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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I didn't realize that the scarf yarn was a RH color.


Is iit a NEW color or an old, discontinued one?


I don't know if it's new or not but they still have it on their website so I'd say it's still in the current product line. :yes


Hi, everyone. We're still in one piece here, but it's been a wild evening so far. The tornado sirens went off at 6:00 and within a few minutes of one tornado warning expiring another on starts. I've lost count of the number of times the sirens have gone off. We're still under a severe thunderstorm warning until 10:30 and a tornado watch until 1:00 am. I've decided we're staying in the basement tonight, because there is no way that I could get Kim back down there after she's had her bedtime meds. I'll get her all bundled in a recliner for the night and we'll be fine. Stay safe everyone who's getting rough weather. I'll check back in in the morning. :hug


Oh heavens! Be safe :hug

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Actually I got the RH Collage from Judy as a b-day giftie :D I have no idea where she got it :blush But I do love it :yes

I think I found it at AC Moore, but can't be sure...it was either there or Michaels. I had never seen it before and it looked so interesting I thought it'd be fun for you:hook I haven't looked for it so I'm not even sure if the stores still carry it - but I see you found it online. The Marble yarn surprises you like that colorway did, too.

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It's good that there's a basement for Linda and Kim to go to. I wonder if there was a way to bring the furbabies down there, too:think

The weather coing through there yesterday was horrible! I hope all is well:hug

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Judy yes I think I'd feel better if there was a basement too. Tornadoes are really the only natural disaster type thing that scare me. And no one in this part of GA has basements that I know of. I have to keep my closet pretty cleared out for when we have those warnings. Luckily I wouldn't be bored if we were in there for a while since it's got my yarn in there too.


Linda I hope you were all safe through the night.

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Hi, everyone. We're still in one piece here, but it's been a wild evening so far. The tornado sirens went off at 6:00 and within a few minutes of one tornado warning expiring another on starts. I've lost count of the number of times the sirens have gone off. We're still under a severe thunderstorm warning until 10:30 and a tornado watch until 1:00 am. I've decided we're staying in the basement tonight, because there is no way that I could get Kim back down there after she's had her bedtime meds. I'll get her all bundled in a recliner for the night and we'll be fine. Stay safe everyone who's getting rough weather. I'll check back in in the morning. :hug


I hope you are all ok. That's so scary. :(:hug

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It's good that there's a basement for Linda and Kim to go to. I wonder if there was a way to bring the furbabies down there, too:think

The weather coing through there yesterday was horrible! I hope all is well:hug


I know if there was weather coming through and I was stressed, I would be tripping on my dog every time I turned around. I doubt he'd let me leave him behind, even if it meant me carrying him!

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I know if there was weather coming through and I was stressed, I would be tripping on my dog every time I turned around. I doubt he'd let me leave him behind, even if it meant me carrying him!

that's how Susie is:yes

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Judy yes I think I'd feel better if there was a basement too. Tornadoes are really the only natural disaster type thing that scare me. And no one in this part of GA has basements that I know of. I have to keep my closet pretty cleared out for when we have those warnings. Luckily I wouldn't be bored if we were in there for a while since it's got my yarn in there too.


Linda I hope you were all safe through the night.


We have the same problem here in Florida. No basements. But we also don't have the sirens. Linda, I'm glad you guys are ok! (I'm assuming anyway :D)

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We have the same problem here in Florida. No basements. But we also don't have the sirens. Linda, I'm glad you guys are ok! (I'm assuming anyway :D)


No sirens?!? :eek Now that's scary!


Is it just cost that has them not put basements in houses in the South?


We can't not have basements because of the frost line.


Y'all don't have basements upstate? Seems like every house we saw in NY had a basement. In fact both apartments we lived in were basements. One in a house and one the bottom floor of a 3 story complex. We don't have them around here because we don't have to make sure our foundations extend to the frost line. At least that's what I've been told :shrug We have lots of pier and beam foundations down here. Our house has one. These help because of the rainfall amounts we get. This way water doesn't pool. Way more information than you wanted wasn't it? :lol


Well, I'll still be recording today. It sounds like it's taken a long time but it really was just yesterday considering that I didn't really know how to work the software the day before that :blush It went much faster when I knew what I was doing :lol

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Is it just cost that has them not put basements in houses in the South?


We can't not have basements because of the frost line.


Oh wait! Doh! :oops I read that wrong :rofl Nevermind. That'll teach me to try to read before I'm completely awake :lol

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Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the good wishes and yes we are all safe and sound. The worst of the storms seems to have been done about 9:30 pm but I played it safe. And, OF COURSE, the fur babies were with us! Sarge wasn't too happy with Trouble invading his domain for such a long period of time, but he'll get over it. Our house is perched on the side of a hill and therefore has half the lower level finished off. The other half would have to be dug out more to be finished. It does come in handy when the weather gets nasty. we've had to take shelter there 3 times in the last year. Not once in the 3 1/2 years before that. Go figure. No visible damage around the house. I think we got lucky. There is damage in other areas and a number of tornadoes were spotted on the ground.

