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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Mary, I'm so very sorry about your Maggie:cry:cry We love our furbabies so much...it's so hard...:hug:hug:hug

And like Cara said...we're here for you and any other friends here who is going through a deep sadness. You never have to wait to come to us for love and support.:hug:hug

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Hi everyone. Thanks to each and everyone of you for being such wonderful friends. I know so many of us have pets and they really are our kids. :) In 38 years, we've had "overlapping" dogs...they were 18,14,16 and now 13. Our cat lived to be 22. And of course, we have our crazy Zoe. :manyheart


Kim tried on her "Derby" dress tonight. It fit her like it had been made for her. It needs no alterations at all. She was beaming from ear to ear. And when I added her hat she beamed even more. She was soooooo pleased. It just made my day that I could make her so happy. We'll definitely take pictures for show and tell. :photo

This sounds like so much fun! Yes, we'd love to see pictures. :yes


Here are the squares I've added since Saturday:


Kristy - 45 solids

Jessica - 20 solids

Cherri - 22 solids


I made some squares last night for Patrick Penquin, but need to count them and do a final list of what I need to finish.

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Mary--- I'm so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose a beloved pet.


I hope the rest of you who are going through storms and tornados are safe. My thoughts are with all of you!!

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Yeah. Tell me about pets being babies :lol I've just spent the better part of an hour on the phone finding a hotel in San Antonio that'll let us have Tuon with us since she needs medical care :lol


Found one though and right around where we need to be :yes BD is getting sent to SA for the rest of the week to work in the office there. His fame is causing me grief :lol But we can visit our in-laws while we're there. Him even more so because his dad works in the SA office of the same company :yes

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Good morning, ladies. I'm awake, but not for long. It's very foggy here this morning and very quiet in the predawn. One of those mornings when you feel like maybe you're not in the usual world any more and anything might walk out of the fog at any moment. A morning when fairies and unicorns seem much more real than on ordinary mornings. Sounds are muffled and even the houses across the street have blurred edges and don't seem quite real. A morning of infinite possibilities not ordinarily possible. When elves and pixies and dragons seem much more believable than usual. Perhaps if I hold my eyes half shut I'll see one today. :2magic

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Good morning, ladies. I'm awake, but not for long. It's very foggy here this morning and very quiet in the predawn. One of those mornings when you feel like maybe you're not in the usual world any more and anything might walk out of the fog at any moment. A morning when fairies and unicorns seem much more real than on ordinary mornings. Sounds are muffled and even the houses across the street have blurred edges and don't seem quite real. A morning of infinite possibilities not ordinarily possible. When elves and pixies and dragons seem much more believable than usual. Perhaps if I hold my eyes half shut I'll see one today. :2magic


Wow. Seriously that gave me goose bumps. I'm an voracious fantasy reader and that's one of the best passages I've ever read :nworthy Thank you for sharing that, my friend :hug


Just a really quick flyby :hi Headed out to San Antonio until Friday. But of course I chose a hotel with high speed internet so y'all will be coming with :wink


I already have my own personal yarn crawl planned. There are two nice yarn shops there that I've heard so much good about. So I will be visiting you can be sure :hook Oh, and I've already told BD I am armed with credit cards and I know how to use them...he went a little pale :wink

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Wow. Seriously that gave me goose bumps. I'm an voracious fantasy reader and that's one of the best passages I've ever read :nworthy Thank you for sharing that, my friend :hug


Just a really quick flyby :hi Headed out to San Antonio until Friday. But of course I chose a hotel with high speed internet so y'all will be coming with :wink


I already have my own personal yarn crawl planned. There are two nice yarn shops there that I've heard so much good about. So I will be visiting you can be sure :hook Oh, and I've already told BD I am armed with credit cards and I know how to use them...he went a little pale :wink


:rofl I think you might have knocked a couple of years off his life. :lol Are you going to be taking photos? :D I love seeing places. :yes

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Mary - Sorry about your loss! Its never a fun thing to loose a family member, even the furry fuzzy kind. :hug


