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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Good morning besties- Running late here this AM but just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a fantabulous day! Vicki- have a great trip.


Remember your vitamins and i'll check in after work!:ghug

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:cheer:clap:yay:hugGuess who's back? Yep, you guessed it, Scooby's back in the house :lol. HIIIII FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! We just got back about an hour and a half ago. I am very very :tired:yawn. I drove about 9 hours and stopped once for gas and twice for a potty break. It wouldn't have taken so long but for about the first 2 hours of the trip we had to drive about 55 mph instead of 70 mph because it was :storm and foggy and :raining so hard I could barely see my hand in front of my face. I HAVE MISSED YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! My parents :compute is very very :turtleish so I didn't even try to log on and type but that one message. I have so much to catch up on but don't think I can sit here that long and read all the posts, but I will later on today after I get some :sleep. It feels so good to be home, but I am dreading all the chores that now have to be done :(. Anyways, just wanted to stop by and let you know that I am back and give you all lots of :hugs as I have missed being here. I am off now to take a nap and then get busy catching up with all my errands and housework. See you all real soon!!!!!!!
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:welcome home, Scooby!!!!


I am glad you made it safe and sound. Have some good sleep, and :clover with getting done everything that you want to :hug


it's nice to have you back, girl! And we are all looking forward to hearing about your vacation!



:mug Good Morning to all my BFF's! Have a splendiferous morning!

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Good morning besties!


It is a beautiful day here. It has been cool for the past few days (nice but cool), and now it is going to get :hot! I can hear the siding cracking in the sun. I went for a walk by myself this morning :c9 and then took DD back to the park with the sand toys for another good round of sand castle building. I think I am going to start bringing my lawn chair to the park. She is old enough to play on her own this year and I can sit and relax :yay. But sitting on the ground or the wood rails around the park is not good for my tushie.


I finally got myself organized to give DD official chores for which she will earn allowance. One of them is to dust her doll house. I do not like dusting that thing. You have to get all the little pieces and put them all back and then the salt and pepper shakers roll all over the ground and...yuck! Then I got an :idea...why am I doing this? And so, now that is her chore. She will also keep her toys tidy, clean the play room and occassionally help set and clear the table. For that she will get allowance. She says she is saving up for either a Barbie closet or a Polly Pocket Mall (great, yet another toy that needs dusting :rofl).


I have some laundry on the line and have some to put away and some tidying to do in the bedrooms and I think that is about all I will be able to handle before work this afternoon. Tonight is my scrabble night :yay. Girl's Night Out! And, this time it is at my friend who lives just around the corner so I don't have to drive. I'm not a big wine drinker, but I might have a glass just because I can. :D


Scooby - Welcome home! I'm so glad you made it safely through that nasty weather.


I wish all my besties a fantabulous day!

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Morning, ladies!


:hi and :welcome to Scooby and Leanne! :hug


Leanne- Sounds like you had a wonderful getaway to the Cape! :clap for great weather, the beach, and shopping! I Googled the top and it is so cute! I hope it turns out to your liking!


Scooby- I'm so happy that you made it through that weather! How scary!! Did the HS sweetheart every come back?


Colleen- sounds like you're have a nice morning so far. Good idea on taking your lawn chair to the park. Ours have benches or I would probably do the same thing. LoL I had to :lol at what your dd is saving up for. My 4 y/o wanted the Polly Pocket Mall for Christmas last year and I actually found it on clearance for $13! But then I looked at all the little pieces and thought- do I really want to add these to the mess they already have? :rofl We went with a scooter instead and she hasn't asked about it since. :whew


Joanne- Hope you got to work in time. I don't mind square simplicity at all. I hear you on dh talking while you are counting. Mine does that too, but when he sees me, concentrating hard to drown out his voice, he calls out random numbers. :tryme Quite the joker.


Vicki- I'm sorry your dd didn't pack appropriately. Hope you had better luck with dh packing his own stuff! Enjoy your vacation!


