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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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well i just had to share with you all that Alexander just thinks its the coolest thing to roll over...theres no stopping him now

Uh-oh!:eek Put the pillows all over the floor!:lol

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Good Morning, all. :) I hope everyone is doing okay - we've been so quiet lately. :yes


Hi Linda! I'll bet the group loved seeing all of your projects. :)


After 4 marathon cleaning and yard work days, I'm finally tired and ready for a crochet day. :hook


DD sent me this video...the cat looks a lot like Zoe and she does the same thing in DH's office, but with a little less speed. :lol




That is hilarious!! :rofl :rofl Tuon does that raising up on her hind legs thing. She even walks that way. Freaks us out! :lol I definitely think you deserve a crochet day....or two :hook


Mary, that video was a hoot!


I've been taking my "go" bag to WW meetings and making saltines there...everyone asks what I'm making. I can hardly wait till I finally finish it so I can bring it in to show them.

I'm working on a baby 9 patch made with Vanna baby yarn.


Ooh can't wait to see that myself :yes I'm doing a 9-patch with the Caron Pounders right now.


well i just had to share with you all that Alexander just thinks its the coolest thing to roll over...theres no stopping him now


Oh that's fantastic!! :yay BTW do we have new photos? I love baby photos :D


Uh-oh!:eek Put the pillows all over the floor!:lol


Oh definitely! Your pillow use will go way up. Not pretty but it'll save you grief when he learns to start pulling himself along :lol


I overslept...again :blush I had been up for 40 hours straight :eek But I simply HAD to finish putting that row of saltines on the body of my 9-patch :rofl :rofl I know y'all will understand that. BD did not :lol


Today we've gotta run up to the HEB for bandaging supplies for the nephew's toe, sinus meds for me and those chicken thighs they have on sale for $1 a pound :tup


Other than that, it'll be working on the 9-patch for me :hook

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well i just had to share with you all that Alexander just thinks its the coolest thing to roll over...theres no stopping him now

Oh, Erin, the fun is just beginning. Soon it will be crawling, then cruising, then walking and you'll never be able to keep up with him. Give him a hug from us. :hug

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ok ladies I started on my checked one have 72 squares done and still going .I love making the small squares.it goes so fast at least this one will be ready for xmas. now my casablca is still pending but am getting there

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ok ladies I started on my checked one have 72 squares done and still going .I love making the small squares.it goes so fast at least this one will be ready for xmas. now my casablca is still pending but am getting there


That's great Emerald :clap Just don't forget to join them together every so often so you don't have all that sewing to do at the end :hook

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Linda great stuff! I love that painted desert! :drool


Mary I've got some saltines to report. I was saving them up but I'm going to be working on more tomorrow and wanted to clear my count :lol

55 solids please :hook

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Good morning ladies :flower


Yes, it's me! Up before the chickens :D


I've got to leave here in about an hour to go to Dallas with my sister for her doctors appointment. She likes having company on trips.


This afternoon I finally get to give her her b-day gifties :yay We had to take that trip to San Antonio last week so everything got delayed. And she seems in no hurry to come get her gifts. But I finally get to see if I did good with the photographs of her son (the newphew). :D


I'm hoping that we can take a little side trip to Plano for me to visit the Woolie Ewe. I'm sure you can guess by the name that it's another LYS :D I have to be a good girl this time though. If I go nuts like I did at the Yarn Barn in SA I think BD will kill me :rofl :rofl


I, of course, will be taking my 9-patch with me to work on. I get nervous on long car rides if I don't crochet :lol Plus, her doctor's appointment is going to be 2 hours! :eek The saltines will keep me entertained :hook


Have a fabulous day everyone :manyheart

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Have a good day, Cara. My crochet goes most places with me, too.


It's sunshiny and nice again today. Lots of pollen in the air still. Kim's go an appointment to get her hair cut this afternoon. John just left for the airport. He'll be out of town today, but back late this evening. I think I'll work on our hats today.

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Good Morning, all. :) I hope everyone is doing okay - we've been so quiet lately. :yes


Hi Linda! I'll bet the group loved seeing all of your projects. :)


After 4 marathon cleaning and yard work days, I'm finally tired and ready for a crochet day. :hook


DD sent me this video...the cat looks a lot like Zoe and she does the same thing in DH's office, but with a little less speed. :lol



:hi Mary, wow you have been busy in the garden, you sure do deserve a relaxing day crocheting. Great video that was so funny. :lol


Hi, everyone. Got another long night of sleep last night and feel much better today. I've been promising pictures for quite a while, so here goes.

