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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Oh no! poor John!


Question about your prayer shawl, is it a rectangular or triangular shawl? If it's rectangle, what length do you usually use? I started one using the Solomon's Knot and it's over 100" long!

I have done two different patterns, both from the friendshipshawls.org site. I've done two using their Celtic Knot shawl and two of the triangular shawl with the scalloped edge. I'm not sure what the finished width is, but it's a nice size and depends a little bit on the type of yarn used. I just started another of the Celtic Knot shawl this evening in fact. I've given away three of them and kept one for myself. I'm not sure if I'll keep the newest one or not. I may keep it and gift the one I had previously kept for myself. Time will tell.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


I. Am. Exhausted. :faint Hit both of the yarn shops here in San Antonio. Wasn't real impressed with the second one. The first one however (Yarn Barn) was amazing! It's a great place for crocheters! No knitting snobs there. The second place definitely did. Won't give the name of that shop here. I got two HUGE bags of yarn at the first place. Over 200 bucks :blush BD is gonna have a cow :lol That's not to mention the $81 my MIL spent on me for some of it for my belated b-day giftie :manyheart I am in heaven :c9

Yay for such a successful yarn-buying day! DH may think twice before taking you with him next time. :lol


Gorgeous work, Val!!:clap You make lining them sound so easy...sure wish I had your skills. When will you get to deliver your purses? The ladies are going to be so happy.


Gardening, huh, Mary? I forget that you already have warmer temps and green grass down south :P I saw my first robin of the season on Monday -- spring cannot be too far away :)


Cara -- glad you made it to San Antonio safely. It sounds as though you are having a grand time shopping for yarn :wooI can hardly wait to see what all you create from your purchases :D


DH and littlest DD have a bit of a germ-bug today, and they both stayed home in bed. Knock on wood, but I am still feeling well. The sun is shining, and I opened the windows above my kitchen sink a bit, just to let the fresh air in. I have been finishing up a baby layette for one of my long-time friend's first baby. I also started a 12-point round ripple in Windsor Blue and Taupe that is turning out even better than I expected it to :lol


Hope you are all having a good Wednesday :manyheart

Hi Dusti! Yes, it's planting time here. We never have much Spring...it will go directly to 100 before long. ;) I hope your DD and DH feel better soon.:hug


John's in Houston this week, was in Dallas last week. and in Killeen on the weekend. Yesterday his rental car was broken into and his laptop and other things stolen, so he and I have been running around getting things replaced, deactivated, notifications sent, etc. I picked up a new set of care keys for him today and will have all the house locks changed tomorrow morning as those keys were in the computer bag that got taken. What a hassle! :eek But better safe than sorry. It's just expensive.


I finished my second prayer shawl today. That was a Lenten project. Will have to get pictures taken tomorrow and then wash everything so it all can be turned in.

Poor John! DH had a similar thing happen in Houston about 5 years ago. They broke out the windows (our SUV) and slit seats, but didn't steal anything but CDs. :(


Mary Im so sorry to hear about your furbaby. :hug:cry :cry

Thank you, Wendy. :manyheart

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Just wanted to invite all of you over to SKY CAL for the month of May.


We're having FINISHING MONTH where we're going to keep track of how many outstanding UFO's we can finish collectively during the month of May!


Come and Finish something with us!

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Howdy ladies :hi


Ohhh my head is not happy today :no It was rather windy outside yesterday and now my allergies are playing up :sneeze I'm considering what to do today. No big shopping plans. I think I did enough damage already this week :lol Though there is a JoAnn superstore just up the road. No. No I've spent enough. I still have the last of my sister's b-day giftie to get. My MIL just phoned a bit ago wanting to know my plans/desires for today. She said it's raining out. I might just have her pick me up and we'll sit at the house and gab :yes

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Just wanted to invite all of you over to SKY CAL for the month of May.


We're having FINISHING MONTH where we're going to keep track of how many outstanding UFO's we can finish collectively during the month of May!


Come and Finish something with us!

I might take you up on that, Krystal, can you remind us again at the end of the month?


I'm trying something new today. I'm knitting a preemie hat with a set of double pointed needles, which I've never used before. I thought it might be easier than having to sew up the seam. Now I'm not so sure. :no I think I'm finally getting the hang of them, but I'm not sure. It's going awfully slowly. I'm not sure if it's because I have so few stitches on each needle or just it's that I've never used double pointed needles before. :thinkThis is one of the tiny hats which probably doesn't help with the learning curve. :blush

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Just wanted to invite all of you over to SKY CAL for the month of May.