Mary- I hope you got some crochet time last night. You are right- this group is like having a bunch of sisters. It is nice. :manyheart


Well ladies I am going to clean a bit then sit on my badorkus and :crocheting. Today we are having a lazy day. The girls' friend from down the hall is supposed to come over but the mom doesn't like me much (she told someone I'm too quiet :think) so she usually makes up some excuse to cancel. :shrug

Have a fantabulous Thursday! :hug



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:hi, Colleen!

it sounds as though you are having a terrific day up there in Canada! Beach chair at the park sounds really relaxing! :manyheart Tell DD that we are all :cheer:cheerfor her to do a good job on her chores!


:waving, Stacy!

OMG! I never thought about google-ing the top to show you guys! I do really like it so far... the bottom section is 10 rows from done:clap I really want to finish it, I was hoping to wear it to a couple of concerts that I am going to with DH this summer: AC/DC and BRUUUUUCE! That's why I wanted the black, but the color I have will work too! I'll be sure to post a pic when i am done with it. It is my first wearable for me (the cut-away cardi was a bust), so I am pretty excited!


So far today, I have done my general pick up, dishes, etc, and have given my kitchen a good deep cleaning, including stove, microwave, fridge, etc.

It's a lot more than I thought I would get done:whew... it was good to get on a little roll!


Now I think I'm going to enjoy the non-rain-ness for a bit, and sit out on my deck and :crocheting! It's not hot here... only about 70 degrees... Who woulda thunk I'd be wearing jeans in the middle of JULY?! :shrug Not me, that's fer shure! Oh well, at least it is not raining! :rofl


have a great afternoon, all... I'll pop by later on!


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Wow, you're on a roll and you haven't even been home a whole day! :cheer:cheer Btw, how is the Q going? Your mention of sitting on the deck made me think of it.

I can't wait to see your top. The wrap top and shell are my first ventures into adult clothing so I can relate. I'm glad to hear your cutaway cardi was a bust- now I don't feel like such a slacker! :rofl After I frogged it to start it in one piece, I just got lazy. :blush


Gosh I wish I could get my rear in gear and start cleaning! I've been picking up here and there, as I get a glass of water and such but I really need to vacuum and dust. And clean the chairs again- dd tried to get her own chocolate milk and spilled the milk all over one of the chairs. :rolleyes Unfortunately I can't find my Ipod so if I want music, I need to use the computer. I don't foresee much getting done today. :lol

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Hey girls!


Sorry I haven't been here. Guess what the word of the day was yesterday?! FLEAS!! Yep, they're back. But we're not giving in just yet. I think we'll just schedule bombings for every other week or so. I've got my badorkas in gear and I'm cleaning, but DD has an appointment at the eye doctor soon. Since I'm sweating like a woman-battling-fleas-in-the-middle-of-July, I need to hurry so I can get a shower!! I'm sure everyone I come into contact with will appreciate it.


I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Good news: I think I found THE square!! It's pretty tricky, but I really like it!! Love you guys!!:manyheart

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Shannon - OH NO, not the fleas again! :angry What a pain in the badorkus. WTG on finding a square pattern. Good luck with it!


Stacy - Good for you taking it a bit easy today. I mean if you can't find your :ipod, what's a girl to do?


LeaAnne - :yay for sitting on the deck! We were wearing jeans for a few days here. Everyone is moping around that it is more like fall than summer, but I like it. I do not like the heat. That said, we are getting set for a few days of :hot as I said earlier. WTG on getting some cleaning done. You've earned your :crocheting time on the deck. :)


Hi to everyone else! :hi


I just spent a wonderful hour-and-a-half. I took out one of my bins of yarn and made some scraps into saltines. I made 14 saltines, so that is a good start. Not sure what will become of them, although it will probably be a blanket of some sort. At any rate, it was fun. Now I've got to go get ready for work. :( I won't be back today as I'm off to Scrabble after work, so have a wonderful evening!

