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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good Morning, everyone! :)



I love geraniums. I've had hanging baskets and pots stolen over the years. The police said they were very easy to steal and then take to a flea market and sell. Where we live now is so quiet that it hasn't been a worry...the only cars we see are neighbors.


Ah ha! The flea market is where I will find the evil plant thieves! :tryme We live on a VERY busy street as we're about 4 blocks from the hospital (for a while until they officially move :irk). But it's pretty cool. My BIL visited once. Took his bag with his laptop out and set it on the ground to bring in on the second trip. Well, he got distracted and didn't make the second trip. It sat there on the yard overnight and no one touched it :eek Someone lifted out hand truck, push cart, furniture mover thingy from the back yard but it had a flat tire anyway :rofl



Hi, Mary:hug

Stuff gets stolen around here off and on - never happened years ago, though, back when this neighborhood was known locally as the "FBI ghetto" because of all the agents who lived here. Little did people know - they were almost never home, working the long hours they did:lol


FBI Ghetto :rofl :rofl


And I thought things like that only happen where I used to live.


It's a conspiracy of international plant thieves!! I'm really glad to hear I'm not the only one that's had this problem :lol


Ohhh I have a raging headache. Didn't go to bed until after 7 this morning :blush And then my sister called about 11:15. I'm deciding whether I will stay up of not :lol


I got lots done on my baby 9 patch yesterday. One whole row of blocks and sashing (the interior borders around the squares) done! :yay I'm making it four 9-patch blocks wide. Don't know how tall yet. Probably 5 blocks high. I'm really having fun with it :hook

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Morning, errrr, afternoon, everyone. I slept in this morning and don't feel all that alert even yet. It's gray and overcast today. Feels like rain is in the offing. My joints hurt.


I'm still making preemie hats today. I'm on #7 at the moment. The double pointed needles are coming easier and easier as I continue to work with them. I really like not having to sew up the seam on these little hats. It always looks clumsy and leaves a marked ridge in them.


I have to fold clothes and put away laundry today. There are at least 4 loads waiting for me. I am NOT in the mood, but it has to be done. sigh!!!!

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Hi Everyone! I finished all the saltines for my parents' large Gingham....576 of them!! I am now doing a sc border and will then do a reverse sc round and I'm done with it.


So 576 total. Woo hoo!!


I will post a pic when I'm done with the border. I wish I had joined them differently though. I left a long tail and sewed a few together as I went. Next time I will just finish off all the saltines and whipstitch them in long rows. I think it will be a smoother seam, especially at the corners. Not sure which one I want to do next....I really want an ATW one for myself but I just can't go buy all those colors at this time (just spent over $100 on yarn this past week alone). I think maybe I'll make a baby blanket with scrap yarn for the family shelter....now to pick a pattern! I'm also embarking on my first graphghan of my father's race car. I'm about to start the first color section, yippee! Wish me luck!

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Kristy, good luck with the graph:cheer

I still have squares to make for my ATW and I've been leaving the tails long to join that. If I didn't have so many colors in it doing it in a long strip might be easier.

We love :photo

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Hi Everyone! I finished all the saltines for my parents' large Gingham....576 of them!! I am now doing a sc border and will then do a reverse sc round and I'm done with it.


So 576 total. Woo hoo!!


I will post a pic when I'm done with the border. I wish I had joined them differently though. I left a long tail and sewed a few together as I went. Next time I will just finish off all the saltines and whipstitch them in long rows. I think it will be a smoother seam, especially at the corners. Not sure which one I want to do next....I really want an ATW one for myself but I just can't go buy all those colors at this time (just spent over $100 on yarn this past week alone). I think maybe I'll make a baby blanket with scrap yarn for the family shelter....now to pick a pattern! I'm also embarking on my first graphghan of my father's race car. I'm about to start the first color section, yippee! Wish me luck!


That's great Kristy! :clap Can't wait for a photo :D

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Hi Ladies. :)


Kristy ~ Congratulations on nearly finishing! I have you at 576 solid squares. :hook


Hi Denise! How are you and your bicycle doing? :D


Linda, I hope you were able to get some rest today. Will you show pictures of your preemie hats? :yes


Cara ~ When I finish the Penguin, I may join you making a 9-patch...of course, you'll be finished before I start. :lol


Hi to Judy, too. :)


I am through cleaning for today. Not sure how I got so far behind - could it be crocheting more and cleaning less? ;)

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Cara ~ When I finish the Penguin, I may join you making a 9-patch...of course, you'll be finished before I start. :lol


Oh I dunno. If I don't get of the internet today looking up all kinds of goodies, Hailey might be 12 before I get her blankies done :rofl

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Oh I dunno. If I don't get of the internet today looking up all kinds of goodies, Hailey might be 12 before I get her blankies done :rofl

Hailey is such a cute name. :c9 I know...I was just not in the crochet mode tonight, so I've been playing on the internet. Now it's time for bed. I need to mow tomorrow, if I can move after scrubbing floors and woodwork for two days. :lol

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Goodness Mary, I think it is time you sat down and did some :crocheting. And if you can't stop yourself doing all that, you need a holiday and must come to visit us and you won't be allowed to do any cleaning. :D


I agree! :yes

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Hi, everyone. Got another long night of sleep last night and feel much better today. I've been promising pictures for quite a while, so here goes.

Couch sized Painted Desert:



Preemie hats:



Prayer Shawls in purple and burgundy:



Quilted Baby Blankets (front & back) with Care Bear theme and Fairy Tales theme:





Preemie Afghans:



DCP_1593.jpg I did 3 of this color combo.

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Hi, everyone. Got another long night of sleep last night and feel much better today. I've been promising pictures for quite a while, so here goes.

Couch sized Painted Desert:



Preemie hats:



Prayer Shawls in purple and burgundy:



Quilted Baby Blankets (front & back) with Care Bear theme and Fairy Tales theme:





Preemie Afghans:



DCP_1593.jpg I did 3 of this color combo.

Beautiful work!!

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Hi, everyone. Got another long night of sleep last night and feel much better today. I've been promising pictures for quite a while, so here goes.

Couch sized Painted Desert:



Preemie hats:



Prayer Shawls in purple and burgundy:



Quilted Baby Blankets (front & back) with Care Bear theme and Fairy Tales theme:





Preemie Afghans:



DCP_1593.jpg I did 3 of this color combo.

Everything is beautiful! The Painted Desert is awesome!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Good morning, everyone. It's a beautiful day if a little chilly where the wind can get at you. I went to the church knit/crochet/sew group this morning and turned in all the projects made for outreach (shawls, preemie afghans & hats, baby quilts). Not sure what I'll be tackling today. But the sun is shining and that makes it a nice day.

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Good Morning, all. :) I hope everyone is doing okay - we've been so quiet lately. :yes


Hi Linda! I'll bet the group loved seeing all of your projects. :)


After 4 marathon cleaning and yard work days, I'm finally tired and ready for a crochet day. :hook


DD sent me this video...the cat looks a lot like Zoe and she does the same thing in DH's office, but with a little less speed. :lol



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Mary, that video was a hoot!


I've been taking my "go" bag to WW meetings and making saltines there...everyone asks what I'm making. I can hardly wait till I finally finish it so I can bring it in to show them.

I'm working on a baby 9 patch made with Vanna baby yarn.

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