Couch sized Painted Desert:



Preemie hats:



Prayer Shawls in purple and burgundy:



Quilted Baby Blankets (front & back) with Care Bear theme and Fairy Tales theme:





Preemie Afghans:



DCP_1593.jpg I did 3 of this color combo.


Linda wow everything is just gorgeous and I cant believe how much you have done. :clap


Mary, that video was a hoot!


I've been taking my "go" bag to WW meetings and making saltines there...everyone asks what I'm making. I can hardly wait till I finally finish it so I can bring it in to show them.

I'm working on a baby 9 patch made with Vanna baby yarn.


Cant wait to see your progress.


well i just had to share with you all that Alexander just thinks its the coolest thing to roll over...theres no stopping him now


Oh doesnt time fly. Now the fun begins, he will be gettting into everything now.


ok ladies I started on my checked one have 72 squares done and still going .I love making the small squares.it goes so fast at least this one will be ready for xmas. now my casablca is still pending but am getting there


Welcome, hope you enjoy making saltines.

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no new photos yet cara, just been too busy to empty the camera onto the computer. prolly will have time next week because the hubby goes away for 3 weeks. good news is that my sis will have her baby on the 4th :) Im crossing fingers for a lil niece! shes carrying different this time and its a surprise to everyone but her hubby(who knows the sex)

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no new photos yet cara, just been too busy to empty the camera onto the computer. prolly will have time next week because the hubby goes away for 3 weeks. good news is that my sis will have her baby on the 4th :) Im crossing fingers for a lil niece! shes carrying different this time and its a surprise to everyone but her hubby(who knows the sex)


Ooooh fingers crossed here for a little niece too :manyheart


Hi Ladies. It's been crazy around here with MIL and other family issues, but everyone is okay and I'll catch up more tomorrow. Missed being here today. :manyheart


Oh dear :( Just never stops sometimes does it? :hug


Dallas was interesting. Didn't crochet in the car at all. I think it makes my sister nervous in all that traffic. But I did crochet while I waited for my sister's appointment to be over :hook


We had lunch at an excellent Mexican place :drool Best beans I've ever had :yes


Visited an LYS in Plano and was totally unimpressed. WAY over priced. I got the same yarns at Yarn Barn last week for much less. Wasn't impressed with the sales staff at all and the place was a MESS! Yarn all over the floor so that I could hardly walk. I only bought four cute buttons and this season's Interweave Crochet. That's it.


Finally got to give my sister her b-day gifties and she loved them all :yay She even said that I was the only one who ever seemed to pay attention to things she likes and doesn't like. That's sister thing though :yes


I'm plum tuckered out now though. Only slept a little more than 3 hours last night so I'm exhausted. Think I'm just going to check the other room then watch TV and play Pogo all night til bedtime :yes

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Happy Friday, everyone! I am sooo far behind here, but am catching up right now! :)


I've been taking my "go" bag to WW meetings and making saltines there...everyone asks what I'm making. I can hardly wait till I finally finish it so I can bring it in to show them.

I'm working on a baby 9 patch made with Vanna baby yarn.

Can't wait to see it! I'll bet the Vanna's yarn is wonderful for the little squares. :yarn


well i just had to share with you all that Alexander just thinks its the coolest thing to roll over...theres no stopping him now

Awww. :c9 Yep, he'll be crawling around in no time. :yes Looking forward to pictures.


ok ladies I started on my checked one have 72 squares done and still going .I love making the small squares.it goes so fast at least this one will be ready for xmas. now my casablca is still pending but am getting there

Great progress! It's good to see you here again. :hook


Mary I've got some saltines to report. I was saving them up but I'm going to be working on more tomorrow and wanted to clear my count :lol

55 solids please :hook

Hi Heather! They're on the list. :yarn


We had lunch at an excellent Mexican place :drool Best beans I've ever had :yes


Visited an LYS in Plano and was totally unimpressed. WAY over priced. I got the same yarns at Yarn Barn last week for much less. Wasn't impressed with the sales staff at all and the place was a MESS! Yarn all over the floor so that I could hardly walk. I only bought four cute buttons and this season's Interweave Crochet. That's it.


