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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Thank you so much. Hey are you the Krystal with the daisy square pattern?!! I just finished mine and I'm going to try to get to the post office this weekend..Wow. what a small crochet world.


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Thank you so much. Hey are you the Krystal with the daisy square pattern?!! I just finished mine and I'm going to try to get to the post office this weekend..Wow. what a small crochet world.




Yep, yep is a small crochet world after all :lol


Welcome to the group and like Krystal said, you can always post here and we'll be more than glad to help if ya get stuck :D


Boy and I went out again today taking more photos. He's one handsome kid if I do say so :D I got some photos that I think are really great. I just hope my sister thinks so too. The photos aren't the boring go to Sears and smile photos but not as nice as the professional photographers either (though some are pretty great in my opinion :devil) but darn sure better than the $150 for them just to come out on a shoot plus to photo costs :P


Anywho...we both had a great time doing them and I think she'll appreciate the effort :yes

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Morning all. I'm finally starting to feel like myself.


I got to WM and was going to buy some yarn and then realized I didn't know how many I needed. Then I started questioning my choice. So now I'm stuck on trying to figure out between two variegated for the CRW we're doing over at the sky.


Mary I got 10 saltines done on the angel.


Oh and here is a pic of the goodies that Mary sent.


Inside the card was a gift card too. Thank you so much again for the wonderful gift. :manyheart

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Good Morning. :hi


Cara, I'm so glad you were able to take pictures! That is a wonderful idea for your sister's gift. :yes


kls ~ As Krystal and Cara said, we're here to help if you have questions! And we love to hear about progress, too! :hook


Donna ~ Yay for feeling better! :manyheart Oooh, the CRW is a gorgeous pattern...I hope you find yarn you like. 10 more solids added. :crocheting

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Mary, are you going to come on over the the SKY Cal in June and do the CRW with us? I'm going to do mine in thread. :D


Umm...probably not. :lol I've always loved the pattern - it will be stunning done in thread!


The front yard is mowed and cleaned up after the high winds this week. DH left at 5:30 this a.m., so after I get cleaned up it's crochet time for me. :hook

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Cara, thank you for the lovely card I got in the week. :manyheart


Wendy, I got a parcel from you today, I love the notepad, it is a perfect size for my pocket at work. :hug Thank you. :manyheart And the doily is lovely, you do great thread work. :yes I am trying to decide where to put it, or maybe put in a frame and hang it up. :D

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Morning all. I'm finally starting to feel like myself.


I got to WM and was going to buy some yarn and then realized I didn't know how many I needed. Then I started questioning my choice. So now I'm stuck on trying to figure out between two variegated for the CRW we're doing over at the sky.


Mary I got 10 saltines done on the angel.


Oh and here is a pic of the goodies that Mary sent.


Inside the card was a gift card too. Thank you so much again for the wonderful gift. :manyheart


Wonderful package! I adore that card :yes I'm glad you're feeling better :hug


Cara, thank you for the lovely card I got in the week. :manyheart


You're most welcome :hug


Busy day today. We have family in today. Just dropping by to say :hi before we all go to dinner :D

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Cara, I hope you've had a wonderful dinner with your family. :)


And all three UK ladies have posted! Hi to Denise, Tracy and Kyla. :D


Hi Wendy! The Angel is finished and Mr. Penguin is joined through row 14 (of 19). :cheer Now it's time to make more squares. :crocheting


Have a good night/day everyone. :manyheart

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Yep, dinner was very nice :yes And little Peyton was a riot! He was dancing in his high chair to the cumbia music in the restaurant :lol And he's walking now! He couldn't even really crawl at Thanksgiving and he was running alongside his very tall mommy :lol

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These saltines go pretty fast. I had worked on the Gingham afghan for about 3 days and then took a break to work on the Sunburst Pineapple afghan I am making (4 rounds to go!!). I counted all the ones I joined---217 saltines joined, and then I also have another 41 made.


258 saltines done!


I can't wait until it's all done. I think I will just give it to my parents when it is finished so they can use it this summer at the campground (originally I planned to give it to them for Christmas but since it's for their camper why not give it to them early).

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These saltines go pretty fast. I had worked on the Gingham afghan for about 3 days and then took a break to work on the Sunburst Pineapple afghan I am making (4 rounds to go!!). I counted all the ones I joined---217 saltines joined, and then I also have another 41 made.


258 saltines done!


I can't wait until it's all done. I think I will just give it to my parents when it is finished so they can use it this summer at the campground (originally I planned to give it to them for Christmas but since it's for their camper why not give it to them early).



sounds like your making it bigger than a baby gingham huh? fun!! :D

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Good morning ladies :flower


It's a lovely day here in my neck of the woods :D The family's on their way back home. It was too short but it was wonderful. And little Peyton is just sooo cute!


