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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi Dusti! :hi Sounds like y'all had a right mess going on there.


Mary - Yes, I heard it's supposed to be nasty tomorrow. Doesn't matter. Wasn't planning on going anywhere anyway :lol


So I'm done with the recording. I'm not a happy camper about how they came out though :no It's been years since BD has used the software. I couldn't get it to cooperate at all at first. Figured that out. But he forgot to tell me to save them a certain way and I had no clue. So they sound awful. Oh well. The boy will be here to pick up the CDs and the book in a few minutes. Sister went home sick today. She NEVER goes home sick! She can use them or not. Makes no never mind. The last part came out really good so we're sending those along so she can hear how future ones will come out anyway :lol


BDs gonna go fetch some burgers or something because we haven't even had supper yet and it's quarter to 9! :eek I've had a banana and a handful of baked tortilla chips all day. I'm feeling just a wee bit peckish :lol

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Hi Cara!


You never come to play with us in the SKY ROOM anymore. I have to come here onto foreign territory all the time if I want to see you.





I had a mental impression of your distorted voice reading an A&P text and I think perhaps Stephen King made a book about it... :lol

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I am SO relieved you and Kim survived the nasty weather last night, Linda! We have a great basement that doubles as our tornado shelter, too. I feel ever-so-much better hanging out down there when there are storms in the area during the summer. I hope all of the rain and winds have left your area, and that you get a good/normal night's sleep tonight :yes


I have not been around for over a week, but I am happy to say that we are hanging in on this end. The flood waters continued to rise after I last wrote. It was so windy one day, that there were actual white caps on the waves out in the deep water covering our yard. My girls, honestly, they are little ladies most of the time, but they were out in the yard having a blast trying to body surf on their snow tubes. Can you just picture how drenched and drippy they were when I finally called them in for cocoa? They had so much fun...at least they ought to have some good memories of the Flood of '09 :P Our sump pumps worked their very hardest, and most of the water stayed out of the house. We did not have to evacuate, but we were surrounded by water for 2 days and could not get out to a dry road. I am not sure what strings were pulled, or who did all of the negotiating, but at 10:30 the other night, the telephone started to ring, and the neighboring farmers were organizing a work party to help us out. They dug a 10-foot channel through the road bordering the north edge of our property and diverted the water flooding around us from the County ditch. Within 28 hours, we could see the water receding, and, today, 85% of our land is above water. There is still plenty of standing water and mud left behind, but it is not running through the drain tile and causing the sump pumps to run continuously. If the wind keeps blowing, and the sun keeps shining, we ought to start drying out bit-by-bit. Whew :whew


I finally finished bordering the Bus & Big Rig Cuddle Quilt I was making for my neighbor. Here is a picture




It does not show up well, but I used a reverse sc for the final round of the border, and I just love how that looks. Thanks for the suggestion!


Glad you all are ok. The blankie is nice. :D

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Glad you're okay, Dusti. The weather seems to be weird all over this spring. The bus and big rig look super nice. Great job!


Happy Easter to everyone! May you all have a blessed day.

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Hi, All :hi


Too chilly and soggy to hunt for Easter eggs outside, but the :rabbit did visit and surprised the girls with goodies. We will have our big meal of the day later this evening, so I have been cooking and prepping for the past couple of hours. It is time to sit down with a cup of coffee and relax for a bit. The girls received the cutest hot pink gardening tools, and they were anxious to go out and try their rakes, hoes and mini claw rakes. DH and I pointed them in the direction of the garden and told them to, "Have fun!" :D


Hope you all are having a good weekend. Is your weather really bad, Mary? Stay safe, Everyone.

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Good morni...errr....afternoon ladies :flower


Oh I slept way longer than I had intended :blush This is nothing new though is it? :lol


Today is supposed to be laundry day. Actually, yesterday was supposed to be laundry day but BD slept VERY late and I was doing the stuff for my sister. I don't think it's going to get done today either :lol I'll do it tomorrow. It'll be good exercise. Need to tidy the house too.


