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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Colleen Have fun on your date tonight!!! how fun for you and DH!


I had to frog 4 rows of the Drew square since I am watching the Yankees and wasn't paying close enough attention and ended up with those rows gaining stitches.:eek So, frogged it and am paying closer attention.


Tomorrow, DH and I are heading to PA to visit my brother and SIL and my Godson who I haven't seen in 2 years!.:clap I am so excited to see him. He graduated from Brown 2 years ago and then went out to California and was doing some research in the neuroscience department at USC. He has decided to pursue his MD/Ph.D and will be starting at Stonybrook on Long Island in a few weeks. He just got back to the East Coast last night. I'll also get to see one of my nieces who will be sophomore at Carnegie Mellon . She is majoring in Engineering. Yes, my brother's DK's are smart!! :yes I'm glad that I'll get to see him before he heads out to LI to begin his 8 years of studies. At least LI isn't far and I'll get to see him more often. He is the son I never had:lol


Well, back to the game and this square. CYA later:manyheart

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:hi, friends!


really busy here today... got company... I snuck away to say a quick :hi...


I'll check in later tonight or tomorrow.


Hope you're all enjoying the weekend! and Joanne, have a safe and splendiferous trip tomorrow!


Hugs to all! :ghug

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Howdy everyone

I see that everyone has checked in today except Vicki who is away and Scooby who I hope is relaxing.

Dh went fishing today so I had the house to myself. I did some :crocheting and a little nap today. We had :storm here today and for the next couple of days it is suppose to be nice.

Kitchen colors... did you really think I was going to tell what's up????? :devil You guys make me laugh.:lol:lol:lol

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and I will see you all tomorrow.

Goodnight all:hug:manyheart

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Good Saturday evening to all,


DH and I had an enjoyable date. We went to the Italian Festival that was on here this weekend (we go every year) and had a nice big pasta supper. Then we went to the mall (I know, we're boring), and then out for an ice cream. I have no idea where I put the ice cream and won't have to eat tomorrow! We were still home in time to see DD off to bed (I know we are REALLY boring!). Then I sat down and made another square :hook.


Mary - I hope you enjoyed having the house to yourself :c9. They had called for storms here all day today, but we had one really bad storm this morning and then it turned quite nice. It is cooling down nicely now--breezy and cool--good sleeping weather!


Joanne - Have a great trip to PA tomorrow. Enjoy your visit with your family. You aren't kidding that your niece and nephew are smart kids! They must get it from their favorite aunt!


LeaAnne- Thanks for dropping by when you had company. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.


:hi again to everyone else. Have a great night! I think I will look at patterns for a while and then hit the hay. Sweet dreams.

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Hey besties!!


Joanne- Have a safe trip and a nice visit with your brother and his family. I have a cousin who goes to Stonybrook! That's great that he'll be closer to you.

I'm really good at adding stitches to my work. I guess counting requires too much brain work for me! I can mess up and not even be doing anything else.:blush

I'm a little late but happy 900th post. You are a master poster!!


Colleen- Sounds like you had a nice time with DH tonight! It doesn't sound boring to me. How many squares have you finished so far?


LeaAnne- Hope you get some rest time tomorrow. You haven't stopped since you've been home!! How's the quitting going? Here's a :hug just for you!


Mary- You are so sneaky and secretive!! It's so exciting!! I'm glad you had a nice relaxing day! Happy 100th post to you!!


:hi to everyone!! Not much happened here today. I didn't even get to Home Depot to get everything I need for tomorrow. We're gonna go right after church. Then it'll be painting time! And new sink time of course.

I haven't been feeling great today (thank you, George!), but DD and I had another nice long nap. I'm ready to go back to bed though.


Good night ladies!!:manyheart

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Good morning Besties!

Colleen- your "date" doesn't sound boring to me- Just being together and spending time is what it's all about. The Italian Festival sounds like fun- I went to a "feast" in the North End of Boston with DD last summer--I guess it would be the same type of thing.


Shannon- Wow- I didn't realize I had 900 posts---does this mean I spend too much time on here? Good luck with the painting and getting the sink put in. And I forgot to ask- have the fleas left? And in case I forget, good luck on Tuesday with Janna and the EEG.


Mary- you've got my curiosity going!


LeaAnne- hope you had fun with your company and that you get some down time today to relax- although I guess you have to get busy on making your cool kid's hang out spot, huh?


