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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Joanne - I just looked at that Monet Square. Very pretty! As for making it smaller, it looks like the pattern is a cluster that is worked in multiples of 3 stitches. You could try dropping one or two clusters to make it 12 inches. Drop the same multiple of 3 off your starting chain too. Does that make sense?

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Colleen - that's too funny! great minds type at the same time, I guess :lol

I hope you enjoy the pool with DD today! And good luck getting your projects organized for your trip... when did you say you were going?


Inkstained - take good care of that migraine, and don't push yourself too hard...:hug remember, we are here :cheerfor you! That's really nice, too, going to help your grandma with her windows:manyheart...watch out, though, Colleen has a bird that finds clean windows like radar! :rofl

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Hi Everyone!


This will be super quick. I have my dh's birthday cake in the oven. I hope you are all having a great FRIDAY!!! (Weekend is coming, the weekend is coming!:cheer:yay:hug:clap)


My squares are too small. I need to switch to a larger hook and try again. I keep telling myself that I crochet because I enjoy the process, so frogging and redoing is giving me a chance to get twice the enjoyment out of my yarn, right???


Consider yourselves hugged. :hugI may not have time to respond to everyone, but I am reading your posts, and thinking of you!:manyheart My besties!!!

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Hello girlies!!

I'm having a "Beth" day today- most of my morning has consisted of :drive. We started out bright and early and went to Target, which was relatively uneventful. The girls were good so they got Icee's. (At 8 a.m. What a wonderful mother I am. LoL) Next stop was the post office, then onto the bank. As turning into the parking lot, my car stalled and wouldn't start. So I got out my portable jumper and got it started, only to go park it so I could go inside. :shrug Afterward we went to the grocery store which was thankfully right across the street. After getting all the groceries in the car, my car wouldn't start again. I jumped it, and the car filled with this rotten-egg smell. :think :worried Then it stalled as soon as I took the jumper off. So I hooked it back up, praying the whole time that we would just get home so the groceries wouldn't go bad. Well, we made it home. Got all the groceries put away and lunch made. Whew. :whew Now 2 girls are in the bath and I'm taking a little break before starting in with my cleaning. And of course I'm looking at my grocery list and forgot a few things. Oh well...not much I can do until hubby gets home.


Beth- Happy birthday to dh! Hope he loves his cake! :hug right back to you.


Leanne- good luck getting that garage cleaned out and making it the cool place to be!

Thank you for thinking of my family. My grandma has minimal pain now, due to the patch, but I am told that she has been depressed. We told her that we are coming and that seemed to cheer her up. :manyheart There is a meeting with all of her children on the 15th to see if they want a CT scan, so the oncologist can determine how much longer she has. My grandma doesn't want to know.

My cousin was brought out of his coma (it was medically-induced) and ripped out his feeding tube and main pik line. The good news is that he is not paralyzed from what the dr. can see. He is in the hospital indefinitely and according to my aunt, he is pretty upset to still be alive. :cry That makes me so sad. He obviously has a very long road ahead of him, and if he makes it through all of the healing, skin grafts, etc, he is still faced with a 10-12 hour back surgery, which the dr. thinks he will not surive. :ohdear

Dh's cousin is doing rather well. He is in good spirits and seems to have recovered quite nicely. :manyheart


Colleen- glad you had an awesome not-so-Scrabble night! :lol Hope you guys can go out and enjoy the :hotweather!


inkstained- take care of yourself, hon. The mess will still be there when your migraine clears up. :hug


Shannon- So sorry about that single crochet! I am self-taught, so when I first learned, I ended up doing slip stitches instead of single crochets. LoL That made for some interesting projects. :lol Good luck getting everything ready for your trip.



Whew...ok. Gotta go get the monsters from the tub and pop in a movie for them, so I can clean. LoL Talk to you all later! :hug






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Stacy, That must have been so scary... a stinky, stall-y car with your DD's with you! i wouldn't have handled it nearly as calmly as you did! Happy cleaning, and Happy Weekend! :hug


Beth - Please wish Mr. Beth a VERY :birthday on our behalf! I'll be by for a piece of that cake too :wink:rofl Have fun!


Joanne - I LOVE that square! It's lovely...

