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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Good morning everyone!

Hope you all have a great day- running a little behind this AM- have a busy day of work ahead of me, and looking forward to coming home since middle DD will be here. (wonder if she'll have dinner ready?). I'm taking her to the train tonight after dinner so she can return to Philly- I'll catch up with you all tonight.


Remember, take your vitamins and enjoy the day!

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Good morning everyone,


It is finally rainning today! The rain was falling all around us, and it finally came and fell here! YAY! Any by you, Shannon?


I need to vacuum today and do sopme dusting. DD is supposed to go play at a friend's house, so I can plug in the cd player and clean away. I have some laundry to fold. I am gpoiing to do a last laundry before we go tomorrrow and then finish packing.


Stacy - How are you feeling today? Did you go to the doctor?


Mary - Glad you had a great craft fair and sold lots of boobie pillow! And yoiu get extra time with your DS to boot! Enjoy it!


Colleen - I sent you my address for the squares!


Good morning to Leanne, Joanne, Shannon, and Beth. Have a great day all!



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Hi everyone

I forgot to report what I did yesterday. I washed, dryed, folded and put away 3 loads of laundry. Did the dishes 2x , they just kept piling up. Made supper and did the dishes again. Cleaned the dog cage and then worked on my squares.

Not too sure what Iam going to do today yet. I didn't sleep too good last night. Last night I went out on the deck to have a smoke and looked in the driveway to see a bear walking around. I knew he couldn't get me cause I was too high up but it scared me just the same. I guess this is the joys of living in the country.

I will try and get back on later

bye for now :manyheart

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I'm so happy this morning. Today is my deep cleaning day. The one day of the week that I do intense cleaning around the house and almost nothing else. So far with my sister's help: the kitchen is done, the living room straightened, and towels are being washed. I now have an hour break for lunch while I wait patiently for the Dyrer to actually dry the towels. Our dryer is very old and is starting to break so it usually takes two cycles in order to dry anything heavy, even on high heat. Things I still have to do: vacoom the downstairs, straighten the bathroom, clean the toilet (my least favorite chore), and fold and put away laundry. Tonight I'll be going with my family to Dover to do some much needed household supplies shopping then I'll have all evening to crochet!

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Good morning! (Or I should say afternoon...I think it definitely past noon for everyone. :lol)


Joanne- I hope your daughter is able to find something soon. The teaching program sounds nice. Good luck to her!


Colleen- Glad you had fun with your playdate. I sent you my addy this morning, also.


Beth- How in the world do you get anything done between all of the :drive ing that you do? You are amazing. :hug


Vicki- :clap for rain!!! I wish it would rain here, but, of course, when it does, it is only in the winter months. So I still have a while to wait. LoL


Mary- A bear! Yikes! Glad you were up high enough that it couldn't bother you. Still- how unnerving.


inkstained- Welcome! Sounds like you got alot done already today. Have fun getting the cleaning supplies- I love to shop for them, but don't like to use them much. Funny how that works. :lol


wendiann- Welcome to you! Don't feel bad about having your kids clean- I'm sure some of it is their mess, too. ;) It depends on their ages, of course, but it helps if you have set chores for them to do every day. My older 2 make their beds (as best as they can, they are 6 and 4) clean their room, pick up their toys from the living room, and set and clear the table. :D On occasion, they ask to help with mopping the floor or cleaning the bathroom but since they are so young I generally don't let them clean with chemicals. :lol


Let's see...today was laundry day. I left kind of late (around 10, usually I am there by 8) but the laundromat was almost empty. I watched the Michael Jackson memorial service while waiting for the dryers to finish. Now my clothes are in the car, waiting for my youngest to wake up so I can go get them. I need to vacuum and *maybe* take the girls swimming, but that is not looking too promising. They are taking quite a while to clean their room, and we have not had lunch yet. We have karate later, also. That is all to report here. Have a great afternoon, besties. :hug

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:hi everyone!


