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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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It sounds like a wonderful day! Your sister is one lucky girl to have you for a sister. :manyheart


Awww! Thank you sweetie :hug I try to be a good family member :yes


Hi Tracy! How are you? I plan on some of that quality crochet time later today. DD and I are going to do a little shopping and have lunch. :)


With so much going on, I completely forgot to tell you all our news! :D We have found a new puppy and will bring her home on May 5th. DH and I have never been without at least one dog in 38 years and we decided not to wait. She is a Cairn Terrier and is 9 weeks old. Of course, I forgot to take a camera,:blush but we'll be taking lots of pictures soon. Zoe will be a big sister for the first time...hope she behaves. :lol


Oh that's fabulous news, Mary!! :hug What will her name be? Can't wait to see her! I'm sure Zoe will let her know who the boss is real quick and then it'll be nice and calm...well as calm as life can be with a baby animal :lol Hope you had a lovely time with DD as well :hug


Mary, I'm so happy you found a puppy! We're like you - could never be without a dog...or two:lol


Mine's been cats :lol Had a cat all time I was a kid. Then married a man that hated cats (that should've been my first clue right there :rofl) Within about a year of our split I found the perfect cat for me and I've had at least one ever since. BTW BD loves cats :manyheart


Mary, that sounds great, can't wait to see the pictures. :yes We aren't allowed pets, so live through other peoples pets. :lol


We are okay, almost no internet with the router dying, but we have found other methods. :lol Denise was working a lot end of last week and beginning of this week and doing her assignments for her NVQ, but she has finished all her online assignments and is very excited to be a hooker this weekend. :lol Her words, not mine. :rofl


:rofl :rofl I hope y'all get everything sorted out with the internet soon :hug


One Kentucky Derby Hat done and two to go. This is John's hat. Win, Place, & Show.




I LOVE IT!! That is wonderful Linda! :clap What a creative project!


Well, I've been up since 8:45 this morning. I woke to no electricity and BD gone. He usually doesn't even wake up until around 9:30. I freaked out just a little bit :blush It took until about 1:00 for it to come back on. If we lose power we also lose our phone. That's the only drawback of the digital phone service we have.


I called BD immediately when the power came back on and I was in tears the minute I heard his voice :blush He had to go in early to have them fix his time card. They had him down for only 60 hours this two weeks. He's minimum of 80 hours no matter what. With the trip last week he had 128 hours. Big difference :lol He wanted to make sure it got fixed before the time cards go in today.


Anyway, back to normal now. But we WILL be shopping for a cell phone for me this weekend :lol I've never gotten one because I never go anywhere :lol But I've got to be able to get hold of the power company if nothing else if this happens again.


Actually this is the third time we've lost power in a short period of time. I hear machinery banging around outside so hopefully they're fixing the issue.


Don't know how I'm going to spend the rest of the day. Need to do some cleaning around here. It's gotten away from me :blush But I have a feeling a lot of my time will be spent on my baby 9-patch :hook

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Poor, Cara. I HATE it when that happens to us. Thank goodness for the cell phone as backups. With Kim it is just not safe to be out of communications if something should go wrong.


Thanks for the compliments on the hat. It was fun putting it together.

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One Kentucky Derby Hat done and two to go. This is John's hat. Win, Place, & Show.



that is just too classic!!


Well, I've been up since 8:45 this morning. I woke to no electricity and BD gone. He usually doesn't even wake up until around 9:30. I freaked out just a little bit :blush It took until about 1:00 for it to come back on. If we lose power we also lose our phone. That's the only drawback of the digital phone service we have.


I called BD immediately when the power came back on and I was in tears the minute I heard his voice :blush He had to go in early to have them fix his time card. They had him down for only 60 hours this two weeks. He's minimum of 80 hours no matter what. With the trip last week he had 128 hours. Big difference :lol He wanted to make sure it got fixed before the time cards go in today.


Anyway, back to normal now. But we WILL be shopping for a cell phone for me this weekend :lol I've never gotten one because I never go anywhere :lol But I've got to be able to get hold of the power company if nothing else if this happens again.


Actually this is the third time we've lost power in a short period of time. I hear machinery banging around outside so hopefully they're fixing the issue.


Don't know how I'm going to spend the rest of the day. Need to do some cleaning around here. It's gotten away from me :blush But I have a feeling a lot of my time will be spent on my baby 9-patch :hook


Poor Cara! glad all is ok now!

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Mary, I'm so happy you found a puppy! We're like you - could never be without a dog...or two:lol

Thank you, Judy. I can't wait to have her here!


Mary, that sounds great, can't wait to see the pictures. :yes We aren't allowed pets, so live through other peoples pets. :lol


We are okay, almost no internet with the router dying, but we have found other methods. :lol Denise was working a lot end of last week and beginning of this week and doing her assignments for her NVQ, but she has finished all her online assignments and is very excited to be a hooker this weekend. :lol Her words, not mine. :rofl


Linda, the hats sound like fun, can't wait to see them finished. :)

I'm so glad you're able to get online. What are you working on now?