Today is our chore day so it's laundry and whatever else we think needs done. We'd tidied the house yesterday so laundry may be it for today :yes


Have a great day everyone :manyheart

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Hi Ladies. :)


These saltines go pretty fast. I had worked on the Gingham afghan for about 3 days and then took a break to work on the Sunburst Pineapple afghan I am making (4 rounds to go!!). I counted all the ones I joined---217 saltines joined, and then I also have another 41 made.


258 saltines done!


I can't wait until it's all done. I think I will just give it to my parents when it is finished so they can use it this summer at the campground (originally I planned to give it to them for Christmas but since it's for their camper why not give it to them early).

Way to go! :clap You've made lots of progress already! If you want to join the "Saltine Smackdown," the info. is in a link in my signature. :)


Yep, dinner was very nice :yes And little Peyton was a riot! He was dancing in his high chair to the cumbia music in the restaurant :lol And he's walking now! He couldn't even really crawl at Thanksgiving and he was running alongside his very tall mommy :lol

He sure sounds like a cutie! Enjoy your day. :manyheart

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Tracy ~ Hi! Are you working on your other saltine WIPs? :crocheting


Hi Erin ~ I hope all is well with you and little Alex. :manyheart


I think I'll do another round on my Stitch Sampler today. :hook

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Good morning everyone :hi


These saltines go pretty fast. I had worked on the Gingham afghan for about 3 days and then took a break to work on the Sunburst Pineapple afghan I am making (4 rounds to go!!). I counted all the ones I joined---217 saltines joined, and then I also have another 41 made.


258 saltines done!


I can't wait until it's all done. I think I will just give it to my parents when it is finished so they can use it this summer at the campground (originally I planned to give it to them for Christmas but since it's for their camper why not give it to them early).


Wow your making great progress on your gingham. :cheer


Cara, I hope you've had a wonderful dinner with your family. :)


And all three UK ladies have posted! Hi to Denise, Tracy and Kyla. :D


Hi Wendy! The Angel is finished and Mr. Penguin is joined through row 14 (of 19). :cheer Now it's time to make more squares. :crocheting


Have a good night/day everyone. :manyheart


Oh thats fantastic that Angel is finished and Mr Penguin is nearly there. :cheer



Thank you for my pen and pad because i love stationary!! xD :hug:yay


what colour/colours does Emma like??:manyheart:yes:yarn


Your welcome :hug


Emma has always liked Pink.


Yep, dinner was very nice :yes And little Peyton was a riot! He was dancing in his high chair to the cumbia music in the restaurant :lol And he's walking now! He couldn't even really crawl at Thanksgiving and he was running alongside his very tall mommy :lol


What a lovely day you must have had. Little Peyton must be getting big, how old is he now.


I think I'll do another round on my Stitch Sampler today. :hook


Mary your stitch Sampler sounds interesting, is that crocheting or cross stitch.

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:hi Mary. :no, not today, work on a diagonal baby ghan, got to the middle and am now on the decrease side. :yay

The diagonal ghans are sooo pretty! Do you have a favorite pattern? :)


Mary your stitch Sampler sounds interesting, is that crocheting or cross stitch.

It's a crochet pattern also called "Lace and Bobbles" - I think there is an archived CAL for it.


Cara ~ Are you working on anything special? :hook


I fell asleep crocheting this afternoon. I never sleep during the day, but have been up several nights with our Maggie. She was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Disease 2 weeks ago and needless to say, I've had lots of tears. There is no cure or known cause, but she is on meds and tolerates them pretty well. So, between DD's miscarriage, DD losing her job, MIL issues and now Maggie, we just hope this is all for awhile. Thanks for letting me share this here. I think I was afraid to put it all into words. :hug

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Oh, Mary - I hate when life just gangs up on you like that. I was so happy to ring out 2008 as it was just one miserable event after the other. I know that's terribly superstitious, but I had had simply enough!


It's good that you're listening to your body and getting extra rest - stress can do lots of things, and getting that rest will help combat it. :hug

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I fell asleep crocheting this afternoon. I never sleep during the day, but have been up several nights with our Maggie. She was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Disease 2 weeks ago and needless to say, I've had lots of tears. There is no cure or known cause, but she is on meds and tolerates them pretty well. So, between DD's miscarriage, DD losing her job, MIL issues and now Maggie, we just hope this is all for awhile. Thanks for letting me share this here. I think I was afraid to put it all into words. :hug


Oh Mary :hug What a rough time you've had of it this year. You can always tell us anything :manyheart

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