Good Morning ladies! Im feel VERY down the past three days with my allergies, at least thats what I think it is. With all that cold virus stuff going around who knows what it is. I seem to feel better with the allergy meds though. After the two day migraine who really wants allergy stits?? :( Easter was fun but right before our trip to my parents Joshua found out he will be taking a work trip to Arkansas for 3 weeks. Thats put me in a bit of a depression. Its not so much that I would really want his help with the baby but its that Alex doesn't see a whole lot of Daddy during the work week as it is. Oh well, guess thats what I get for marrying the military, and at least its only 3 weeks instead of 3 months or something!! He's also gonna miss the birth of our niece or nephew :( Should know when that little one(we all think its a girl) is coming into the world by Friday(c-section birth) So its looking like once I find out when that will happen Ill be going to spend some more time with my family. They love helping with the baby and then I won't be alone in the house the entire 3 weeks. Parents loved the blanket too! :D I wish I knew what colors to make the new blanket for the future baby too, ughhhh sister and her darn surprise babies :lol

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Mary - Sorry about your loss! Its never a fun thing to loose a family member, even the furry fuzzy kind. :hug


Good Morning ladies! Im feel VERY down the past three days with my allergies, at least thats what I think it is. With all that cold virus stuff going around who knows what it is. I seem to feel better with the allergy meds though. After the two day migraine who really wants allergy stits?? :( Easter was fun but right before our trip to my parents Joshua found out he will be taking a work trip to Arkansas for 3 weeks. Thats put me in a bit of a depression. Its not so much that I would really want his help with the baby but its that Alex doesn't see a whole lot of Daddy during the work week as it is. Oh well, guess thats what I get for marrying the military, and at least its only 3 weeks instead of 3 months or something!! He's also gonna miss the birth of our niece or nephew :( Should know when that little one(we all think its a girl) is coming into the world by Friday(c-section birth) So its looking like once I find out when that will happen Ill be going to spend some more time with my family. They love helping with the baby and then I won't be alone in the house the entire 3 weeks. Parents loved the blanket too! :D I wish I knew what colors to make the new blanket for the future baby too, ughhhh sister and her darn surprise babies :lol


Oh you poor dear :hug Allergies do me in more than anything :yuck I'm so sorry DH won't be around for the new arrival and just in general :hug I want to say thank you to you though for the sacrifices y'all make to keep us safe! It's not just the men and women in our armed forces that make that sacrifice. It's also their families. And for this I am eternally grateful and humbled :nworthy:hug

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Nope, I'm not a writer. :no At least not a published one. And about all I seem to come up with are short descriptive passages. Thanks for the compliments though, it's nice to know that someone likes what I occasionally come up with.


Cara, your planned yarn crawl sounds fabulous! Have a wonderful time! :yay


Erin, sorry your hubby's going to be away for a bit. I'm another of those who appreciate all the military are doing to help keep this world a safer place. And thank you for the sacrifices you make to help make that possible. :hug Allergies can make me miserable, too. Hope yours are gone quickly. :hug All the rain we've been having is helping with mine this spring.

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Good Morning, all. Thanks again for all the kind words and hugs. :manyheart


Cara ~ Have a wondeful time in S. A. It's always been a favorite city for us and this time of year ought to be really nice. :yes I'm glad you'll have the internet, so we can hear about your adventures and yarn shopping. :yarn


Hi Erin ~ Three weeks is a long time for your DH to be gone. :hug I'll bet your family will be happy to have some more time to spoil little Alex, though. :c9 Are they very far from you?


Today is laundry and some cleaning - then a trip to the store. Have a wonderful day. :)

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Good Morning, all. Thanks again for all the kind words and hugs. :manyheart


Cara ~ Have a wondeful time in S. A. It's always been a favorite city for us and this time of year ought to be really nice. :yes I'm glad you'll have the internet, so we can hear about your adventures and yarn shopping. :yarn


Hi Erin ~ Three weeks is a long time for your DH to be gone. :hug I'll bet your family will be happy to have some more time to spoil little Alex, though. :c9 Are they very far from you?


Today is laundry and some cleaning - then a trip to the store. Have a wonderful day. :)



They are 2 1/2 hours away now, but still very close

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Did anyone else see that Daffodil days are coming up at Joanns!?! Yippeee..