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OMG, Shannon - those little buggers just don't want to leave you alone! :rofl about the people around you appreciating the shower... you are too funny! :clover to Janna at the eye doctors!


Colleen - have fun at Scrabble night and enjoy the wine!:manyheart


Stacy - the Q is easier in Woburn than at the Cape. MIL enjoys sandy butts:blush... I just keep workin at it, and when I said I was glad to be home, that was another reason.

Hope you're having a relaxing day!


:hi to all my friends!


I am off to oldest DD's All-Star game... I'll check in later tonight


:hugto all!

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Hi my dear friends!!!! Thanks for the warm welcome back. I feel so lost :( as I have missed so much and haven't been able to catch up yet. I feel like a stranger here :lol:lol:lol, durn vacation!!!!!!

OK, a little about my trip. I saw the HS sweetheart for all of about 10 mins the whole time I was there, but we kept in touch and talked. He had just started a job before I got there and was working 7 days a week 12-16 hours a day :(. I didn't get to see my BF from HS as I couldn't find her number but that is ok. We went to the beach one day and visited a lot of the museums and historical sites while we were there on the island. On the fourth we had a big cookout at my parents house with family friends that I haven't seen in a long long time. It turned out really nice. Everyone hung out at the pool and on the upper and lower decks. My parents have a screened in porch area and that is where we set up all the food. At dark we shot off a bunch of fireworks that we bought when the guy ran into the front of the building :lol. You won't believe it but I actually did cleaning while I was there lol. I cleaned the house on Friday before the cook out:rofl. Other than that, we didn't do a whole lot but hang out at the pool, shopping, and son went fishing a couple of days with my dad.

Well, I probably should try to get something done around here. I went to bed this morning and about 10 mins later my neighbor was knocking on my door. I was so sleepy. I got up and went to his house to get my :rabbit. Poor thing, his cage only got cleaned one time while I was gone. So, as soon as I got him home I had to clean the cage. I felt so bad for him. My :goldfish died the day after I left. I also went to the post office to pick up my mail. Other than that I took about a 2 hour nap.

I hope everyone is having a great day and I am going to try to get something done. Don't know how much as I am really lazy and :yawn:tired. I will try to check back in later and catch up on some of your posts!!!!! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi again Besties!!


I still have a lot to do, but I don't feel like moving anything but my fingers right now (to chat with you). The eye doctor upped DD's prescription today. I figured something had changed, but I didn't want it to be worse. He says he expected it and it was supposed to happen, but I'm still not happy. She started wearing glasses at 14 months, and they say her prescription will get smaller as her eyes grow. Her eyes haven't grown yet. I guess I can't do anything but pray. And she really is too cute with her glasses. They're a part of her. She's always been great with them too.


Anyhoo! Welcome back Scooby and LeaAnne!!:hug:hug It's great to have you girls back! I'm so glad the vacations were good.


Colleen- Have fun at Scrabble night. I have no problem with you dedicating your glass of wine to me.;) I need to find or start a group like that around here. I need a life.


Stacy- Enjoy your badorkas-sitting self today!! Sounds like a good plan to me. I know what you mean about the ipod. I cannot clean without some good music.


Joanne- Go Delta Force!! I'm so glad you're enjoying your job more. It makes life much easier, I'm sure.


Mary- Yarn and hooks and bears--OH MY!! Be careful! I hear they're not the most neighborly creatures.


Vicki- Enjoy your vacation! It sounds like THE perfect vacation to me. You can't go wrong with Mickey and the Yankees!!


:hi, Beth, inkstaind, and wendiann! Hope you're having a great day!


I'm actually waiting for George to get here. We're going to Florida next Friday, and he's not invited. He came on my vacation with me last year. He owes me!!:angry Of course, you know George. He has a mind of his own and shows up when he feels like it.