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I was more exasperated than scared. LoL Dh thinks I am irritated way too easily but it comes in handy sometimes. :lol


Oh, and guess what? Colleen was right- the mysterious missing fruit WAS under the seat. Dd found it while waiting for me to get the car started- and asked if we could have some when we got home. :2eek:rofl

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Hi everyone

I was just reading back at some of the first post in this cal. How we all talked about cleaning, then as you read a little further we all start to talk about our family. That is so nice that we share so much with each other.:manyheart

Dh is feeling better today. He has a nice bruse on the side of his face. At least the tooth is out.

Today I washed, dried and folded 3 loads of laundry again. I didn't get it put away yet. Did dishes, made lunch, did a pick up of stuff, cleaned and empty the pool, moved the pool to a better area and took a nap. Dh made hamburgers on the BBQ for supper and we ate on paper plates so not to much to clean up.:cheer

The yarn I got at the $ store was mixed kinds. Alot of it was a yarn called BLING-BLING. It is a very soft yarn and is really nice for scarfs. This dollar store is not a chain store. It is just a little store. Sometimes these dollars stores are the best to find different things in.

Attention Besties

I would like to know what color your kitchen is please:)

Talk to you later


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:hiHi Besties!!!

Busy, chatterboxes today! I was running really late this morning- and I so wanted to wish you all a Happy Friday, but I had to start the day without my usual morning ritual of coffee :coffee and check in with friends. After wrestling with the square that turned out to be 15 inches, I decided to watch a you tube video and did a solid granny square 8"- it actually turned out ok--much better than my previous attempts. Which kept me up later than I should have stayed up, hence the running late this AM.


Thanks Scooby and LeaAnne for reminding everyone to take their vitamins! I take mine faithfully every morning before I leave for work! And Scooby- where do you get your energy??? What vitamins are you taking every day?? :devil:devilHope you got a good night's rest last night.


LeaAnne- how did the DD's softball game go. (And did you see that the Yanks have tied the Red Sox for 1st place?) Good luck with the garage turned into kid cool hang out spot! That'll keep you busy and earning mucho :crocheting:crochetingtime, I'm sure


Beth- Happy Birthday to DH and enjoy the celebration and the cake! :cake


inkstained- take it easy- migraines can really wipe you out- and yes, when you do windows as part of this group, colleen's bird migrates to wherever you live. In my case, though the bird attacks my mail box. He doesn't seem to want to leave nj lately- hits the box every day- so you may be safe- although DE isn't that far from NJ!:lol


Shannon- I was laughing :lol:laughroll when I read about your single crochet issues- sounds alot like me, "sister"- we seem to be on the same :crocheting

level. I think I can do more than my skill level will allow- but, hey doesn't hurt to try now, does it?


Stacy- sorry to hear about the car trouble- and luckily you got home safely. I think it's fun that the girls had Icee's at 8AM! I'm glad that your grandma got cheered up when you told her you are coming to visit. Sorry to hear about your cousin- good news that he is healing, but seems like there will be lots of issues to sort through. I'm keeping him in my prayers. Thanks for updating us on what has been going on.


Mary- my kitchen color is a very very pale yellow (just a hint of yellow in the paint color). And may I ask what are you up to?:devil;)


I'm going to try working on another square tonight- might try the Drew one. Thanks, Colleen for explaining about the multiples of 3 = I think I understand, but hey I might have to do an 8 inch sq pattern so it turns into a 12 inch square:lol:rofl


I read all the posts when I got in after I straightened up the kitchen. Not much cleaning done here in NJ today- and the weather again was fantabulous. Friday night is my night to sit on the ole badorkus after putting in a full week at work. Saturday early AM is my time to clean, clean, clean, clean.


I agree with Mary- when LeaAnne started this CAL it was all about earning :crocheting time based on how much cleaning we do. This group has evolved into so much more. How lucky are we?????:manyheart


Well, I'm going to go make something to eat- I think tuna sandwiches and a salad is it for tonight and then I'm going to sit in my favorite chair, grab the :hook and :yarn and watch the Yankees!


Have a splendid night all!