Finally got to give my sister her b-day gifties and she loved them all :yay She even said that I was the only one who ever seemed to pay attention to things she likes and doesn't like. That's sister thing though :yes


I'm plum tuckered out now though. Only slept a little more than 3 hours last night so I'm exhausted. Think I'm just going to check the other room then watch TV and play Pogo all night til bedtime :yes

It sounds like a wonderful day! Your sister is one lucky girl to have you for a sister. :manyheart

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Please let me know if any changes need to be made. :)


Cara (Misa)

Denise (denisethorpe) 1552

Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Cathy (crashcat07) 1354

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Wendy (Aussie) ***1298

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Heather (hseger) 1256

Tracy (tracystroebel) *** 1110

Val (Priszm) 1008

Mary (Skysmom) *** 1002

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***932

Karen (econ-nerd) *** 755

Shay (Shaylen) 682

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Kristy (alchemyfyr) 576

Erin (EMedley) 567

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Dusti (rii698) *** 448

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 297

Judy (judianne) 282

Tammy (TammyG) 268

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Selanda (crocrazy) 206

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Jessica (jessicagil) 163

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Julie (JulieKay) 119

Cherri (Cherri) 108

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 103

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Renee (renegade) 70

Donna (sewnsew) *** 56

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

*** 2000 Squares Winner

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Morning Mary. :hi Hope you get some quality time with your :hook and :yarn soon. :yes

Hi Tracy! How are you? I plan on some of that quality crochet time later today. DD and I are going to do a little shopping and have lunch. :)


With so much going on, I completely forgot to tell you all our news! :D We have found a new puppy and will bring her home on May 5th. DH and I have never been without at least one dog in 38 years and we decided not to wait. She is a Cairn Terrier and is 9 weeks old. Of course, I forgot to take a camera,:blush but we'll be taking lots of pictures soon. Zoe will be a big sister for the first time...hope she behaves. :lol

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With so much going on, I completely forgot to tell you all our news! :D We have found a new puppy and will bring her home on May 5th. DH and I have never been without at least one dog in 38 years and we decided not to wait. She is a Cairn Terrier and is 9 weeks old. Of course, I forgot to take a camera,:blush but we'll be taking lots of pictures soon. Zoe will be a big sister for the first time...hope she behaves. :lol

Oh, I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see pictures of her.

We had lunch at an excellent Mexican place :drool Best beans I've ever had :yes


Visited an LYS in Plano and was totally unimpressed. WAY over priced. I got the same yarns at Yarn Barn last week for much less. Wasn't impressed with the sales staff at all and the place was a MESS! Yarn all over the floor so that I could hardly walk. I only bought four cute buttons and this season's Interweave Crochet. That's it.


Finally got to give my sister her b-day gifties and she loved them all :yay She even said that I was the only one who ever seemed to pay attention to things she likes and doesn't like. That's sister thing though :yes

Lunch sounds wonderful!


Boo!!! to the LYS in Plano. Shame on them.


I'm so glad that your sis liked her gifties. And what a nice compliment. Not all siblings have that special knack of knowing what their sibs like.


John's trip went well. It's sunny and nice again today. I have two of the three horses attached to John's Kentucky Derby hat and the green base for the roses crocheted for the top one. I hope to finish it today and start further work on Kim's. I found my tacky glue for attaching the roses this morning, too. I just have a week left before the party, so I have to get cracking.

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Mary, that sounds great, can't wait to see the pictures. :yes We aren't allowed pets, so live through other peoples pets. :lol


We are okay, almost no internet with the router dying, but we have found other methods. :lol Denise was working a lot end of last week and beginning of this week and doing her assignments for her NVQ, but she has finished all her online assignments and is very excited to be a hooker this weekend. :lol Her words, not mine. :rofl


Linda, the hats sound like fun, can't wait to see them finished. :)

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John's hat is almost done. Just have to anchor the winner's rose blanket and it will be complete. I'm sewing gold and black Greek key trim to mine at the moment. I'm not completely sure how it will look. I keep changing my mind about it's trim. Dither, dither, dither. :think :think :think

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