and Scooby Hi from Canada:)

Well Iam off to watch House then off to bed

Goodnight all


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:fame:dance:ducky:elle:dance WTG, Joanne! congrats on that 12" square! (notice the Yankee pinstripe blue:devil)

Hey, all my besties!


Colleen - so glad you've gotten a jump on your packing:clap I always bring yarn, too, and sometimes don't use it, but it's the times that I don't that I wished I had:blush I hope you have good luck finding the right project!


Joanne - I am glad you got to enjoy some :sun after work today! Hope you get a good night's sleep. Sounds like that new job is pretty taxing on the brain (which is a good thing:yes) I am so glad you are enjoying it:c9


Shannon - :hug:hug:hug and prayers still going your way for Janna and the EEG tomorrow. :xfin that all goes well. Don't stay up too late packing and stuff... it will be there for you after tomorrow:manyheart


Stacy - Have you gotten the 411 on that new phone?:D Hopefully it's not too hard:think and that you're having fun playing!:clap what kind did you get?


And a big :hi to Beth, Scooby, Mary, "vacation Vicki" and Inkstained!


I got all of my chores done today in between dips and made a dozen bookmarks... they are not much, just climbing clusters with brightly colored variegated yarn. It reminded me of stacked up beach balls so I went with it... we'll see what tomorrow brings when I will do some more.

I will say that having everyone outside and supper from the grill makes housekeeping SO MUCH easier:devil


Well, my peeps, I am off to beddie by-lows.... I hope I get some sleep, 2 DD's have friends sleeping over (or should I correctly phrase as Stay UP-over?!;))


Sweet dreams, all!

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:hi, Mary!


We were posting at the same time:clap:c9


Hey, you must be getting close on that afghan! WTG!


Oh, and I LOVE "House"! That guy is CRAZY!

I hope you enjoyed it!



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Hey ladies!

Congrats to Joanne!! :cheer:cheer:cheer Great job on your 12-inch square. :hug You have been working so hard on it- I'm so happy for you that you finally got it!


Colleen- WTG on the packing. Good luck picking out your car project. I am like Mary- I cannot crochet in the car as it upsets my stomach. Let's hope it's not the same for an airplane- I just might go crazy if I can't crochet while flying. I hate flying. :ohdear


Leanne- Good luck getting some sleep on that Stay-Up Over! Sounds like you had a fantabulous day, with the :crocheting on the deck, sharing of kids, and grilling for dinner! What a wonderful summer day. :manyheart


Shannon- lots of :hug for the EEG tomorrow!


Mary- Can't wait to see those pics!


:hi to Inkstained and Beth. Scooby- where are you? I hope all is well.


Did I tell you all that my 6 y/o asked for a play make-up set? I am :think as to where this all came from, but when we were at Target on Friday she asked for a make-up set and a make-up case to hold it. :eek I told her I would have to ask Daddy. :shrug I was so surprised because she is my tomboy, always playing Batman and Spiderman and wants to be the boy in every game they play. She is only 6 so of course part of me says no, but then I thought if she just used it to play dress-up at home, then it would be ok. Hubby said as long as she plays with it in the house and doesn't wear it out, then it is ok with him. I'm just so on-the-fence about it.


As for my phone- it rocks!! It is an LG EnV3. It has a music player and removable memory so I won't even need my :ipod anymore! :clap It has a fold-out keypad, which was one of my major requirements. I also added a texting plan. :blush My dh seems to think it is WiFi-enabled but I don't think so. Either way, it rocks my :socks. :manyheart

Well I better get going. It is way past bedtime. Good night!! :night

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Quick good morning all! Shannon- good luck today with the EEG- will be thinking about you and Janna and hoping all goes well!