But today, once I'm actually awake, I'm going to work on my quilt designs (:yay) and a sweater that I've started. Sweaters not my design. It's Carol Wolf's ('Ville ID Roli). I just really want some crocheted cardis :yes


Have a very happy Easter everyone :manyheart

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Good afternoon, everyone. Kim and I just got back from running around again. We went to Golden Corral for late lunch. Boy were they busy! Then to WalMart to replenish my thread supply. I'd run out of a good bit of my thread working on these quilts. Then went to Goodwill to look for a red jacket for my Kentucky Derby outfit. Found one! AND, found the perfect dress for Kim to wear, too. It's got an empire waist. The skirt is solid black and the top is black with red roses on it. I'm going to shorten the sleeves and will probably have to shorten the hem, but otherwise it's perfect. Her black fedora is going to look great with it. I found some gold jewelry to go with my outfit, too. A very successful shopping day. We're going to relax now.:hook

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It sounds like you had a fabulous shopping day, Linda! :yay I can never find anything at Goodwill or the other charity shops lately. I'm glad someone can :D We simply must have photos of y'all in your outfits! It sounds like so much fun! :yay


Where's Mary this morning? :think It didn't end up storming like it was supposed. At least not on our end of the interstate. Maybe she got to do some gardening after all :D

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Good Evening, Ladies. I've read through posts and am making notes of squares reported...but I need a while longer before I can chat again. We lost our Miss Maggie May about 1:00 this morning and the tears haven't stopped yet. I wanted to tell you all, but sure didn't want to ruin anyone's Easter. :hug For those who don't know, Maggie was our little "Boo-Boo"-a black Cocker that we've had since she was 6 weeks old and her 13th birthday was this last Monday. Thank you all for being here...just reading through posts helps me lots right now. :manyheart

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Oh no Mary :cry My heart is breaking for you :hug I feel like I know Maggie and Zoe after these two years. We know she'll be missed. Don't you worry about anything. You wouldn't be ruining our day, Easter or not. You can always talk to us :hug:manyheart

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Good Evening, Ladies. I've read through posts and am making notes of squares reported...but I need a while longer before I can chat again. We lost our Miss Maggie May about 1:00 this morning and the tears haven't stopped yet. I wanted to tell you all, but sure didn't want to ruin anyone's Easter. :hug For those who don't know, Maggie was our little "Boo-Boo"-a black Cocker that we've had since she was 6 weeks old and her 13th birthday was this last Monday. Thank you all for being here...just reading through posts helps me lots right now. :manyheart

Oh, Mary, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you had her for that long and know how very much you are missing her. :hug :hug :hug


Kim tried on her "Derby" dress tonight. It fit her like it had been made for her. It needs no alterations at all. She was beaming from ear to ear. And when I added her hat she beamed even more. She was soooooo pleased. It just made my day that I could make her so happy. We'll definitely take pictures for show and tell. :photo

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Good Evening, Ladies. I've read through posts and am making notes of squares reported...but I need a while longer before I can chat again. We lost our Miss Maggie May about 1:00 this morning and the tears haven't stopped yet. I wanted to tell you all, but sure didn't want to ruin anyone's Easter. :hug For those who don't know, Maggie was our little "Boo-Boo"-a black Cocker that we've had since she was 6 weeks old and her 13th birthday was this last Monday. Thank you all for being here...just reading through posts helps me lots right now. :manyheart


Oh hun I am so sorry! :hug

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Good Evening, Ladies. I've read through posts and am making notes of squares reported...but I need a while longer before I can chat again. We lost our Miss Maggie May about 1:00 this morning and the tears haven't stopped yet. I wanted to tell you all, but sure didn't want to ruin anyone's Easter. :hug For those who don't know, Maggie was our little "Boo-Boo"-a black Cocker that we've had since she was 6 weeks old and her 13th birthday was this last Monday. Thank you all for being here...just reading through posts helps me lots right now. :manyheart

Oh Mary, I'm so sorry. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hugSo sorry to hear of your loss of your beloved Maggie :hug Hang in there, Hun, and do not worry about posting news as it comes, we'll always be here for you.

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