Beth, Scooby, Inkstained, Stacy- Hi and good morning to you----Vicki- hope you are having fun with Mickey


Well, better get the badorkus in gear and start getting ready for my trek to PA (about 1hr 45 min drive).


The Yankees lost again yesterday. Here's hoping that Vicki brings them some good luck today since she is going to the game. Go Yankees- and have fun Vicki


Have a great day all and remember your vitamins. I'll check in later when I get back (if I'm not too tired- otherwise cya in the AM.

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Good morning Besties!


I have to get my badorkus in gear and get some laundry started. Luckily my house is nice and clean after yesterday's cleaning and I've got leftovers and lots of fresh cut veggies to see us through the day. I hear lots of time for relaxing calling my name...and some organizing. 5 days until our trip!


I agree that DH and I had quality time on our date. It just sounds boring when you write it down.


Joanne - The Italian Festival takes place in the original Italian neighborhood in our city (the same neighborhood that was featured in that This Old House link I shared with you). They serve good (plentiful!) Italian food, have a good old fashioned midway, many contests (canoli eating, ice cream eating, grease pole climb, cheese roll), they have music and dancing shows too. And of course a beer tent. It is lots of fun. I hope your trip to PA is enjoyable.


Shannon - I have 7 squares done. One is mine (the first one before I ironed out the kinks). I need to make one more before my trip and then I can make Mary's when I get back. I wouldn't have got them done so quickly if I weren't going to Ohio next weekend. It has been a good motivator. Good luck with your home renovations today!


Beth - I learned that we are going to drive to Columbus through NE Ohio, so I'll be sure to wave to that part of the state for you :):hug.


:hi to the whole gang! I hope you have a great Sunday!

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Hey-dee-ho, besties!


How is everyone?


Colleen - glad you had a great date with DH:clap:cheersounds like fun! I love Italian food! Have you picked a project (or 2) for your trip?


Joanne - I hope you had a great trip to PA today to visit your GS! :clap and congrats on your 900th post! Wicked COOL! :wink


Shannon - Hooray for George and his messed up calendar! I am hoping you are getting plenty of rest and feeling bunches better today :hug

Are you and Colleen leaving on the same day for vacation:?


Stacy - Hoping you, DH and those girlies are having a fantastic-ness family day:clap:c9


Inkstained - how are you feeling>


:hi, Mary! I was glad to read that you got some good alone time yesterday and made the best of it! Hope today is just as nice:manyheart


Beth - How are you and your gang today? did DH love the b-day cake?!


Vicki - hoping you're enjoying the Yankees/Angels game!


Zoinks! Where are you, Scoob? Hopefullly you're having lots of relaxation and not TOO much cleaning:wink How is :rabbit feeling?


hi, Wendiann!



Here's been my weekend: yesterday I got the groceries bought and put away, went to the pool store to buy filter cartridges and chemicals, came home to get that rockin'... then BIL and MIL came over for the afternoon, dinner, and the evening. It was a lovely visit, just chillin on the deck.... MIL and DH enjoyed their stinky sticks, and I worked on my top:cheer:clap Yay, me!!! I guess it's easier to deal with the temptation to smoke when I am on my own turf... not to mention, that I am really beginning to be able to smell it :yuck:yuck... which really makes me happy! It was good to say "I'm all set with that"....

Today, I got my mountain of laundry sorted and off to the laundromat I went to spend a few hours... the :sun is out and it is a perfect day, so I had the place all to myself:c9

Now I am back, the girls are outside being goofballs, and the boys are gone golfing. So that's it for me today...:crocheting Bardorkus Time here I come!!!


Hope you all have the bestest evening, besties! I'll be back in a little while



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Quiet around here today! I hope that means everyone is having a great day!


LeaAnne - Sounds like you've had a good weekend. I am SO PROUD of you for working on your top instead of having a stinky stick. That you can smell it is a good sign, I think :yay you - You're AWESOME! Happy :crocheting badorkus sitting time :) You have definitely earned it!!!!


I have been pretty much :crocheting badorkus sitting all day :). I've played a lot with my DD, but in between dressing princess dolls and playing memory I did 2 loads of laundry, finished my 8th square and washed them :yay, made a dishcloth, played around with a hat that didn't work. It's summer and the living is good.