Stacy- nice phone you got there! I have an LG Voyager (similar to the EnV) and I love my pull out keyboard for texting on it- that was one of my requirements too! Mine also is wi-fi enabled, but you have to pay extra for that every month so I opted not to have it. Glad you are having fun with your new toy!!! As far as the makeup for the 6 year old- as long as she only plays with it in the house, I don't see any harm in it. My DD's loved to play dress up and get all fancied up when they were younger (even my youngest DD who also was a tomboy--most of her best friends when she was that age were boys (I guess she had enough with the 2 older sisters bossing her around!)


Mary- Cant wait to see your afghan when finished


LeaAnne- Yes, I noticed the pinstripe blue---thanks! Hope you have another nice day on the deck/pool/in the sunshine!!!! Enjoy!


Colleen- Again, thanks for the advise on the Drew square. Hope you have a great day and get some more packing/organizing done- sounds like you have everything all planned out! And yes, I think you have a lot of I Spy in your future on Friday!


Beth- hope you don't have to do too much taxiing today!


Scooby Doo- Where are you??? Hope all is going well and that you have a great day.


Vicki- hope you are enjoying your vacation- can't wait to hear all about it when you return.


Everyone!- Have a great day- and ............drum roll please........remember your vitamins.


CYA later.

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:clover:xfin:heart:2hug:hugTo Shannon and Janna today! I am praying for you girls that the EEG goes well...

Good morning, besties!

Just wanted to drop by to wish you all a :U:sun morning!

I am off to make breakfast, be back in a bit!

Hugs:hugto you all!

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Good morning ladies!


Joanne, I also looked at the Voyager and the enV Touch, because I really wanted a touchscreen. It didn't seem practical with the girls around, though. I had a twinge of regret after I clicked the "submit" button, but I'm glad I got the one I did. :manyheart The one thing I have noticed already is that all I have to do to unlock the keypad is press the "ok" button- that is going to be a huge problem if little hands get ahold of it. Other than that, it seems pretty cool.


Shannon and Janna- I am thinking of you and hoping the EEG goes well!


:hi and :2hug to Leanne, Mary, Colleen, Beth, Scooby, and inkstained. Hope you ladies have lots of :sun today! :hug


It is laundry day. However, the a/c guy is supposed to be here "sometime" so I might hang around for him. On Friday night our a/c made a terrible grinding noise and stopped working. Now I can leave it on all day and the only cold spot is directly in front of it. This happened last year too and I ended up getting pretty upset with the a/c guy because he laughed in my face. :angry He's going to be thrilled to see me again.

I also have to run to the grocery store and then karate tonight. Dh has to study for his placement exams this week so he can't take them to class. I knew he would find a way out of it. :wink I've been doing some 'research' and I think dd is either going to do dance or soccer. The registration is still open for another 2 weeks and it is through the same company that does karate so I'm going to see if they will transfer my registration fees. :xfin

Well I better get going and get the laundry sorted. Have a good one! :ghug






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Hi everyone

Stacy... very nice top. I love the color too.

Here goes.......... today Iam wonder woman:woo

Things I have done so far today

cleaned dog cage

took mom to doctors

cleaned bathroom

got dishes in sink soaking

swept and mopped kitchen and bathroom

went to grocery store

went to bank

went to gas station

went to lumber yard

picked mom up from doctors and took her home

got dinner out thrawing

As soon as the floors dry Iam going to have lunch and :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting

Some one must have put a :fire under me this morning.

see you all later


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Hi everyone,


Once again, I have to submit a quick response.


Today I made 2 lasagnas, (one regular, one gluten free) got 4 loads of laundry done, but not all folded, took boys to the bank (My oldest is getting his own savings account with an ATM card:eek), ran to stores a couple of times, took both boys to work, went to the pool to play for 2 hours, helped my daughter make 2 types of frosting for cake decorating class, and managed to leave a HUGE mess in the kitchen. It will have to wait. I have to take dd to class soon.


mary, you ARE wonder woman! What a huge list of accomplishments!!! Will you get some :crocheting time today?


Stacy, :drool:drool:drool:droolNeed I say more?


Shannon and Jenna, Extra big :hugand good thoughts your way!:c9 Will you let us know how our little trooper makes it through the EEG?