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:rofl... I can't believe it, Joanne, I was just talking to DH about you as we watch the Sox... We are finally actually home to watch them!:lol You crack me up! This happens every year around this time, doesn't it? Otherwise, why would we all watch the rest of the season? It is fun to watch the Sox now, since we have Dennis Eckersly as a commentator. that guy is TOO much! :lol:lol


I, too, :crocheting big or loose. I have found that to meet the guage of a pattern, I need to drop 2 hooks sizes lower than it calls for, and it comes out fine. I hadn't thought of picking a smaller pattern to come out the size I want... :scrachin... that opens up a whole new world of possibilities!:devil


Mary - You are so right! We all started out just talkin about chores, and look what happened! We truly are blessed:manyheart

I like that Bling-Bling yarn... you and DD will have lots of fun :crochetinging up all those scarves;) Oh, and my kitchen is a muted ocean blue color, with kids artwork and my beach-y calendar on the walls. The accents are white, and yellow... and I'm with Joanne: Whatcha up to secret sister?!:heehee:devil


Inkstained - How are you feeling? i was thinking of you today.


Stacy - OMG-ness! I can't believe you found the fruit! :eek

I will pray lots for your cousin to find the strength to go through what he will need to...

How are the girlies? What movie did they watch?


:hi, Shannon! How are you holding up? Is the "Scooby method" of tearing through your to-do list working out? How is our girl Janna today? and DH, Honey, BigBob and lil' sis? Missed you today:hug Should we send out the search party?:lol


Beth- hope DH's b-day party is going well, and that your family is enjoying a nice summer evening of quality time:hug


:hi, Colleen! How was your day? I hope you and DD had a nice time at the pool to escape the :hot weather you said you were getting:hug How is that lil' bug? give her an extra :hug from us! Oh, and I've been meaning to ask... how is DH recovering? Hopefully he's doing better and has taken back that lawnmower job;)


:waving, Scooby! How was your day? I was over here praying that you just got to relax and nap... don't forget to keep up on your rest, ok?


...I hope Vicki says :hi to Mickey for us!!!


Oh, and DD's team lost last night:angry it was very frustrating to see how ill prepared and unorganized the coaches were... these girls should have won, and could have, if they were in the right positions... DD is off to a sleepover with her friends tonight, just the right medicine to put things where they should be!:clap


So, today, I got a little done in my garage (I walked in there and felt so overwhelmed, I had to do only a few minutes at a time:blush) Also got all of my big cleaning done in the house, worked on my pool (and my tan:sun)

this weekend will be finish cleaning the pool, laundromat, and big grocery order before DH goes on the road next week (I have no car when he's gone). Other than that, I see a bit of :crocheting time in my future:devil


Have a great evening, besties, I'll see you all a little later on. Gonna go work on my top and watch those Sox!


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Howdy ladies!!


I hope you're all having a splendiferous Friday!! Mine has been okay. Nothing too exciting to report.


Stacy- That's great that you cheered your grandma up. I know she'll be so excited to see all of you!! I, too, have been thinking and praying for her and your cousin. I hope through all this he realizes there's a reason he's still here, and I hope he heals inside as well as out. When do you go up there?


Beth-:birthday to DH!! I hope you made a BIG cake. Looks like we'll all be there for some! Thank you for the :hug! Right back atchya, Babe!


Joanne- We learn from our mistakes, I suppose. I wish you (and everyone) good luck on your squares. I've said this before, but I think I jumped the gun on this project. Turns out I only thought I knew enough to suggest the square idea! My bad.:blush


Mary- You got a lot done today!! Good for you! I'm curious too. Why do you want to know about our kitchens? I have a feeling you're not going to tell, seeing as you're so secretive with the squares. Anyhoo, my kitchen is a medium, oceany blue.


LeaAnne- I've been doing a whole lot of both--wrong and lefty!! I've been doing what Stacy did. All the sc's I've ever sc'ed have, in all actuality, been sl st's. And they never even told me!! Oh well. Another wrinkle on my brain, I suppose. How was the game last night?


Hello to everyone else!! My brain is not functioning properly, but I will talk to all of you later. I have to clean real quick. My 10 y/o nephew is staying with us for the weekend. I'll try to come back later tonight!! Loves!:manyheart

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LeaAnne!! We were posting at the same time! That is too funny. I don't know why. I guess I find humor in the small things. Or maybe I don't want to get up and clean. Okay, I really have to go now. Peace out!