We're having FINISHING MONTH where we're going to keep track of how many outstanding UFO's we can finish collectively during the month of May!


Come and Finish something with us!

Thank you, Krystal. :hook


Is my hubby trying to tell me something?:eek He came home with a bicycle for me:think

Yay for a new bicycle! I'm not sure if I could even ride one anymore. :lol


Howdy ladies :hi


Ohhh my head is not happy today :no It was rather windy outside yesterday and now my allergies are playing up :sneeze I'm considering what to do today. No big shopping plans. I think I did enough damage already this week :lol Though there is a JoAnn superstore just up the road. No. No I've spent enough. I still have the last of my sister's b-day giftie to get. My MIL just phoned a bit ago wanting to know my plans/desires for today. She said it's raining out. I might just have her pick me up and we'll sit at the house and gab :yes

'Hope you've had a good day. :manyheart


Hi all


Another row done Mary 2 bi colours and 16 solids please :)

Added! :yes You're getting close to the 2000 mark which means you have to make another quilt ghan. :D

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As most of you know, I am not exactly a techie person. I got tired of our old cordless phones needing expensive batteries, so I bought new phones today...DD came over to help me program them. :blush She's used to it and while she was here, she re-programmed my cell phone and reminded me on how to use the DVD player. :lol


Today was full of emotions. We got 6 sympathy cards for Mags from friends and our Vet and I've had special PMs, too. :manyheart No crochet time today, but I'm getting ready to make some little squares. We're having thunder and lightning, so I've got to unplug my laptop.


Thanks for "listening" to me ramble...see you all tomorrow. :)

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As most of you know, I am not exactly a techie person. I got tired of our old cordless phones needing expensive batteries, so I bought new phones today...DD came over to help me program them. :blush She's used to it and while she was here, she re-programmed my cell phone and reminded me on how to use the DVD player. :lol


Today was full of emotions. We got 6 sympathy cards for Mags from friends and our Vet and I've had special PMs, too. :manyheart No crochet time today, but I'm getting ready to make some little squares. We're having thunder and lightning, so I've got to unplug my laptop.


Thanks for "listening" to me ramble...see you all tomorrow. :)


Ramble all you want any time. Losing a pet isn't any easier than losing a human family member. :hug But here's a laugh for you. It's late, and I'm tired. So I read your special PMs as special PMS. I was wondering what was so special about PMS :lol

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Ramble all you want any time. Losing a pet isn't any easier than losing a human family member. :hug But here's a laugh for you. It's late, and I'm tired. So I read your special PMs as special PMS. I was wondering what was so special about PMS :lol

My battery is about gone, but I've just had the best real laugh of the week. :manyheart Thanks, Val. :D

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John got home about 6:30 last night. And we're off to the hunting lodge for more turkey hunting by the hunting turkeys. Don't know if the computer there will be working or not, so may or may not be able to check in this weekend. I've got three projects with me, preemie squares, preemie hats, and a red Celtic Knot shawl. Also two books. That ought to keep me busy in between taking care of Kim. :lol :lol :lol


The preemie hat I started yesterday is almost done. Just have to take it off the needles and make a little pompom for the top. It's cute.


Have a great weekend everyone.


Mary, we love you. :hug Hang in there. Maggie will be waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. :hug

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Good Morning, all. Our power has been on and off all morning, but we're getting lots of wonderful rain. :rain


Thank you, Linda. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend at the lodge. :manyheart


I really want to finish the Penguin in the next few days. :hook Happy crocheting. :crocheting

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As most of you know, I am not exactly a techie person. I got tired of our old cordless phones needing expensive batteries, so I bought new phones today...DD came over to help me program them. :blush She's used to it and while she was here, she re-programmed my cell phone and reminded me on how to use the DVD player. :lol


Today was full of emotions. We got 6 sympathy cards for Mags from friends and our Vet and I've had special PMs, too. :manyheart No crochet time today, but I'm getting ready to make some little squares. We're having thunder and lightning, so I've got to unplug my laptop.