A great big :hug to all my besties! I am so glad I"m part of this group!!!:manyheart

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Wow, ladies! You are both on a roll today!


Beth, if I were you I think I would just make everyone eat gluten-free so I didn't have to make different meals! LoL


Mary, what are you making with your lumber-yard finds?


Well, guess what? I snagged my top on a grocery cart. :( Luckily it is toward the bottom and not super-noticeable. It's still a bummer.

I started one of my besties' squares at the laundromat. I'm hoping to finish it tonight in between classes. The a/c guy came by and (of course) couldn't find anything wrong with the a/c. I suppose it is normal for it to make grinding noises? :rolleyes:sigh


Well ladies I better get going and jump in the shower again. It is :hot today!!

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Hi Besties!

Stacy- that top is gorgeous!!!! So sorry to hear it got snagged in the grocery cart- but glad it's not noticeable! You got a lot done today- between the laundry and the square and then going to karate tonight. How's the phone today?


Shannon- thinking of you and Janna all day today and hope everything went well!:manyheart


Colleen- hope the packing is going well!


Mary- You ARE SUPERWOMAN- You got soooo much done and that was before lunch??!!! WOW! You sure did earn lots and lots of hooking time!!!!:hook


LeaAnne- How was your day- did you get to spend it by the pool again?


Beth- You have been busy too- I agree with Stacy- how bout everyone eats gluten-free? You are a saint for cooking two types of meals!!! This and all the taxiing you do- glad you got to spend a few hrs at the pool.


I had a busy, but good day at work, but it's so hard to be inside when the weather here as been so spectacular! (I guess Mother Nature is making up for the horrible rainy June we had). It is soooo hard to stay cooped up inside. I sat outside for about an hour when I came home just soaking up the sun and reading a book. (still reading Dead Men Don't Crochet--have been too busy working on getting a 12 inch square!:lol)


Time to go make dinner- but wanted to stop by and say hi to all:hug


Catch you later.....

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Adding to my list of chores today.

Did dishes after lunch

made dinner and cleaned up the kitchen ( dishes again )

washed dog

I got to crochet a couple of rows in between things today. Thought I would check in and then back to crocheting.

Stacy Iam not making any thing from lumber, it is something my mom needed ( chip board ) for her floor in her shed.

The afghan Iam making is a corner to corner one and the colors are, off white and monets. I think that is what the color is called.


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Hello there Besties!!


Wowza! I've missed a lot. Janna did great at her EEG today. We had it done at a different hospital then last time, and the nurse was wonderful with her. She's my little super trooper!! It's been a long day and we've all been sleeping on and off. Now we just have to wait for the results. The nurse did say that there were a lot of spikes on the EEG. But she didn't see the first one, and it was REALLY bad. So hopefully it's better. Good news is, the meds she's on is stopping the seizures. I am so happy it's over. Thank you all so much for all the prayers and hugs!! They mean so much to me, and I have a feeling that's why she did so well!:)


Stacy- Your top is gorgeous!! I love the color. And congrats on the new phone!


Joanne- It's great that you've had such beautiful weather. You certainly deserve it!


Mary- How in the world did you get so much done today??? That is wonderful. Now you have time to help me with my house!;)


Colleen- Having fun getting ready for the trip? I can finally focus on that now that the EEG is done. I better get my badorkas in gear!!


Beth- You've been busy too! You need a vacation!! Feel free to come stay with me for a while.:manyheart


LeaAnne- Don't you just love summer??? You seem to be making the most of it. How did the stay-up over go?


Scooby, Vicki, and inkstained- Hello and hope you're having a marvelous day!!


Thank you all again for the prayers. You truly are my besties!! It seems I found you all when I needed friends most. It's been one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I didn't realize how lonely I was before you guys. You all mean so much to me!!:manyheart:ghug

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:hi everyone!