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Oh, Shannon--that is too funny---the "peace out".. That's exactly what my middle DD says and I've adopted it too......


good luck with the cleaning-ness!


yankees aren't on until 10- since they are on the West Coast with Vicki! Oh, well....looks like I'll only be watching a few innings.


Good idea LeaAnne about going down 2 hook sizes---I'll give that a whirl.


Well, besties- pleasant dreams and cya in the AM before I start cleaning-


"peace out"

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:hi everyone! :manyheart


I'm not sure how much sense I'll make tonight. I am feeling tired, floppy, and kinda fuzzy. I went up to bed at 4:30ish and slept on and off for 2 hours. DH made me a little sandwich and made me drink a glass of water and a glass of milk. Then I slept a bit more. I feel a lot better now, but still kinda fuzzy. I'm not sure if it is just the heat that knocked me out or if I got a bit dehydrated. DH just picked us up some Chinese, so that should restore my strength a bit. :D


Stacy - :rofl about the fruit being under the seat! That is so funny! Was it still good? Good for you keeping your cool while boosting your car with your girlies with you. BTW that was a great deal you passed up on the polly pocket mall. It is $50 here! DD loves those little dolls. She has these princess ones and they get played with every day. I love hearing her make the little falsetto voices and using them to make-believe stories.


Joanne - Enjoy your badorkus-sitting-ness and your Yankees this Friday night. Good for you following the tutorial and making a granny square. Keep going and you'll have 12 inches! Or, try your other ideas and see how it goes.


LeaAnne - Good job on getting a little bit done in the garage and all that house cleaning. I wish you luck getting your laundry and groceries done before DH goes away. Is there a store you can walk to in a pinch (outta milk or bread kind of thing?). I hope your DD enjoys her sleepover . :)


Shannon - I guess you and I both have the non-functioning brain-ness today. How is Janna doing? Have fun with your 10 yo nephew this weekend! We have a 10 yo nephew too (and an 8 yo one) and they are fun kids. Boys are so different from girls. With them its all army guys and trucks and sports. My DD is all princesses and barbies and stuff.


Beth - Happy Birthday to Mr. Beth! I hope the cake was delish and that you all had fun!


Mary - Way to go getting all that laundry and tidying done. I'm glad DH is on the mend with his mouth. My kitchen walls are burgundy and my accents are navy and white. Whatcha up to sneaky Mary? :devil


Scooby - I hope you are recovering from your trip and catching up on your sleep!


Vicky - I hope your holiday is going great!


inkstain - Hello and take it easy with that migraine! For the record, I take no responsibility for that bird and what he does to your grandma's clean windows!


My day was good before the sleepiness. DD played in the backyard this morning - not so much in her pool but around it - I sat in the shade and worked on a square. This afternoon I took her to the splash pad at the community center. If you don't have those near you it is a big concrete pad with various spots that squirt water. The kids just run through the water. She loves it and it is a great way to cool off. There were lots of kids there today, so it was fun to watch. I gave my house a tidy, gave the kitchen sink a good scrub and soaked the stinky drain with vinegar followed by some boiling water. One load of laundry done--my whites got a good bleaching in the sunshine today. I have some cleaning to catch up on, but I'm too tired tonight. :tired


I hope you all have a fantabulous Friday evening! I really enjoy the friendships we've found here. I look forward to hearing what you are all up to every day.

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Colleen- My mom's kitchen is navy, with burgundy and white accents! How cool is that??? Sounds like DD had a fun day! I hope you're feeling better soon. DD and I took a 2 1/2 hour nap today!:eek I knew I needed it. I didn't know she needed it. I hope she goes to sleep tonight. Oh well, if not I guess I'm just getting her ready for her sleep-deprived EEG.


Scooby- I hope you did a lot of sleeping today too. You certainly deserve it!


Vicki- Kiss Mickey on the nose for me!!


inkstained- I hope you feel better soon. I know how you feel. I get them when I don't get enough sleep. And sometimes before and after George visits. Don't worry about not getting a lot done. Tell your grandma hi for me.