I'll talk to you later, chicks!! :ghug

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Welcome Home Scooby--so glad you had a nice vacation and made it home safely!!! You were missed!



Shannon- Oh,my the FLEAS are back--how awful-:eek I think maybe Colleen should have a glass of wine for you! :yesMy oldest DD started wearing glasses when she was 4 and her first pair were called "strawberry shortcake" and had the little strawberry on the side- she looked so cute in them. I know you are probably disappointed that the prescription hasn't improved, but hey Janna looks so cute in her glasses! You are a great mom keeping up with all her appointments- kudos to you.


LeaAnne- Hope the DD's team does well tonight-:clap:cheer Weather here in NJ was absolutely perfect-ness today (Too bad was inside all day at work except for a walk at lunch) Perfect temp, no humidity-simply magnificent. Wish I could bottle it up! But, hey, we east coast folks deserve it after all the rain in June!!!


Stacy- Hope you had a wonderful day and got to spend it on your badorkus- we all need that sometimes- and the cleaning can wait---especially without music!


Colleen- sounds a like a great plan to get DD involved in the cleaning--especially the doll house! And hoping you have fun tonight with the gals! Enjoy a glass of wine for Shannon! Hey, you don't have to drive!!!


Beth- hope you had a great day


Mary- Hi to you too!


Well, I found another square to try- so I'll give it a whirl tonight! I also found one I like but it measures 13X13. It is from The Crochet Dude- Monet Afghan http://www.lulu.com/content/220209. Do any of you experienced "hookers" know how to make it 12X12?


Well, off to enjoy the quiet and concentrate on attempting a square before DH gets home and starts talkng while I'm counting!:lol

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Hi everyone

colleen.... have fun with the girls tonight.

scooby.... welcome home we missed you alot

shannon... fleas again???? I think I would be ripping my hair out by now.

Stacy.... glad you are cashing in on your :crocheting time.

joanne........ dh always tries to talk to me also when Iam counting.

vicki... have fun on your trip

leaAnne.... tell DD good luck with her game and I hope you enjoyed your deck today.

beth..hope you are having a great day

Today Dh and I had dentist app. I got a cleaning and Dh got a tooth pulled. He was in there for 1 1/2 hours. I was starting to worry. The roots were wraped around his jaw bone and they had to cut them out. He is taking pills for the pain and doing good now.

I went to the dollar store and picked up 84 balls of yarn for DD to make scarfs with, alot cheaper there then in yarn stores. Warmed up left overs for dinner and that is about it for me.

I worked on my squares last night. I got all the pieces made now I just have to put together.:cheer

keeping everyone in my prayers


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Happy Thursday to all! I just logged on for the first time today. I think I am all packed except for the last minute stuff. I ran the dishwasher and did a last load of towels before we go. This way all that stuff is not waiting for me when we come home.

Leanne - I have 4 dogs. Two are shi tzus and the other two are shi tzu mixes (one poodle, one havanese). They are all at the kennel and hopefully they are being good babies.

I hope everyone has a great evening and I will miss you guys while I'm gone. I have my yarn so I will be working on my squares.

Have a great week!


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mary- WOW 84 balls of yarn at the Dollar Store- I wish my Dollar Store had yarn like that- everytime I go they only have either lion brand incredible (ribbon yarn) or fun fur. What type does your Dollar store carry?


I was able to get about 14 rows of the square done before DH came home and started chatting away. I am making a simple square- (thanks Colleen for the link to an easy one). I lke the color- but I think it is turning out too large. I crochet loosely I guess. I was also thinking of making my DD a lapghan for her Birthday, so I could use it for that. But at least I have a pattern now that seems to be working. Just have to use a smaller hook I guess. I just measured it and even though it said it would be 12X12, mine is 15 wide......WHAT???? Oh, well, Ill use this for something. I'm not frogging again......


Cya in the AM and have a great rest of the evening....