My gosh it felt like a Wednesday today, but it is only Tuesday. :think I ran a lot of errands today (groceries, walmart, some returns I had to make, library). I didn't get much else done besides kitchen tidy and a load of laundry. I also worked this evening.


inkstain and wendiann24 - Welcome!


Stacy - Good job getting your laundry done. Did you get that laundromat 'ghan done or are you still waiting for more brown yarn?


Mary - WTG getting so much done too! That is scary about the bear. Was it a black bear? Baby bear or big bear?


Vicky - I hope you have a wonderful trip!


Joanne - I hope everything went well with your DD's visit and getting her back to Philly. I sure hope she finds something!


Beth - WTG getting so much done at your place! I bet these summer months are fun with the teenagers off school and enjoying their friends and summer jobs. Fun times!


Shannon, LeaAnne, Scooby - :hi howz it going?


I am going to finish a square now.


Have a great evening!

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Oh yes, before I forget thanks to all who sent me their addresses. I have Joanne, Beth, Mary, Stacy, Vicky and Shannon so far. Once the others get back from their vacations I'm sure I'll have a full list. Thank you!

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Hi all,

Mary- I'm so glad that you were up high-that bear would have put me into heart failure I'm sure!! And boy, were you busy with all that cleaning. Hope you got some down time.


Vicki- have a great trip. When will you be back? Glad to hear you finally got the much needed rain. We actually had a storm this afternoon, but luckily it didn't last long and the sun came back out. This has got to be the wettest summer so far that I can remember!


Beth- You amaze me and i recall fondly (not) those days of basically living in my car driving back and forth between activities. I wish i was crocheting back then- although I did get lots of reading done!


Stacy- glad you got the laundry done- and got to watch some of the Memorial while waiting for the clothes to dry. How did Karate go tonight?


Shannon- hope you had a good day!


Inkdstain and wendiann- welcome! inkstained- you sure were busy today! And wendiann- don't feel bad about having the kids help out. Always remember you are teaching them life skills! When my 3 DD's were younger, they all had chores to do. It teaches them responsibility.


LeaAnne and Scooby- enjoying your vacations I hope! And LeaAnne, looks like the weather was good for you. How did DD's softball game go on Sunday?


When I came home from work, DD had started dinner--she is a vegetarian so she make zucchini and eggplant. It was yummy and all I had to do was clean up after! Not a bad deal. Not much other cleaning went on today since I was at work all day and then spent some precious time with DD. Got her to the train around 8:30- She is remaining positive that she will find something. She spoke to the owner of the bar- he was a little annoyed that she isn't coming back to work there, but she explained that she doesn't feel safe there and just wants to move on. Good for her! I told her she should always follow her gut- if it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. And she knows I am always here to help her through the rough times!


Colleen- Did you get to work on your square? I really need to get my badorkus in gear and start working on one. I think tomorrow night will be the night!!!


Cya in the AM.......pleasant dreams everyone!

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Hey Besties!!


I've been :lurk all day, but haven't had too much to report. We had a quiet day around here. I did empty and fill the dishwasher and got 3 loads of laundry washed and dried, but not yet folded. I also did a general clean up, and the house is ready to be vacuumed tomorrow. My parents and I are doing a kid-switch (they get DD, I get my sister) tomorrow, and I'm really excited about that. We're going to the movies, and then we're gonna play Spite and Malice (card game) all night and watch old movies. Holiday Inn is our favorite!! BTW, DD's EEG has been scheduled for Tuesday, so please keep your :xfin that I'll be able to get her to go to sleep.


wendiann and inkstained- Welcome! BTW wendiann--I agree that the kids should learn to help out. If my parents had given me chores, my house wouldn't be so scary. It's only gotten better since I've found the wonderful girls in this group to give me a :kick now and then to get things done.


Mary- The items you and DD make are stunning!! And what a great selection! It's good to have you back. Watch out for those bears!!