I'm super-excited right now!! My cousin is coming over on Sunday to put in my new sink and garbage disposal!:yay:yay:yay I don't have a disposal now. Let me rephrase that. I received a disposal for Mother's Day 2007, I believe. (I asked for it) But it's still in the box. And we've had the sink for over a year. So it's time. I'm also having a painting party, and we're going to paint my hallway, and get new moulding and baseboards up. I'm really excited that this will be done when I get back from Florida! Then all I'll have to do is work on turning the guest room into Janna's room! And then, we get our carpet!!


I found a singer that I really like, and she's crafty too. Her name is Lisa Hannigan, and her videos for Lille and I Don't Know are really cool. I'm sure they're on youtube. Also, have any of you seen the 'Ville's store? They have items that say Happy Hooker. They have some pretty cool stuff!


Okay, off to fold some clothes. Have a wonderful night!!:ghug

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:hug to you, Colleen! Hopefully you will feel better after a good nights' rest. Kudos to dh for making you a sandwich and drink. :clap Glad to hear dd had fun at the splash pad. There is one at Universal Studios Citywalk and the girls love it! I have this great picture of dh with my middle one on his shoulders, holding the oldest's hand, and they are all getting splashed. LoL


The fruit was in there for 2 days in 100+ temps (inside the car anyway.) It still looked good but we threw it out, just in case. :wink I know I passed up on a good deal with that mall but the girls have so many toys as it is, plus the youngest was at the "tasting" stage so I just figured we were better off. :D


Leanne- good luck with grocery shopping! I'm sorry to hear that dd's team lost. A sleepover sounds like the perfect way to cheer her up! :manyheart I had to :heehee when I saw that you go down 2 hook sizes. I am just the opposite- I :crocheting tightly, so I usually have to go up about 2 hook sizes.

Mary- Glad to hear that dh is feeling better. WTG on getting all of your chores done! Sounds like you got an awesome deal on that yarn! Our dollar stores used to have good yarn but now all they have is Fun Fur. Oh, btw, my kitchen sounds about the same as Shannon- medium-ish ocean blue, with the required children's artwork on the wall. :artist


Shannon- thank you for the thoughts and prayers. Enjoy having your nephew over this weekend!


Joanne- sorry to hear you got up late! At least you got that square worked out, though! :lol


Ok, quick question...how in the world do you get your kids to eat vegetables? :think :shrug My kids will eat broccoli if it is completely plain, and carrots if they have a glaze. I'm sure it is just a kid phase, but it is driving me nuts. Tonight I made a cheesy broccoli and rice dish, and they wouldn't eat the broccoli because it had "stuff" on it. Never mind that it is cheese, which is their favorite food. :bang




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Shannon- we were posting at the same time! Cool-ness. :clap on getting your sink and garbage disposal!! How exciting. Good luck with your painting party, too. It is so awesome that all of it will be done when you get back. What color will your new carpet be? And yes, the stuff at the 'Ville store is too cute. I love the sheepie stuff! :manyheart


I completely forgot to tell you guys- it's not a huge deal-io but I ordered a new phone today! :clap It was much needed, as my current one doesn't register calls until they have been missed, and it takes a couple hours sometimes for me to receive my voicemails. The taxes were a bit more than I had figured so the yarn for my afghan and flower top will have to wait another week or two. But I'm sure once my phone is here I'll have too much fun playing with it, to notice. :yay

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LeaAnne - I forgot that you had asked about my DH. Thanks for asking, he is doing very well. He just today started on a back-to-work plan where he is doing full duties with a gradual schedule. So hopefully that goes well. He is starting to enjoy a more normal life again and, yes, I am pretty much free of mowing duty now :yay. However, he says he really enjoyed us doing it together. Funniest thing, because I really enjoy it when he vacuums!


Where is this 'ville store you guys speak of?

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:hug Thank you everyone for their hugs and loves! And your right...the mess will still be there when I feel better. Which will probably be anywhere between a day or two or a week or two. Luckily, I have medicine, parents, and a sister to help. You know they may be annoying brats growing up but younger siblings sure are useful to have around. *grins* :lol Thanks to my two days off (today and yesterday), I'm feeling much better and hope that after a goodnight's sleep I'll be up and feeling great by tommorrow morning.


Sounds like everyone here is doing great, keeping active, and clean up. I may not be talktive but :cheer:clap Good for You!