Shannon - :clap Janna did well at her EEG. A good nurse can make such a difference. I am so happy for you that the ordeal is over and now you can focus on getting ready for a well-deserved vacation! I think everyone will agree that we are all happy we found the friends here and I think you will have our prayers and good thoughts whenever you need them most. :hug:manyheart


Stacy - WTG getting so much done today. Are your squares your new laundromat project :). I hope that A/C man gets snagged on a grocery cart and gets some sense knocked in him (for the record, I wish him no ill-will :lol). I'm sorry to hear that your top got snagged. It is a dangerous job being a full-time stay-at-home mom! Grocery carts, A/C men, stinky cars! You should get a medal!


Mary - Linda Carter move over, we have a new Wonder Woman now! WTG getting so much done! I can't wait to see the pics of that afghan. Pick me up on your way to Shannon's and we'll go down together ;). Actually, I'll be in Ohio if you want to get me part-way there :rofl.


Joanne - I am so glad you are having nice weather now. You deserve that sun-soaking time after work! I ended up returning my copy of Dead Men Don't Crochet to the library before I finished it. It will be there when I feel like picking up on it again. I'm not a big mystery reader. I got another book that I'd been waiting for and wanted to read that. So I returned the mystery and read the other book in a day :P. It was good. It was called Brooklyn by Colm Toibin.


Beth - I respect you for cooking two meals. Heck, I respect people for cooking at all (I hate cooking and do it only because I have to....baking is a different story). I'm sure you try to make meals that suit everyone whenever possible. I understand it can be quite expensive to cook gluten-free at times, is that true?


LeaAnne - Any stay-up overs planned for tonight? I bet you had some tired girls around the house today. Sounds like fun times at your house!


:hi Vicki, inkstained and Scooby!


I got some errands run today and some packing done, went to work, the usual chores/tidying. I downloaded some car games today -- car bingo and car scavenger hunt with pictures for preschoolers :yay. Anything to help pass the time. I have some laundry to do tomorrow, but I'm in good shape for the trip.


Have a great evening!

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Shannon- so happy that all went well with Janna's EEG today:clap:clap:clap What a relief for you that it is now over- Now you can get ready for your vacation!!!!


Mary- you are amazing with all you've got done today! Kudos to you!!!!


everyone else- back to my square. Just wanted to check in- I wanted to see if Shannon had posted and was so glad that she had.


Have a great night all!!!!

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Colleen- we were posting at the same time!!! So happy that you are in such good shape for your trip!!! I'll have to check out the book, Brooklyn (if for no other reason than that is where DH was born and raised)!!!!

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mary, I am SO glad you told me that the yarn was for your dd, so I don't have to send the stashbusting police to get you. :rofl You are truly amazing. You got so much done today. How does it feel?


I cook two meals because gluten free things are so much more expensive than regular, and because dh is a very picky eater, and doesn't like the gf things. I kind of like the guy, so I don't mind cooking what he likes.


I'm so glad to hear that our little trooper came through the EEG well. That must have been an ordeal for someone so little. Enjoy your vacation.


I need to go. My son wants to go to sleep, and I'm in his new "bedroom."


See you tomorrow!:hug:manyheart


p.s. I decided I don't like my squares, so I started the pattern I wanted to do in the first place. It's going to be -- whimsical! And my own design.

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Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. My weekend hasn't been all that good. Unfortantaly, my migraine decided to stay awhile meaning the house now looks like a wreak. I'm feeling much better today after a whole weekend of rest, a full day of recovery (reading, crocheting, mint tea=happiness). Today I got some laundry folded, half kitchen chores done, and few other odds and ends before I ran out of steam. Tomorrow I'm planning on doing my deep cleaning day, something the house now desperatly needs. Thursday nothing will get done as I'm spending the whole day with my Mema and my sister! (my Father's mother) We're going to Lewis (DE), riding the fairie to Cape May (NJ), and spending the whole day moseing about the small shopes and stuff. It will be our last "Big" thing with just Mema before she goes off on her annual summer roadtrips and we return to college. It should be a lot of fun!

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