Colleen- how's the wine????

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Hi again!!


Colleen- I mentioned that I need a life. I failed to mention that I also need a drink!


Joanne- Yeah, this 12x12 stuff is getting to me too! I feel your pain sister!! And thank you for the kudos. That really means a lot to me.:hug


Vicki- Thanks for checking in again. Have a safe and glorious vacation!! Will you have a computer with you?


Mary- I'd be pulling my hair out, but I wouldn't want to burn my bald head at the beach next week! I hope DH's mouth feels better soon. That sounds really painful! 84 balls of yarn--wow!! You girls are some serious hookers!


LeaAnne- How'd the game go? We're still here for you and your quit-ness!! You can do it, SuperQ!!!


I don't know if I already shared this, but I just learned that I've been crocheting all wrong.:blush:eek:think The single crochet. How sad is that?:( So, I'm putting the flower yoke top aside for the moment. The good news is, your squares will look much nicer now. The bad news is (hopefully), you won't be able to laugh at me when you get your square!! Sorry girls. haha


I have to get my badorkas in gear this week and get a bunch done before I leave. I'm gonna pull a "Scooby" (such an inspiration) so I can come home to a nice clean house. Ahhh, that will be so nice!!


Have a great night, Besties!! Sleep tight!

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:blush Sorry dear friends but I still haven't read thru all the posts :(. But I did get a lot done today. I got the :rabbit cage cleaned, all my bags are unpacked, dishes washed, truck cleaned out, mail sorted, house straightened back up where everything just got tossed today. But, I guess tomorrow I will have to get my nose back down to the grindstone :lol. I have some clothes to sort through that my mom is handing down and housework again:sigh. But since I cleaned before I left, the main thing is just dusting and vacuuming. I did all my :wash while on vacation so there might be a load that didn't get done before we left.

AWWWWWWWW thanks Shannon:hug. It is nice to know that I am an inspiration to you!!!!!Be careful what part of Scooby you pull, it might not be so pleasing :rofl. But if you pull the cleaning Scooby, you might be alright :lol. It is nice to come home to a clean house.

I am right there with ya LeaAnne on the :yawn:tired. I have been up since 12:30 Wednesday afternoon and it is now almost 2 am. My interrupted 2 hour nap just isn't gonna last much longer.

Well, I think I am going to go :sleep now. Hopefully tomorrow my badorkas won't be dragging 10 ft behind me and I can get my cleaning done and then come here and go back to June 23 posts and get current and up to date.

Hope everyone gets a great nite's sleep and don't forget to take your vitamins!!!! I have been good and taking mine. Lots of :hug:bheart to you all!!!!

PS: Did I mention how great it is to be back amongst those that are just absolutely fantastic!!!! YOU ARE THE BESTEST!!!!!!!

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:coffee Good Morning, friends!


I hope everyone had a good night's sleep and that you have taken your vitamins...


Scooby - Girl, I just don't know how you do it :nworthy... You are incredible! I hope that you have a great day, and actually sit down and relax for a while. :xfin that that road rash on your badorkus isn't too bad! :rofl It sure is great to have you back:hug


Shannon - :thinkyou've been crocheting all wrong? or have you been :crocheting all left? I am curious to learn more about your discovery :heehee

I hope that Janna enjoys her new glasses... she sounds soooo cute!

OH! ...and I hope those fleas are jumping on out of there!


Stacy - How is your family doing? I think about your cousin, grandma, and DH's cousin all the time... :hugI hope all is well and that you got to enjoy some great :crocheting time yesterday!


Joanne - I missed you this morning! I hope you had a HAPPY FRIDAY with that Delta Force! Yabba Dabba DOOOO... it's the weekend :jumpyay


Vicki - have a wonderful vacation!:cheer:clap I am sure that your babies are being very well behaved at the kennel! I, too, have a Shih-Tzu... her name is Daisy and she's absolutely spoiled ROTTEN!