Stacy said "Ok, quick question...how in the world do you get your kids to eat vegetables? My kids will eat broccoli if it is completely plain, and carrots if they have a glaze. I'm sure it is just a kid phase, but it is driving me nuts. Tonight I made a cheesy broccoli and rice dish, and they wouldn't eat the broccoli because it had "stuff" on it. Never mind that it is cheese, which is their favorite food."


Okay...I may be an adult from the world's prespective but until the day I can stand on my own two feet I still consider myself from a child. That or the day I get married...whichever comes first. So please excuse this advice from a child for your children.


I consider myself extremly lucky. As a child, I considered my parents strict but now I thank them every day for the gifts they have given me. One of them is the ability to eat anything given me...without question and min. complaining even Limebeans which I hate. How was this achieved? My parents had a rule: You eat everything on your plate. Period. No excuses. No complaining.


If we refused to eat what was placed before us and complained that we were hungry later, we would be given the same thing we refused to eat earlier sometimes even cold....until we finally ate it. If we still refused to eat it by bedtime, Mom would make us a sandwhich to eat that night, but the next day the same plate would reappear reheated at lunch, then again at dinner, or until we we ate it. We also were not allowed any deserts until we learned to eat what was put on our plates. I know this sounds sorta of harsh...but we ate our food.


If this is to strict, try what I've learned from being a girl scout camp counseler where what you are given is truly all you have.


There is a good rule to remember. It takes ten bites or ten tries to really tell if you like something or not. Try enforcing this rule that you have to take at least ten bites of everything on your plate whether you 'like it' or not. If they still don't like after ten tries, well then they don't have to eat it, but they don't get any substuites either. As my mother loved to say..."This is not a restraunt. You can't just order what you want."


Also children are more likely to eat something they helped fix. Once a week at my old summer job (girl scout camp counseler), we fixed a meal ourselves giving the cook a much needed night off. Although the children would always complain about the food fixed in the dinning room, they would always, always, utterly look forward to devoring the food they had just spent the whole day preparing for. (i.e. gathering wood, starting a fire [if older], helping chop [supervised], assemble, serve, then wash their own dishes.) At the end of the night they couldn't believe "How good I can cook!" (Yeah, uh hum...you cooked it...so why did I do most of your work *smiles*)


My mom always did same thing. We helped shop for (practicing math as we carried calculaters to keep track of our total), put away, plan weekly meals, and through various stages of life helped cook the meal by doing age approriate tasks (starting with setting the table working our way up to chopping and stirring unsupervised). Until now I can shop, practically I closed for 4 on a budget, for one month, and cook while my parents work full time jobs. Granted I don't cook very well...but I still cook. Better yet, I love every veggie, every fruit, every type of meal under the sun except for limeabeans....which I still eat....with lots and lots of cheese on top. :D Afterall who likes cold limeabeans...:P

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Good morning to all and Happy Saturday! I've been up and cleaned the bathroom and kitchen already! I have an 8AM hair cut appointment so I have to keep this short. Remember your vitamins and I'll catch you all later-ness!


Peace out!

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Good morning, Besties!!!


Stacy, I believe strongly in rewarding your children for good behavior, and icees at 8 a.m. sound like a good reward, particularly on a hot day. You handled your car situation very well. It's easy to panic with the little ones with you, but you got home safely! WTG! Do you know why your car isn't starting, and what that smell is? Here's a big :hug for your whole family. You are dealing with a lot. You are in our thoughts and prayers.


LeaAnne, I can't imagine having enough room in my garage for a cool hangout spot. That sounds wonderful! My dh is rebuilding a 1968 Firebird, and it has taken over the entire garage, and the storage room in our house, and parts and pieces everywhere... But it's a beautiful car.


Mary, you stay so busy. What an inspiration! I hope the new spot for your pool works out well. What color is my kitchen? Well, back in 2000, when my husband was working in California, the kids and I painted the kitchen in a farm mural. It's green, sky blue, brown, red, white, black, pink, light green, yellow, and who knows what other colors! See what happens when you take a farm girl out of the country?


My DH's cake is a chocolate roll filled with chocolate ice cream. My dd made a vanilla gluten free roll filled with mint chocolate chip ice cream for the non gluten eaters. Come on over! if we eat them all up, I can make more!