Vicki- Have a safe trip. You guys must be so excited. I want to go to Disney so bad! Glad you got some rain. We got ours Sunday and a little bit yesterday. I was sad to see the sun. I love rainy days!!


Beth- Goodness, you could definitely run circles around me!! Hope you have some time to rest and :crocheting.


Stacy- How was karate tonight? Did you get to go swimming?


Joanne- It sounds to me like your DD is making the right decision. I'm glad you had a good visit with her. The teaching program sounds exciting!


Colleen- Such a busy bee, and finding time to work on your bestie squares! WTG:yay


Scooby and LeaAnne- Missing you and hope your vacations have been filled with rest-ness and :crocheting-ness!!

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Hello everyone!:hi


Yesterday was nutz! I took oldest ds to work before 9, even though he didn't need to be there until 11, because dd was dancing for a nursing home, and needed to be at the studio by 9. If I didn't drive her, the dance instructor would have, and that lady is 88 years old. (She may actually drive better than I do, but I was not going to risk my "baby" with her!) So I went, and enjoyed it very much. My dd isn't a perfect dancer, but she has come a long way, and she has so much grace -- so different from me -- and she enjoys dancing so much. I love to watch it. So we got home about 11. I grabbed my other ds, we grabbed our lawn care gear, and we mowed the ballet studio lawn and the ballet teacher's lawn. We went out for lunch, came back, and he changed to swim clothes, and I took him to the pool. I came home, started pizza dough for the gluten eaters in the family, got ready for work, and went back to the ballet studio, where I help at the desk a couple times a month. While I was gone, my dh took my dd to her cake decorating class. A friend returned my middle ds after swim practice. I picked up my oldest ds immediately after work. Then I made middle ds's gluten free pizza. Not much housework done yesterday. Today we'll get laundry done, catch up the kitchen, and shop for dh's birthday present. (He asked why I was going to a nursing home yesterday. I said he was turning 47, so I was checking it out for him.):rofl


Shannon, your kid swap sounds like a lot of fun. And you say you didn't have much to report, but it sounds like a nice productive day to me!


Joanne, so nice to have your dd at home, cooking!:manyheart Paricularly if she does a good job of it! I am so glad she left that job. She will find something much better now.


Colleen, finishing a square -- hmmmmm. :think what's that like?


Stacy, did you make it to the pool? Getting all the laundry done at once sounds great. I usually do 2 or 3 loads a day, just to keep it from piling up here. I can see the appeal of doing it all at once, though.


inkstained, have you cleaned all the lint out of your dryer? Sometimes that's the problem when it takes a long time to dry. I had a gas dryer, and thought it wasn't working right, when I realized that the outside part of the vent was clogged, and needed to be emptied periodically. :blush When your parents take care of all maintenance when you are growing up, you just don't learn some things! Did you have a good time shopping in Dover?


Mary, wow. A bear!!! Wow! I'm glad you were up high. Do you see them often? I would like to watch one, but only if I knew I was perfectly safe. Did you sleep better last night?


Vicki, did you enjoy the :rain? Did you get everything packed? Have a safe and fun trip!!!


Everyone else, :hug:manyheart :hi

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Good morning!


Shannon- sounds like fun having a swap day with DD and your sister. How old is your sister? Hope you have a fantabulous time together today! Hope that the EEG on Tuesday goes well- fingers crossed!


LeaAnne- Welcome home today! Hope you had a wonderful, relaxing time at the Cape.


Scooby doo- where are you? Can't wait to hear about the rest of your vacation!


Colleen, Vicki, Stacy, Beth, Mary, inkstained and wendiann- have a great day! Remember your vitamins!