I think Shannon and I are leaving for vacation on the same day. Friday, Shannon? I haven't picked a couple patterns to take with me yet. On the to do list. I was focusing on those squares, so now I'm free to pick a new project!


Have a super evening Besties!

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Hi everyone

I had a lazy day today. I did the dishes, had a nap and helped with dinner. Dh BBQ chicken for dinner. :cheer This napping thing is getting to be a habit.:P Tomorrow Iam off to the dentist and I have a van load of boxes to be dropped off at good will. I need to get some house work done badly so Iam going to see what I can get done tomorrow after I get home.

My mom wanted an afghan for her Birthday last month and I didn't have time to make it. Iam working on it now. Not stopping tell I get it done. ;)

I think I need to write down notes so I can remember what everyone says. I have a very bad memory.:(

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.


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HI everyone!

Mary, I'm with you on the memory thing, so I can totally relate to not remembering what everyone posts, but I think everyone understands!


Colleen- WTG on getting all the squares done! And playing with DD and laundry and a dishcloth- what are you superwoman? You must be getting excited for the vacation!!!


LeaAnne- Good for you chilling with the crochet hook in hand- proud of you! And I see your Red Sox won today and the yankees lost again- and the Red Sox Won!


Oh, Vicki- i was so hoping you would be the good luck charm for the Yankees, but hope you had fun at the game anyway!


I had a super fantabulous time at my brother's house today- It was so good to see my nephew- he'll be 25 at the end of the month and the last time I saw him was at his college graduation 2 years ago- He has really matured and is quite the young man! Also got to see my niece and she has grown up after her first year at college. My SIL's brother and his family were also there- it was just a great day all around!!!!


Shannon- hope the kitchen work went well today and that George isn't posing any problems for you


Scooby Doo- where are you? (Recuperating from your vacation and ALL the work you did w/out sleep when you got home, I hope!)


Beth and Stacy and Inkstained- hope you had a wonderful Sunday


Pleasant dreams all!!!

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Good evening Besties!!


LeaAnne- :yay for no more stinky sticks!! You need to tell DH and MIL that smoking is sooo last century!! They really need to get with it!;) Hope you got lots of :crocheting Badorkas Time! Sounds like a nice Sunday to me.


Colleen- I can't believe you got them all done! Good for you. I cannot tell you all how excited I am to get all your squares. And to give mine too! I know I'm not the only one who's a little self-conscious about my squares. But I think I'll love my blanket even more if it's a little wonky. Because, let's face it, we're all a little wonky, right??? We do leave on the same day. How long will you be gone? I'll be back the following Sunday.


Mary- What a nice, relaxing day you had today!! Good luck at the dentist tomorrow. Your mom is going to love her afghan. What color is it?


Everyone else, :hi!! I hope you all had a spectacular Sunday. We got the new sink and disposal in, the hallway painted, and the moulding put up. I'm so excited...and :tired:yawn! We have a big week ahead of us. DD has speech tomorrow, EEG Tuesday, school and hearing test Wednesday. And I have to get ready for our vacation! Yikes!!:eek I have to pick out a couple projects to take with me, but I'll be mainly working on my bestie squares. I love you all and hope you have a great night.:manyheart:ghug

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Good morning besties!


Shannon- WOW- you got a lot done yesterday! That is great! Busy week ahead for you I see! It will be a little quiet around here next week with both you and Colleen on vacation! Maybe I'll actually get some squares done. I measured the Drew square I started and it is measuring 13- so I thing I'll frog it again and go down another hook size- or maybe just do another square. The good thing about all this is I am learning new things- Nothing ventured, nothing gained as they old saying goes.


Well off to get ready for another work week! Have a splendid day all- remember your vitamins and cya later......

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Hi Everyone!


Power went out again yesterday. There was a big boom, and everything went dark. The repairman was out in less than an hour fixing it, though. Made me very happy! He asked if we were struck by lightening! I didn't know. My dd and I were in the back of the house, and just felt and heard the boom.


I agree with Mary 100%. I cannot remember what everyone does on this list, but I love to read your posts.


My dh liked his cake. He's a very quiet guy, very nondemonstrative. His highest compliment (usually) is "It's OK." I love him, though, and have learned to translate his comments into what I want them to be. For instance, when I call him at work, when he says "alright" that means he loves me, but can't say it in front of the guys. :manyheart "It's OK" means that it was the most delicious thing he's ever tasted. :c9 Hey, it works. We've been married for almost 19 years now!