On a positive note I discovered yesterday that the Joanns by us is a superstore!!! double yippeeees! Specially considering the Hobby Lobby that is supposed to go up soon still has no opening date set yet

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Did anyone else see that Daffodil days are coming up at Joanns!?! Yippeee..

On a positive note I discovered yesterday that the Joanns by us is a superstore!!! double yippeeees! Specially considering the Hobby Lobby that is supposed to go up soon still has no opening date set yet


I got my coupons. But very sadly they don't have the yarn I need in the store (and I need it now). I can order it, and I'll still save, but with shipping and tax it's like double the cost just for one skein. So I'm on to plan B, and I'm going to try and stay away from Joann's during DDs, since I have too many projects I need to finish first.

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Did anyone else see that Daffodil days are coming up at Joanns!?! Yippeee..

On a positive note I discovered yesterday that the Joanns by us is a superstore!!! double yippeeees! Specially considering the Hobby Lobby that is supposed to go up soon still has no opening date set yet


Whats Daffodil days?

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Oh! See I have been not well so I did not read through that nice ad I got in the mail the other day.


It's great for shopping and stash building. But be careful and read those coupons carefully. Nothing like a nasty shock when you think you can use a coupon adn can't :lol


That reminds me, I need to tell my neighbor about it. She wants me to make her a RR in red, black, and white. I told her to just buy the yarn and I'll be happy.

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I spoke too soon. The sun came out today and the wind came up and my allergies kicked in with a vengence. Itchy eyes, runny nose, clogged head and throat, the works. :sick


Kim and I were out running errands which let me get a really big dose of the pollen, too. We got a bowler/derby hat for John for the Kentucky Derby party and found 3 stuffed horses to decorate it with (maybe only one, we'll see what I can work out for attaching them. And I'll crochet a horseshoe in green to attach roses to for the winner (standing on top.) Black and gold trim to go around the base. Maybe more roses around the crown. Last night he said I could put tassles on it, but he'd changed his mind by this morning and said no tassles. I'm not sure the horses will be any better. :lol:devil:lol:devil:lol

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Did anyone else see that Daffodil days are coming up at Joanns!?! Yippeee..

On a positive note I discovered yesterday that the Joanns by us is a superstore!!! double yippeeees! Specially considering the Hobby Lobby that is supposed to go up soon still has no opening date set yet


Doh!! :oops I printed out my emailed coupons before we left but I forgot to grab my ad :(


Hi all


I have deen busy on LB Mary 47 solids 25 bi colours please :).


3 rows of saltines left to do :crocheting


Hi Denise!! :hi


I spoke too soon. The sun came out today and the wind came up and my allergies kicked in with a vengence. Itchy eyes, runny nose, clogged head and throat, the works. :sick


Kim and I were out running errands which let me get a really big dose of the pollen, too. We got a bowler/derby hat for John for the Kentucky Derby party and found 3 stuffed horses to decorate it with (maybe only one, we'll see what I can work out for attaching them. And I'll crochet a horseshoe in green to attach roses to for the winner (standing on top.) Black and gold trim to go around the base. Maybe more roses around the crown. Last night he said I could put tassles on it, but he'd changed his mind by this morning and said no tassles. I'm not sure the horses will be any better. :lol:devil:lol:devil:lol


Oh no on the allergies :( Hope they clear up soon. You sound like you are having a blast with the Derby party :D When is the party?


Finally have internet in our room. It wasn't working earlier so I got mad and took a nap :lol Then I called the desk and they have tech support! My own personal tech support (read: BD :D) had to go straight to work when we got here and, of course, I haven't a clue how these things work. But they have a whole tech support department and he got me all hooked up :yay


Now, though BD is on his way back and we'll probably go visit my MIL for a bit :manyheart

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The party is May 2nd. It starts at 4:00 and we watch the running of the Kentucky Derby at 6:00 on their big screen TV. There will be lots of snacks and supper will feature the wild turkey Mark shot a couple weeks ago. Last year it was the wild turkey that John shot. John gets home on Thursday and on Friday we leave for more turkey hunting. He's hoping to get one before the party, too. He told me before he left that I was in charge of the creation of our hats, so it's his fault if he doesn't like what I come up with. :lol :lol :lol


Glad you got your internet going, Cara. Have fun visiting and shopping.

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