CYA later!!!!:ghug

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Hi guys! I am almost packed! I just need to get some laundry going - all the last minute stuff! Then I can pack it all up. So my cleaning list today is to get the laundry done and do the dusting. DD has Tae kwon do tonight, so that will be later. I need to check her suitcase to make sure she packed everything. This is the first time she packed herself so I just want to make sure that it is all packed. Then she can pack herself! Thanks to all the well wishers for a good trip. We have tickets to go see my Yankeess play the Angels Sunday afternoon. That will be the highlight for me!

Shannon - Good luck at the doctor on Tuesday! I hope it all goes well.

Welcome to inkstained and wendiann. This is a great group and they help keep me up with my house!

Good morning to Beth, Mary, Stacy, Leanne, and Joanne. Hope everyone has a great day.

I will check in later. Have a good one!


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Hello all, I've done my mandtory cleaning hour already today. Thanks to yesterday, all I had to do today is kitchen chores which takes almost no time at all considering we have a dishwasher. This is why I like my once a week cleaning days. Yes, it makes for a very long exhausting cleaning spree on the days it occurs but for the rest of the week all I really have to do is make sure the kitchen is cleaned ever day and the house is vacummed ever other day.


I also don't like using household cleaning supplies and I certainly don't like shopping for them. However dishwasher liquid, laundry detergent, dish soap, and paper towels are an absolute most. Everything else can be solved with baking soda, vinegar, and a little bit of elbow grease.


inkstained, have you cleaned all the lint out of your dryer? Sometimes that's the problem when it takes a long time to dry. I had a gas dryer, and thought it wasn't working right, when I realized that the outside part of the vent was clogged, and needed to be emptied periodically. :blush When your parents take care of all maintenance when you are growing up, you just don't learn some things! Did you have a good time shopping in Dover?


Yes, we clean our vent (the one in the dryer itself) after every use. We even a special do-hiky (looks like a toilet snake only much, much longer, with a lint trapper at the end) that cleans our entire rent system once a month. Our drying problems arise from two problems: 1) It is getting older. We're had this dry since I can remember and I'm 22 years old. 2.) It's summer so this means one horrible word: Humidity!


Living in Delaware you learn to live with Humidity. I mean Humidity so think it feels like your walking in soup somedays. I mean humidity so bad I go out for the mail somedays and have to change because my clothes are soaking wet and my mailbox is exactly 8 steps out our front door. Our dryer is in the only un-air conditioned, un-insulated room in the house. In the winter we dry things no problem. But in the summer once it starts getting humid its almost impossible to dry anything. Especially since everything feels wet anyway. This makes drying anything extremly interesting.


Projects for the rest of the day: Finish two doilies (one big, one small). Make a couple bookmarks. Have fun.

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In the winter we dry things no problem. But in the summer once it starts getting humid its almost impossible to dry anything. Especially since everything feels wet anyway. This makes drying anything extremly interesting.


Do you have a backyard or patio where you could hang-dry them? Maybe that would be better on very hot days. I am so thankful we do not have humidity in L.A. When I lived in MI sometimes it was so bad it seemed hard to breathe. Of course, no humidity= no rain, so that kinda sucks. It's a trade-off, I guess.


Beth- You are just unbelievable! Can you bottle up some of your energy and send it to me? :lol


Vicki- Have a great vacation!!! Enjoy your game.


Shannon- Have a fun swap day! I will keep my fingers crossed that everything works out for the EEG. Do you have to take her while she is still sleeping or is there a way to make her sleep while she is there?


Joanne- As always, thanks for the vitamin reminder. Have a great Delta Force day. :hug


If I thought last Tuesday was a fiasco, then are no words to describe karate last night. :shrug The Sensei allowed oldest dd to help her sister this week. It didn't do any good. She was loud, danced around, waved and yelled "Hi Mom!" several times while they were supposed to be in an attention stance, etc, etc. At one point I had to get up and tell her to quiet down because she didn't listen to the instructor. She's not too young- there are several kids younger than her in there and they follow directions- it is just that her personality is all wrong for it. Dh wants her to "try one more time" but I told him that if she does, he has to take them. I don't have the patience for it. :blush


Today I have to pick up some produce- some fruit is "mysteriously missing" and no one knows what happened to it. I told the girls I would take them to the park early before it gets too hot, then after lunch we will probably go swimming, since we didn't get to yesterday. Lots of fun with my little ladies today. :manyheart

Have a wonderful day!