I'd love to report lots of progress on my squares, but I have to do some sewing:yuck. I swear I can use my machine or work by hand, and it always falls apart.


Yesterday I did the grocery shopping, processed all the meats into freezable bundles, planned the menu for a week, and started on my kitchen. We do not have central a/c, just units in the bedrooms, and after I cook, the kitchen is too hot to clean. So it sits. Well, I started last night, and will finish this morning, and I will have a clean kitchen... for a few minutes.


Today, I'm finishing the kitchen, clearing off the dining room table and setting up the sewing machine on there, repairing some things from the boys room, and making a new cover for the new couch/chair/bed thingy I bought this weekend. And I'm taxiing, and I hope to get the kids to the library.


LeaAnne, way to go with the quitting! You've turned a big corner. I am so happy for you!


Shannon and Colleen, enjoy your vacations! We will be thinking of you while you are gone!


Joanne, isn't it fun to learn new things? I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with your family. The nephew and niece sound like extraordinary young people. How lovely to spend time with them!


Shannon, good luck with your busy week. The new sink and disposal sound wonderful. How great to have all that work done now.


Mary, good luck with the dentist. Will you let us see a picture of the afghan for your mom when it is done?


I'll check in on everyone later. :hug

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Good morning all!


I am in full get packed and organized mode. Most people would do this the day before, not me. I will stretch it out a whole week and think and talk about little else. :lol I am only going for a long weekend. I'll be back chatting away by Tuesday.


Beth - Scary about the big boom and the power going out. Good luck with your sewing. I don't like sewing either. Luckily my mom does :D.


Joanne - I'm glad you had a good visit with your neice and nephew yesterday. Have a great day with Delta Force! Sounds like you are doing well with the squares. 13 inches is a lot closer than 15 inches! :yay


Shannon - WTG getting so much done around the house yesterday! Good luck with your busy schedule this week.


Mary - Good luck at the dentist! Now that you know how to post pics we would all love to see your mom's afghan.


Everyone else - :hi Have a great day!

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Good Morning, besties!


I hope it is a fantabulous day for you so far...


Shannon - WOW! George let you do all that?! You certainly got a tremendous amount of stuff done...:cheer:clap Enjoy that garbage disposal and new sink:manyheart Now it will be fun to keep the kitchen clean (for a while:wink)

Good luck with Janna's speech today, EEG tomorrow and school on Wednesday... and good luck packing for your awesome vacation! :hugYou can do it!


Beth - :rofl your kitchen comment cracked me up! I can totally relate to that one! :yes I wish you the best of luck with the sewing...:blushthere's another talent I didn't inherit either! :heehee the couch thingy sounds cool - glad you get to make the purchase. Is DS happy with it?

Thank goodness you are safe after that BOOM! That's scary!:scared

my DH and I will be married 19 years this year, too... His "I love you too" in front of work or the guys is "I hear Ya!" Your DH sounds like a wonderful guy:manyheart


Mary - Good luck at the dentist today, and with your trip to the Goodwill. I hope it's a wonderful day for you!:hug


Colleen - :cheerHappy packing and organizing mode! I am glad that you will be done nice and early! Have you decided what your bringing for a :crocheting in the car project yet?


:hi, Joanne! Happy Delta day! You are too funny about those Sox:lol don't worry, I am sure that we are going to have plenty to talk about right through September (after all, that's when it really heats up, right?)

...and WTG on the squares... I agree with Colleen 13 is better than 15... how many hooks did you drop to lose the 2"?

Glad you had a great visit with your nephew and niece yesterday! and how cool that he will be coming to Long Island! How far from you is that? Will you be able to see him more often?


:waving, Stacy... How was your weekend? I hope that all is well. Hey, did you finish that top?


:hi, Vicki, Scooby and Inkstained... Hope you are well:hug:manyheart:hug


Well, the kiddos are heading for my pool for the first time this summer. My morning chores are done, so off to my deck with :hook:yarn so I can watch them.... I'll be back when they take a break...


