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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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You are such a good mom, Judy. :manyheart Our pets are our babies, too. :yes Zoe has grown up a little - but will still drown any yarn she can get her paws on. :lol


And I'll have you know that Miss Zoe has been a bad influence on Miss Tuon :lol She doesn't drown yarn or squares but she keeps trying to teach that little blue mouse of hers to swim by dunking him in her water dish :lol

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You are such a good mom, Judy. :manyheart Our pets are our babies, too. :yes Zoe has grown up a little - but will still drown any yarn she can get her paws on. :lol
Thanks...I try...DS tells his friends his mom practices vet medicine without a license:lol

My crocheted elbow cushion is morphing into one with fabric added to it...

After my writers group this AM I'll work on it again. May need to use the sewing machine for a little bit of it. TG it's in a cabinet and not a portable I need to drag out.

I love hearing about Zoe's antics. I love my dogs, but cats and I have always had a bond...I don't think Sparkie would like sharing his affection with a feline:(


And I'll have you know that Miss Zoe has been a bad influence on Miss Tuon :lol She doesn't drown yarn or squares but she keeps trying to teach that little blue mouse of hers to swim by dunking him in her water dish :lol

How cute!!

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Good Morning, everyone. :)


And I'll have you know that Miss Zoe has been a bad influence on Miss Tuon :lol She doesn't drown yarn or squares but she keeps trying to teach that little blue mouse of hers to swim by dunking him in her water dish :lol

Not my Zoe! :devil Bad influence? Never! :D


Hi Judy! Maggie has never liked cats...she barely tolerates Zoe. ;)


DH is in Dallas for the day and I need to clean his office while he's gone. Then it's time for me to go through my sewing room and re-organize things. It's upstairs so it's "out of sight, out of mind." :blush

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*sigh* since the baby has been teething Ive been able to sit and weave in some ends finally. It will be more like Christmas in July for my parents once I finally finish the Geo ;)

I feel terrible for the kiddo....not a whole lot has been helping. He seems to like the partially frozen washcloth, and Tylenol but Im not sure about the whole doping the kid up on that stuff. I was hoping Id have another month before this stage lol Hope you all are doing well!

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Erin - as long as he doesn't actually have teeth, I found that a thick, peeled carrot worked nicely. They gummed the daylights out of it, it was cold (but not frozen) and tasted good. Once they actually get teeth they can gnaw hunks so you're out of luck.

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What a busy, busy day! Took the nephew out to take photos for his mom's b-day. We got a VERY late start and just nothing went right :lol I did get some nice ones but we're going back out Friday morning much earlier.


Now I'm settling in to watch Lost (commercial break :D) Then I might very well be going to bed. I'm tired :lol

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I actually got him baby orajel in case but there's these teething tablets that are all natural that seemed to easy him tonight. I'm shocked hes handling it this well so far, course I probably should have just kept my foot in my mouth ;) He growls before his nightly bottle, we shouldnt laugh because I know its his gums but its hilarious hes like a mini monster

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EMedley---- I am in the same boat. My son is almost 13 months and just went from 2 teeth since he was 6 months old....to now getting 3 more in the last couple weeks and I see the white just under the gum in two more spots. I also do the washcloths and baby orajel. I had to throw out a pacifier this week as he had punctured it! He doesn't care for teething rings....unless it is food, he's not interested, lol. Good luck!!!!

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Your angel afghan is just lovely. My daughters were here on the weekend and saw the pic and requested one for their daughters each for christmas.

When ever i make something new and my mom see's it she says " oh is that for me " lol

Guess i know what i will be making this year :lol

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Happy Thursday, everyone. :)


Hi all


I had a good day :crochetingMary 16 bi colours and 38 solids please

Hi Denise! I've added your squares - How much do you have left on the Ladybug? :think


Your angel afghan is just lovely. My daughters were here on the weekend and saw the pic and requested one for their daughters each for christmas.

When ever i make something new and my mom see's it she says " oh is that for me " lol

Guess i know what i will be making this year :lol

Welcome, Mary! The Angel will make wonderful Christmas presents. :hook Join in anytime and let us know how you're doing. :yes


What a busy, busy day! Took the nephew out to take photos for his mom's b-day. We got a VERY late start and just nothing went right :lol I did get some nice ones but we're going back out Friday morning much earlier.


Now I'm settling in to watch Lost (commercial break :D) Then I might very well be going to bed. I'm tired :lol

That is such a neat idea, Cara. Your sister will be thrilled! :)


Very little crocheting for me yesterday, but I added one more round to the Stitch Sampler and it's about 42" square now. I can't even remember when I started it. :blush:lol

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Your angel afghan is just lovely. My daughters were here on the weekend and saw the pic and requested one for their daughters each for christmas.