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Stacy - :rofl the mysteriously missing fruit. Did you look under the seats in the car? You have to be careful with missing fruit! Good luck with your middle DD and the karate challenge. I'm sure she isn't the first 4 year old taht didn't listen well to the sensei.


Beth - Wow! You are busy! That was very nice of you to mow the dance instructor's lawn. I can't imagine an 88 year old dance instructor! Good for her!


Joanne - I hope you and Delta Force had a great day! Good luck with starting your square!


Vicky - Happy last load of laundry and packing! I hope DD's tae kwon do goes well. And enjoy your trip--especially that ball game!


Shannon - Enjoy your kid-swap. Sounds like fun!


LeaAnne - Welcome home day! I hope you and your whole gang had a blast at the cape.


Scooby - I think you should be getting home soon too, so Welcome Home! I hope your vacation was relaxing!


inkstained - I agree with Stacy, you should try hanging your laundry outside. We try not to run the dryer in the summer when it is humid (and we get humidity just like Stacy had in Michigan--those Great Lakes make lots of summer humidity). I try to hang most of it out. Dryers also generate a lot of heat in the house this time of year! I hear what your saying about a dryer that doesn't work well. Mine was like that and then I tried a different cycle option and it works great!


I finished 2 squares last night, so I'm up to 4 done:yay. I'm trying to finish one a day, but if I don't it's okay. That's just a goal.


Have a great afternoon/evening! I'll check in later.

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Colleen- great job on getting 2 squares finished last night! I'm thinking of ordering the yarn for my squares when I order the brown for my afghan. I just can't decide on a color- thank goodness we have until Sept. 1. :blush


As for the missing fruit- no I haven't checked under the seat but that is a good idea. It might have fallen out of the bag when I turned or something. :think All I know is, I bought strawberries and blueberries specifically for shortcake and muffins, and neither one was in my fridge this morning. :shrug My MIL told me about a store near her house that has a huge produce sale on Wednesdays, so we went there today. I bought a 10-lb bag of potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, mangoes, and about 3 lbs each of broccoli, apples, peaches, grapes, and plums- all for only $7!! :eek:clap:manyheart I cannot tell you how much I love a good sale. :rofl


I took the girls to the park for about 2 hours this morning, then went to the market. Came home, ate lunch, and went swimming for 3 hours. :eek I think I'm covered in the Vitamin-D department today. :lol I'm going to veg here for about 10 minutes then get dinner started. The apartment has stayed relatively clean the past couple of days so hopefully I can just put my feet up after dinner and :crocheting. I am about 3/4 finished with the wrap from Crochet Today. I should be done with it right about the time I finally get a pic of my shell. :blush

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HI everyone!

Had a great day at work- I'm loving the stress-less work I am doing- I am very busy, but not stressed- it is wonderful!

Beth- you must have been posting when I was this AM so just read your post now- Wow-it was a nutzy day- how do you do it? and Clean? and everything else. I am impressed- an 88 year old dance instructor- but I'm with you on the driving ...I am leary of drivers at that age too... Hope you had a good day


Stacy- I agree, DH should take the DD's to karate next week- who knows, maybe with him there he'll see that this might not be the sport for her...or she may do better....

Glad you got such a bargain..I'm all about the sales too---it gives you such a "high"! Sounds like you had a great day today--good for you!!!!


Colleen- You are putting us to shame with all the squares you are getting done. I'm going to attempt one tonight as I watch the Yankees


Vicki- Have a great time at the Yankee/Angels game- Lucky you!! Go Yanks!