Joanne, you missed your morning coffee:eek How did you function? I couldn't do it. I hope you made it through your day OK.


LeaAnne, Sorry to hear dd's team lost. How frustrating that poor coaching lost the game. Enjoy your busy weekend.


Shannon, I like the square idea. It's a chance to try something new for our besties, where there is no criticism, just lots of love and acceptance. Enjoy your nephew. Ten is a fun age.


Colleen, feeling "Floppy." what a perfect description. I've been there! I'm so glad dh is taking care of you. The splash pad sounds like so much fun! I want to go!


Shannon, congrats on the kitchen updates! That sounds like :c9


Stacy, :yay new phone! Inkstained is right - kids eat food they help prepare better. And if they actually help GROW the food, try to keep them away from it!!!


Inkstained, I'm glad you feel better.:hug


I am going shopping with my middle child. We are getting rid of the incredibly ugly loveseat in my front room, and getting a love-seat sized chair that folds into a twin bed. He is tired of sleeping in the same room as his brother (there's a snoring issue there) and we only have 3 bedrooms, so we will give this a try. I may join Stacy and get a new phone, too.

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Good morning besties!!


Beth- :yay for getting rid of your ugly loveseat! I hope you find a great one for a great deal!! And good luck to DS sleeping on it. Let us know if you get a new phone. Have fun! BTW, your kitchen sounds awesome!!


Joanne- You get the Busy Bee award today. My brain can't even function so early in the morning. Have fun getting your hair done! Are you trying something new?


inkstained- Those are some good ideas. Tough love. Not many people do that anymore, but it definitely works! I'm glad your feeling better.


Stacy- That was cool-ness that we were typing at the same time. I did that twice yesterday. (Does that mean I talk too much?:think) You handled the car situation very well. You go, girl!! I hope your car feels better soon. And that is too funny about the fruit.:lol Yummy!:no Congrats on the phone! I need a new one too, but I have to wait til the end of August.


Colleen- I hope you feel super-refreshed today. Happy Weekend!!


:hi, :hi, and :ghugs to all my wonderful friends. I'm having a good day so far, and I'm about to clean. And George is here. I'm actually happy, bacause he won't be coming to Florida. Yay for George!!:yay Have a great day everyone. I'll be back a little later.

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Shannon- so glad that George will NOT be going on vacation with you!!! I just got my hair cut and colored-nothing really new- just a good shaping up - Came home and cleaned the family room. Then we cleaned out some things from the garage and went to Goodwill to drop them off- then on to get the oil changed in my car. I am doing the laundry now and just checking in with everyone.


Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday!

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:hi everyone!


I had a good sleep and feel much better today. Thanks for the :hug and well wishes.


Soccer was cancelled due to thunder and lightning this morning. I went for groceries, cleaned both bathrooms, dusted, washed and chopped a bunch of veggies and started a meat loaf for supper. My folks are coming over to take care of DD and DH and I are going out on a date :yay.


Joanne - WTG getting so much done today! I hope you relaxed at your hair appt., you deserve some relaxation.


Shannon - I hope all goes well with the disposal and painting and everything at your place! Hooray for George coming before your trip.


Beth - I hope you had fun shopping and found something nice and comfy for your DS to sleep on.


Stacy - How do I get my kid to eat vegetables? Mostly I stick with what I know she likes. She likes broccoli raw rather than cooked (and so do I), so we eat it raw dipped in good ole ranch dressing and in salads. I stick with small portions and if she eats what I give her, that's good enough. Whatever works, so long as she gets some and is learning good habits. I sometimes put ground up veggies in spaghetti sauce (zuccini, carrots are good for this). Adding spinach to a pasta dish is always good too. I have a friend whose approach I like. She gives her kids VERY small portions of everything on their plate initially. If they clean their plate they can have seconds of whatever they want to fill up. I try to remember too that the recommended daily servings of fruit and veggies are small for a small child. You might think the 1 "tree" of broccoli she is eating isn't enough, but that is a good portion if not all of a serving for a 2 or 4 year old. The big question is, how do I get my DH to eat healthy? :think


LeaAnne, Scooby, Mary, inkstained and the vacationing Vicky - :hi I hope you are having a good Saturday.

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