When ever i make something new and my mom see's it she says " oh is that for me " lol

Guess i know what i will be making this year :lol


Isn't it great to have folks that appreciate your work :D


I guess the angel was popular all around. I've even sold the model :yes That'll help pay some of these bills I've been racking up :lol If the gal follows through. So far she has. :yes


Hmmm, what's on tap today? Finishing up my April scarf. Didn't get to it at all yesterday. Take Tuon to the vet....oh joy :lol Need to go to the PO too but I have nothing ready to go so that might wait until tomorrow. The vet might have to wait until tomorrow too. It's just her blood sugar check. It's very, very, VERY windy out today and that freaks her out so we may put it off til tomorrow.


But mostly that scarf needs finishing :hook

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Ooh, Cara - will that help pay for the nice sale you were hoping to hit?


It just might :D And BD didn't charge my allowance for any of the stuff I spent yesterday :dance It was mainly stuff for my sister's b-day gifties. He likes this sister so I guess I got a break :lol I'm going to go ahead and put my running around off til tomorrow. The same day the sale starts. Convenient huh? :devil That way I can rest today. I've sort of overdone it this week with BD being home all week :yes

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Congratulations on the sale, Cara! :clap I'd forgotten about the day I was taking a picture of the School Bus ghan in the yard. My neighbor walked over and asked if I would sell it. She then proceeded to say "well, it couldn't take long to make, so I'll just pay for the cost of the yarn." :eek I just smiled and told her I'd not thought about selling one or what I would charge...but it would definitely be more that the cost of the yarn. This is the same neighbor who asks at least twice a year if we will cut down a gorgeous red oak because she doesn't like the leaves falling "over the fence." :lol


Our wind gusts are over 50 mph and our cable was out all morning! I'm going to work on Mr. Penguin for a while. :hook

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Hi everyone. I'm finally back on. Well I've been back for a few days now but I've been feeling icky. So I've only been on the Sky.


Mary I got the package today. Thank you so much. That was so sweet of you and I already have the magnet up. :D


Okay gotta go unpack more boxes. Be back later.

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Good morning.


Headed to the doctor this morning to find out what's wrong. A friend said my symptoms are similar to a friend that had pharyngitis. So we'll see what the doctor said. I think it's some sort of infection because I've had a low grade fever since yesterday. I've decided not to go into work today.


I might go have some retail therapy and pick up some yarn with my new gift card. Just haven't decided which project to buy for. Hmmm... should I get the CRW yarn, black for the K ghan or maybe I should get the yarn to finish the PTC. I guess I'll wait till I get there and see what they have.


I also have to get all the stuff for Easter today. It's my last chance to do shopping without kids. Plus I figure I'll be getting my prescription during all this too.

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Good Morning, all. :)


Donna, retail therapy sounds perfect! I hope the doctor's visit goes well and that you can get some relief. :hug


I'm reporting 26 solid squares. :hook I have at least 3 rows worth of squares to join. :blush


'Hope everyone has a great day. :manyheart

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Denise is in second place! :cheer Please let me know if any changes need to be made. :)


Cara (Misa)

Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Denise (denisethorpe) 1435

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Cathy (crashcat07) 1354

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Wendy (Aussie) ***1298

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Heather (hseger) 1201

Tracy (tracystroebel) *** 1110

Val (Priszm) 1008

Mary (Skysmom) *** 946

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***932

Karen (econ-nerd) *** 755

Shay (Shaylen) 682

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Erin (EMedley) 567

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Dusti (rii698) *** 448

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 297

Judy (judianne) 282

Tammy (TammyG) 268

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Selanda (crocrazy) 206

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Jessica (jessicagil) 143

Julie (JulieKay) 119

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 103

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Renee (renegade) 70

Donna (sewnsew) *** 37

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

*** 2000 Squares Winner

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I need some info. please. I am interested in a pattern I found on Happy Yellow House website. JUST DUCKY CUDDLE QUILT.

How large is the finished product? And I am having trouble understanding the directions..I don't understand how the bi-color granny squares actually come out to be the correct pattern?? Can anyone help me??:think

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kls - they truly do work. The best I can say it to pick up your hook and 2 colors of yarn and try it out. If you get stuck, post a question here where you are stuck.


The quilts are fairly easy to figure out size. Each square is anywhere between 2" and 2.5", depending on your gauge. Just multiply and you'll get dimensions. That one is about the size of a baby afghan.

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