Mary- hope you had a good day


Inkedstain-hope you got to do the crocheting you had planned for today. And I totally relate to the humidity--living here in NJ we get it too!!! Today was absolutely stupendous weather wise- I took a walk after work just to enjoy the sunshine (and get some Vitamin D) after being cooped up all day at work.


LeaAnne- welcome home


Shannon- did you get rain again today--know how much you like it....I'll take sunshine and low humidity and beautiful blue skies every day!!


Scooby-hope to hear from you soon


Off to make some dinner...I'll try and check in later

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Hey, all! I am trying to get through all the posts to see what you've been up to.... WoW-ness! Busy girls you are!!! WTG! And I MISSED YOU ALL!


Really quick (cause I am supposed to be unpacking:devil)


Vicki - Have a fantabulous vacation!


:welcome to Inkstained and Wendiann, to the COOLEST CAL there is!!! I am so glad that you found us :manyheart and hang around for a while, because these ladies are a true inspiration!


... and welcome back, Mary! :eek you must have been so scared from that bear!


No word from Scooby yet? ScoobyDoo, Where ARE you?!


Hey Shannon! Hope all is well... missed you and your funny-ness... how are Janna, Honey and BigBob? Is DH home to stay? :rofl about the fruit snacks at church! That girl is a chip off the old block :yes:lol:lol


:hi Stacy! You're feeling better? I was thinking of your ear and hoping that you are better. Sounds like you've been getting a lot of :crocheting:crocheting done too! That is AWESOMENESS! :clap Can't wait to see pics of your top and wrap!


:waving Colleen! I missed you and the adventures of the LIMA GREEN! :cheer:cheer ...and WTG :nworthy on getting so many squares done!


:hi, Beth... :nworthy... Queen of the accomplished! :c9 You continue to inspire us all... with cleaning, crocheting, and teaching life-skills to your children...:dreaming YOU ROCK, GIRL! I missed you, too... (:drool and love DD's sweater, btw:wink)


AND... :hi, :waving to JOANNE! Sounds like you have been having some great times with DH... Lowell Spinners, huh? Their home field is only about 20 minutes from here...

... and YES, I thought of you AND Vicki with the Yankees climb in the GB column:lol:)

I hope that your weather has stayed nice there in Jersey:sun:U


The Cape was nice... we had a lot of fun and got a couple of days on the beach:clap:c9 ...got a little too much Vitamin D the first day (sunburn) but that was ok... I also got quite a bit of :crocheting time :cheerI started a cute little top I found in one of my old crochet mags. It's called "Lacy Summer Top" from the Family Circle Easy Crochet magazine. I like it, I just hope it's not too young looking when I'm done with it, or I'll have to give it to one of my DD's :rofl... I'm using a pale lavendar color.

The boys got out golfing a couple of times, and we girls got to the mall.

All in all, the weekend was a :tup


I missed you all BUNCHES, and am glad to be home :rainbow:c9

Even if it is :raining AGAIN!




Hugs, Besties!

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Hi everyone

The bear was a black bear and from my eyes it was big.:eek Don't care if I never see another one thankyou.

Today I went to work for 3 hours and did the dishes. I didn't get anything else done... oh well, I guess we all have days like that.

Beth.. I don't know how you do it. How do you keep everything straight? Nursing home for hubby? I think I would be looking for a room for the weekend :lol

Joanne.. Iam so glad you are enjoying your new job. It makes life so much nicer.

Vicky.. Have a great trip.

Shannon.. enjoy your night with your sis. My sister and I take a weekend together in the fall of the year. We have such a good time.

Stacy..It is nice that you met someone near too you that crochets. Are you going to get together? When we lived in the city and in the summer I would take the kids swimming every day. We would do our chores in the morning and swimming in the afternoon.

LeaAnne and Scooby.. I hope you had a great trip and welcome home.