:hug:sun:hug, to all.... LOVE YA!:D

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Morning besties!! :ghug


I have been :lurk, but :book all of the posts. Stupid George is on his way and I have been feeling :yuck. On Saturday we went to the Science Center and the Natural History Museums. The girls actually chose them over Knott's! MIL and FIL invited us for breakfast on Sunday, and kept the oldest 2 so they could go and watch Ice Age 3. It was nice to have a break. We came home, watched a movie and took a nap. Then dropped off the youngest at 5 and went to dinner and a concert. :manyheart


Leanne- How's that garage coming along? It is awesome that you resisted the stinky sticks while MIL was over! :clap Enjoy your morning by the pool.


Shannon- You certainly got a lot done! Enjoy your new "gadget!" Garbage disposals are the bees knees! :yay Good luck with speech, the EEG, and the hearing test!


Beth- Wow, that boom sounds scary!! Glad you could get your power back so quickly. Your couch thing sounds really neat. Good luck with your sewing! That is also a talent I never inherited.


Mary- Good luck at the dentist! How is dh feeling?


Colleen- I'm the same way with packing! I get my list ready about 2 weeks before hand and constantly wash to make sure that I have everything I need. :lol


Joanne- WTG on those squares! Did you try taking the extra chains off? 13 is definitely better than 15. You will be at 12 soon! Go Delta Force! :cheer


We drove past Knott's on the way to the concert yesterday and I thought of Vicki! I hope she is having a blast on her vacation!


Instained- Hope you are feeling better today. :hug


Scooby- Where are you?! Hope you are getting some much-needed rest and not wearing yourself out with cleaning. :hug


Dh forgot to switch the carseats before he left this morning so the girls and I have to walk to the grocery store before it gets too hot. I also need to call the manager because our a/c is wonky. This is the second year in a row and I am not happy. Last year after much begging, our old a/c was switched with a vacant apartment, and that apartment got a new one! :angry This year I will demand a new one if she tries to switch it with a used one again.

Oh, and my phone should be here today! :clap:clap On second thought maybe I won't go to the store. It requires a signature and I want it today, I don't want for a re-delivery tomorrow! :rofl


Have a wonderful, fantabulicious day, my friends! :hug

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Hi all!


I can't chat long, it's one of those days! DD did well at speech today. It was her last one for a while. Her therapist thinks she has apraxia. I need to do more research on it, but it's nice to have a name so I can work with her. I'm dreading the EEG, but I might be able to get her to sleep this time. I'm gonna try some new things.


Stacy- I know you're not talking about DH because you said "stupid" George! He must be leaving me and coming your way soon. Sorry! You sure go to a lot of concerts. That's great! Who'd you see last night?


LeaAnne- Do you have much more to go on your top? You certainly have been :crocheting a lot! Lucky duck. Hope the kids enjoy the pool! CANNONBALL!!!


Beth- That big boom must have scared you.:eek I'm glad they fixed it so quick. Congrats on the new couch, and good luck with the sewing.


Colleen- Will you come pack for me, please??? Just kidding. Don't freak out about it.

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Sorry, DH called and I was afraid I'd lose my message!


Colleen (again)- I always get so frazzled before a trip, but sometimes it carries over to the vacation. Don't let that happen. Of course, you sound like you've got it together, so I'll be the frazzled one I'm sure.


Joanne- Yay for 13! You're almost there. I can't wait to see your square!! This is all so exciting to me.


Everyone else, hi!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I might be back later, but I have a long day/night ahead of me. Say a little prayer. We're gonna need it! Love you ladies!!:manyheart

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Sending you and Janna lots of :hug, Shannon! Do you have to keep Janna awake for a certain amount of time before the EEG?


We went to see 311 again last night. They usually play in our area 3-4 times during their summer tour and we try to catch most of them. We like outdoor venues much better than indoor ones, so we try to catch as many of our favorites in the summer as we can. We are also going to a Kings of Leon show at the end of August. That will be it for us until next year. :manyheart


The correct spelling of my dh's name is Jorge. I will use that from now on, so as not to confuse him with "Stupid George." :rofl

Well I've done all of the cleaning I can do for now. I need to straighten up my bedroom and bathroom but I cannot hear the door from the back of the apartment so that will have to wait. :lol


Oooh, wait! The FedEx guy just dropped it off! I will be back when I have it up and running! :lol

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:hi, friends!