Linda, the hat is so much fun! Will there be a contest for the best hat at the party? One of yours will win hands down. :D


Cara, I hope they have the power problems fixed! We've been under wind warnings today and my yard is a mess...at least we didn't have the storms they were predicting.


DD and I had a great day together. We looked at lots of things and bought very little. :lol Oh, except for Petsmart...I bought a summer collar and leash for the puppy. They are pink and green flowered fabric and so cute. :) Our short list of names so far - Gracie, Abby and Stella.


I only have 14 squares to make and 3 rows to join for the Penquin. :cheer Of course, at the rate I'm going, who knows when it will actually be finished. ;)

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Thank you, Judy. I can't wait to have her here!



I'm so glad you're able to get online. What are you working on now?


Linda, the hat is so much fun! Will there be a contest for the best hat at the party? One of yours will win hands down. :D


Cara, I hope they have the power problems fixed! We've been under wind warnings today and my yard is a mess...at least we didn't have the storms they were predicting.


DD and I had a great day together. We looked at lots of things and bought very little. :lol Oh, except for Petsmart...I bought a summer collar and leash for the puppy. They are pink and green flowered fabric and so cute. :) Our short list of names so far - Gracie, Abby and Stella.


I only have 14 squares to make and 3 rows to join for the Penquin. :cheer Of course, at the rate I'm going, who knows when it will actually be finished. ;)


Oh I like the name Gracie very much :yes The others are excellent choices also! That's the 3rd time our power has gone out lately. This was the longest time. They were banging around outside earlier so I hope they've fixed it now.


BD went and got me a cell phone right after my teary phone call :blush I wanted cheap but functional but he's a gadget fellow (aren't they all? :lol) so I ended up with an iPhone. It's very cool I must admit :D


I've got a bit of my 9-patch done today. Not a whole lot because I keep falling asleep :irk


Gonna work on it a bit more before bed. :hook

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With so much going on, I completely forgot to tell you all our news! :D We have found a new puppy and will bring her home on May 5th. DH and I have never been without at least one dog in 38 years and we decided not to wait. She is a Cairn Terrier and is 9 weeks old. Of course, I forgot to take a camera,:blush but we'll be taking lots of pictures soon. Zoe will be a big sister for the first time...hope she behaves. :lol


Oh thats fantastic mary, she will keep you on your toes. Cant wait to see pics.


One Kentucky Derby Hat done and two to go. This is John's hat. Win, Place, & Show.




What a great hat :clap


Well, I've been up since 8:45 this morning. I woke to no electricity and BD gone. He usually doesn't even wake up until around 9:30. I freaked out just a little bit :blush It took until about 1:00 for it to come back on. If we lose power we also lose our phone. That's the only drawback of the digital phone service we have.


I called BD immediately when the power came back on and I was in tears the minute I heard his voice :blush He had to go in early to have them fix his time card. They had him down for only 60 hours this two weeks. He's minimum of 80 hours no matter what. With the trip last week he had 128 hours. Big difference :lol He wanted to make sure it got fixed before the time cards go in today.


Anyway, back to normal now. But we WILL be shopping for a cell phone for me this weekend :lol I've never gotten one because I never go anywhere :lol But I've got to be able to get hold of the power company if nothing else if this happens again.


Actually this is the third time we've lost power in a short period of time. I hear machinery banging around outside so hopefully they're fixing the issue.


Don't know how I'm going to spend the rest of the day. Need to do some cleaning around here. It's gotten away from me :blush But I have a feeling a lot of my time will be spent on my baby 9-patch :hook


That would have been scary to wake up with no power and DH gone. Im glad they are fixing it now and its a good idea to get a mobile(cell phone).

cant wait to see your 9 patch have fun crocheting.

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Mary, those names are all cute. :yes I am almost finished a Noah's Ark ghan for a my cousin's new baby. :hook


Cara, hope they have fixed that problem :yes It is no fun to go without electricity and then not be able to contact anyone.


Yes it was no fun at all :no I was so upset when I could finally call BD yesterday that he went out right after he got off the phone and got me a mobile phone :manyheart


That would have been scary to wake up with no power and DH gone.


I'm glad someone else understands that! I sort of felt like a fool for panicking :blush I just can't handle things like that :no


Well, I only got 10 squares on my 9-patch done yesterday. But I am hoping to get more done today. We have some errands to run if BD will since it's already 1:30. He likes to get out and about earlier so we can have done with it. One thing I really MUST do is to return my library books. They're over a week overdue :blush I'll be apologizing profusely to the librarian.

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Hi, everyone. I've run my errands for the day. Picked up 3 prescriptions and more allergy meds, went to the library for their spring sale, and had a very leisurely lunch at one of the local Chinese restaurants. Will work more on the hats while John is running errands this afternoon. And a long soak in a hot tub this evening when John and Kim are out.