Colleen.. I can see that you got my address. I forgot to tell you :think. Brain dose not work all the time:think I will let you know about the yarn shop as soon as I can. It would more then likely be in the morning or near lunch. :woo On getting 4 squares done.

Inkstain and Wendiann24.. Welcome to the group. This is the nicest bunch of ladies I have ever met.;) It is like I got a whole bunch of new sisters here.

Iam still not telling about my squares, But Iam going to go and watch some T,V and work on them.

You are all in my thoughts


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Welcome Home LeaAnne- glad you had such great weather at the Cape!!!! And sorry that it is raining again up by you.


Shannon I forgot that this was switch night- enjoy the time with your sister!!!!!


Mary- You are right- this is the best group of ladies!!! I am addicted to this CAL- even if we don't report on too much cleaning anymore:rofl


Well, off to :crocheting while the Yanks are on!



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Busy evening around here, ladies! I love all the chitter chatter. It is definitely like a whole group of sisters or friends. Love it!


I was in the last round of another square this evening (DD was playing in the bathtub, so I was sitting on the little foot stool :crocheting away). Phone rings, can we come to the park to play? Sure, so out of the bath DD came, dressed and out the door in 30 seconds (this is the kid it is a major battle to dress any other time), and away we went for an hour of digging in the sand. Guess what we had to do when we got home? Another bath :rofl. Oh well, she had fun! So, I'll have to get back to that square, but it will definitely be done tonight.


LeaAnne - Welcome home! So happy to hear that you had a great extra long weekend! You so deserve it! Glad to hear you got some :crocheting time in too. I can't wait to see your lacy summer top! So was that something you packed the yarn for or is it something you bought while on vacation? :hook


Joanne - Good luck with that square while the Yankees are playing. I'm thinking you should do a square in Yankees colors. :hook


Mary - Figured it might be a black bear. Scary! Did you hear the story in the news this week about the young mom in BC? She opened her front door to put something on the porch and a bear nudged his way in her door and headed for the kitchen. She grabbed her 3 yo son and took him into the bedroom where the baby was sleeping in the crib :eek. She blocked the door and called her DH who called the police. I think the bear met with a couple shots (when they are in your house, I certainly don't mind hearing that) and the woman and her babies are okay. I cannot imagine how scary that would be! Mary, be careful going outside!!!!


Stacy - I have never heard of a produce sale. Must be a California thing. :think Good for you getting a deal! It is nice to hear that you can get a good deal on the healthy stuff! Most of our produce is trucked in from California (not so much this time of year when our local farmers are producing), so when the price of gas went up the past year or so the cost of everything went up! Crazy!


I gotta go finish that square...and do the dishes...and fold a load of laundry. Have a great evening!

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Hello there!


I mangaged to get my laundry done and folded. Yes, I even folded it all amazingly enough. I went through DD's suitcase and flipped. She packed stuff that was way too warm and then she packed school outfits! Nothing folded, all crunched up. I blew a gasket when she opened her closet and all the clothes were on the floor. Off went the t.v., and she had to pick it all up. She lost all t.v. and computer privileges for the day. Ooh, I was mad.


Now all I have to do is take the dogs to the kennel tomorrow. Most of my stuff is ready. I need to pack my yarn for my squares and my binder for my paper. Otherwise, I think I am ready. Now hubby just has to pack. He can do his whenever he gets home.

Joanne - Go Yanks!


Stacy - Great sale! You must have been loving it!


Welcome me Leanne - Glad you had a great time. Yes, the Yankees are climbing in the GB column. We still have half the season to go!


Mary - A black bear! Yikes! Glad you were way out of his reach.


Shannon - Have fun with your sister tonight!


Have a great night ladies!