Thanks for "listening" to me ramble...see you all tomorrow. :)


:hug :hug


Ramble all you want any time. Losing a pet isn't any easier than losing a human family member. :hug But here's a laugh for you. It's late, and I'm tired. So I read your special PMs as special PMS. I was wondering what was so special about PMS :lol


:lol :lol


Mary, we love you. :hug Hang in there. Maggie will be waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. :hug


I second that emotion :manyheart


Have a great time at the lodge, Linda :hug


Ohhhh I've gotten a late start today. So, no different that 90% of my days :rofl We're having a big ol' family to-do tonight. We're all going to supper at Olive Garden. I'm not a big fan of the place as I'm not real big on Italian food. BUT they do have this thing called pasta e fagoli (sp) soup that is to die for :drool I always have that with the salad and bread sticks...excuse me whilst I wipe the drool off my keboard :lol


I'm seriously contemplating get my rear in gear and having the shuttle take me up the road about 3 or 4 blocks to the JoAnn super store :drool I've never been to a superstore before. Yes, I already spent gobs on yarn but they have the Pounders on sale for 5 bucks! My local JoAnns has hardly anything to choose from yarn-wise. I could really use some basic yarns too :wink

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Good Morning! It's still raining, but supposed to be gone later this morning. We have a yard day planned at DD's, so we may get wet. :lol


Cara, when are you going back to Waco? I hope you made it to JoAnns. :yarn


Have a great Saturday! :)

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Is my hubby trying to tell me something?:eek He came home with a bicycle for me:think


Oh maybe he thought you wanted to go bike riding.


Howdy ladies :hi


Ohhh my head is not happy today :no It was rather windy outside yesterday and now my allergies are playing up :sneeze I'm considering what to do today. No big shopping plans. I think I did enough damage already this week :lol Though there is a JoAnn superstore just up the road. No. No I've spent enough. I still have the last of my sister's b-day giftie to get. My MIL just phoned a bit ago wanting to know my plans/desires for today. She said it's raining out. I might just have her pick me up and we'll sit at the house and gab :yes


sitting around gabbing all day seems pretty good to me. Im glad your having a great time.


Good Morning, all. Our power has been on and off all morning, but we're getting lots of wonderful rain. :rain


Thank you, Linda. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend at the lodge. :manyheart


I really want to finish the Penguin in the next few days. :hook Happy crocheting. :crocheting


Hey Mary how are you today. :hug You will get that Penguin done. :cheer



I'm seriously contemplating get my rear in gear and having the shuttle take me up the road about 3 or 4 blocks to the JoAnn super store :drool I've never been to a superstore before. Yes, I already spent gobs on yarn but they have the Pounders on sale for 5 bucks! My local JoAnns has hardly anything to choose from yarn-wise. I could really use some basic yarns too :wink


I say go for it. :yes


Good Morning! It's still raining, but supposed to be gone later this morning. We have a yard day planned at DD's, so we may get wet. :lol


Cara, when are you going back to Waco? I hope you made it to JoAnns. :yarn


Have a great Saturday! :)


:hi Mary hope it doesnt rain too much for ya.

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Good Morning! It's still raining, but supposed to be gone later this morning. We have a yard day planned at DD's, so we may get wet. :lol


Cara, when are you going back to Waco? I hope you made it to JoAnns. :yarn


Have a great Saturday! :)


Oh I hope y'all don't get too damp :hug We'll be headed back to Waco here in just a bit. Didn't make it to JoAnns yesterday but I'm hoping I can rouse BD here in a bit and he can take me :D



Donna I have finally got your present for the 2000 saltines smackdown, I hope to get to the post office this week.


I have GOT to get my gifties together and sent out. My brain was just wandering around on it's own for several months but I'm feeling better now :rofl


Gotta get things all packed up here in just a bit. We have to be out of the hotel in 3 hours and I want to squeeze in that trip to JoAnns first. Have to go then come back for Tuon. I don't think she'd go over well in the store :lol

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I have GOT to get my gifties together and sent out. My brain was just wandering around on it's own for several months but I'm feeling better now :rofl


One of my favorite sayings is "Of all the things I've ever lost I miss my mind the most" :D

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Hi, from the house in the woods. :hi No one's gotten a turkey yet, but they've heard and seen quite a few. We're having lasagna for supper tonight. I have to put it in the oven in a few minutes. I'm on row 10 of the shawl and have completed 4 preemie hats so far. We're watching the Lord of the Rings series on TV today. All for now. :manyheart

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