CANNONBALL! Which is exactly what these goofballs are yelling, have gone to the neighbors' pool down the street. they have been going back and forth most of the day, which is cool, because both mom's get a little break:yes

I didn't finish my top yet, but am working on it... I am just starting the top of it:lol Today, I spent some time making some bookmarks for charity weekend, which is coming this weekend and I'm afraid I'll be short of time. I need to get them in the mail before the end of next week, so they will arrive in time for their occasion in AZ on Aug. 1. I only made a few last month, and already made more today than the whole weekend last time:cheer See what not smoking does?:yes:lol:jumpyay


Shannon - Lots of extra prayers coming your way, babe! I hope that everything goes well for Janna (and You) tomorrow...


Stacy - So awesome to hear from you!:clap:c9 sorry about you feeling :yuck with stupid George, and hope that Jorge is having a nice day:heehee... I am glad that you cleared that up! I love summer concerts, too, and am glad you're getting to take advantage :2rockon! Oh! and the garage is going a lot more slowly than I'd like:blush, but what the hey... It's summertime (FINALLY!)

Enjoy that new phone! I LOVE new toys!:lol


Colleen - how's the packing going? :xfin for a great and productive day for you!


Mary - How did you make out at the dentist? How is DH feeling? Did you finish mom's afghan yet? You must be a fast stitcher, with all that you :crocheting:yes


:hi, Joanne, Beth, Scooby, Vicki and Inkstained... Hope your day was WONDERFUL!


Well, all, the neighbors' turn is about over, so I better go round up my troops and get dinner going! C Ya all in a bit! :ghug

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Good evening everyone!

Lucky you LeaAnne- getting to spend the day on the deck by the pool with your hook and yarn! I am so jealous!!! It was such a fabulous day here and I was stuck inside!! Oh, I went down 1 hook size- I thought when I measured the chain it was 12 inches, but after doing about 6 rows I measured again and it was 13.

I'll get a square to be 12x12 one of these days!! I might try another pattern and see what happens.


Beth- glad you got your power back so quickly- that must have been scary= the boom and all!


Stacy- Having fun with your new toy? Glad it came today- I know how excited you have been for it to arrive. Sounds like you had a fun weekend between the museums and the concert- Summertime at its finest! Oh, and thanks for clarifying the George vs Jorge!!


Shannon- hugs and prayers to you and janna to get through the EEG!!!


Mary- hope the dentist went ok for dh.


Scooby, inkstained, hope you had a great day.


Off to make something to eat- I cleaned up the kitchen (emptied the dishwasher, put away the mail) when I came home and then sat outside for a bit soaking up some Vitamin D.


I'll try and check in later--i'm kinda wiped out- it was a busy day today at work!

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:hi everyone!


I got some laundry done today and started to organize our clothes. I went to the $ store and got DD an activity book and some stickers. The car trip will be about 7 hours good going. :eek I just hope we can keep DD busy. I see A LOT of I spy in my future!


I have not picked out a crochet project yet :think. In fact, since I finished my squares I cannot think of what I'd like to make next. I want something small that is quick to work up and doesn't require I tote too much yarn. Sometimes I bring a big tote bag full of yarn and projects on trips and never touch it.


Stacy - Enjoy your new phone! I'm glad you enjoyed your concert!


Shannon - :hug and prayers for Janna's EEG.


Joanne - WTG soaking up some Vitamin D after work. Have a great evening and continued good luck with your square! Have you tried dropping 3 or 6 stitches yet? You would have one or two less stitch pattern repeats (by stitch pattern repeats I mean the sc 2 dc clusters), but it should reduce the width. I just looked at it again. If you started out by chaining either 44 or 41, your number of sc on your Row 1 would reduce by 3 or 6 (43 or 40). Your Row 2 would be ch 1 (sc 2 dc) in first st, *skip 2 sc, (sc 2 dc) in next st* across, sc in last st. Your Row 3 would read just as it reads now. You may have to skip one or two rows in the length to get it 12 inches square, but it might work.


LeaAnne - Summer days by the pool :c9, sounds great! Enjoy making your bookmarks :hook.


Beth - :hi how is the taxi business today? I loved reading yours and LeaAnne's talk about how your husband's communicate their love. Very cute. Congrats to both of you on 19 years, by the way!


Mary - How was the dentist?


Scooby, the Vacationing Vicky & inkstained - :hi I hope you are all having a fun day!


Have a great evening everyone!

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