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Well, I did about 1/2 a square- didn't think it was coming out right so frogged it and started another. I think i am sticking with simplicity on the squares- hope you don't mind. And Colleen, I will tell you that the squares are going to be blue...no so much a Yankees blue- which would be navy, but a dusty blue. Does that count? I'm toying with the idea of adding another color- a linen color- we'll see....DH won't be home tomorrow night- so I'll have peace and quiet. He thinks nothing of talking to me (doesn't he know I'm counting?):eek Maybe that's why I had trouble with the first one.:think


Well, off to finish watching the game in bed.


Pleasant dreams everyone!:night

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:hi, Vicki! You have been getting a lot done, girl! I am proud... and sorry about DD's packing habits... sounds like my own darlings:blush

Good luck with getting the dogs to the kennel, and have a great time!:clap What kind of dogs do you have?


:hi, Colleen! The yarn I am using is some that I had brought for another project. I had planned black for this top, but it was a bit too thick, and i couldn't get the guage right, so this is a good second choice.

:rofl about the trip to the park! :rolleyes sounds like my house:devil And I loved hearing that you too :crocheting in the bathroom;) I do too with 2 of mine, who don't want to be alone in there... my seat though is the throne.. hey, wait does that make me a :princess ?! :rofl....

hope you had a great night!


Shannon - I just read through again what I missed... Janna is at 2nd grade level?! THAT IS SO WONDERFUL! Enjoy your time with your sis tonight, and tell her :hi from me!!! Cards sounds like fun. It's cool that you get to spend so much time together:yes


:waving Stacy - sorry about the berry-mysterious fruit... :heehee it was YUMMY!:devil That produce place sounds like someplace I'd like to visit too! Deliciousity! :xfin abut 4 y/o DD at the next karate class... I agree, maybe DH should take them.


Hey, there Mary! I would have to agree with you... I, too, feel like I have a bunch of sisters! It is so wonderful, having so many terrific friends! :manyheart:hug OH! and :xfin that you don't see anymore bears around;)


:hi, Joanne! hey, did the Yankees win? I think Colleen might be right... you should make pinstriped squares! :rofl

How is your DD doing? I am praying that the teaching fellowship works out for her :xfin... her other job sounded like it was getting creepy and scary:scared... I am glad that she left. :whew you must feel so much better... have you and DH looked into any other housing communities? And how's things with the Delta Force? P.S. :lol I laughed about DH talking while you were counting! Too funny! That stuff happens to me all the time! i hope your evening of alone time gets all of your numbers all set!


:waving Beth! hope you had a great day! I am with you on the 2-3 loads of laundry thing... I am really missing my :wash that has not yet been replaced :sigh Maybe this weekend we'll go buy it. I am just :think on what one I want for the budgeted amount. Washing for 6 of us= Extra heavy duty


:hi Inkstained - You sure did get a lot done... and it sounds like you have a good plan. You appear to be an ambitious girl! Good for you! I am sure that your parents are glad to have you there, too:yes :wink

I hope you got your doilies done that you wanted. What sort of things are you making for the craft fair? ... you said you were doing one, right?


:hi Wendiann - How old are your DK's? Good Going on teaching them life skills! :clap What kinds of things do you enjoy crocheting the most?

My tip for conquering the :help of too little cleaning, too much :crocheting, is to hang around here!:lol No, seriously, though, we do share when we find things that work for each of us, and give each other a :kick when we might need it, or a :hug or :cheerfor encouragement. It's a great support system that has already worked wonders in my own home! and once you start posting your progress here, you will feel so great, you might even get a little more excited about the accomplishment. Of course, borrowing an :ipod from one of the kids, or playing your favorite upbeat music helps to get things going, too! (that's my personal favorite trick!)

Anyway, welcome to the gang! And I am here with :xfin for you!


:hi, Scooby! Are you home yet:? We miss you over here!!!!


Well, besties... i guess I have :blah enough... I just looked at the clock, and it's almost pumpkin hour:eek I have a long day of catch-up cleaning to do around here, so I need my beauty sleep :rofl


Nitey-nite, all, and Sweet Dreams!


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