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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I fell asleep crocheting this afternoon. I never sleep during the day, but have been up several nights with our Maggie. She was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Disease 2 weeks ago and needless to say, I've had lots of tears. There is no cure or known cause, but she is on meds and tolerates them pretty well. So, between DD's miscarriage, DD losing her job, MIL issues and now Maggie, we just hope this is all for awhile. Thanks for letting me share this here. I think I was afraid to put it all into words. :hug


:hug:hug You can always come vent if you need to. :hug

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Morning all! And Mary sadly Im not well. Caught one of the nasty bugs going around and its down right miserable...kiddos teething doesn't help AND its was drill weekend so I had no "just me" time and the hubby had to work so we know he was a bit bummed. However, State winning was pretty cool. Being able to breathe and hear would be kinda nice :(

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Good Morning, all. Thank you so much for all your hugs and support. :manyheart Sometimes, things just get a little overwhelming. :yes


Tracy ~ That's a wonderful pattern! Pictures? :)


Erin ~ Feel better soon. :hug


Today is Maggie's vet appt. and then I take MIL to the ortho. dr. for a follow-up visit. Well, actually they transport her but a family member has to be at the dr. with her.


It's very cold here for this time of year. Supposed to be in the 20's tonight, so when I get home later I'm going to build a big fire and crochet. :hook

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Oh, Mary - I'm so sorry about everything. At least Maggie is just being a dog right now, and has no idea. She's living one day at a time and very happy to have you for a "mom".:yes


I remember having to waiti for MIL being transported to doctors and running all the time. No wonder you fell asleep.


We're all here for you....whatever life throws you're way, we'll help you duck:hug:manyheart

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Morning all! And Mary sadly Im not well. Caught one of the nasty bugs going around and its down right miserable...kiddos teething doesn't help AND its was drill weekend so I had no "just me" time and the hubby had to work so we know he was a bit bummed. However, State winning was pretty cool. Being able to breathe and hear would be kinda nice :(


I swear it's all this weird weather we're having this year. I sure hope you feel better and get a little break soon :hug


Good Morning, all. Thank you so much for all your hugs and support. :manyheart Sometimes, things just get a little overwhelming. :yes


Tracy ~ That's a wonderful pattern! Pictures? :)


Erin ~ Feel better soon. :hug


Today is Maggie's vet appt. and then I take MIL to the ortho. dr. for a follow-up visit. Well, actually they transport her but a family member has to be at the dr. with her.


It's very cold here for this time of year. Supposed to be in the 20's tonight, so when I get home later I'm going to build a big fire and crochet. :hook


Sounds like a good remedy for all the ills you're having of late :hug It is surprisingly cool today! Crazy weather I tell ya :yes


Yes, it is downright frigid for Texas in April today :wlol A couple of years ago it actually snowed in April. Might happen again this year with this cold snap :yes


I'm feeling better today than I have in a while. I think some crochet time might be just the ticket today :hook

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Thanks for more hugs, ladies. :)


Donna, 9 more solids added to the list. :hook


DH called about noon and said he's coming home today instead of tomorrow! :yay So on my way home, I went to the store and am going to roast a chicken for supper. No crocheting yet today...I forgot to take it with me this a.m. and sure had plenty of time at the doctor's office.

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Hooray for DH coming home early!! :yay I hope all your appointments went well :hug


I've gotten quite a bit of crochet done today :dance I got my last six swap squares done finally! And now I'm gonna finish up my scarf :hook

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Good morning ladies :flower


I finished my scarf last night :dance I am officially all caught up....for the moment :lol Today I'm planning on starting a sweater that I found by a fellow 'Viller, Carol Wolf. I've been searching for a pattern like this (minus the pretty little flower) for ages! And lookie there. It was under free patterns all this time :oops


Plus, I'm hoping to start on saltines for another quilt :yay It'll probably be the Joseph's Coat. Maybe. Unless I change my mind :rofl


Have a great day y'all! :manyheart

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Cara - do we get a pic of the scarf?


Yep soon as it warms up just a bit outside :wlol I'm a wimp these days. BD converted me from a hot natured person into a cold natured one :lol

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Sure I'll join the Saltine Smackdown, lol. I do have plans for a few more afghans made with saltines so why not. So far I have done 277 solids. Thanks!!

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Good morning ladies :flower


I finished my scarf last night :dance I am officially all caught up....for the moment :lol Today I'm planning on starting a sweater that I found by a fellow 'Viller, Carol Wolf. I've been searching for a pattern like this (minus the pretty little flower) for ages! And lookie there. It was under free patterns all this time :oops


Plus, I'm hoping to start on saltines for another quilt :yay It'll probably be the Joseph's Coat. Maybe. Unless I change my mind :rofl


Have a great day y'all! :manyheart

That sweater pattern is wonderful! Have you shown us the Joseph's Coat?


Sure I'll join the Saltine Smackdown, lol. I do have plans for a few more afghans made with saltines so why not. So far I have done 277 solids. Thanks!!

Hi Kristy! I'll add you to the list. :yes


My computer seems fine, but I couldn't get on the 'Ville until now.:think It's only happened once before that I can remember. I hope everyone is having a good day!

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Thank you, Miss Tracy. :) What are you working on today?


Time to start preparing supper. DH is going to grill, but I'm making a couscous salad and roasted asparagus. He's very happy that I've been planning different menus lately. :lol

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Mary, supper sounds :drool. Still working on the box diagonal ghan. :hook Also worked on chocopink ghan and :knit a couple of rows. Haven't done much, Denise dragged me out the house this morning when she went to the doctor and then we went shopping. :lol I got some yarn and patterns. :dreaming

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Mary, supper sounds :drool. Still working on the box diagonal ghan. :hook Also worked on chocopink ghan and :knit a couple of rows. Haven't done much, Denise dragged me out the house this morning when she went to the doctor and then we went shopping. :lol I got some yarn and patterns. :dreaming


You're a good daughter for forcing yourself to go shopping with Denise :devil


BTW my April scarf is finally on the site if anyone wants a looksee :D

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I've managed to get hooked up to the internet again! I have missed all of you sooooooo very much. Our server is dead! Of the four computers in the house only mine is working! I moved it upstairs and got it hooked up to the router and it's working!!! I am soooooo happy!


I've finished the small version of the Painted Desert! I've finished a shawl and most of another one, which are both part of a Lenten project of my church. I've finished 4 more preemie afghans and I've got the squares crocheted for 2 more. I'm working on some baby quilts which are another outreach program at the church. And I helped Rosie make 2 princess dresses for her granddaughters between Sunday and Friday of last week.A difficult McCall's pattern done in pink for Ashley and purple for Megan. And I've come up with several new snowflake patterns. I'll take pictures tomorrow.


John is in Dallas, Texas this week and Houston, Texas next week. Then he'll be home for a week. Then he'll be in Chicago for a week. This is a majorly busy month for us, needless to say.


Trouble had to have dental work done and they had to pull 3 teeth.


Kim's been doing very well and so have I. We've both had good doctor checkups lately.


All for the moment. It's so good to be able to talk to you all again. I'll try to at least skim the posts I've missed. Hope everyone is well. :hug

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