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Hi, everyone. I've run my errands for the day. Picked up 3 prescriptions and more allergy meds, went to the library for their spring sale, and had a very leisurely lunch at one of the local Chinese restaurants. Will work more on the hats while John is running errands this afternoon. And a long soak in a hot tub this evening when John and Kim are out.


Sounds like you've had a lovely day today! Seems all the libraries are having their book sales this weekend. I don't ours is though. I usually get a flier. Our does a huge sale in the rodeo hall once a year. Folks donate a bunch of books to raise funds. :yes

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Hi Ladies. :) I've been multi-tasking all day and am now ready to crochet!


Tracy ~ Which Noah's Ark pattern are you making? I've seen 3 or 4 and like them so much. :yes


Linda ~ Good for you for taking some time for yourself. :manyheart Enjoy your evening, too!


Cara, I think it's a great idea for you to have a cell phone. I hardly ever use mine, but it's always with me or in my car just in case. :yes


I've ordered a gate and training/carrying crate online and am checking the downstairs for puppy dangers. :D Our house is very open with mostly wide doorways, so it's going to be interesting trying to corral the little cutie until we can trust her. :lol

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I've ordered a gate and training/carrying crate online and am checking the downstairs for puppy dangers. :D Our house is very open with mostly wide doorways, so it's going to be interesting trying to corral the little cutie until we can trust her. :lol

Ah, yes. And there is nothing faster than a puppy squat! :lol :lol :lol

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Hi Ladies. :) I've been multi-tasking all day and am now ready to crochet!


Tracy ~ Which Noah's Ark pattern are you making? I've seen 3 or 4 and like them so much. :yes


Linda ~ Good for you for taking some time for yourself. :manyheart Enjoy your evening, too!


Cara, I think it's a great idea for you to have a cell phone. I hardly ever use mine, but it's always with me or in my car just in case. :yes


I've ordered a gate and training/carrying crate online and am checking the downstairs for puppy dangers. :D Our house is very open with mostly wide doorways, so it's going to be interesting trying to corral the little cutie until we can trust her. :lol


I bet you are so excited! :manyheart When do you get to bring her home again? Of course, we will need new (fur)baby photos :D



Ah, yes. And there is nothing faster than a puppy squat! :lol :lol :lol


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

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Ah, yes. And there is nothing faster than a puppy squat! :lol :lol :lol

I'm stealing that line. :D


Cara ~ We will bring her home a week from Tuesday - May 5th. :dog

Tracy, I love that pattern and have looked at it many times! Please share a picture with us. :yes


It's supposed to start raining soon and rain is in the forecast for several days, so I'm going out to mow. DH gets home about noon, so hopefully he'll be able to do the edging...I'm not good at that. :lol

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Good morning ladies :flower


Yes, I consider this morning :lol


Mary - Oh how exciting! Have you settled on a name or will you wait and see which one suits her best?


I didn't get real far on my 9-patch yesterday. I ended up doing laundry while BD mowed the lawn. On his own with no prompting (read: nagging) from me! :eek He earned big time Hubby Points yesterday :manyheart


Now the laundry is out of the way. Supper is leftover Shepherd's Pie from last night. I tidied the house as much as I'm going to this weekend. So that leaves an entire day free for crochet :hook


Have a great day y'all!! :manyheart

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Good Morning! We're having some wonderful rain and it's very dark...sure was hard to get up this a.m. :lol


I'm going to try and finish Mr. Penguin this week. He hasn't been getting much attention lately. :crocheting


Have a great morning, everyone. :manyheart

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Good morning, all. John is on his way to Chicago to visit more clients this week so it's girls week for Kim and me. I read two books in two days this weekend. It was great having most of the weekend all to myself. I got three climbing roses two weeks ago and finally got them planted Friday. I've got my fingers crossed that they will all make it. They've been trying hard in the garage. I've been working on my KD hat. It's definitely a work in progress as I can't seem to make up my mind on exactly how it should look. I keep changing my mind. Finishing up Kim's and my hats are on the docket for this week. I'm doing some major rearranging and redecorating in my space downstairs, too. Busy, busy. More later.

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Good Morning! We're having some wonderful rain and it's very dark...sure was hard to get up this a.m. :lol


Same here :D Thunder and the works! My nephew's supposed to come over and pick up some stuff but I dunno if he will in this rain. Almost hope he doesn't. Means I have to spend part of a perfect crochet weather day moving junk in my craft room away from the attic hatch :lol


But he's supposed to call at 11 and be here shortly thereafter. So it won't be a total waste of a day :hook


I made good progress yesterday on my 9-patch. I got 25 saltines made and two whole rows of blocks sewn together :hook

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My goodness, it's been quiet in here today. I just finished Kentucky Derby Hat #2, this one is mine. Views from the front and side:



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