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Glad you & all made it ok Linda. :D


We have no basements in California either. I know we hardly have tornados but you think we would have something better to protect us from our infamous earthquakes. But I guess a basement is not the best for an earthquake. I remember when we had the earthquake drills in school as a kid. really is there going to be a desk at our house? :lol

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Glad you & all made it ok Linda. :D


We have no basements in California either. I know we hardly have tornados but you think we would have something better to protect us from our infamous earthquakes. But I guess a basement is not the best for an earthquake. I remember when we had the earthquake drills in school as a kid. really is there going to be a desk at our house? :lol


:rofl Sound like our tornado drills we had :lol


Linda - I'm so glad everyone is safe and sound :hug Hopefully Sarge's fur isn't ruffled too much :lol

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we had a 'bad' tornado here in town about 5 or so years ago. It hit a trailer park (yes we be trailer trash :laughroll) & tore up a few. Poor lady I think had a heart attack. We just don't get that kind of weather here. We would likely be hit with a hurricane before a tornado.

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Thanks everyone. We scared John. I left the phones downstairs and fell back asleep so he couldn't get through to us. Oops! He finally got through just as I was about to call him back. Long distance panic averted. I'm really tired today, even with a long nap.

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Is it just cost that has them not put basements in houses in the South?


We can't not have basements because of the frost line.


Nope, at least not here in FL. Here it's because of the ocean. I guess there's concern about the amount of land that is below the houses :lol

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Erin-- that is a beautiful quilt-ghan!!


Linda-- the snowflakes you designed are great!! I made a bunch this past Christmas for the first time and I know exactly what you mean about all those picots!


I have 45 more solids to report. I'm going to join all the ones I have done and see where I'm at and how many of each color I need to make now.


We had a busy day here. I did Easter with my kids (1 and 3) with my inlaws. We had them over for brunch and to open baskets with the kids. Then we colored eggs with them and had an egg hunt. Tomorrow we go to my parents' house and have it all over again with the rest of my family. I hope everyone else has a great weekend!!

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I am SO relieved you and Kim survived the nasty weather last night, Linda! We have a great basement that doubles as our tornado shelter, too. I feel ever-so-much better hanging out down there when there are storms in the area during the summer. I hope all of the rain and winds have left your area, and that you get a good/normal night's sleep tonight :yes


I have not been around for over a week, but I am happy to say that we are hanging in on this end. The flood waters continued to rise after I last wrote. It was so windy one day, that there were actual white caps on the waves out in the deep water covering our yard. My girls, honestly, they are little ladies most of the time, but they were out in the yard having a blast trying to body surf on their snow tubes. Can you just picture how drenched and drippy they were when I finally called them in for cocoa? They had so much fun...at least they ought to have some good memories of the Flood of '09 :P Our sump pumps worked their very hardest, and most of the water stayed out of the house. We did not have to evacuate, but we were surrounded by water for 2 days and could not get out to a dry road. I am not sure what strings were pulled, or who did all of the negotiating, but at 10:30 the other night, the telephone started to ring, and the neighboring farmers were organizing a work party to help us out. They dug a 10-foot channel through the road bordering the north edge of our property and diverted the water flooding around us from the County ditch. Within 28 hours, we could see the water receding, and, today, 85% of our land is above water. There is still plenty of standing water and mud left behind, but it is not running through the drain tile and causing the sump pumps to run continuously. If the wind keeps blowing, and the sun keeps shining, we ought to start drying out bit-by-bit. Whew :whew


I finally finished bordering the Bus & Big Rig Cuddle Quilt I was making for my neighbor. Here is a picture




It does not show up well, but I used a reverse sc for the final round of the border, and I just love how that looks. Thanks for the suggestion!


What pattern to start next :think There are just so many... I think I will pop over to the HYH site and window shop :drool


I am half-way finished with the blue/taupe RR for my former college roommate. I am amazed at how quickly it is taking shape, but it is a fun, mindless project for me to work on after the girls are asleep at night.


:welcome to Cherri & Kristy.


Mary ~ How are you and DD doing this week? I was so sorry to read of the heartache you were withstanding while I was off of the computer. :hugand lots of good thoughts are being sent your way from MN.


:flower Everyone!!

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Hi Ladies. :) It's been a busy day and now it's time to fix dinner and relax. We got lots more done outside and went to watch some friend's kids at an Easter Egg Hunt. They were all so cute and excited...it was changed from tomorrow because we're supposed to have severe weather. :(

Linda ~ I'm so glad you all are okay. :hug


Hi Dusti! What an experience for you guys! That's great news that your house survived, but I'll bet you're sick of seeing water everywhere. :yes Thank you for the hugs. :manyheart Your quilt ghan is absolutely wonderful. :hook


Kristy ~ 45 more solids are added. :D


I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm hoping we have rain tomorrow, so I can crochet...it's always a toss up between my yard and my yarn this time of year. :lol

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