Hi, Mary! I hope you haven't seen anymore black bears! Great find at the dollar store yesterday! Sounds like you got a steal! What kind of yarn was it?


Colleen - how was Scrabble night? I hope you had fun, and enjoyed that wine for Shannon!:wink


Good morning, too, to Beth, Inkstained and Wendiann... I hope that you are all doing well:hug:hug



Today's agenda is to get my general cleaning done early, then spend some time cleaning out the rest of my garage. We are having a couple of birhtday parties here in the next couple of weeks, and I need a place for the kids to "hang out" if it rains. So I need to finish clearing it, sweep it out, then arrange the extra furniture that I have out there to make it look like a cool place to be. I have an extra mini-stereo to put out there, too, so it will be pretty cool when I am done (I hope!)

Next week, DH will be on the road for most of the week, so my goal will be to finally get my DD's bedrooms painted.

Party #1 is next Friday afternoon, so I better get this badorkus in HIGH GEAR!~:eek


Have a great morning, Besties.... and I'll check in in a bit

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Good morning Besties!


Joanne must have been running late this morning, so I'll remind you to take your vitamins :rofl


Scrabble night was fun. We never actually played scrabble :blush, but we had a great chat and I did have a little glass of wine. I didn't read all this until now or I would have known to have a 2nd glass for Shannon :rofl And Shannon, you most definitely do have a life. You've got friends all over the place :lol.


Scooby - I hope you got some sleep. Everything will get done, but you need sleep! I'm glad to hear you got to chat with the HS sweetheart.


Shannon - WTG getting Janna's eye appt done. She really is cute with her glasses and that's great that she is good about wearing them.


Joanne - Good luck with your square. As for making it smaller. A smaller hook would work. If your 12 inch ends up 15 inches, why not make a 9 inch square and it will end up 12 inches? :rofl That's the greatest thing about crochet, you just do what works for you and it is an original! I didn't look closely at that Drew Emobrsky square, but I will here in a minute.


Vicky - You are off on vacation! Have fun in Sunny California! We can't wait to hear all about it!


Mary - I hope DH's mouth isn't too sore today. Good score on the yarn at the $ store. You sure do know how to find those :yarn bargains! But then again, for the amount you ladies :crocheting you need to. It's like running a business for you!


LeaAnne - I hope you had a good sleep. It is nice to be home in your own bed, isn't it?


Stacy - :hi! I hope you enjoyed sitting on your badorkus. Did you find your :ipod?


DH is at work this morning, so I am going to enjoy the quiet house and get caught up on some more laundry and tidying. It is going to be very hot and sunny here today, so I might get DD out in her pool or over to the splash pad. I didn't make a square yesterday, so I'm going to try to get one made today. I have to stay focused or I will start a new project and then I'll be in trouble! :hook I am going to have to sit down like LeaAnne did and plan what :yarn and patterns I'm packing for my long car trip to Ohio.


Have a great day!

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Sorry y'all. I'm afraid that nothing got done yesterday...not even crocheting! No clean, no nothing. I am afraid that I suffer from migraines that cause me to get dizzy which it goes worse with movement. Fortunatly for me, I have parents who understand this very well and know that there will be days when nothing much gets done. It doesn't stop me from feeling slightly guilty however.


Today I need to at least do kitchen chores, wash/dry/fold my Dad's uniforms, and go over to help my Grandmother to wash her windows. These are the minium requirements for the day. Given that I already have a small migraine...those things are probably the only thing that will get done.

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LeaAnne - We were posting at the same time! Good luck with that garage clean out and painting DD's bedreoom!


Beth - I missed you in my last message. :hi I hope you are relaxing by the pool, but I'm sure you are also putting some miles on that van of yours.


inkstained - I hope your migraine goes away soon. Those are the worst. Take care of yourself and don't feel guilty about taking downtime when you need it. :hug


TGIF everyone!

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